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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One day a friend invited me to join gymnastics class that she had belonged to for many years. My mom got the needed information and within a few days I was ready to start!

When I got there, I was extremely nervous. The group wasn’t very welcoming so I was regretting signing up. It seemed they were comfortable with the team they had, and they didn’t want anyone to be added to it. But after working together for a few days, we all soon became friends. A month passed and I learned to do many things. I was excited and ready to learn back handsprings(手翻). Back handsprings are one of the main things you need to know for gymnastics because they are done so often. In my opinion, they are the hardest to do, but I was ready to try.

My friend was the queen of back handsprings, so she helped me understand each and every step. Our coach pulled out a handspring machine to help the kids who were learning how to do them for the first time. This machine is a block that has cushion(垫子) all around it. You basically sit in the mouth of the machine and push off with your feet and go backwards until you land on your hands, then feet.

Even with the handspring machine, I couldn’t get my feet right, so I had to try again and again. Impatient, some of the girls seemed to get angry. I was feeling like the new kid in the group again. The new kid that didn’t know what she was doing but everyone else knew it!

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Luckily, my friend, the queen of back handsprings, kept encouraging me.


One day, I finally got it right.

2024-05-17更新 | 78次组卷 | 6卷引用:河南省安阳市林州市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期6月月考英语试题
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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Eric raised his daughter Riley alone. One day, Eric noticed a young teenage boy standing in front of a drugstore. He approached him, and found out that the boy, Jack, wanted to buy medicine for his sick mother, but had no money. Jack cried out, “If I don’t bring home medicine, my mom will die. But I won’t be able to handle it.”

Upon hearing this, Eric didn’t hesitate to pay for the medicine. “I’ll pay for the medicine on his behalf,” he said, handing the pharmacist (药剂师) a couple of bills from his pocket. The boy looked at Eric with grateful eyes, and cried, “Thank you so much. You are heaven-sent.”

“There will always be people willing to help you, son,” Eric told him before handing him two portions of food. “Here, take this to your mom and have a hot meal with her,” he said before letting the boy go.

His daughter Riley saw the whole scene and said, “Dad, we have barely enough money. Why did you pay for the medicine?” Riley, the good you put out into the world will eventually find its way back to you. Just keep doing good,” Eric told his daughter.

When Riley turned thirty, she needed an operation urgently after being told there was something wrong with her heart. With difficulty breathing, Eric rushed Riley to the hospital in an ambulance. “You’ll be alright, Riley.” he cried. “Don’t worry, Daddy is here. We’ll get through this together,” he promised her.

Eric did try his best to find the money for his daughter’s operation. He asked all of his friends, but it was still not enough. Therefore, Eric decided to sell their house. It was enough to pay for her operation, but they would be left with nothing, “It’s okay,” he told himself. I will be able to earn money again, but if I lose my daughter, nothing will ever bring her back.”

By the time Eric made it back to the hospital, Riley was in her hospital room, weak and pale. He sat beside her bed and held her hand. “You’ll be okay, my sweet daughter. We’ll soon have the money for the operation,” he promised her.


Eric suddenly noticed an envelope on the bed.


In the nurse’s station, he was told doctor Jack had entered the hospital room just now.

2024-05-15更新 | 88次组卷 | 5卷引用:河南省漯河市源汇区漯河市高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题
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3 . As a child, there was nothing I liked better than Sunday afternoons at my grandfather’s farm in western Pennsylvania. Surrounded by miles of stone walls, the house and field provided endless hours of fun for a city kid like me.

Since my first visit to the farm, I had wanted more than anything to be allowed to climb the stone walls surrounding the houses. My parents would never agree because the walls were so old that some stones were loose and falling. However, my idea to climb across those walls grew so strong that finally I had all my courage to enter the living room, where the adults had gathered after Sunday dinner.

“I want to climb the stone walls.” I said. “Heavens, no! You’ll hurt yourself!” The response was just as I’d expected. But before I left the room, I was stopped by my grandfather’s loud voice. “Now hold on just a minute.” I heard him say. “Let the boy climb the stone walls. He has to learn to do things for himself.”

“Go,” he said to me, “and come and see me when you get back.” For the next two and a half hours I climbed those old walls — and had the time of my life. Later I met with my grandfather to tell him about my adventures. I’ll never forget what he said. “Fred,” he said, smiling, “you made this day a special day just by being yourself. Always remember, there’s only one person in this whole world like you, and I like you exactly as you are.”

Many years have passed since then, and today I host the television program Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, seen by millions of children throughout America. There have been changes over the years, but one thing remains the same: my message to children at the end of almost every visit. “There’s only one person in this whole world like you,” the kids will hear me say, “and people can like you exactly as you are.”

1. What can be inferred about the writer from the passage?
A.He was backed up by his grandfather to follow his heart.
B.He didn’t expect his parents’ disagreement on wall climbing.
C.He became a TV program host with his grandfather’s help.
D.He didn’t know the possible danger of the stone walls.
2. Which of the following can best describe the author’s grandfather?
3. Which is probably the best title for the text?
A.Unforgettable ChildhoodB.Just Be Yourself
C.Do Whatever You LikeD.Like grandfather, like grandson
2024-05-11更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省新乡市原阳县第一高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题
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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

My family had only recently moved into a new neighborhood. All of my neighbors have been very friendly and helpful since we moved in.

However, Mrs Davis, an elderly lady living in the last house on the other side of the road, escaped associating with us, or anyone else. When I asked around the neighborhood why, they warned me not to go after her because they thought she was insane (精神失常的) and preferred staying alone after losing her husband and only daughter in an aircraft crash. After that, she stayed isolated (孤立的) from all the neighbors, refusing all the care and help.

I often saw her on the streets during the evening, but she was always by herself. She appeared weak and I always wanted to help her, but after hearing what my neighbors had said about her, I wasn’t sure whether I should.

One day, when I was on my way to the supermarket, our paths crossed. I was walking past her and overheard her singing a tune. It immediately drew my attention because my parents used to sing the same song with me. I began to sing along with her, and she smiled at me for the first time. But when I smiled back, she quickly hurried her pace and went home.

She seemed very different to me that day. I refused to trust my neighbors’ claims that she had cut herself off from the rest of society because she was insane, so the next day, I knocked on her door. Mrs Davis was home, and instead of letting me in, she just looked at me silently through the window. I noticed her staring at me and was about to walk to the window when she quickly closed the curtains.

The next day, I revisited her house. “Hello, I brought you something,” I called out to her. “It’s the record of the music you were singing yesterday.”

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

The door opened and Mrs Davis’ eyes widened in surprise at the sight of me standing there.


Several days later in the morning, the doorbell rang at my house.

2024-05-08更新 | 172次组卷 | 9卷引用:河南省驻马店市新蔡县新蔡县第一高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题
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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

On rainy days, Juanita liked to climb the attic (阁楼) stairs and play with her stuffed animals (毛绒玩具) under the roof. Here she could hear the drumming sound of the rain. The attic was dark on stormy days, but Juanita thought it was comfortable to have only one light bulb (灯泡) on.

Today, Juanita was pretending that her stuffed animals were Olympic athletes. The event was the high jump, so Juanita threw them into the air to see how high they could fly. Tom, her stuffed monkey, flew so high that he hit the ceiling and went over into a dark corner.

When Juanita went to find Tom, she saw a box on the floor in the corner. It was dusty (布满灰尘的), with gold corners and a metal lock that held it shut. Its key was lying just beside it. She had never noticed this box before. What could be inside?

Juanita brought the box and the key over to the middle of the attic, under the light bulb where she could see better. She opened it carefully and looked inside. Inside the box were a lot of black and white photos. Most of them were of a small girl with her hair braided (编辫子).

The girl looked just like Juanita! This was confusing. “I’ve never been to that house,” she thought as she looked through the photos. There was a gray farmhouse in the background of each picture. How could Juanita be in pictures of a place she had never been to?


Juanita ran downstairs with the photos to show her mom.


Juanita asked her mom to take some photos for her and hang them up with Grandma’s.

完形填空(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Just before New Year, the principal (校长) called me into his office and asked me to read a poem written by me at the New Year party. “Sure,” I said with a smile, my dreams of being a famous ________ floating in my mind.

For weeks, I worked on my poem, ________ bettering the structure, sound, and voice. I reread my Emily Dickinson and William Wordsworth for ________. I practiced reciting it aloud. I revised, revised, revised. By December 30th, the day of the event, I was ________.

Well, I was confident until I looked around and realized how many people were there. And how big the hall was, and how ________ I felt about myself. How could I ________ a piece of my poetry to 800 people? My heart was beating so hard I thought everyone around me could ________ it. I was nervous. I could feel cool shakes run down my back. I couldn’t remember why I had said yes to the ________. Then the light darkened, the crowd quieted. It was starting.

Suddenly, I was on stage with the bright white lights blinding my view of the audience and the feeling that my ________ was closing up. I leaned in to the microphone and tried out my ________ as I read the title: “Let There Be Light.” My voice boomed (声音低沉洪亮) from the speakers loudly and sounded much more confident than I felt.

The room was ________ as I began my piece, and I tried to focus on the words and ________ the people. The words somehow ________ in the right order, the lines flowed together properly, and I even remembered which words to ________. I finally came to the last line of the poem and breathed a deep sigh of relief. It was over.

The room was dead silent. Maybe no one liked it. I felt like I was going to faint. Then out of the silence there was ________, cheering, and smiling. I had done it. I had shared a piece of my poetry with the world.

A.gave outB.ended upC.spoke outD.came out
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7 . Ice formed in the small pool. Then I would go to the hockey rink (冰球场). I picked up my hockey stick, holding it in the way I formed a big “T”, stepped onto the ice, and moved closely toward the middle. Should I go through, the stick would hopefully keep me from going completely under.

The next day it rained. Rain can do one of two things to a backyard hockey rink. It can either make it the smoothest surface, or it can turn it into those terrible rumble strips (减速带) on the highways. More often it is the latter. On Saturday morning my brother discovered that was what had happened to our ice. “Let’s go and see Dad.”

Taking an old iron box from the backyard, my father taught us to fill it with wood. He then tied a line to a hole at one end of it — the homemade Zamboni (磨冰机) machine, “Once the fire really gets going, the box will get really hot,” he said. “Then we just move it around and it will smooth down the bumpy (不平的) surface.” Finally, Dad began to move it across the pool. After about twenty yards, still moving forward, he said to us over his shoulder, “Well?” “Nothing,” I answered.

For many people this might have been the sign to end the project. But not our father. As we skated off the ice and returned to the kitchen for hot chocolate, he kept going, patiently walking line after line. He stayed out there, until afternoon turned into early evening. The pool would have to wait for warmer weather.

There’s a lesson in the Zamboni about fatherhood, I think: that it is not about being perfect in your actions but perfect in your intention. Love is not smooth as glass, but bumpy as ice with rumble strips, and holes, and places to fall down. Sometimes no one will be watching you walk line after line, but they’ll remember that you were out there.

Perhaps the Zamboni really did work.

1. Why did the author form a “T” with the hockey stick?
A.To ensure safety.B.To keep calm.
C.To measure the ice.D.To play the sport better.
2. What was Father’s solution to the problem?
A.Making holes in the ice.B.Filling the gaps with wood.
C.Smoothing the lines with heat.D.Applying pressure to the bumpy surface.
3. Which word best describes Father’s attempt?
4. How did the author feel about Father’s Zamboni?
A.It’s a family tradition.B.It’s a symbol of love.
C.It’s a special invention.D.It’s a challenge to fatherhood.
2024-04-29更新 | 52次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省商丘市青桐鸣2023-2024学年高一下学期3月联考英语试题
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8 . It’s 3 am. I _________ the phone on the wall, ending the conversation with the last of my friends. I can no longer press them for their _________ on what I should do: accept a job as a university officer or move to New York to be an actor?

I feel _________ about what to choose. My eldest sister says that deep inside, I know what the _________ path is, and if I just get quiet enough, that _________ will come up to the surface. But I don’t know how.

I _________ the advantages and disadvantages repeatedly. I can see myself being happy with either _________. “Safe but predictable (可预见的)? Creative but _________? Which should I choose?” I said _________ taking a deep breath.

Suddenly I had an idea. If it’s true that I can be happy with either path, then why not let __________ decide? From my jeans pocket, I __________ a coin. Heads, university. Tails, New York, I flip (轻抛) it.

It __________ beautifully on the table. Heads, Bad luck, Bad luck?! At that moment, I know what I must do. My passion (酷爱) __________ by itself, just as my sister says.

We make __________ every day. Some of them are important: others are not. My __________? Bring lots of change with you, and, like me, let it lead you to your heart.

A.hang upB.pick outC.take apartD.fix up
A.put backB.pull outC.throw awayD.set aside
2024-04-29更新 | 67次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省商丘市青桐鸣2023-2024学年高一下学期3月联考英语试题
完形填空(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . On the choppy waters of the Bay of Bengal, a ship ________ with migrant workers returned to Andhra Pradesh. One of the workers ________ out at the waves and had a dream about the 2-year-old son he hadn’t seen since birth. The dream was filled with colors and promise.

When he ________ to his village, the man requested a meeting with the elders. ________ , the elders agreed, and the young son, Sam, became the only child in the village chosen to go to school.

“Even though many in my village hated me, and I often felt ________ , I kept going,” says Sam, who continued his schooling even when his father died,________ the family to fend(照顾) for themselves for survival.

When Sam finished public school, he was accepted to an American university. It ________ he would have to leave his mother and brother living at the lowest level of ________ in the village. He wouldn’t see them for two years. But his soul was good, and he was patient, even as his ________ hurt.

In university, his soul lit up, and he reveled in learning all he could ________ . From there, it was on to Washington, D. C. for a doctoral degree and a ________ in the Education Department.

Finally, Sam could fulfill the dream his father had for him: to bring ________ to the village. He sent most of his money back to the village to build a ________ school and pay for teachers. A brick building ________ on the dirt lot. Computers arrived, along with electricity and the internet. Sam returned every summer to work with the minister of education and invited every child to school.

“I have much,” he says. “So I give much.”

His father would be ________.1.
A.cleaned upB.went upC.built upD.took up
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10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其所写内容以及所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I was a volunteer at the beginning of this year. It is aimed at helping children who suffer from cancer. One day, we were asked to raise money for cancer research.

Since my friend Lisa was also a volunteer for the organization, I went to the event with her. There were many people at the event. After seeing our poster, some people came to us and talked with us. But few people donated money. It was a bit hot that day. Both Lisa and I got really upset.

Half an hour later, Lisa started complaining, “I don’t think we can raise much money today. ”

“Don’t worry. The event lasts for three hours. There is still a lot of time left,” I said, though I also thought poorly of our plan to raise much money that day.

While Lisa and I were talking, a little boy of about eight years old came to us. He stood in front of our poster and started reading.

After a while, he asked, “What is cancer?”

I explained what cancer is. Then I said, “Many people around the world are suffering from cancer. It can be really dangerous. More research is needed to learn about it so that people with it can suffer less. ”

“Do children suffer from cancer, too?” asked the boy.

“Yes. Many children suffer from cancer. Some of them may die. They need help. ” Lisa said and I nodded.

Hearing that, the boy became sad. The boy looked into our donation container and only saw a few one­dollar and five­dollar bills. The boy said nothing after seeing that and left. Neither Lisa nor I thought the boy would return. However, about twenty minutes later, the boy did return.


The boy happily ran to us and asked, “Would you take a donation from children?”


Both Lisa and I were deeply touched.

2024-04-15更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省封丘县第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月阶段性考试英语试卷
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