组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 故事
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.15 引用次数:132 题号:12205847

Happy Endings

Perry Piccolo was a rich kid who led a very nice, comfortable life, protected from most of the bad stuff in the world. One day, Perry went to the cinema to see a film he'd been dying to see. The problem was that he arrived a bit late, just as the last ticket was being sold to a very poor boy. The boy had been saving for weeks to buy this ticket. Realizing there was no ticket left, Perry was very angry, and started shouting and protesting, demanding that the boy hand his over.

“But why should I give you my ticket? I arrived before you did and I've paid for it.” said the boy.

“Because I'm more important than you! Look! I'm rich and you are poor. Don't you see?” Perry replied.

At that moment, a very distinguished looking man came over to Perry and offered him a ticket, saying, “Of course, my boy. You have more of a right than him to see this movie.”

Then Perry, in the most showy_and_superior way, walked off from the boy and entered the cinema. When he got inside the auditorium, Perry looked around and was pleased to see that the place was filled with other rich children like himself. He made his way to a seat. However, as soon as Perry sat down, he disappeared and was somehow teleported onto the cinema screen. He realized he had turned into a movie character, playing the central role in many stories. And in all those stories Perry started out with a lot of bad luck: a couple of times his parents disappeared, other times his house burned down and he lost all his money. In some stories he had to travel to countries where he didn't understand the language, in others he had to work straight from childhood, to help support all his brothers and sisters. Sometimes he found himself in a situation where everyone treated him like a fool, or like someone who had no feelings ...

Paragraph 1

In all these stories, Perry had to struggle terribly to survive and overcome his difficulties.

Paragraph 2

When all this came to an end, Perry found himself back in his seat.

【知识点】 故事 哲理感悟


书面表达-读后续写 | 困难 (0.15)

I was hit on my back as I walked down the hall. I turned around angrily, only to discover a lovely cat. His name was Oscar and he was born at the shelter I was visiting. The volunteer let me know that the mother was abandoned by her owner. She and the rest of the litter (幼崽) had been adopted quickly, but Oscar remained.

I could tell he was just what we needed. We were just married, full of love and hope, but we were also facing a few unexpected trials. Just weeks after our wedding, my husband was injured in an accident at work, which not only broke his body but his spirit. Hours of physical treatment led to sleepless nights. I hoped that this little cat would cheer up my husband.

When I brought Oscar home, I asked my husband to shut his eyes and open his hands. I handed him the cat, who reached up and rubbed his paws (爪子) against my husband’s face. It had been months since I saw my husband smile like this, and Oscar himself couldn’t stop purring (发出呼噜声).

Years passed, and our sweet Oscar continued to bring us comfort. He had an ability to know if someone was having an emotional moment; he would always try to help.

One day, I received a phone call from my mother telling me that my father had cancer. I swore to do everything I could to help him. Feeling upset, I took a bath to try to collect my thoughts. Oscar reached up, opened the closed door, and jumped directly into the bathtub with me. Hearing the loud noise, my husband ran into the bathroom to find Oscar all wet just inches from my face. That little guy was all heart.

Fortunately, my father beat cancer and recovered fully. Following his final treatment, he was given two weeks of rest at home. He asked if he and my mother could “babysit” Oscar for those weeks. We were more than happy to share.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 段落开头已给出。
Paragraph 1:

On the final day of Oscar’s visit, my father decided to bake cookies for me and my husband to thank us for “lending” him our cat.

Paragraph 2:

“Did you add these paw prints on the cookies?” I asked my dad surprisingly.

2023-03-18更新 | 118次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 困难 (0.15)


When I saw my mother at her home last month, it was a hot Sunday. I travelled there by train. As the train reduced its speed, I knew I was going to see her.

Leaving the station, I headed to the town center where I bought cakes — the kind she used to tell me to bring home. And I bought a cat, which I think can accompany her for along time. Until I got home, I didn’t think anything besides, I’m going to see her again and she’s waiting for me.

I knocked on the narrow door of the ground-floor apartment. She called out, “Yes. Come in!” “You should lock the door!” “I knew it was you. There’s no one else it could have been.”

When she saw the cat, she was very pleased as if it were my kid. She took the cakes, a little uneasy, but thanked me with a happy tone to her voice. That’s because she had already bought some for us on her way back home.

She was laughing, standing by the table. She put her hand on my shoulder, tilting her face up for me to kiss. At the same time, she was firing off questions about my trip, my children, my husband, my work...

We sat opposite each other at the table that, along with the meal she had already prepared for me, almost filled her apartment. She bought it big — it can seat at least ten people! But in six years, not once...

After meal, she tried to come up with more subjects of conversation, so that I wouldn’t go too soon, leaving her alone with her desire for me, her longing to live with me, her daughter, forever. Meanwhile, the cat approached us, which kept us busy for along time — watching it, taking turns holding it... My mother was the happiest she’d been since I got home. She seemed to have forgotten that I was going to leave.


It’s time for me to say goodbye to her.


A month later, I, along with my husband and kids, came back to visit my mother.

2023-06-02更新 | 151次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 困难 (0.15)

It was a rainy night in Portland. I was waiting at the airport for my flight to New York. With several long hours before the flight, I hunted for a novel in the airport shops, bought a bag of cookies at the checkout counter and comfortably found a place to drop.

Several minutes later, I was absorbed in my book and didn’t notice somebody settled beside me. I continued to read and contented myself with my chocolate-chip cookies, but at this moment, I saw that the man sitting beside me, as bold (胆大的) as he could be, grabbed a cookie or two from the bag in between! I was silently shocked and angry: “What?!” He looked decent and nothing like poor. Unbelievable as his rude act was, I tried to ignore it to avoid a scene.

So I munched the cookies and watched the clock, as the cookie thief cut down my stock. I was getting more annoyed as the minutes ticked by, thinking, “If I weren’t so nice, I would blacken his eye.” With each cookie I took, he took one too. The moment came when there was only one cookie left in the bag, I just glared at him and wondered what he would do. With a smile on his face, and a nervous laugh, he took the last cookie and broke it in half. He offered me half, as he ate the other. I grabbed it from him and thought: “Oh, brother! This guy has some nerve and he’s also rude! He didn’t even show any gratitude!”

I finally sighed with relief when my flight was called. Gathering my belongings and heading to the gate, I couldn’t bear to look at the thief again! After boarding the plane and sinking in my seat, I sought my book, which was almost complete. As I reached in my baggage, I was astonished! There was my almost-full bag of cookies, in front of my eyes!

“If mine are here,” I cried in silent despair, “the others were his!”
When I was waiting to claim my luggage, a familiar figure caught my eye-the “cookie thief”!
2023-11-01更新 | 93次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般