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1 . Recently, after I gave a virtual presentation on my book Indistractable, a listener wrote something in the Zoom chat that drove me crazy, “This is great but wouldn’t work for me. I’m a Gemini (双子星座的人).”

Ironically, the Zoom listener is right. If she thinks she’s incapable, she’ll prove it correct — whether it has anything to do with the stars and moon or not. Her inflexible self-identification denies her the chance to improve her life. It’s incredibly self-limiting.

That’s why we should stop defining ourselves as fixed identities and nouns, and instead start describing ourselves using verbs.

Words are powerful. Linguistic research shows that language shapes people and culture; it can also give us insight into ourselves and our behavior. In a well-known study, researchers Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobsen had all students in the same elementary school take a standard IQ test. Then they randomly selected a group of students, regardless of their test results, and told teachers the group would show “dramatic intellectual growth”. Eight months later, those students scored significantly higher on an IQ test. The study concluded that teachers’ positive perception of students correlated to those students’ high performance on intellectual and academic tests. The labels the children received became a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy (预言).

That’s because language shapes expectations, which shape our reality. If we have experiences that lead us to label ourselves with specific nouns during our life, then we are likely to stick with those labels and the behaviors that go with them.

Using verbs to identify ourselves is an effective method for releasing “trapped priors”—a term in psychology for a perception of reality that’s affected or trapped by past experiences. Verbs are action words well suited to describing short-lived behaviors that can and do change. They don’t lay claim to our entire identity, but they acknowledge that we are people first and foremost, not whatever a singular noun may say we are. So, instead of saying, “I am a procrastinator (拖拉者)”, you should say, “I am a person who often procrastinates.”

By focusing on our behaviors, not fixed characteristics, we can release harmful perceptions of ourselves that hold us back from trying methods that might improve our lives — like those that can help us achieve the critical skill of being indistractable.

1. What does the author want to show through the example of the Zoom listener?
A.The concept of flexible self-identification.
B.His confusion about the way to self-identify.
C.His understanding of proper self-identification.
D.The negative effects of using nouns to define oneself.
2. What does the well-known study imply?
A.Self-fulfilling prophecies change over time.
B.Encouragement promotes students’ improvement.
C.Language usage will have an impact on teaching.
D.IQ has little to do with students’ academic performance.
3. How are teachers expected to evaluate students?
A.By highlighting their behaviors.
B.By focusing on their advantages.
C.By analyzing their typical characteristics.
D.By assessing their academic performance.
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Nouns are more powerful than verbs
B.Your words can determine your future
C.How we define ourselves really counts
D.Our option of words reflects our identity
语法填空-短文语填(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

In today’s urban centers, traffic jam is a common sight, characterized by long lines of vehicles     1     (inch) along the roadways. Many commuters experience fatigue from spending hours behind the wheel, navigating through winding streets.

Due to the congestion, it’s easy to become disillusioned with the daily grind.(日常琐事) However, there’s hope in the form of nation-driven initiatives     2     (aim) at easing the pressure on both the roads. One such initiative is the promotion of alternative modes of transportation through campaigns that highlight the benefits of walking, cycling, and     3     (use) public transportation instead of private cars.stresses the fact that the exaggeration of the benefits of private vehicle usage should be examined critically.

These initiatives are not environmentally friendly     4     appealing to those seeking an escape from over-scheduled work     5     they are constantly chasing after the next deadline or appointment, feeling stressed out. By encouraging a shift in mindset,     6     one focused merely on speed and efficiency to one that values well-being, cities can create a more livable environment for their citizens. Governments     7     (explore) solutions that prioritize the well-being of all residents. This may include implementing carpooling schemes, establishing designated pedestrian zones, or establishing facilities around communicates that are within walking distance.

Implementing innovative approaches to traffic issues in urban centers helps promote a     8     (healthy) urban environment. It is necessary that initiatives calling for alternative transportation modes     9     (support) to keep company with these efforts, and     10     unsustainable practices, such as reliance solely on private vehicles, be disposed of in the near future.

2024-05-29更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河南省部分重点高中高三毕业班5月份大联考英语试卷
听力选择题-短对话 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . What happened to the woman?
A.She fell and cut her knee.B.She hurt her left arm.C.She slipped over on the ice.
2024-05-28更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省许昌市魏都区许昌高级中学2023-2024学年高三下学期5月月考英语试题
完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . A four-year-old dog named Kob became a hero in its neighborhood by discovering a possibly life-threatening gas leak (泄漏) in its owner’s front yard.

This dog’s actions not only _______ its surroundings, but also stressed the importance of the behavior of our furry friends.

The story began when Kob, _______ by 28-year-old Chanell Bell, started digging a large hole in the yard. At first, Bell thought this was typical dog _______, but as the hole grew larger, she became _______. Recognizing that Kob’s actions were unusual, she trusted the dog’s judgment, considering its normally well-behaved nature.

After _______ a recent gas leak in her home, Chanel _______ a gas detecting (探测) tool. She followed her sense and chose to use the tool to _______ the newly dug hole by Kob.

Finding gas coming out of the hole, Bell _______ contacted the authorities about the issue.

“If it wasn’t found, the _______ would have continued to escape into our homes,” Bell said. “We were told it could have caused ________ health effects like breathing issues, brain damage, and even ________. They told me that something as simple as ________ a light could have caused a burst!”

During the repairs, workers ________three main gas leaks in Bell’s neighborhood caused by aging ________. It took the workers over three days to repair the leaks and replace the old equipment.

Throughout the repairs, the workers________ Kob for saving the neighborhood.

A.looking intoB.turning onC.fixing upD.breaking down
完形填空(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . I was watching a TV program when I came across a sorrowful sight: homeless people lying near the wall of a busy Manhattan train station. Dan Rather, a reporter, was covering the event. He ________ numerous people: the homeless, those who ________ the homeless, and those who didn’t.

One woman took the ________ every day. During the winter months, the number of homeless living in the station increased, because it was cold and this woman ________ disliked it. She complained to Dan Rather that most of the homeless people were able-bodied and could have ________ a job, but they chose not to. She also said that most of the homeless could have gone to ________ but they would rather live at the station. She just didn’t ________ that nobody could acquire a job without a home address and that many shelters across the country are being closed as a result of a shortage of funds.

________, a mother and son did a lot to help the homeless. The household ________ the homeless by giving them a hot breakfast in the morning and giving them money to eat a lunch and dinner.

Dan Rather then went along with a homeless person to the welfare office. It took the man three days to just fill out the proper applications. The complete ________ took six days. He met with a welfare lawyer who could give him a(n) ________. Dan Rather spoke with the lawyer and he said that it took time because the nation didn’t have enough money to provide welfare to everyone who ________.

After watching this program, I gave ________ consideration of becoming a welfare lawyer for the homeless, who are part of our ________. We must do something — anything — to ________ the situation now. Only when we solve this problem can the nation have a bright future.

A.In comparisonB.Without doubtC.Without difficultyD.In return
A.brought upB.cared forC.referred toD.depended on
2024-05-26更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河南省安阳市高三第一次模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Aviation is a big polluter. Cutting the sector’s impact on global warming is high on the agenda. Although many governments are regulating emissions from cars and trucks, air transportation is technologically rooted in old patterns.

Facing the reality that the sector will keep emitting a lot, ICAO has established an international carbon-trading plan—Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation, or CORSIA. This encourages wide use of offsets (抵消) : aviation companies can buy emissions credits or invest in sectors that store carbon, such as forestry, to allow them to carry on as normal. CORSIA aims to keep CO2 emissions at 2019 levels through such purchases for emissions over that year’s baseline. ICAO predicts that increasing demand might reach 1. 7 billion tons by 2035, potentially making aviation the largest offset market in the world.

Yet offsetting faces a fundamental challenge: the size of the offset requires estimating flows of warming pollution that would have occurred if the carbon-removal project hadn’t existed, and comparing them against flows with the project in place. The former — a baseline that is unobservable — is a hotbed for shady accounting.

The vast majority of offsets today and in the expected future come from forest-protection and regrowth projects. The track record of reliable accounting in these industries is poor, because they lack convincing baselines. Even with oversight, forest projects are often troubled by wild assumptions, for example that trees would disappear completely from these areas in the absence of those projects, even when there are other forest protections in place. Such assumptions drive up baselines and flood the market with huge volumes of offsets. They make it easier for accountants to claim a net reduction in emissions even though the atmosphere sees little or no benefit. These problems are essentially unfixable. Evidence is mounting that offsetting as a strategy for reaching net zero is a dead end.

In our view, this approach could prove dangerously narrow. Removing aviation’s impact on global warming means upending the industry. The longer that reality is overlooked, the harder it will be to find effective solutions.

1. What does aviation refer to in the passage?
A.A project which needs revising.B.A resource which needs trading.
C.A market which needs expanding.D.An industry which needs reforming.
2. Why should aviation companies buy emissions credits?
A.To support the development of forestry.B.To earn the largest profit in offset market.
C.To keep the levels of emission unchanged.D.To make up for emissions over the baseline.
3. What can we infer from paragraph 4?
A.Too many offsets are filling the market now.
B.Some projects may cheat to create more offsets.
C.Offsetting contributes a lot to reducing emissions.
D.Trees would totally disappear without the projects.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards the CORSIA?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Earlier this month, an opinion study said about 75 percent of the French public want to ban bullfighting (斗牛). But a small group of supporters say it is a tradition that should continue.

Baptiste is a 16-year-old boy training to be a bullfighter who lives in Arles, a town in southern France. He says opponents do not understand bullfighting. “Bullfighting is a tradition, an art, a dance with the bull,” Baptiste said. He is one of 12 students in Arles learning how to fight bulls.

Opponents wonder how it can be called “an art” when an innocent animal is killed in the end. During a recent protest march, one sign read: “Bullfighting is not a fight; it’s the killing of a tortured (折磨) innocent.”

Aymeric Caron is a French lawmaker who sent a bill to Parliament that would ban bullfighting. It is currently being debated. He said some parts of France permit bullfighting as long as fewer than 1,000 bulls are killed each year. Just because it is a tradition, he said, does not “morally justify a practice”.

Other lawmakers in Caron’s party are not supporting his bill, so it is unlikely to pass. But the news of the anti-bullfighting proposal started a discussion throughout France.

Frederic Pastor oversees the bullfights in the city of Nimes. He said the bull is “glorified (给予荣耀)” during the fight although it is killed. Nimes is home to 14 bullfighting shows each year. They bring in over $60 million to the city.

Tiphanie Senmartin Laurent is one of the protesters. She said most people are against bullfighting. “Torture is not a show,” she said.

Spain is considered the place where bullfighting began. People there are also questioning the practice. Bullfighting was banned in the Spanish province of Catalonia in 2010 but later brought back. A major court in Spain called the practice a “cultural asset”. That means it is considered a tradition that has value. A new proposal on animal safety in Spain does not discuss bulls.

1. What can be known about Baptiste from paragraph 2?
A.He is expert in bullfighting.
B.He is far from opposed to bullfighting.
C.He comes from a northern French town.
D.He doesn’t understand why bullfighting becomes a tradition.
2. Which may Aymeric Caron agree with about bullfighting?
A.It is sort of an art.
B.It means a lot of harm to the innocent animal.
C.It is a symbol of culture in Spain.
D.It makes humans know more about the bull.
3. What did Aymeric Caron’s bill lead to actually?
A.Bullfighting’s being banned.
B.The public’s interest in the sport.
C.A national discussion on bullfighting.
D.The higher frequency of bullfighting shows in France.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Bullfighting Is Increasingly Popular in France
B.Challenges Faced by Bullfighting
C.The Rise and Fall of Bullfighting
D.France Considers a Ban on Bullfighting
2024-05-22更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河南省安阳市高三第一次模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Individuals vary in how they react to anxiety. Some bury their heads in the sand and ignore the mounting sense of anxiety that seems to occupy the society. Others are in a watchful state and can’t get enough of the up-to-the-minute news and social media feeds.

Martin Buber once stated that we related to three things around us: nature, our fellow men, and how you view the world. When we are in a burdened (忧虑的) state, we tend to take no notice of any of these. When we become unburdened from our depressed selves, we are able to discover the delights and wonders around and experience a deep sense of gratitude.

At a time when news reports are merely a click away, people’s anxiety becomes even intenser. Because of 24/7 media, the international and the interpersonal have integrated in a way that we have never seen before. It seems that we’ve lost the capacity to maintain our inner peace—and that’s not just a matter of having opposing views about issues. It’s a matter of not having the patience to involve in delightful communication and to hear each other. Transforming the situation can't be achieved overnight. It’s not accidental, which must be approached with strength. It comes from the efforts to attain understanding and calm.

Our age of anxiety presents us with challenges. But out of adversity comes opportunity. Never can we maintain calm and experience gratitude at a time when we are burdened, worried, and anxious. Like anything else, relaxation and calm take a bit of work. Attempt to limit your exposure to updates on the news and take a couple of moments to count your blessings—including the people in your life and the fortune from which you’ve benefited. As you may be aware, it is taking things for granted that robs you of the fruits of your labor. Praying for goodness and planting seeds of gratitude may be our only way out.

1. What might happen to a relaxed person?
A.Spotting the beauty in the surroundings.B.Paying no attention to the state of mind.
C.Getting on well with nature and fellows.D.Grasping the latest news items with care.
2. What makes people anxiety-stricken?
A.The lack of peaceful talks.B.The information overload.
C.The widespread false news.D.The opposing views online.
3. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Methods to overcome challenges and barriers.
B.Steps to robbing people of their fruits of labor.
C.Tips on limiting the exposure to news updates.
D.Ways to ease anxiety and appreciate blessings.
4. Which might be a suitable title for the text?
A.Take Nothing Online for Granted
B.Watch Out for the Traps of Media
C.Be Grateful in an Age of Anxiety
D.Count Blessings Instead of Worries
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . In an era dominated by texting and messaging apps, phone calls seem to become a relic (遗物) of the past among younger generations, Gen Z in particular. A recent survey shows that a quarter of 18 to 24-year-olds refuse to pick up the phone, and over half ignore calls from their parents. Why do we find phone calls so awkward, and is avoiding them damaging our relationships?

The avoidance of phone calls isn’t just a preference; it’s a display of anxiety. Phone conversations can be awkward due to the lack of non-verbal clues. In face-to-face interactions, we rely heavily on gestures, facial expressions, and body language to interpret messages, which are absent in phone conversations. This can lead to misunderstandings and a feeling of disconnect. Additionally, the pressure to respond immediately without enough time to think, as afforded by messaging apps, can increase the anxiety associated with phone calls.

Despite the discomfort they may cause, phone conversations are an important skill. In the professional world, the ability to communicate effectively over the phone remains a critical skill. As I emphasize in my teachings and workshops, clear, confident, and real-life communication can significantly impact personal and professional success. Therefore, it’s crucial for younger generations, including Gen Z, to learn how to communicate well with others over the phone, not just for professional success but also for developing personal relationships.

Relying merely on messaging apps can have harmful effects on Gen Z’s well-being and relationships. The survey indicates a growing discomfort with direct voice communication can lead to a lack of deeper, empathetic (共情的) connections. This can potentially impact their ability to form meaningful relationships and deal with situations where direct communication like phone calls is momentous.

Moreover, as I advocate in my approach to public speaking, including emotional elements into communication enhances memorability (值得记忆) and impact. Phone conversations, with their immediate and personal nature, can develop a deeper emotional connect ion than text-based communication.

1. What can we know from paragraph 2?
A.Why people are making fewer phone calls.
B.How young men respond to phone calls.
C.What impact can phone calls have.
D.How much further phone calls go.
2. Which statement will the author probably agree with?
A.Future success is mainly based on phone talks.
B.It's vital to acquire the art of phone conversation.
C.Learning how to communicate is the focus.
D.Much remains to be done for better personal skills.
3. What does the underlined word “momentous” mean in paragraph 4?
4. Where is the text most probably taken from?
A.An interview.B.A book review.C.A lecture.D.A diary entry.

10 . If you frequent any kind of public transportation, then you’re well aware of certain types of passengers and passenger habits that are annoying. But it’s not just other passengers that get angry, there are certain things that drive the train attendant crazy.     1    . Maybe next time you’ll be able to spot the people doing some of these on the train.

•Taking up too much space

We’ve all been there in that moment when someone boards a train trying to take several huge items with them to wherever they’re trying to go. They wind up taking up way too much space and blocking seats.    2    . Train attendants are the ones who bear the brunt of it (首当其冲) because they have to figure out how to deal with this person’s stuff without upsetting all the other passengers. It adds unnecessary conflict and makes the attendant’s job much harder.


    3    . It’s a totally different thing to be eating a big meal consisting of last night’s dinner leftovers. Not only is it typically unsettling for other passengers who then have to smell leftover chicken and whatever else you’re eating, but it’s bound to make a mess that attendants will then have to clean up after they depart the train.


For some reason, people have a bad habit of talking very loudly to one another to a point where you can hear them from opposite sides of the train cart (车厢). This goes for playing music as well. Some people like to play music through their phone. This really bothers fellow passengers on the train.     5    ? The train attendant.

A.Being really loud
B.Arguing with others
C.Here are some of the most annoying things
D.Then who would be in charge of playing music on the train
E.It’s one thing if you’re having something small such as an apple
F.This can make things uncomfortable for everyone else on the train
G.Plus when other passengers complain, guess who has to take care of it
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