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语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

It’s odd — we’re always talking about the healthy work-life balance and know that working long hours can lead to stress, anxiety, and    1     (depress). Yet, we continue to devote more and more time     2     our jobs. In fact, research shows that 80% of workers answer emails and return phone calls after hours.

People believe long hours on the job to be proof of their work ethic (职业道德). And no matter how much we’d like     3     (think) there’s a direct correlation between hours worked and results produced, it might not actually be the case. Quite the contrary — doing overtime     4     (find) to lead to lower productivity.

A study     5     was made by Ford Motor Company in the 1990s already showed that every additional 20 hours of work could only increase productivity     6     (temporary) before it drops. Another research indicates that working more     7     48 hours a week is associated with significant declines in productivity, more     8     (mistake), and more mental health problems.

Clearly, doing overtime     9     (be) not a sustainable way of working, and that’s why it’s time for us to rid     10     (us) of the always-on mentality. The key is not to add more working hours to your day but to increase efficiency during your working hours. But how can we achieve this?

2024-02-28更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:豫南九校2022年高三上学期教学指导卷二英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . A team of leading environmental experts have warned that the current war on plastic is detracting from the bigger threats to the environment. In an article, they say that while plastic waste is an issue, its prominence in the general public’s concern for the environment is overshadowing greater threats, for example, climate change and biodiversity loss.

The team argue that much of the bad talk about plastic waste is based on data that is not always representative of the environments that have been sampled. The dislike of plastic associated with this could encourage the use of alternative materials with potentially harmful effects.

The authors warn that plastic pollution dominates the public’s concern for the environment and has been exploited politically, after capturing the attention of the world, for example, through the images of wildlife caught in plastic was alarmist headlines. They say small political gestures such as law banning cosmetic microplastics, taxing plastic bags, and financial rewards for using reusable containers, as well as the promotion of products as “green” for containing less plastic than alternatives, make people neglect other environmental problems that are not as noticeable as plastic pollution.

The article also highlights that plastic is not the only type of polluting materials, originating from human activity that pollutes the environment. Other examples include natural textile fibres such as cotton and wool, and brake-wear particles from vehicles — all of which are present in different places. The authors note that these materials are often much more abundant than microplastics and some are associated with “plastic alternatives” that are marketed as solutions to plastic pollution. The impacts of these materials are less well-known than plastic and microplastic pollution, yet they could have huge impacts.

The article states that solutions are likely to come from a greater focus on designing materials and products that can be recycled, that have their end-of-life, and that markets and facilities exist to recycle.

1. What’s the experts’ attitude towards the current war on plastic?
2. What does the underlined word“this” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.The negative view of plastic.
B.The use of alternative materials.
C.The potential harmful effects.
D.The defense for plastic.
3. What does the author intend to do in the last paragraph?
A.Explain a rule.B.Make a comparison.
C.Clarify a point.D.Offer a suggestion.
4. What is the text most likely to be?
A.A response to plastic pollution.
B.A schedule to fight against pollution.
C.An argument against climate change.
D.A guide to plastic management.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Movie stars might think their lives are private after leaving the acting location, but they ought to know that they have much power over their audience. The power gives them an ability to change people, events, even history, making them to have the responsibility of being good role models.

With time going on, movie stars become celebrities (名人) and in the process get a large number of fans. Some of them follow their deeds, dress, and act like them. In reality, they want to be like their favorite movie stars. If a movie star engages in acts that the society does not approve, those who look up to them, especially the teens, will do the same. Movie stars should be responsible for what they do and say as following the actions is now simpler because of social media. It is important to behave like a role model even when they think no one is watching.

Nobody is perfect, and movie stars also have had their down moments. They may not have been good role models at the time, but they can change the narrative by doing the right things. They can also turn the past shortcomings into positives by opening up about problems and how they overcame the challenges. And their audience can learn to discuss their problems and seek help.

People starring in movies are the target of companies to promote their products or services for a fee. Their celebrity status is a reason enough to think beyond the payment. A movie star should not recommend something that will influence the way teens live negatively. It would be wrong to promote something like sweetened drinks or foods without health benefits. Movie stars face problems like other people, but because of their influence, they have a responsibility to be role models in the public eye.

1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.Fans often follow their stars’ dress and hobbies.
B.Celebrities’ actions spread fast on social media.
C.Movie stars should be responsible for their fans.
D.Movie stars’ acts have a great impact on their fans.
2. How should movie stars deal with their down moments?
A.Lie to fans by making up a story.
B.Do the right things to overcome the problems.
C.Cover their problems with good movies.
D.Post their problems online to seek help.
3. Which is the author’s advice to celebrities?
A.Don’t tell problems to the public.
B.Don’t play roles that have a negative impact on teens.
C.Don’t ask for payment when promoting products.
D.Don’t recommend unhealthy drinks or foods.
4. What is the author’s purpose of writing this article?
A.To tell movie stars how to help people in need.
B.To stress movie stars’ impact on teens.
C.To call on movie stars to be good role models.
D.To advise movie stars to open up about their problems.

4 . It’s cool to be a fool in school, obviously. Research from Florida Atlantic University shows that aggressive, troublesome adolescents often end up becoming quite ________ among their peers (同龄人).

Importantly, researchers explain that being popular and having friends aren’t one in the same. Popularity ________ that everyone knows you, but they may not necessarily ________ you as a good friend. Study authors theorize that certain children ________ popularity to lots of friends. Why?

Being popular is thought a major status symbol for an ________. While it is certainly ________ that many popular children are fun and ________ , others are troublemakers.

The team at FAU performed a study to test their ________ that disruptive (破坏性的) children often start conflicts with their fellow classmates to ________ their social standing and become more popular. The results showed that higher initial levels of peer-reported ________ and disruptiveness were indeed associated with an ________ in peer-reported popularity during the semester. This was especially true for kids reporting frequent ________ with peers.

Aggression, ________ , occurs in the heat of the moment during a conflict of some kind. Researchers theorize that many kids just want to avoid quarrels, or perhaps even ________ harm. In such cases they usually ________ when challenged by an aggressive peer. These ________ “ provide visible evidence of dominance (支配地位) and ___ short-term gains in popularity” for the aggressor, the authors ________.

While researchers don’t think ________ is enough by itself to boost up (提高) one’s overall social status, they do ________ it can be used as an effective way of improving certain aspects of popularity.

A.on the contraryB.in most casesC.by the wayD.in my opinion
A.set offB.put aboutC.back downD.stick up
2024-02-27更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:高三英语试题-河南省豫南六校2022-2023学年高三上学期第一次联考试题

5 . Doctors in the U. K. are warning children born in the age of tablets(平板)and touch screens are missing the fine motor skills needed to operate the simpler tools in life: pens and pencils.

After all, it’s easier to give a child an iPad than encouraging them to do muscle-building play such as building blocks.

Certainly penmanship(书法)has been on the decline since the appearance of keyboard. Some Arizona educators are even considering dropping cursive(草书)writing entirely from classes. They think teaching a kid to use soon-to-be ancient tools like pens and pencils is a waste of time and money.

The thing is, there’s more than one point to penmanship. A pencil is what develops hand strength and dexterity(灵巧)that children will need throughout their lives. It’s a lifelong learning tool that helps the world produce its surgeons and pilots.

And the bad cursive writing opens the door for an all-important lesson on the virtues of practice. A keyboard, on the other hand, ticks off each letter with perfect precision from the very start. But it robs a kid not only of the joys of getting something right, but also developing a written identity.

Consider that if society stops teaching children how to push a pen, how long before we won’t be able to read it? Maybe the pen will someday be history. But we all need to know how to read history.

As blogger Starre Vartan puts it, “As an art lover, I visit as many museums as I can, and a major part of many exhibitions, original written documents are included, all of which requires the reader to be able to decipher(破译)handwriting from times past.”

And, in an age when people turn increasingly to the same old emoji(表情符号)to express themselves, those lines on paper may be one of the few remaining bastions(堡垒)of identity.

1. Which of the following may belong to hand muscle-building play according to the text?
A.Hide-and-seek.B.High jumping.
C.Role playing.D.Cutting and sticking.
2. What is some Arizona educators’ view on penmanship?
A.It is a traditional art.B.It is out of date.
C.It brings people joy.D.It does harm to kids.
3. What message does the author want to convey in paragraph 5?
A.Penmanship is beneficial.B.Penmanship needs practice.
C.The keyboard is also important.D.Every kid needs a written identity.
4. What can we infer from blogger Starre Vartan’ words?
A.Learning cursive is necessary.
B.Written documents are treasures.
C.Readers need to write much more.
D.Cursive writing can hide messages.
2024-02-27更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省豫东名校2021-2022学年高一下学期第二次联考英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What was Henry doing when the accident happened?
A.Playing with toys.B.Calling his friend.C.Playing the guitar.
2. When did Henry notice Mike’s situation?
A.Mike was crying.B.Mike was turning purple.C.Mike was fighting for breath.
3. What did Henry do to save Mike?
A.Perform first aid on him.B.Go to find his father.C.Take him to hospital.
2024-02-27更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:中原名校2022-2023学年高三上学期质量考评三英语试题(听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。加州多年以来一直在回收使用废水,最近,其颁布了新的规定, 允许水务机构对废水进行循环再利用,将其输送到为家庭、学校和企业提供饮用水的供水管道。

7 . California has been using recycled wastewater for many years. A team has used it to make ice surfaces for the game of hockey(冰球运动). It has been used to make snow for the sport of skiing. And farmers use it to water their crops. But it has not been used directly for drinking water.

Recently, California officials approved new rules to let water agencies recycle wastewater and put it right back into the pipes that carry drinking water to homes, schools, and businesses. It is a big step for California.

California’s new rules would let—but not require—water agencies to take wastewater, treat it, and then put it right back into the drinking water system. That means proving to people that recycled water is not only safe to drink but also not dirty. California would be just the second US state to permit this, following Colorado. It has taken officials more than 10 years to develop these rules, a process that included several studies by independent groups of scientists.

A project in San Diego is aiming to produce nearly half of the city’s water through recycling wastewater by 2035. And the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California aims to produce up to nearly 570 million liters(升)a day for its 19 million people. Adel Hagekhalil is with Metropolitan Water. He said the new rules will permit new projects that have not yet been considered.

California’s new rules require the wastewater be treated for all bacteria and viruses, even if they are not present in the wastewater. In fact, the treatment is so intense that it removes all of the minerals that make fresh drinking water taste good. That means the minerals need to be added back at the end of the process. Polhemus is a director of the drinking water group for the California Water Resources Control Board. “It’s at the same drinking water quality, and probably better in many instances,” he said, adding that it takes time and money to build these treatment centers. So, they will only be available for bigger cities at first.

1. What does paragraph 1 mainly tell us about the recycled wastewater?
A.Its qualities.B.Its functions.
C.Its target users.D.Its disadvantages.
2. What do California and Colorado have in common?
A.They made some new rules on pollution.
B.They spent ten years recycling wastewater.
C.They tried to make wastewater safe to drink.
D.They requested water agencies to speed up treating water.
3. What is Polhemus’s attitude to turning recycled wastewater to drinking water?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.The Process of Recycling Wastewater Is Complicated
B.California Tries to Reduce the Wastewater Generation
C.California Permits Turning Wastewater to Drinking Water
D.New Wastewater Treatment Projects Have Been Approved
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Saodat Sadikova is an English teacher in Jizzakh, Uzbekistan. As a young girl, she dreamed of becoming a flight attendant (空乘人员) and traveling the world, so she learned at least three languages. Although she was not able to become a flight attendant, Sadikova could speak Uzbek, Russian, English and Turkish. Sadikova has never traveled abroad but reports feeling connected to people around the world.

American Trina Bright worked in education for nearly 25 years and she traveled to many countries, including China and South Africa. Bright used stories from her travels to help her students in the U. S. understand their place in the world and see value in their own cultures. But Bright, unlike Sadikova, does not report feeling connected to people around the world.

Bright is not alone. Pew Research Center recently asked people in 24 countries a series of questions about how connected they feel to the world to see how travel experience relates to feelings of connectedness.

The study found that respondents (调查对象) who had traveled to at least one other country feel more connected to people around the world. 99 percent of respondents in the Netherlands reported having visited at least one other country and 77 percent of respondents from the Netherlands said they feel at least somewhat close to people all over the world. But international travel does not always mean a person feels a closeness to people around the world. 99 percent of Swedish respondents said they had visited at least one other country. Yet a much smaller number of Swedish respondents—47 percent—report feeling close to people all over the world.

Sadikova said she felt connected to the world because of media, which makes it quite easy to get to know events and news.

1. Why did Saodat Sadikova learn several languages?
A.To move abroad.B.To broaden her view.
C.To connect to the world.D.To achieve her flying dream.
2. What benefit did Trina Bright get from her travels?
A.She improved her education.B.She applied them to her teaching.
C.She understood the value of culture.D.She could speak a foreign language.
3. What did the research focus on?
A.How people get to know the world.B.How people feel connected to the world.
C.Why people enjoy international travel.D.Why travel influences the connection of people.
4. What can we learn from paragraph 4?
A.The aim of the research.B.The process of the research.
C.The result of the research.D.The method of the research.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 容易(0.94) |

9 . We know it can be hard to put your phone to bed before you sleep. However, if you’re trying to improve your sleep, you really should ditch your phone at least an hour before bedtime. Luckily, our experts can help.

Scientific evidence suggests that the blue light emitted from your phone, tablet, computer, and TV suppresses (抑制) your body’s production of melatonin, a hormone (荷尔蒙) that plays an important role in your sleep cycle. Melatonin release in the evening helps you relax before bedtime. A 2013 study that analyzed technology use and sleep patterns with data from a National Sleep Foundation poll found that using devices like phones was tied to more sleep disruption than electronics that aren’t interactive.

Many of us use the excuse that our mobile devices serve as our wake-up calls, or keep them nearby to use meditation apps. If you want to use your phone as an alarm, consider setting it a couple of hours before you turn in for the night, and then setting the phone itself to bedtime mode for the rest of the evening.

Here’s another groundbreaking idea: You could get a real alarm clock. After reviewing them at Reviewed, we recommend the Sharp Dream Caster. Not only is it easy to set a wake-up time, the clock includes white noises and rain noises to help you sleep, plus a number of volume settings to pick what works best for you.

But an alarm clock won’t help you avoid doom-scrolling through social media. Take things a step further by avoiding using electronic devices. You can try reading a book (one made of paper), taking a bath or drinking a cup of chamomile tea.

Finally, if you want to keep up your meditation practice screen-free, consider the Morphée. It looks like a little music box and comes with a variety of breathing exercises and soundscapes to help you get to sleep.

1. What does the underlined word “ditch” in paragraph 1 probably mean?
A.Set aside.B.Pick up.C.Show off.D.Turn to.
2. What may be caused by the suppression of melatonin?
A.Relaxing yourself before bedtime.
B.Sleeping less than you normally would.
C.Adapting to your sleep cycle more easily.
D.Reducing the pressure from screen use.
3. Why is the Sharp Dream Caster recommended?
A.It is sold at a lower price.B.It can predict a heavy rain.
C.It is controlled by cellphone.D.It helps put your eyes together.
4. What is suggested for better sleep according to paragraph 5?
A.Making the best of the eco-friendly products.
B.Making a change according to circumstances.
C.Establishing a bedtime routine without electronics.
D.Keeping a consistent bedtime and wake-up time.
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
10 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What were the kids doing in the pool?
A.Performing first aid.
B.Having a swimming class.
C.Practising a board game.
2. Why did the man jump into the pool?
A.To save a boy.B.To show his skill.C.To go for a dive.
3. Who called for an ambulance?
A.The man.B.A student.C.The instructor.
4. What do we know about the boy?
A.He lost his memory forever.
B.He forgot what had happened.
C.He argued with his parents.
2024-02-23更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省许平汝名校2023-2024学年高三上学期期末质量监测英语试题
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