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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:100 题号:7507398

After the operation, Peter suffered severe pain, but insisted that he didn’t need any treatment. One evening, he found Susan, his wife, crying in the kitchen of their apartment in a rare outburst of frustration. “If you won’t help yourself, no one else can,” she said.

Peter started a list “How to Help Myself”, and on it he wrote, “Keep communicating with the doctors, even if they are dark thoughts.” On October 20th, a few days before his 33 birthday, Peter wrote in a Facebook post, “It’s been hard to get along with having an incurable Grade 4 brain cancer; it’s been hard not to get angry and sad about it; and it’s been hard to accept that modern medicine isn’t able to fix me.” But at the same time, he wrote, “Every day I wake up not-dead is a gift.”

Peter and Susan had other lists, detailing the things that they hoped to accomplish in life, which included a trip to Wimbledon; climbing Mt. Snowdon in Wales; and a list of musical wishes—from learning the Bach sonatas (奏鸣曲) and partitas (变奏曲) to performing the first violin part in a concert.

Peter started working on Bach’s six sonatas and partitas, the most difficult parts, which George Enescu, a world-famous violinist, once described as the Himalayas (喜马拉雅山) for violinists. Peter practiced every day, even if he could manage only fifteen minutes between medical treatments. As he mastered each piece, he posted his performances on Facebook. He finished on November 12th, then turned to the even more difficult Paganini caprices (随想曲), which he had often listened to in a recording by Itzhak Perlman. “It’s something I always wanted to play when I grew up, like wanting to be a great baseball player,” he said.

1. Susan cried in the kitchen because_______________.
A.she suffered great pain from the Grade 4 brain cancer
B.Peter refused to get medical treatment after the operation
C.nobody else wanted to help them out of the situation
D.no money was left to pay for Peter’s medical treatment
2. Which of the following can best describe Peter’s feeling when he wrote “Every day I wake up not-dead is a gift.”?
3. The couple’s list of things they hoped to accomplish in life included_______________.
A.playing tennis in Wimbledon
B.cycling in Mt. Snowdon in Wales
C.learning Mozart’s sonatas and partitas
D.playing the first violin part in a concert
4. In the last paragraph, Bach’s six sonatas and partitas is compared to the Himalayas for violinists to stress ____________.
A.its popularity among people
B.its value for learners
C.its difficulty when being learned
D.its importance in violinists’ eyes
【知识点】 故事 哲理感悟


阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The Boy Made It!

One Sunday, Nicholas, a teenager, went skiing at Sugarloaf Mountain in Maine. In the early afternoon, when he was planning to go home, a fierce snowstorm swept into the area. Unable to see far, he accidentally turned off the path. Before he knew it, Nicholas was lost, all alone! He didn’t have food, water, a phone, or other supplies. He was getting colder by the minute.

Nicholas had no idea where he was. He tried not to panic. He thought about all the survival shows he had watched on TV. It was time to put the tips he had learned to use.

He decided to stop skiing. There was a better chance of someone finding him if he stayed put. The first thing he did was to find shelter form the freezing wind and snow. If he didn’t, his body temperature would get very low, which could quickly kill him. Using his skis, Nicholas built a snow cave. He gathered a huge mass of snow and dug out a hole in the middle. Then he piled branches on top of himself, like a blanket to stay as warm as he could.

By that evening, Nicholas was really hungry. He ate snow and drank water from a nearby stream so that his body wouldn’t lose too much water. Not knowing how much longer he could last, Nicholas did the only thing he could he huddled in his cave and slept.

The next day, Nicholas went out to look for help, but he couldn’t find anyone. He followed his tracks and returned to the snow cave, because without shelter, he could die that night. On Tuesday, Nicholas went out again to find help. He had walked for about a mile when a volunteer searcher found him. After two days stuck in the snow, Nicholas was saved.

Nicholas might not have survived this snowstorm had it not been for TV. He had often watched Grylls’ survival show Man vs. Wild. That’s where he learned the tips that saved his life. In each episode of Man vs. Wild. Grylls is abandoned in a wild area and has to find his way out.

When Grylls heard about Nicholas’ amazing deeds, he was super impressed that Nicholas had made it since he knew better than anyone how hard Nicholas had to work to stay alive.

1. What happened to Nicholas one Sunday afternoon?
A.He got lost.B.He broke his skis.C.He hurt his eyes.D.He caught a cold.
2. On Tuesday, Nicholas ______.
A.returned to his shelter safely.B.was saved by a searcher.
C.got stuck in the snow.D.stayed where he was.
3. Nicholas left Grylls a very deep impression because he ______.
A.did the right things in the dangerous situation.B.watched Grylls’ TV program regularly.
C.created some tips for survival.D.was very hard-working.
2021-04-12更新 | 23次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Customers who come into the Waffle House recognize server Evoni Williams, a soft-spoken 18-year-old from Texas City. It all started with a Facebook post. On the morning of March 3, Laura Wolf was eating breakfast at the Waffle House in La Marque when she overheard an older man, who reminded her of her late father, tell Williams he had trouble with his hands. The man, later identified as regular customer Adrien Charpentier, had an oxygen tank nearby and needed help cutting up his food. “Without hesitation,” Wolf wrote, Williams “took his plate and began cutting up his ham.”

Impressed, Wolf posted the moment on her Facebook page to share the warmth and kindness with all. The following day, Williams’s Facebook notification(关注)began to light up. Her friends saw Wolf’s post and tracked her in it.

Williams had no idea that someone took a photo that morning. The diner was so busy that a line extended outside the door. She said helping Charpentier was reflexive. She has been working at Waffle House since last June to save for college, and this, she figured, was just the right thing to do. “I would want someone to help my grandmother or grandfather,” Williams said.

The post began to make its rounds in La Marque and eventually landed in front of the city’s mayor, Bobby Hocking. He decided to declare March 8 as Williams’s day, and also received an email from Texas Southern University President Austin A.Lane, asking if the school could present Williams with a scholarship.

Williams still works at Waffle House five days a week and plans to do so until she starts classes in the fall at Houston-based Texas Southern. Wolf said Williams does not have a car to get to classes, but some people have offered to start a GoFundMe page for her, proving that a moment of a kindness can change a life.

1. Why did Wolf post the photo on Facebook?
A.The photo reminded her of her late father.B.It could satisfy her inner needs.
C.She was touched by the sight.D.The customer had trouble with his hands.
2. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.Without a second thought.B.After careful consideration.
C.Winning a reward.D.Better serving customers.
3. What can we infer about Evoni Williams?
A.She seldom saw Charpentier come to the House for breakfast.
B.It was GoFundMe page that led to her good luck.
C.She is no longer working in service business.
D.She has probably received a scholarship for her college education.
4. What is the author’s purpose of writing the article?
A.To help Williams receive higher education.
B.To introduce a random act of kindness.
C.To show that young generation can always help.
D.To emphasize the influence of the social media.
2018-06-07更新 | 79次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】When it comes to dog training, I’ve come to understand that some things can be taught quickly, while others take a while. Do you know how I learned that lesson? From a French teacher I had in college.

It was beginner’s French, and from day one she had a “no English” class rule. I was confused by 99% of what she said, but I decided to give it a shot. I was excited as we began learning numbers and the alphabet, something I could easily follow, but when it came to putting together phrases, I was lost.

My teacher came up to me and said “quel est votre passe-temps favori?” which sounded like complete nonsense to me. I knew she was asking me a question, but I couldn’t figure out what it was. So I said “Sorry, I don’t understand.” Well, that broke the “no English” rule, so I just froze because I had no idea as to how to apologize in French.

So what did she do? She kept getting closer to me, repeating ‘quel est votre passe-temps favori?’ over and over, each time a bit louder, as if I had a hearing problem, rather than a complete shortage of comprehension.

I think about that class often. I really did feel hopeless, and the laughter from everyone else in class didn’t help. It’s not that she was a bad teacher. It’s just that she had very little patience for students like me who didn’t catch on immediately.

Well, it taught me to be more patient with Laika when learning new things. And since I don’t want her to be like the embarrassed kid in class, I don’t speak loudly at her or repeat myself when she doesn’t “get it.” I go back and figure out how I can help her understand and put meaning to my requests.

1. How did the author find the “no English” class rule?
A.She was confused and decided not to obey it.
B.She was excited as she could easily follow it.
C.She found it challenging and was eager to break it.
D.She thought it hard but originally was willing to try it.
2. Why couldn’t the author answer her French teacher’s question?
A.Because she didn’t hear the teacher clearly.
B.Because she didn’t know the correct answer.
C.Because she couldn’t understand the question.
D.Because she couldn’t express herself in French.
3. What does the author learn from the experience of the French class?
A.A good teacher should not set strict rules for class.
B.A good teacher should be more patient with students.
C.A good teacher should repeat herself when necessary.
D.A good teacher shouldn’t cause students’ embarrassment.
4. Who is Laika mentioned in the last paragraph?
A.The author’s student.B.The author’s classmate.
C.The author’s pet dog.D.The author’s daughter.
2020-08-02更新 | 29次组卷
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