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1 . I cannot stop thinking about the video of a 10-year-old girl facing her fears at the top of a ski jump. Her fear, her courage, her joy, her pride — the whole thing has really touched me. Of course, the video makes me reflect on the times when I experienced the similar feeling. I remember how in those moments every cell in my body vibrated (颤动) with life. But it also reminded me of the times I didn’t choose the more risky options.

I’ve always been a little bit of a chicken when it comes to my physical safety but I definitely pushed myself more when I was younger. Now that I’m a mom, I feel like I have to stay safe. I worry about what my kids would do without me and that leads me to make safe choices.

But as I watch this fourth grade overcome her fears, I think about how much this experience will mean to her in the future; she’ll always have this as a reference point when she comes up against something scary or difficult. She’ll be able to look back on this and say, “Well, I did that and the worst part was the bad feeling at the beginning.”

I know I want that view for my 8-year-old daughter and 5-year-old son. I know I want them to take risks. Maybe not every day, maybe not ski-jumping, definitely not extreme sports, but I deeply hope that they will push themselves to their limits, facing down fear with whatever tools they can use and enjoying the great rush that comes from attempting scary things and getting to the other side of them.

So if I want that for my kids, I have to honestly look at my own relationship with risk and say that yes... I play it safe. And I have to ask myself another question: Am I doing enough? Or do I need to make some changes in my life so that my daughter and son can be inspired to make their own brave decisions?

1. How did the author react when watching that video?
A.She felt ashamed of herself.
B.She realized that sport was dangerous.
C.She thought of her own past experiences.
D.She regretted taking part in some risky activities.
2. After becoming a mother, the author chooses to ______.
A.be careful of her safety
B.push herself to her limits
C.be overprotective of her kids
D.pick up the risky activities again
3. The fourth grader’s overcoming her fears makes the author realize ______.
A.having safe choices is important
B.taking a risk isn’t as scary as it seems
C.overcoming fears requires a long time
D.making preparations for future is necessary
4. The author most probably thinks that she should ______.
A.let her kids play with the girl in the video
B.certainly allow her kids to try ski-jumping
C.use some tools to practice her kids’ courage
D.participate in more risk activities to set an example
5. What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Pushing Ourselves to Our Limits
B.Paying Attention to Kids’ Activities
C.Learning a Kind of Risky Activities
D.Encouraging Kids to Choose What They Like
2022-03-07更新 | 165次组卷 | 2卷引用:三轮冲刺卷 02-【赢在高考·黄金20卷】备战2022年高考英语模拟卷(天津专用)
完形填空(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . For my 8th birthday my ________ was a shiny blue bike. My older sisters decided to teach me to ride. We lived on Edgewood Avenue at the top of a steep hill. My ________, Agnes and Christina, put me on my bike and ________ me hard, yelling instructions, “Peddle! Steer! Use the brakes!” Needless to say, I was rushing down the street ________ trying to hold on.

I bumped into the curb (路缘), ________ over the handlebars onto the sidewalk, skinning my knees, hurting my hands and crying loudly. Instead of offering ________, my sisters yelled at me ________ I hadn’t listened to their instructions. Weeks ________ before I tried again. This time I walked my bike to the ________ parking lot behind the schoolyard. I kept repeating the instructions to myself and after a few awkward ________ and even more painful spills I learned to ride a bike.

Learning life lesson is ________ like learning to ride a bike. Some life lessons are ________ to learn. We don’t always get to choose where we learn them; we don’t always have good teachers and we are not always ________. Sometimes we find ourselves madly trying to hold on.

But things are different now.

My husband, Rich, ________ my sons to ride a bike. First he raised their training wheels a little and they rode around the block getting used to the unstable ________. After he removed the training wheels he would run along the side of the bike holding on to the seat to ________ them. Up and down our street they would go with Rich calling out, “You ________ have it! You’re doing great!” until my son would call out “Let go”. Rich would let go but still run along, just ________. It was a happy day in the neighborhood.

When the life lessons come along in this New Year you may ________ them from a patient and kind teacher; you may have them surrounded by ________ and encouragement. And you may have someone stay by your side until you have found victory.

A.in timeB.in reliefC.in turnD.in case
2022-03-03更新 | 231次组卷 | 6卷引用:三轮冲刺卷 01-【赢在高考·黄金20卷】备战2022年高考英语模拟卷(天津专用)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约570词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇议论文。文章主要通过David McCullough老师的话,引发家长们的讨论:即学生是否是特别的。通过研究表明:不管特不特别,我们应该重视的是教孩子如何客观地评价自己以及变得特别的方法。

3 . “Do not get the idea that you’re anything special, because you’re not.” This is what English, teacher David McCullough told graduating seniors at Wellesley High School. Mothers and fathers present at the ceremony — and a whole lot of other parents across the internet — took issue with McCullough’s words. But lost in the anger and protest was something we really should be taking to heart: our young people actually have no idea whether they’re particularly talented or not. In our eagerness to raise their self-esteem, we forgot to teach them how to realistically assess their own abilities. In fact, it’s not just privileged high-school students: we all tend to view ourselves as above average. Therefore, it is of vital significance for us to learn and teach our kids how to evaluate ourselves (themselves) objectively.

Inflated (膨胀的) self-judgments have been found in study after study, and it’s often exactly when we’re least competent (有能力的) at a given task that we rate our performance most generously. In a 2020 study published in the journal Medical Education, for example, medical students who scored the lowest on an essay test were the most sympathetic in their self-evaluations, while high-scoring students judged themselves much more strictly. Poor learners, the authors note, “lack insight” into their own incapability. Why should this be? Another study, led, by Cornell University psychologist David Dunning, offers an explanation. People who are incapable, he writes, suffer from a “dual burden”: they’re not good at what they do, and their incapability prevents them from recognizing how bad they are.

In Dunning’s study, subjects scoring at the bottom on tests of logic, grammar and humor “extremely overestimated” their talents. Although their test scores put them in the 624 th, they guessed they were in the 12th. What these individuals lacked (in addition to clear logic, proper grammar and a sense of humor) was “meta cognitive skill” (元认知技巧): the ability to monitor how well (or badly) they’re performing. In the absence of that ability, the subjects arrived at an overly hopeful view of their own abilities.

Fortunately, there are a couple of ways to cope with this problem. First, we can learn to make honest comparisons with others. Train yourself to recognize excellence, even when you yourself don’t possess it, and compare what you can do against what truly excellent individuals are able to accomplish. Second, seek out feedback that is frequent, accurate and specific. Find a critic who will tell you not only how poorly you’re doing, but just what it is that you’re doing wrong. As Dunning notes, success indicates to us that everything went right, but failure is more ambiguous: any number of things could have gone wrong. Use this feedback to figure out exactly where and when you made a mistake.

If we adopt these strategies — and most importantly, teach them to our children — they won’t need parents, or a graduation ceremony speaker, to tell them whether they’re special or not. If they are, they’ll already know that they are. Or they’ll have a plan to get that way.

1. Which of the following best describes the parents’ attitude towards David McCullough’s words?
2. The author thinks the problem that shouldn’t be ignored is that ______.
A.we don’t know whether our young people are talented or not
B.young people can’t reasonably define themselves
C.no requirement is set up for young people to get better
D.we always tend to consider ourselves to be privileged
3. Which is NOT mentioned about poor learners according to the passage
A.They lack the capacity to monitor how they are performing.
B.They usually give themselves high stores in self-evaluations.
C.They tend to be unable to know exactly how badly they perform.
D.They are intelligently incapable in tests and exams.
4. We can infer from the passage that those high-scoring students ______.
A.are not confident about their logic and grammar
B.tend to have overly hopeful view of their own abilities
C.don’t know how well they perform due to their strict self-judgment
D.are more strict in their self-evaluations because of their proper meta cognitive skills
5. The strategies of becoming special suggest that ______.
A.the best way to recognize excellence is to study past success and failure
B.through comparison with others, one will know where and when he fails
C.we need internal honesty with ourselves and external honesty from others
D.neither parents nor a graduation ceremony speaker can tell whether one is special
6. Which can be the best title of this passage?
A.Special or Not? Teach Kids To Figure It Out
B.Let’s Admit That, We Are Not That Special
C.Tips On Making Ourselves More Special
D.Tell The Truth: Kids Overestimate their Talents
2022-03-03更新 | 239次组卷 | 2卷引用:天津市高三年级-社会类阅读理解名校好题
完形填空(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . It started with a dogwood (山茱英) tree.

I was in Ohio when my mother died on a cold day in February, and everything was ______.A few weeks into my grief (悲痛), my uncle suggested planting a tree in her______. He had visited my parents decades before during a California spring. They drove down a neighborhood street______blooming (盛开的) dogwood trees and ever since, the______of a dogwood reminded him of my mom.

We planted the dogwood in May. Its gray trunk was as thin as my mother's arms. It lay in the______much like her ashes (骨灰) would settle on the rocky soil of the Rocky Mountains five years later.

Planting a living thing to______her hard life that ended too soon soothed (抚慰) my heart. This tree would be a symbol of her, something I could _______despite all I’d lost.

My mother could make anything_______.She possessed not just green thumbs but green hands and a nature that could raise anything but_______

As a young adult, I was never good at cultivation (培养)— opportunities, relationships, flowers._______distance and poor health, my relationship with my mom never got the_______to blossom like I'd hoped.

But my mom’s dogwood grew. Its ______pushed into the hard soil; its white blossoms________like stars every June. This tree gave me hope that life goes on ______the past.

Soon I began buying other plants. Without explanations, these plants______ thrived (旺盛) under my care. And I grew, too, learning how to ______them. So many lessons that nature already knew, that my mother must have known but didn’t have time to ______, I applied to my own life.

A part of me believes this is my mother's ______she gave to me after death — the ability to encourage and celebrate______where there was none, to make flowers appear out of dirt. It is her reminder to find the good in whatever I’m_____ , and a promise that wherever she is, it is beautiful.

Though she has been gone for more than 14 years, I can still find her in my garden.

A.lined withB.made ofC.flooded withD.loaded with
A.live up toB.adapt toC.hold on toD.catch up to
A.Far fromB.Because ofC.In face ofD.Apart from
A.in spite ofB.in case ofC.in regard toD.in addition to
2022-03-02更新 | 332次组卷 | 4卷引用:押天津卷16—35题 完形填空夹叙夹议文-备战2022年高考英语临考题号押题(天津卷)
完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . I understand why people say experience counts. However, when it comes to finding new solutions to problems, _______ can be an advantage. Not being _______ by conventional thinking frees me up to think differently.

I became an engineer _______. Despite completing a college course to teach nursery school, I soon _______ to focus on math. It was a _______ decision to leave teaching and pursue my fast-growing _______ for math. But with some guidance from a university professor, my education took another _______ and I graduated with a degree in engineering.

I realized my early lack of experience could be a(n) _______. Being a newcomer left me _______ to ask “stupid” questions. The answer was ________ to more experienced members of the team. The people surrounding me were happy—once I had ________ the courage—to let me ________ them and learn from them.

The team spirit was infectious (有感染力的). My questions were not ________ as stupid by colleagues; ________ they helped me look at problems from a different ________ and consider new approaches.

Most inventions begin with a(n) ________. When our team sets out to invent something new, we discuss the problem and the possible ways to ________ it. It’s a team effort and this is ________ in patent applications-they represent the team’s ideas, regardless of who ________ suggested them. Asking unusual questions helped me develop an inventor’s mind, one that is unconstrained (不受限制的) by standard ways of ________ problems.

A.on purposeB.on occasionC.by accidentD.by order
A.taken upB.torn upC.used upD.built up
2022-02-21更新 | 176次组卷 | 3卷引用:二轮拔高卷 10 -【赢在高考·黄金20卷】备战2022年高考英语模拟卷(天津专用)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约610词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . I’d done it before, and so I had no reason to believe that this time would be any different. I was sure that when I returned home from my mission trip, as always, I’d bring back nothing more than some mud on my boots, a hole or two in my jeans and, of course, a lot of great memories.

The summer before my high school graduation, I went to West Virginia with others as volunteers to repair the homes of those in need. Arriving at our destination, my group was assigned the task of rebuilding sections of a home that had been damaged by fire. No sooner had we parked on the home’s dirt driveway than we saw an excited little girl, no more than six years old, standing in the doorway of the family’s temporary home. Shoeless and wearing dirty clothes and the biggest smile I’d ever seen, she yelled, “Ma, Ma, they really came!” I didn’t know it then, but her name was Dakota, and four more days would pass before she’d say another word near me.

Behind Dakota was a woman in a wheelchair — her grandmother, we’d soon learn. I also discovered that my job that week would be to help change a fire-damaged dining room into a bedroom for this little girl. Over the following days, I noticed Dakota peeking at us every now and then as we worked. A few times, I tried talking with her, but she remained shy and distant, always flying around us like a tiny butterfly but keeping to herself.

By our fifth and final day, however, this was about to change. Before I went to work on her home on that last morning, I spoke for a moment or two with the grandmother. I was especially pleased when she told me how much Dakota loved her new room — so much. As we talked, I noticed something I hadn’t seen before — Dakota was hiding behind her grandmother.

Cautiously, she stepped into view, and I could see that just like her clothes, her face was still dirty. But no amount of soil could hide those bright blue eyes and big smile. She was simply adorable. Slowly, she began walking toward me. It wasn’t until she was just inches away that I noticed the folded piece of paper in her tiny hand. Silently, she reached up and handed it to me. Once unfolded, I looked at the drawing she’d made with her broken crayons on the back of an old coloring book cover. It was of two girls — one much taller than the other — and they were holding hands. She told me it was supposed to be me and her, and on the bottom of the paper were three little words that instantly broke my heart: “Please don’t leave”. Now almost in tears, I couldn’t control myself anymore — I bent down and hugged her. She hugged me, too. And for the longest time, neither of us could let go.

I left for home early the next morning. I was returning with muddy boots and holes in my jeans. But because of Dakota, I brought back something else, too — a greater appreciation for all of the blessings of my life. I’ll never forget that barefoot little butterfly with the big smile and dirty face. I pray that she’ll never forget me either.

1. What did the author expect before taking this mission trip?
A.An exciting experience.B.A special memory.
C.A routine result.D.A surprising change.
2. From the appearance description of the little girl, we know ________.
A.she was an innocent and lovely childB.she hoped for a better education
C.she was strong and calm in the inner worldD.she formed a bad living habit
3. The underlined part means that the little girl ________.
A.enjoyed meeting meB.feared to talk with me
C.desired to approach meD.resisted accepting me
4. How did the author feel after unfolding the piece of paper?
A.She worried about the little girl’s future.
B.She decided to keep helping the little girl.
C.She felt a greater affection for the little girl.
D.She got surprised at the little girl’s worthless gift.
5. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.One must learn to share life experiences.
B.One should be more grateful for the gift of life.
C.One often wants to lead a meaningful life.
D.One occasionally benefits from the poverty.
2022-01-04更新 | 324次组卷 | 6卷引用:二轮拔高卷 06 -【赢在高考·黄金20卷】备战2022年高考英语模拟卷(天津专用)
完形填空(约320词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . In October, I told the eight-year-olds about my plan. “I’d like all of you to do extra jobs to _________ some money. Then we’ll buy food for a Thanksgiving dinner for someone who might not have a nice dinner _________.” I wanted the children to _________ that it’s more blessed to give than to _________. I wanted them to understand that kindness is _________ nice ideas and that people somehow have to make it come _________.

Early in the week, the boys and girls arrived in class seizing their hard-earned money and couldn’t wait to go shopping. I watched _________ they ran up and down the supermarket aisles. _________, we headed toward the checkout. Then someone _________ a “necessity” that sent them racing.

“Flowers!” Kristine cried. The group rushed toward the holiday __________. I pronounced, “You can’t eat flowers.” “But Mrs. Sherlock, we want flowers.” __________, I sighed as the children moved a pot of purple daisies (雏菊) into the cart.

Then we set off for the house of a needy grandmother and finally __________ in front of a small house in the woods. A woman with a tired face came to the door to __________ us. My little group hurried to get the turkey and the trimmings. As each box was carried in, the old woman thanked us — much to children’s __________. When Amy put the daisies on the counter, the woman seemed __________.

We returned to the car. Fastening seat belts, we could see the kitchen window. The woman inside waved goodbye, then turned and walked across the room, past the turkey, past the trimmings, __________ to the daisies. She put her face in the flowers. When she raised her head, there was a __________ on her lips. She was transformed before our eyes. The children were quiet. In that one brief __________ they had seen for themselves the __________ they possessed to make another’s life better. The children had __________ that sometimes a person needs a pot of funny flowers on a dark November day.

A.better thanB.rather thanC.other thanD.more than
A.pulled upB.settled downC.turned outD.got through
2022-01-04更新 | 523次组卷 | 3卷引用:天津市高三年级-完形填空名校好题
阅读理解-阅读表达(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面的短文,并根据短文内容回答后面的问题。

Trevor Baylis,the inventor has a swimming pool just inside his front door and a hot tub(盆)on the front. This energetic former stunt man(替身演员),with a training in structural engineering and a swimming-pool business, heard some TV talk about the difficulty of sending out warnings of Aids in Africa because without power or batteries, radios were useless.

So he invented a clockwork(发条)wind-up radio: turn round the handle for 60 seconds and you can hear the whole of The World At One and The Arches. He got mentioned in a BBC programme. There was a meeting with Nelson Mandela and an OBE from the Queen. There are his spots on radio and television.

As a Junior High school dropout from Hendon in London, however, he wants to do something to help all the inventors less lucky than him. He wants to set up an Academy of Invention.

“I’ve learned something in my 62 years,” he says. “I don’t mind anybody looking down on me, as long as they don’t expect me to be looking up. If someone’s got a problem with me, it’s their problem. They say, ‘You’re rather strange .’ Well, if being strange means you live in a house with an indoor swimming pool and a hot tub on the front, let’s be strange. People may think I am out of the trees, but to believe convention(惯例)is something that prevents answer. You may give a conventional person a problem, they’ll come up with a conventional answer. Conventional people can’t deal with the questions of unconvention .”

1. What did Trevor invent?
2. Was Trevor a successful student according to the passage?And why?
3. What does the underlined phrases “out of the trees”mean in this passage ?
4. What is Trevor’s opinion about convention according to the last paragraph ?
5. What can we learn from the passage?
2021-12-24更新 | 109次组卷 | 2卷引用:二轮拔高卷 03-【赢在高考·黄金20卷】备战2022年高考英语模拟卷(天津专用)
阅读理解-阅读表达(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 读短文,并按照题目要求用英语回答问题。

When I was in primary school, I got into an argument with a boy in my class. I have forgotten what the argument was about, but I have never forgotten the lesson learned that day.

I was convinced that “I” was right and “he” was wrong—and he was just as convinced that I was wrong and “he” was right. The teacher decided to teach us a very important lesson. She brought us up to the front of the class and placed him on one side of her desk and me on the other.

In the middle of her desk was a large, round object. I could clearly see that it was black. She asked the boy what color the object was. “White,” he answered. “I couldn’t believe,” he said “the object was white, for it was obviously black!” Another argument started anytime, this time about the color of the object.

The teacher told me to go to stand where the boy had been standing and told him to come to stand where I had been. We changed places, and now she asked me what the color of the object was. I had to answer, “White.” It was an object with two differently-colored sides, and from his viewpoint it was white. Only from my side was it black.

My teacher taught me a very important lesson that day: You must stand in the other persons’ shoes and look at the situation through their eyes in order to truly understand their perspective.

1. What is the meaning of the underlined words “was convinced” in Paragraph 2? (No more than 3 words)
2. What did the teacher ask the students while changing positions? (No more than 8 words)
3. Why are both of their answers right? (No more than 10 words)
4. What is the main idea of the text? (No more than 10 words)
5. What do you think of the teacher? And why? (No more than 20 words)
2021-12-16更新 | 169次组卷 | 3卷引用:2020年天津卷阅读表达变式题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Half a year before graduation from college, my son David began to seek a job. Due to the financial crisis, the competition was ever-fierce. My son targeted a company that was located in a coastal city. It was intended to employ only one person among more than twenty people. I said to David, “You should not have too much hope for fear that you would feel terribly disappointed when you fail." He said to me, "I am not afraid of disappointment. As long as I try, there will always be hope!"

Three young men could enter the final round, which would later decide one person to be employed, Everything seemed to go quite well and David entered the final round in a week. Unexpectedly, the interview was unbelievably simple, during which the interviewer only chatted with them for a while. The interview strategies my son prepared were not useful at all. The interviewer said the company would inform them of the result in 3 days. On the morning of the third day, David received the text from the company that he was not employed. David felt disappointed.

In nightfall that day, David suddenly told me excitedly on phone that he had been employed. Greatly surprised, I asked him, "What's the whole matter?" David told me that he received another text saying that he was employed. David felt very confused about it. Later he found out the first text sent to him was also part of the test in the interview. Three men received the same text this morning and only David's reply was satisfying to the company. I asked my son, “How did all of you reply?" My son said, "One did not reply. The other said "goodbye" and I said "thank you"."

Only then did I know that my son's “hope" came in that way. That is, when you feel disappointed, do not forget to say “Thank you" to the one who disappoints you. Actually, it is a piece of cake to say "Thank you". Saying “Thank you" shows respect for others' work and demonstrates your grand generosity. Therefore, while under the same condition, you will get the upper hand in terms of opportunities compared with others!

1. What can we learn about David from Paragraph 1?
A.He was not hopeful of getting the job.
B.He wasn't afraid of failure.
C.He wanted to work for a company in the local city.
D.David was eager to find a job because of the pay.
2. Which of the following is True about David's final round interview?
A.The result was announced on the spot.
B.The three young men performed equally well.
C.David's preparations for the interview were not used.
D.David was nervous because the competition was really fierce.
3. How did David feel at first when he got the job offer?
4. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.The author thought it's not easy to say thank you.
B.The author believed it's helpful to say thank you.
C.The author was sure that his son would get the job.
D.The author was disappointed when his son was not employed.
5. What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Never Give Up Hope
B.A Young Man And His Hope
C.The Magic Power of "Thank You"
D.Sunshine Always Appears After Storm
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