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1 . I am a big laugher. I’ve been told that even in a room of a thousand people, you can always hear me laughing over the crowd. For me, laughter is the ultimate form of embodied joy. And by “embodied”, I mean that my whole body is involved when I laugh. On the inside, it’s like a bubbling fountain of joy spilling out all over the place.

But what is joy, anyway?

Life can be terrible, but if you decide to follow the sound of the joy-fountain, you will find joy showing up in all kinds of places: pets playfully bouncing around, kindness, or even in nothingness.

How can joy be found? A friend moved into a new apartment and needed some help, so I helped him. Afterwards, he was obviously so much happier and at ease. I noticed that playing even a small part in his happiness brought me great joy, and I took a moment to let this feeling of embodied joy in. We can practice letting joy in by noticing how it feels to smile. Where does your body light up when you smile? When I smile, it makes me want to take a deep breath, and I notice my shoulders and belly relaxing. When I embody caring and loving, it feels great!

Sadly, many of us are unaware of joy, or suspicious of it. Maybe you are afraid to open up to joy, or maybe you are so unfamiliar with what joy feels like that you ignore or resist it when it comes knocking. No one, other than you, owns your happiness, but you might unknowingly block feelings or experiences that help you embody joy. The fact is that when you can’t embody joy, you miss out on one of life’s essential vitamins.

Want more joy? Don’t be afraid to look silly. Silliness helps us take things less personally. It helps us see the world the way a kid does. When we can find more joy in the smalls of everyday life, we can embody happiness, rather than just pursuing it.

1. How is the topic of joy introduced at the beginning of the passage?
A.By highlighting a joyful experience.
B.By stressing the importance of laughing
C.By sharing the author’s understanding of joy.
D.By presenting an ultimate form of satisfaction.
2. What might be the author’s advice on finding joy?
A.Taking a deep breath.B.Smiling to your friends.
C.Reflecting on nothingness.D.Doing small acts of kindness.
3. What might be the reason for many of us missing out on joy?
A.That many of us refuse it on purpose.
B.That many of us are insensitive to joy.
C.That many of us lack life’s essential vitamins.
D.That many of us are likely to take joy for granted.
4. What message does the author convey in this text?
A.He who laughs last laughs best.
B.Happy people are happy in childhood.
C.Worry does not seek, but man seeks it.
D.Love of joy is belief; the creation of joy is life.
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . If you want to greatly improve your results in whatever goal you are trying to obtain, there is one thing you can do to make this happen.     1     By understanding this, you will see just why the method I am going to tell will work so well.

Normally when people set a goal, the excitement is high and the energy level is plentiful.     2     This is great, but what normally happens after a few weeks or months is that they start going into a passive state of mind. Basically, their intensity level drop sharply and they find themselves less passionate about obtaining their goals. So to greatly improve your results, you must increase your intensity.

    3     If you’ve ever played a sport where you compote with your opponent, you will notice that often you can defeat a person with more skills than you by simply playing at a higher intensity level than they are playing.

I have experienced this myself many times playing various sports. For some reason, whenever I compete with someone who I know is better than me, my intensity level goes through the roof.     4     The odd thing is that even if they are more skilled than me, I sometimes find myself being able to beat them or at least come very close. In contrast, when I compete with someone who I know I can beat, my intensity level is usually a lot lower.

    5     If you want to greatly improve your results in achieving your goals, you need to increase your intensity, and the way you do that is by seeing yourself as the underdog. When you run after your goals with that kind of intensity compared to going at it in a passive manner, you will greatly increase your odds of obtaining your goals.

A.Here’s what I am getting at.
B.Let’s look at an example of this in the world of sports.
C.So they go out and start taking massive amounts of action.
D.It’s the voice inside of you that screams, “I will not back down!”
E.I will go all out just to be able to keep up with their level of play.
F.Before I get into that though, let’s take a look at how most people try to achieve their goals.
G.However, you can still increase your intensity simply to achieve your goals in the first place.
2023-06-21更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省江南十校联考2022-2023学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题
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3 . For some of us, it needs not be a long life as long as it’s been a fulfilling life of achievements, happiness and no regrets. But, how many of us actually go on to experience that entirely? It sometimes sounds more like a pipe dream —a fantasy rather than reality.

It’s a common misconception that you must give up certain parts of your full life to fulfil others—from work, to health, to relationships. Maybe you’re overwhelmed (压垮) by all the daily demands. Maybe you don’t feel like you have enough time and energy. Or maybe you just haven’t discovered your own strengths and potential to achieve everything you want in life, and so when in times of difficulty, you just give up trying to balance them all.

And then you’ll also get comments from some, saying that this ‘fulfilling life’ is only possible if you’re so rich that you don’t have to care about working, paying the bills or providing for your family. While there is some truth to that, I’m happy to say that financial (财务) freedom isn’t the only answer to living a fulfilling life.

But here’s the truth: We cannot afford to keep trading one important part of our lives to achieve another. No one can achieve true happiness this way. The reality is that different aspects of your life are interlinked and interdependent. Everything influences the other; for example, a bad family life can bring down your career, and poor health can bring down everything.

What you don’t realize is that you will pay great consequences later if you trade off one thing to achieve another right now. And these consequences are almost irreversible (不可逆转的). The secret to have a fulfilling life is to not just balance all areas of your life—but to do them all well, too.

1. Why do many people give up balancing their lives?
A.They have a wrong idea of full life.
B.They are not gifted to live a full life.
C.They lack abilities to deal with difficulty.
D.They don’t intend to achieve all the goals.
2. What matters most for happiness according to the author?
3. Which opinion may the author agree with?
A.You have to trade health for wealth.
B.A full life requires being good in all areas.
C.Financial freedom guarantee a fulfilling life.
D.You have to lose something in tough times.
4. What can be the best title of this text?
A.What Is Important in Life?B.How Can We Live Longer?
C.What Is the Meaning of Life?D.How Can We Live a Full Life?
2023-06-21更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省名校联盟2022-2023学年高一下学期6月月考英语试题
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4 . I was excited when a friend suggested we team up to work on a project. I asked my supervisor (导师) for _________ and he happily agreed. But he advised that we define our expected contributions and credit before starting. I didn’t _________ him. I wasn’t going to negotiate with a fast friend, and I fully _________ my friend. Everything went _________ ; we successfully completed and published the work as co-authors.

As I worked as an assistant professor, I co-supervised students with my colleagues. I _________ the intellectual burden and was a co-author of the resulting papers. My colleagues and I were _________ with this win-win situation and everything seemed to be going fine _________   moved to another institution.

One day, I happened to see a paper published by a student I had co-supervised. I felt _________ to see that I wasn’t listed as an author or even acknowledged. I asked my former colleague about that and he _________ they had just forgotten that due to my minor contribution, but I __________ that. Plenty of other authors of the paper contributed much less to the work. We failed to come to a happy __________ and our relationship was __________.

I recalled my supervisor’s __________ and realized that I should have had clear conversations about authorship with my colleagues in the beginning, __________ our friendships. That is the best __________ to the development of long-term cooperation, which finally protects our personal and professional relationships.

A.back away fromB.listen toC.give in toD.keep off
A.in exchange forB.instead ofC.regardless ofD.in accordance with
2023-06-21更新 | 55次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省德州市第一中学2022-2023学年高二下学期6月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Staying alone can be both a challenging and rewarding experience. It offers a unique opportunity for self-reflection, personal growth, and independence. When we are alone, we can connect with our inner selves and discover our strengths and weaknesses.

In the quietness of being alone, we can escape the noise and distractions of the outside world. It allows us to slow down, be present, and appreciate the simple moments in life.     1     For example, we can read a book, listen to music, or pursue a hobby. Without the pressures of social interactions, we can focus on our own thoughts and feelings, gaining a deeper understanding of ourselves.

Being alone also encourages independence and problem-solving skills.     2     It teaches us adaptability as we go through challenges and uncertainties. We become more self-dependent and capable of handling various situations on our own.

    3     Taking time away from the constant demands of others allows us to focus on our own needs and refuel our energy reserves. It’s important to recognize that taking time for ourselves is not selfish, but rather a necessary part of self-care. By recharging our batteries, we ultimately become more productive and fulfilled in our personal and professional lives.

    4     While staying alone can be beneficial, humans are social beings by nature. We desire companionship, support, and shared experiences. It is important to reach out to loved ones, build meaningful relationships, and engage in social activities that bring us happiness and fulfillment.

In conclusion, staying alone can be a trans formative experience.     5     Embracing the state of being alone can lead to personal growth, inner peace, and a deeper understanding of ourselves. So, let us not fear being alone but embrace it as an opportunity for self-reflection and self-empowerment.

A.Being alone can increase your sense of connection to other people.
B.In fact, there are many disadvantages to being alone.
C.We can take the time to engage in activities that bring us joy.
D.When there is no one else around to rely on, we learn to make decisions independently.
E.It enables self-entertainment, independence, and refreshment in our own company.
F.However, it is essential to strike a balance between staying alone and social connection.
G.Moreover, staying alone allows us to recharge and refresh.
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。作者在文中讲述了Ritch Addison“幽默”成长的故事。
6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Ritch Addison was ashy kid. In elementary school, he didn’t speak up for himself, and he    1    (worry) a lot. But once he went to high school, he made up his mind    2    (develop) a sense of humor to make more friends. His new approach worked and he started to become known for his jokes—like the time he made fun     3    a classmate’s poor score on a math test.

“It turned out that I had gotten a hundred on the test and he didn’t do so well,” Addison recalled. “And I joked heartlessly about it.”

Then one day, his good friend, Holly, pulled him aside and said, “Ritch, sometimes you really hurt     4    (people) feeling.”

Addison    5    (shock). He had always seen himself as the one who made his friends laugh. He couldn’t imagine that he might be hurting them.

“But I kept thinking about what Holly said. Finally, I realized that she was     6    (absolute) right. I started paying attention to     7    other people was reacting to my humor,” he said.

It couldn’t happen overnight,    8    . “Over the years, I worked on    9    (be) more compassionate(同理心的) toward the people around me since I wanted to have    10    different kind of relationship with them,” he said.

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7 . I work as a teacher coach. The other day, I met with a new teacher who seemed ____. She told me she kind of ____ the first day of school. I was ____ and asked for reasons.

“There is a traditional rule for the first day. You should play games to make students ____. I’m not good at that,” she explained. I asked her about her ____ for the following days. She pulled out a notebook full of ideas. On the second day, she planned to build relationships, introduce kids to her ____ and make sure the kids get comfortable with her teaching. And she would start day three by giving a(n) ____ to know about students’ learning levels. When I finally ____ reading her lesson plan for the week, I was amazed and ____ her work. But I found she could have started working towards all of those important goals from the very beginning.

____, I encouraged her to follow her own steps on the first day instead of worrying about the traditional rules. As teachers, especially early in our careers(职业生涯), we ____ all these messages about what we’re supposed to do. But it can sometimes make us ____ to do the things we’re really good at. I think we need to ____ the fixed mindset(观念). We can trust ourselves to make use of our own ____ to meet students’ needs. By doing that, we will come up with more proper plans to ____ our students.

A.call offB.take inC.throw awayD.make up
2023-06-20更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省白山市第二中学2022-2023学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Many years ago, I went to watch a dance show with my five-year-old son Tim. The dance was presented by the San Francisco Ballet company.    1     Throughout it, he had his eyes fixed on the dancers. And later, he expressed an interest in learning to dance.

    2     His classmate who lived next door laughed, “Come on, Tim! There are no boys in my dance classes!” Moreover, some of our family members and his friends had the same attitude. They often discouraged him. “Look, Tim! In our town, no boys wear dance shoes,” they reminded him.

I gave in to other people’s views and prevented his dream. Dance lessons were put on hold. I let him take baseball classes.    3     After he gave up baseball, I asked him to try swimming lessons, the science camp, etc. But he never lost interest in learning to dance. As time went on, this interest even became stronger.

Finally, Tim got to have his dance lessons during high school. His goal was to try out for the school’s dance group which was well-known nationwide. The competition to join it was fierce (激烈的). Tim tried to spare time to practice dancing in an organization that welcomed male dancers. At last, his hard work paid off.    4    

I was proud of my son’s talent. And I regretted that I hadn’t been open-minded and hadn’t supported his interest and dream earlier. After graduation, he asked whether he could continue learning to dance in college. I agreed without hesitation (犹豫). Years later, Tim became a famous dancer.     5     Just stick to your dream and make efforts to make it come true.

A.Therefore, he left the dance group with sadness.
B.Tim was so attracted by the dancers’ performance.
C.Later, he even stood out in his school’s dance group.
D.So it’s okay to be different and never get discouraged.
E.However, he paid little attention to the coach’s guidance.
F.Tim was determined and seldom accepted others’ advice.
G.But there was no positive reaction from the people around him.
2023-06-20更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省白山市第二中学2022-2023学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

A young man seemed to take an     1     (unusual) long time to place his order at the flower shop. When the clerk asked how she could help, he     2     (explain) that his girlfriend was turning 19 and he couldn’t decide     3    to give her a dozen roses or 19 roses, one     4       each year of her life.

The woman advised, “She may be your 19-year-old girlfriend now,     5     someday she could be your 50-year-old wife.”     6     young man bought a dozen roses. He made his decision from both his head and his heart.

Too many people get it the other way around. They have hot heads and cold hearts. They react in the heat of anger or passion. They are cold. And they always make comparatively much     7    (poor) decisions.

A cool head asks the hard questions and thinks them through.     8     fairly weighs the choices and asks, “What is the logical thing to do?” A warm heart considers feelings and relationships. It asks, “What is my spirit telling me to do?”

Some decisions     9     (make) with our heads. Others with our hearts. But I think it takes both     10    (get) it right.

2023-06-20更新 | 109次组卷 | 1卷引用:2021届广东省佛山市石门中学高三高考模拟英语试题
10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构 成一篇完整的短文。

That afternoon, I had a lot of work to do. The first stop I needed to make was my mobile phone store because I didn’t know how to download apps or find music. Luckily, Carlos stood behind the counter (柜台), helping a gentleman. Carlos was quick, so I knew the wait wouldn’t be long.

Within seconds, an elderly lady hoisted (提升) her walker onto the sidewalk out front. Without saying anything, Carlos jumped over the counter, opened the door, and helped her inside. The lady sat next to me as Carlos returned to his first customer. The poor guy had missed a lot of work because his wife had been hospitalized with cancer ( 癌症). I don’t know how he did it, but Carlos made a call and got his late fees dropped and a forty-five-day extension (延长) on his payment. A few seconds later, that poor guy walked out of the store excitedly.

Carlos started my download and then went about talking with the lady in the walker. Surprisingly, she was there to bring Carlos some cookies for being so nice to her.

I was in the store for only ten minutes. And in that small amount of time, I’d seen so much consideration and kindness. That night, I kept thinking about Carlos, how he called each customer by name, and how he made everyone feel like family.

The next day, I wrote a nice letter to Carlos’s boss. I thought his boss would be interested to know how Carlos treats people. Since I took my time and did a pretty good job, I decided to mail copies to their local headquarters, their state headquarters, and the CEO.

A couple of months later, I tried to open my music app and deleted (删除) it instead. I was mad at myself. No worry, though. I realized that I could go to the phone store and see if kind Carlos would help me.

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When I entered the store, there was a mile-long line and no Carlos but an overworked woman behind the counter.


The woman said: “Carlos doesn’t work here anymore. Some woman wrote a letter and ...”

2023-06-20更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省达州市万源市万源中学2022-2023学年高一下学期5月期中英语试题
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