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1 . The case for and against social media

Is social media harmful to teenagers?     1     Social media sites have been blamed for most of the world’s social problems from feeling disconnected and lonely to having difficulty forming meaningful relationships. Yet, many of us feel a need to use social media because it offers something we cannot find elsewhere, despite knowing the downsides.     2    

An argument for social media claims it can strengthen social bonds by facilitating relationships with people in different geographical areas. For example, social media has helped old school friends to get back in touch after many years without contact.     3     These are real benefits of using social media.

    4     The argument used by many people is that interactions on social media are no substitute for face-to-face communication. When you are out with friends how many times do they check their phones? for example.     5     Research highlights it is far more satisfying to physically laugh out loud in real life rather than to replace the act with a typed representation of laughter such as “haha” or “LOL”.       

Ideally, we should have enough self-control to be able to limit our use of social media, enjoying the benefits it can bring.

A.The disadvantages of social media.
B.In my opinion, the disadvantages of social media outweigh the benefits.
C.It is all too easy to become absorbed in this online life rather than communicate in real life.
D.People secure jobs now through social media or research information for their studies.
E.This is the question we are going to examine.
F.We will look at the arguments for and against using social media before answering the question.
G.We aim to control our use of social media.
改错-短文改错 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文,文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
增加:在缺词处加一个洞字符号(⋀), 并在其下面写出该加的词。
2.只允许修改 10 处.多者(从第 11处起)不计分,

In order to bring down the number of accident and make drivers aware of the danger of driving much fast, many speed cameras are fixed on the roads. Most of them were placed in bright yellow boxes, so drivers can see it clearly from a distance and slow down. On other hand, some officials have the opposite ideas.They believe hiding cameras are more effective than visible ones. The reason is because drivers, not knowing the exact locations of the cameras, will drive more cautious. The police are now gathered related data to make sure which is good.

2024-04-01更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河南省周口市部分学校高三下学期模拟(一模)英语试题

3 . The first wave of concerns over artificial intelligence(AI)in 2023 appeared soon after New Year’s Day when classrooms reopened and schools from Seattle to Paris started blocking ChatGPT, a powerful software based on AI large language models, because teenagers were using it to do their homework.

The AI large language models behind such products as ChatGPT work by repeatedly guessing the next word in a sentence after having “learned” the rules from a huge amount of/human-written works. Although they often get facts wrong, their answers appear so natural that Keven, their inventors begin to worry about their possible use for spreading false information.

People became more worried when various AI products started to create not just texts but novel images, music and human voices, which threatened the livelihoods of anyone who writes, draws or sings for a living. It led to strikes by Hollywood writers and actors and legal challenges from artists and bestselling authors. Some of the most respected scientists even warned that the technology’s unchecked progress was possibly threatening human existence. “In the longer term, they might manage our attention,” pioneering AI scientist Fei Fei Lisaid. “They would tell us which video to watch, which book to read or whose communication to respond as AI technology’s abilities improve rapidly. They could be a very good assistant, but also with really big risks.”

Li hoped that 2023 is going to be a year for people to think about what Al is, how to use it and what the effects are — all the good, the bad and the ugly.

“It’s easy to forget that they are not the first wave of AI products. Computer vision techniques developed by Li and other scientists have helped sort through a huge database of photos to recognize objects and individual faces and guide self-driving cars. Speech recognition advances have made voice assistants like Siri and Alexa a normal thing in many people’s lives,” said Tom Gruber, co-founder of Siri Inc.

1. Why did schools try to stop their students from using ChatGPT?
A.ChatGPT often got facts wrong in the class.
B.Students spent too much time on the software.
C.ChatGPT helped students spread false information.
D.Students used the software to cheat at their homework.
2. What are the second and third paragraphs mainly about?
A.AI’s training costs.B.ATs amazing abilities.
C.AI’s possible threats.D.AI’s fast developments.
3. What would Tom Gruber most probably suggest people do?
A.Think carefully about AI’s impact.B.Welcome AI technology
C.Do use ChatGPT more carefully.D.Upgrade ChatGPT in time.
4. Where is the text most probably taken from?
A.A news report.B.A guide book to a software.
C.A product review.D.An introduction to a person.
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |

4 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

1. What’s the topic of the conversation?
A.The news media.B.The food production.C.The economic situation.
2. What does the man think of the TV report?
A.It sounds funny.B.It tells the truth.C.It’s encouraging.
3. What will probably happen this summer according to the man?
A.The prices of certain goods will decline.
B.The materials will cost even more.
C.The workers will get higher wages.
2024-03-29更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河南省河南重点高中高三下学期第七次联考模拟预测英语试题
5 . 下面短文中共有10处语言错误,请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。
1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Do you often talk with your parents? A recently survey shows that nearly half of the high school students doesn’t like to talk with their parents. 43. 3% of them have trouble communicate with their parents. What was worse, 82. 8% of them don’t want to share their secrets their parents. Actually, it is important for us to communicate with our parents though they are the dearest people in our life, whom care for us all the time. By letting them know that what we think, we can get practical advice from them, which can help us to deal with many problem in life.

In this way, we can feel more confident about us and live happily.

2024-03-27更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省南阳地区2022~2023学年高二下学期期终摸底考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . A middle-aged woman playing by herself in the snow is an undeniably odd sight, but maybe it shouldn’t be. New research suggests that modern adults are suffering from overmuch depression, so play may be as essential to our health as sleep. We’ve been in our nature to play, which is causing all kinds of problems—for ourselves, our children, and our planet.

It’s believed that adult play can lead to useful discoveries, which is supported by a study on Bali’s long-tailed monkeys. For her doctoral paper at the University of Lethbridge, animal researcher Camilla Cenni left two types of puzzle boxes for the monkeys to solve. To get the food inside, they had to drop a rock into the container or use it to hit the box. She found the monkeys that previously had been observed dropping rocks for fun were more likely to solve the rock-dropping puzzle, while those that had discovered the joy of tapping rocks together think of the answer to the tapping puzzle.

This finding also suggests that somewhere, deep in our evolutionary history, a playful proto-human(原始人) came up with the concept of stone tools. Even today, the urge to play underlies most of humanity’s greatest inventions, artworks, and scientific breakthroughs, Brown says. “When I interviewed Nobel winners, I was struck by how most of them didn’t separate work and play. Their labs were their playgrounds”.

“The opposite of play isn’t work; it’s depression,” says play researcher Stuart Brown, “Play is all about looking at a tough world with creativity and optimism. It gives us the ability to cooperate and get along with people who differ from us,” He goes so far as to declare that “adult play is necessary for our survival as a species.”

The next time I’m caught playing, I know exactly what I’ll say: “I am not wasting time, or acting immature. I’m doing nothing for the benefit of all humanity. You’re welcome.”

1. What is the phenomenon the author describes at the beginning of the text?
A.Playing with snow is strange.B.Wild nature is difficult to find.
C.Many people are stressed out.D.People enjoy living close to nature.
2. What is paragraph 2 of the text mainly about?
A.The necessity of the study.B.The importance of adult play.
C.Main activities of monkeys.D.Various functions of a rock.
3. What is the author’s purpose in mentioning a playful proto-human?
A.To explain the concept of play.B.To compare two research findings.
C.To highlight scientific breakthroughs.D.To offer some background information.
4. Which of the following best describes the author in the last paragraph?
7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Have you ever wondered what life is like now     1     (compare) to, say, the 1980s or the 1990s? I went to ask some people I know who were adults in the ‘80s and 90s’, and the answer I got was that “Overall, life is a lot     2     (good) now!” This didn’t really surprise me. I mean, these days we’ve got mobile phones and the internet and so on — but     3    (actual) those weren’t the things they talked about.

So what did they talk about? For     4     start, we don’t have to work physically hard since now there are a lot of things like dishwashers for housework. Then there’s the matter of how, these days,     5     is possible to work at home — it’s mainly     6    (computer) that have made this possible. Not only that, there’s a lot more     7     (equal) now. It’s easier for all people, whatever their social background, gender (性别), colour and so on, to have equal access     8     a variety of career opportunities.

That said, it’s not all a matter of improvement. Quite a few people told me that they feel more stressed these days because they rely a lot on technology and they are always     9    (anxiety) about security on the internet. Plus, we spend a lot of our time     10     (use) smartphones. One person said, “Wouldn’t it be great to be off the grid (不上网) for a few days?”

2024-03-24更新 | 59次组卷 | 2卷引用:河南省许昌市2023-2024学年高二上学期2月期末英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

1. Where does the conversation take place?
A.In a bank.B.At an airport ticket office.C.At a police station.
2. Where was the woman’s money probably stolen?
A.Near the bank.
B.On the moving stairs coming up from the underground.
C.Around the police station.
3. What’s the woman doing in the city?
A.Doing a business.B.Paying a visit.C.Having lessons.
4. How much did the woman lose?
A.About 10 dollars.B.About 4,500 dollars.C.About 4,200 dollars.
2024-03-22更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省安阳市林州市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题

9 . We tend to think of large cities as melting pots — places where people from all sorts of backgrounds can mix and interact. But according to new research, people in big cities tend to primarily interact with other individuals in the same socioeconomic bracket (阶层), but people in small cities and rural areas are much more likely to have diverse interactions.

The researchers used GPS data collected in 2017 from 9.6 million cellphones across 382 metropolitan (大都市的) areas in the United States to determine how often people of different socioeconomic ranks crossed paths during the day — essentially how many times people had the opportunity to interact, even briefly, with someone in a different income bracket. They collected data on almost 1.6 billion path-crossings.

This large amount of extremely precise data allowed the researchers to see what has been missed by similar studies in the past. People living in the 10 most populous metropolitan areas, which include cities like New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago, along with their surrounding areas, were significantly less likely to interact with people of different socioeconomic ranks than people in metropolitan areas with fewer than 100,000 residents.

The good news is that there are ways to build cities to promote more socioeconomic mixing. Looking at large cities, the researchers found that those that placed frequently-visited hubs (中心) in between different neighborhoods — instead of in the center of each neighborhood — were less separated.

“These big cities have managed to develop diverse interactions because the hubs that people visit the most — which turn out to be shopping centers, squares, and similar places — are between rich and poor neighborhoods,” said Hamed Nilforoshan, a doctoral researcher at Stanford University. “Those hubs act as bridges, allowing people to see each other and interact.”

1. What might be a conclusion of the new research?
A.Urban residents interact more.B.Large cities act as melting pots.
C.Urbanization leads to different social ranks.D.Big cities showcase socioeconomic separation.
2. How was the research carried out?
A.By bridging the income brackets.B.By studying the frequency of interaction.
C.By comparing residents’ behavior patterns.D.By collecting data on people’s social ranks.
3. What should city planners do to promote socioeconomic mixing?
A.Position the hubs properly.B.Construct more shopping centers.
C.Control the urban expansion.D.Design unique residential neighborhoods.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Income Bracket: What to Do with It?B.Diverse Interactions Count in Big Cities
C.Socioeconomic Separation: How to Fix It?D.Metropolitan Cities Are Great Melting Pots

10 . MOOC, an open online course, aims at providing interactive discussion and open access via the web. In addition to _________ course materials such as videos, readings, and problem sets, MOOC provide interactive user forums that help build a _________ for the students, professors, and teaching assistants.

MOOCs _________ made waves in the fall of 2011, when Professor Sebastian Thrun from Stanford University opened his graduate-level artificial intelligence course up to any student anywhere, and 160,000 students in more than 190 countries _________. This new kind of online classes is _________ the higher education world in many ways. Since the courses can be taken by hundreds of thousands of students at the same time, the number of universities might _________ greatly. Professor Thrun has even _________ a future in which there will only need to be 10 universities in the world. Perhaps the most _________ thing about MOOCs, many of which are being taught by professors at prestigious (声誉高的) universities, is that they’re free. This is certainly good news for _________ students.

There is a lot of __________ and fear about MOOCs. While some say free online courses are a great way to increase the __________ of minority students, others have said they will leave many students __________. Some critics have said that MOOCs encourage an unrealistic universal __________ of higher education and that there is no replacement for true dialogues between __________and their students. __________, a brain is not a computer. We are not __________ hard drives waiting to be filled with data. People learn from people they __________ and remember the things that arouse emotion. Some __________ worry that online students will miss out on the social aspects of college. In other words, MOOCs __________social interaction among students and professors even if they are offered by professors from __________ universities.

A.put upB.come upC.show upD.signed up
A.ThereforeB.SomewhatC.BesidesD.After all
2024-03-19更新 | 53次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省南阳六校2022-2023学年高二春季第一次联考英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般