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1 . Around the world, girls do better than boys at school. These are the findings of a recent study that looked at the test results of 1.5 million 15-year-olds in 74 regions across the globe. The level of gender equality in those regions made no difference to the results. Other factors, such as the income level of the region also had little impact on the findings. In only three regions - Colombia, Costa Rica and the Indian state Hunches Pradesh- was the trend reversed with boys doing better.

So what are the causes of girls’ stronger performance? In the UK, girls outperform boys in exams that are taken at the age of 15 or 16, called GCSEs. According to education expert Ian Toone, this is down to the way girls and boys are brought up. “Boys are encouraged to be more active from an early age, while girls are encouraged to be quieter… Therefore, girls develop the skill of sitting still for longer periods of time, which is used for academic pursuits like studying for GCSEs.”

He goes on to say that boys often cluster together in larger groups than girls. Because of this they are more likely to be influenced by peer pressure and develop a gang mentality. He says that GCSEs require a lot of solo work and are not viewed as ‘cool’ in boys’ culture.

This is backed up by research in the UK that says girls are out-performing boys at the age of five. So, what is the answer: Should girls and boys be educated separately? Or do exams and school curricula need to be changed to better reflect boys’ skills? These are the questions facing educators in many countries.

1. What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A.Girls outperform boys in exams in most cases.
B.Boys do better in school in poorer areas.
C.Girls do better if they are socially equal to boys.
D.Boys are not working hard enough in exams.
2. According to Ian Toone, what might account for the phenomenon?
A.Different characters and personalities.
B.Different attitudes to learning.
C.Different ways of raising children.
D.Different methods in exams.
3. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To provide answer to a difficult question.
B.To raise awareness in gender differences.
C.To advocate separating boys and girls.
D.To change school curricula to benefit boys.
4. What might the author discuss in the following paragraphs?
A.Education reforms in some Countries.
B.Examples of boys’ achievement.
C.New systems of examinations.
D.Advertisement of some schools.

2 . In the rush of day-to-day life, we don’t always have the time to slow down and move at our own speed. Even on vacation, we always try to visit, do and taste as many things as possible in a new place or many places.       

“I’ve heard countless times how tired people are when they come back from their vacation and feel like they ‘need a vacation from their vacation,’ and that’s because many times we pack so much into a very short time,” said travel blogger Esther Susag. “We want to see everything, do everything, and not waste a minute.

There is, however, another method that many experienced travelers suggest: slow travel. But what exactly is slow travel, and how do you take full advantage of this kind of trip? Below ,travel experts break it down.

As the name suggests, slow travel generally needs travelers to slow down and enjoy each moment, rather than rushing to check off the list items. “Slow travel may mean different things to different travelers, but I define (定义) it as staying in one place for longer and going deeper into the local culture,” said Paul Jacobs, general manager and vice president of Kayak North America. “It’s taking the time to make real connections with locals instead of packing a schedule full of tours.”            

For travel expert and author La Carmina, slow travel allows people to stop and smell the roses-quite directly. “It’s about being fully present in the moment and experiencing the sights, sounds and sensations (感觉) around you completely “letting the experience develop at its own speed and without expectations,” she said. “To me, slow travel doesn’t have a strict definition or certain things to do, but rather focuses on the feeling of being a visitor to a place.”

Slow travel is becoming more and more popular now, because it can do good to us in many ways.

1. Why are people tired when they return from their vacation?
A.They have no place to rest.
B.They are on a busy schedule when traveling.
C.They travel to some places far away.
D.They feel quite excited and enjoy their trip fully.
2. What does La Carmina think of slow travel?
A.It can let travelers experience the place deeply.
B.It can make travelers save a lot of money.
C.It can allow travelers to explore more places.
D.It can save travelers much more time.
3. What might the author continue talking about?
A.Other ways of travel.
B.The definition of slow travel.
C.The proper places for slow travel.
D.The advantages of slow travel.
4. In which part of a newspaper can you probably read the text?

3 . Twenty years ago, the idea of sharing our lives so openly with the world was unheard of. However, for young people today it is considered completely normal to share pictures of their lives and interact (互动) online every day. Fans of social media point out that the world has never been so connected as it has allowed people to make friends, learn about the world and celebrate life.

However, many people have concerns about the effects of this new way of living, particularly around the amount and type of information that is shared so openly. Recently researchers have found that too much time on social media may have some negative (消极的) effects. They measured people’s attitudes and feelings before and after watching social media sites. They found that the more time people spent on social media, the more unhappy they became.

There are a number of reasons for this. When watching social media, people often see photographs and stories showing beautiful holidays, fun parties and fashionable clothes. People seldom post negative stories or bad pictures, so it can be misleading (误导). For those looking at these pictures and comparing them to their own lives, they can end up feelings ad and depressed. They might think their lives are worse in comparison. Even for those people who post positive stories and pictures, they too can feel stressed and worried. The number of “likes” and comments on their posts can make them anxious about their popularity. Of course, there is also the problem of “cyber bullying” where people become victims (受害者) of bullying online when others make negative or cruel comments about them.

The reality is that social media is a part of modern life and it is not going to go away. This research shows us that it is important to find a balance between our online and offline lives. We don’t have to disconnect from the Internet to live a happy life, but we should realise that the pictures we see and stories we read are only part of a bigger picture. If we can do that, we can protect ourselves and enjoy our lives.

1. What effect does social media have according to the recent research?
A.It enables people to make more friends on the Internet.
B.It helps people to have a better knowledge of the world.
C.It makes people have much more wonderful lives.
D.It increases unhappiness for people using it too much.
2. Why are people worried when they post positive stories?
A.They fear others mislead their posts.
B.They think others have happier lives.
C.They fear others have no interest in the stories.
D.They guess they may be bullied by bad people.
3. How does the author develop paragraph 3?
A.By listing figures.B.By analyzing causes.
C.By making comparison.D.By describing process.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
A.Telling us to balance online and offline lives.
B.Introducing the convenience social media creates.
C.Describing the threats caused by social media.
D.Persuading people to disconnect from the Internet.

4 . Pollution of the world’s rivers from medicines and pharmaceutical (制药的) products poses a “threat to environmental and global health”, a report says.

Various drugs were widely detected in a University of York study. The research is among the most extensive conducted on a global scale. Rivers in Pakistan, Bolivia and Ethiopia were among the most polluted. Rivers in Iceland, Norway and Amazon Rainforest were the least polluted.

The impact of many of the most common pharmaceutical substances in rivers is still largely unknown. But it is already well established that dissolved human contraceptives (避孕药) can impact the development and reproduction of fish, and scientists fear the increased presence of antibiotics (抗生素) in rivers could limit their effectiveness as medicines.

The study took samples from more than 1,000 test sites in more than 100 countries. Overall, more than a quarter of the 258 rivers sampled had what are known as “active pharmaceutical ingredients” present at a level considered unsafe for life in water.

“Typically, what happens is, we take these chemicals, they have some desired effects on us and then they leave our bodies,” Dr. John Wilkinson, who led the research, said. “What we know now is that even the most modern efficient wastewater treatment plants aren’t completely capable of removing these substances before they end up in rivers or lakes.”

The report said the increased presence of antibiotics in rivers could also lead to the development of resistant bacteria, damaging the effectiveness of medicines and finally posing “a global threat to environmental and global health”.

The most polluted sites were largely in low-income to middle-income countries, and in areas where there was poor wastewater management and pharmaceutical production. “This is most concerning because you have the weakest populations with the least access to healthcare exposed to this,” said Dr. Mohamed Abdallah from the UK’s Birmingham University.

On the question of what can be done, Dr. Wilkinson suggested, “One of the few things that could have an effect right now is the proper use of medicines.” That would mean making it harder to get hold of medicines like antibiotics, and tougher restrictions on doses (剂量).

1. In which county were rivers the least polluted?
2. How does the author support his point in paragraph 4?
A.By listing figures.B.By giving examples.
C.By comparing different facts.D.By debating and concluding.
3. What’s Dr. Mohamed Abdallah’s attitude to people in poor countries?
4. What’s the best title of the text?
A.How to Deal with the Pollution in the Rivers
B.The Proper Use of Medicines such as Antibiotics
C.Most Rivers in the World Have Been Polluted Seriously
D.Pharmaceutical Products Left in Rivers Threaten Creatures and People’s Health

5 . For 14 years, Kerry Mellin commuted (通勤) 40 miles to her job. On a good day, the drive took 75 minutes. “On bad traffic days, it was easily two hours,” she says. “The road rage was real. I felt trapped and my back pain was killing me.”

No productivity’ expert advocates the benefits of morning anger and back pain. But exactly how a long trip such as Mellin’s affects the workday hasn’t been fully understood. New research from Dartmouth helps quantify the cost of commuting on performance. “Your commute predicts your day,” says Andrew Campbell, lead researcher of the study.

Before the pandemic, 275 information workers (45% of them were employed by tech companies) across the US were equipped with fitness tracking devices; subjects were monitored around the clock for a year. Most of them, 94%, commuted by car, with trips averaging 40 to 60 minutes. The sensors tracked details such as heart rate and sleep, as well as environmental information like weather.

The data showed that a rough morning commute acts as a first falling domino (多米诺骨), with ill effects felt down the line. “Commuting, especially if it’s not well-planned and predictable, raises stress levels,” says co-author Pine Audia, a professor of management and organizations at Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business.

The researchers found that commutes involving more physical activity, such as walking or bicycling, connected with less stress and better performance at work. Performance was measured by tracking dozens of behaviours both productive (helping co-workers, volunteering for assignments, skipping breaks to finish work) and counterproductive (leaving early, excessive breaks, working slowly).

Participants self-reported, and 110 of the 275 were considered “low performers”. (There was no conclusion for why the connection exists; the researchers’ focus was simply on measuring it.)

Another finding: no matter how a worker commuted, those who left their homes or offices at the same times each morning and afternoon and took the same route performed better than commuters who alternated departures and varied their routes. This confirms the Dartmouth team’s previous findings that higher performers have more consistent daily routines.

1. What does the underlined word “rage” in paragraph 1 mean?
2. What’s the main idea of paragraph 3?
A.The result-of the research.B.The process of the research.
C.The subject of the research.D.The limitation of the research.
3. What can we infer from the text?
A.Slow workers prefer to play dominoes.
B.Pino Audia is good at planning his commuting.
C.A bad commute can set the tone for the entire day.
D.Workers should leave their homes early to avoid traffic jam.
4. What’s the finding of the new research?
A.Walking is beneficial to workers’ health.
B.Physical activity will help avoid stress.
C.Higher performers have more consistent daily routines.
D.Cycling to work will probably bring productive behaviours.

6 . From self-driving cars to carebots (care+ robots) for elderly people, rapid development in technology has long represented a possible threat to many jobs normally performed by people. But experts now believe that almost 50 percent of occupations existing today will be completely unnecessary by 2035 as artificial intelligence (AI) continues to change businesses.

“The next fifteen years will see a revolution in how we work, and a revolution will necessarily take place in how we plan and think about workplaces,” said Peter Andrew, Director of Workplace Strategy for CBRE Asia-Pacific. A growing number of jobs in the future will require creative intelligence, social skills and the ability to use artificial intelligence.

The report is based on interviews with 200 experts, business leaders and young people from Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America. It shows that in the US technology already destroys more jobs than it creates. But the report states, “Losing occupations does not necessarily mean losing jobs—just changing what people do.” Growth in new jobs could occur as much, according to the research. “The growth of 20- to 40-person companies that have the speed and technological know-how will directly challenge big companies,” it states.

Another study by Pew Research Centre found 52 percent of experts in artificial intelligence and robotics were optimistic about the future and believed there would still be enough jobs in the next few years. The optimists pictured “a future in which robots do not take the place of more jobs than they create.”

“Technology will continue to affect jobs, but more jobs seem likely to be created. Although there have always been unemployed people, when we reached a few billion people, there were billions of jobs. There is no shortage of things that need to be done and that will not change,” Microsoft’s Jonathan Grudin told researchers.

1. Why are carebots mentioned?
A.To give a definition.B.To provide an example.
C.To make a comparison.D.To explain a theory.
2. What does the report in paragraph 3 show?
A.People will take the place of AI.
B.US technology balances job opportunities.
C.Many people have to change occupations.
D.Big companies are more innovative and flexible.
3. What is Jonathan Grudin’s attitude towards the future of human employment?
4. Which section of a website is the text most probably taken from?

7 . Future Industries: Which Ones Will Rule?

As we move towards the future, it is important to consider which industries will have the greatest potential for growth and success. Here are a few of the most promising sectors:


The technology industry has been on an upward trend for years and shows no signs of slowing down. From artificial intelligence and virtual reality to blockchain and the Internet of Things, there are countless opportunities in this field.


With an aging population and increasing demand for healthcare services, the healthcare industry is expected to see significant growth in the coming years. This includes everything from medical devices and medicines to telemedicine and home health care.



As concerns about climate change continue to mount, there is growing demand for clean and sustainable energy sources. Solar, wind, and hydropower are just a few of the renewable energy sectors that are ready for explosive growth.


Online shopping has become increasingly popular over the past decade, and this trend shows no signs of stopping. As more people turn to e-commerce for their shopping needs, businesses in this space will continue to thrive.


With the rise of automation and artificial intelligence, there is a growing need for workers with specialized skills and knowledge. This has led to a large increase in demand for education and training programmes, making this sector a promising one for investment.

These are just a few of the many industries that are expected to see significant growth in the coming years. By keeping an eye on these trends, investors can position themselves for success in the future.

1. Which industry has been promoted by the continuous aging society?
2. What is the direct reason for the increasing emphasis on renewable energy?
A.Global climate change.
B.The improvement of technology.
C.The shortage of non-renewable resources.
D.The globalization and industrial competition.
3. What makes education a promising industry in the future?
A.An increase in population.
B.The demand for online shopping.
C.The development of economy.
D.Training for talents with particular skills.
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Does the happiness of parents play a role in shaping the overall happiness of their children? Scientific studies have shed light on the far-reaching connection between parental happiness and the positive development of kids. It seems that parental happiness has an important influence on the emotional, social, and cognitive (认知的) development of children.     1     If they know their mental and emotional happiness has an impact on their children, perhaps it can motivate them to view it as part of being a good parent.

    2     For example, they can join in activities that bring them joy and satisfaction. This could include hobbies, exercise, pursuing personal goals, or taking time for relaxation. When parents improve their own happiness, they can better support their children’s happiness.

Another great idea is sharing experiences and creating many memories together. The idea is twofold.     3     At the same time, the shared experiences and showing their children how happy they are to do something they love can be incredibly valuable as well.

One of the main aspects of being happy parents is feeling comfortable, confident and able to be themselves, despite their new status and huge responsibility. Honestly, when parents prioritize their own happiness, it has positive effects on the overall happiness of the family.     4    

When parents put their own happiness first, they become role models for their kids. They see the importance of self-care, pursuing passions and maintaining healthy relationships.     5     So, parents should accept their uniqueness, enjoying life!

A.However, part of being responsible is being honest.
B.They are passing on some major life skills and attitudes.
C.They may lose a bit of their sense of self when caring for children.
D.Parents can adopt practical ways to enhance their own happiness.
E.A joyful and harmonious family environment benefits everyone involved.
F.This can happen when parents prioritize their own happiness according to Inc.
G.Firstly, the parents continue to be themselves and do something they love.

9 . It is summer, and the living is comfortable. For many Americans, this is the season to travel. Why? Because school has finished; the weather is great, and most of all, we all deserve a break. When Americans want to take a break, they often head for their favourite vacation spot.

Throughout their history, Americans have been people on the move. Hundreds of years ago, the early immigrants had to travel to get to the New World. Once they arrived, they settled along the East Coast. But they weren’t content to stay there. Explorers and traders journeyed to the unknown western areas. Later, settlers moved west to develop these new regions. As a result of this westward migration, Americans eventually occupied the whole mainland — from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Even today, Americans seem unable to stay put. Research says that the average American moves every five years.

Besides their habit of changing living places, Americans are used to travelling. Some people often go out on business. Their jobs may require them to take frequent business trips. Most companies provide an annual vacation for their employees, and people often use that time to travel. Some people just visit friends or relatives in different states. Others go on weekend trips that don’t cost a lot of money. Those with more expensive tastes choose luxurious resorts and hotels.

Most Americans prefer to travel within their own nation’s borders. Why? For one thing, it’s cheaper than travelling abroad, and for another, there’s no language problem. What’s more, the vast American territory offers different kinds of tourist attractions. Nature lovers can enjoy beaches, mountains, lakes and a wealth of natural wonders. Major cities offer visitors a lot of urban delights. The convenience of modern freeways, railways and airplanes makes travel in America as easy as pie.

Many American vacations are as unique as the people who take them. Families often go on a journey with the kids. More and more family-friendly vacation resorts offer special programs for children. History lovers seek out famous historical sites and museums. Environmentalists prefer “green vacations”. These trips allow them to observe plants and animals closely without disturbing the balance of nature. Some people find sea cruises relaxing and refreshing. Others enjoy their trips by fishing, skiing or white-water rafting.

Americans aren’t the only people in the world who like travelling around. People all over the world enjoy visiting scenic spots in their own country and going abroad to travel. But in America, almost everybody is a tourist sometime.

1. This passage is mainly about________.
A.American immigrants in history
B.some famous resorts in America
C.Americans’ love for travelling
D.some special people in America
2. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Americans are content to stay at the place where they are living now.
B.The American immigrants moved from the east to the western areas.
C.Americans are used to changing living places, but they don’t like travelling around.
D.Most Americans prefer to go abroad to travel.
3. Which of the following is NOT the reason why Americans prefer travelling in their own country?
A.Travelling abroad is more expensive.
B.People in America speak different languages.
C.The traffic in America is very convenient.
D.The vast American territory offers different kinds of tourist attractions.
4. Which word can describe the author’s attitude towards Travel of American Style?
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . While I was jumping rope, my smartphone took a fall to the floor which created cracks (裂缝) on my screen. However, the music kept playing. 30 minutes later, I could see only one-tenth of my screen while the rest was black. The next morning, I decided not to use it for 24 hours. I felt a sense of calm that day, which led to my not using it for one week. One week ended up becoming 60 days in total without my smartphone.

Here are some advantages I noticed in this challenge.

You’ll become “bored”

Without my phone, I became bored, but my mind went through all kinds of topics, Boredom (无聊) is a perfect way to create new ideas on a business or project. When you are bored, you allow your mind to relax to reach all possibilities.

You’ll be able to reduce your “work” hours

A survey found that adults checked their smartphones 85 times a day, or once every 10 minutes. As I learned in my challenge, by not having my smartphone, I fell into deep work more easily, so I completed my tasks in a shorter time.

You’ll improve your mental health

Without my phone, I avoided reading negative news and comments. While that helped make a big improvement in my mental health, the biggest reason for it was truly communicating with people. It brought me more connections with humans in the real world. I went to more dinners with friends and asked more questions to strangers.

1. Boredom is a good way for the writer ________ .
A.to create new ideasB.to start a business
C.to set up a projectD.to relax the body
2. Without the smartphone, the writer could finish the work________.
A.more terriblyB.more quickly
C.more carelesslyD.more comfortably
3. What can improve people’s mental health according to the passage?
A.Chatting on the phone.B.Reading negative news.
C.Communicating in the real world.D.Avoiding meeting friends and strangers.
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