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1 . While fake (虚假) news can take many forms, it can be divided into two broad types: misinformation and disinformation.

Misinformation is when false information is shared by someone who believes that information to be true. Normally it isn’t done on purpose.
Disinformation is when misleading or even false information is shared with the intention to deceive (欺骗) others.

There are lots of reasons why people share fake news. Often the person sharing it doesn’t realize that it’s fake. Sometimes it’s done to advertise a service or product, so that someone can make money. It could even be done to make people laugh.

Fake news can also be shared by someone who wants others to hear their own personal opinions and be affected by them. Still, fake news is shared to influence the opinions and beliefs of others about organizations and business.

Fake news? Question it!

To work out whether the “news” we are reading is fake, we can use our critical (批判性) thinking skills to ask ourselves the following questions.

Is it a mistake or just a joke?

People sometimes share information, believing that it’s true, because they don’t realize that it’s a joke. It might even be April Fools’ Day!

Are there lots of spelling and grammar mistakes?

If yes, it’s a sign that no one is checking the content. This could mean that those writing the content are not professional writers or journalists and the news content is untrustworthy (不可靠的).

Is the article advertising something?

Sometimes a news article can influence us to buy something. Companies will often pay a news organization to talk about their product as if it’s “news” to encourage people to buy it.

Is the headline believable?

Sensational (耸人听闻的) headlines encourage us to click on a story because they catch our attention. Some people get paid for every click, so before clicking, ask yourself, does the story sound made-up, or even impossible?

Is there bias (偏见)?

Sometimes certain facts have been left out of a story because the writer wants the readers to believe it. Bias is an underlying (隐含的) opinion that guides our actions. See if you can fact-check the story with another news source if you’re unsure.

When fake news causes stress or hurt to the person or people it targets (将……作为目标), it is often the case that those who have helped spread it will claim they were not to blame. However, sharing fake news is just like adding fuel (燃料) to a fire. If the false information doesn’t get shared, it doesn’t get seen and cannot fulfil its purpose. When it comes to fake news, it’s not enough to not write something, we must refuse to share it, too.

1. What’s the main difference between disinformation and misinformation?
A.Disinformation is harmful to the public, while misinformation is not.
B.Disinformation is shared to deceive others, while misinformation is often not.
C.Disinformation is aimed at young people, while misinformation is aimed at older ones.
D.Disinformation is produced by professionals, while misinformation by ordinary people.
2. People spread fake news for the following reasons except to ________.
A.trick or entertain peopleB.challenge the news industry
C.make money through advertisingD.influence public opinions and beliefs
3. According to the writer, what do lots of spelling or grammar mistakes show?
A.The news report is published in a hurry.
B.The news report isn’t professionally written.
C.The person who checks the content is careless.
D.The news report is likely to be written by a machine.
4. Which of the following can help us tell if a piece of news is fake?
① a biased fact is given          ② its headline is sensational
③ the news content seems like a joke ④any product or service is mentioned
5. Which of the following best describe the writer’s opinion on sharing fake news?
昨日更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年江苏省南京市联合体中考一模英语试题
任务型阅读-阅读填表 | 困难(0.15) |
2 . 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后1—8小题的空格里填入最恰当的内容。注意:1—7题每个空格只填1个单词;8题词数不限。

We’ve all heard people say, “Oh, that person is so creative!” about someone who is great at art. But art is just one area where people can be creative.

Any time you try something different to deal with a problem, you’re being creative. In sports, that might mean trying new moves to score a goal. In engineering, that might mean joining different materials together to make a container that will protect an egg. At home, it could mean working out a shortcut to get to your friend’s house. You are creative every day!

Are some people naturally more creative than others? Maybe, but anyone can get more creative with practice. Here are some methods that work for experts who are creative in very different ways.

Explore and imagine

Shigeru Miyamoto is the brains behind some of the world’s most popular video games, such as Super Mario Bros. He exercised his creativity (创造力) like a muscle (肌肉) when he was growing up near Kyoto, Japan. He spent hours exploring nature and going on adventures (历险) in his mind. As a game designer, he still finds joy in making up new worlds and adventures.

Make wacky mash-ups (混搭)

Dr. Neri Oxman and her team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Media Lab combine things that don’t usually go together. They mixed ideas from robots and insects when they invented small robots that spin fibers (结网) the way silkworms (蚕) do. In the future, their work may lead to groups of robots that quickly build many types of buildings.

If you come up with ideas you’re not sure about, don’t worry-you’re not alone. In the Netflix series Abstract, Dr. Oxman said she often doubts her ideas. “My father said, ‘When you create, you must always feel a little bit uncomfortable. And if you’re feeling uncomfortable and alone, you know you’re doing something right. ”

Find pictures in patterns

Have you ever looked for animal shapes in clouds? The artist Leonardo da Vinci looked everywhere for patterns that would spark his imagination. He wrote that artists should look at stone walls and irregular stains (不规则的污渍) to discover landscapes or strange faces and costumes, and an endless variety of objects. You could reduce these to complete and well-drawn forms

Being creative!
IntroductionYou can be creative almost     1     , in art, sports, engineering and even in your daily life.
    2     to be creative●Explore and imagine
Shigeru Miyamoto developed his creativity in a way that was     3     to how he would build muscles through exercise in his childhood. He stays creative by dreaming up new adventures in his     4     while exploring in nature.
●Make wacky mash-ups
Dr. Neri Oxman and her team created ideas for robots that will help build buildings in the future. Being creative may make you feel alone and uncomfortable. Anyway, you are going in the right     5     .
●Find pictures in patterns
Leonardo da Vinci believed that artists should observe everything around them to look for patterns and shapes in different things to encourage him to think     6     nd come up with new ideas.
Conclusion●Although some people are naturally more creative, being more creative takes a lot of     7    
●My ideas of being more creative: (Use 2 examples to share your ideas of being more creative)
昨日更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年江苏省南京市联合体中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . We watch our salt and fat intake to protect our hearts. We put on sunscreen (防晒霜) to protect our skin. But what can we do to protect and care for our eyes? As it turns out, quite a lot.

Wear glasses. When in the sun, we should wear sunglasses to protect our eyes from ultraviolet (紫外线的) light. When doing things that have the risk of hurting our eyes, we should wear special glasses. For example, when running in the woods, we should wear sports glasses to avoid getting our eyes hurt by branches.

Take a break from screens. Staring (盯住) at a screen can easily make our eyes dry and tired, and our eyesight worse. Take a break every 20 minutes to look into the distance for 20 seconds. It’s a great way to relax our eyes.

Eat right foods. Research shows that foods rich in vitamin (维生素) C, vitamin E, zinc, lutein, zeaxanthin and omega-3 fatty acids are good for reducing the risk of many eye diseases.

Stop bad habits. First, stop smoking. Smoking is terrible. It isn’t just bad for our lungs! It can harm our eyes, too! It causes dry eyes and makes eye disease worse. Also, try not to rub (摩擦;揉) our eyes. Rubbing makes inflammation (炎症) worse.

Repair the air. Indoor heating and air conditioning can dry out our eyes. Outdoor cold and wind can be drying, too.

See an eye doctor for a checkup. Not all eye problems are noticeable, but it’s best to find and treat them as early as possible.

1. What’s the theme (主题) of the text?
2. What’s the structure of the text? (P=Paragraph)
3. Why does the writer talk about smoking in the text?
A.Because he hates it.B.Because it can cause cancer.
C.Because it’s bad for eyes.D.Because it does harm to lungs.
4. Which of the following is not mentioned in the text?
5. What can we know from the text?
A.Running is always dangerous.B.Rubbing eyes is not a bad habit.
C.Air can also do harm to our eyes.D.Eye problems are easy to notice.
4 .

Do you know how many kinds of plants and animals there are in the world? Experts believe there are between 8 and 14 million, but right now we only know about 1.5 million. However, scientists are finding new plant and animal species (物种) all the time—and that’s good news for us.

In 2009, a university professor named Christopher Austin and his student Eric Rittmeyer discovered a new animal species. They were in Papua New Guinea, studying the wildlife on the island. One evening, they were in the jungle listening to animal sounds. The most common sound was the noise of frogs croaking loudly. But there was another sound—a much softer, high-pitched one that sounded like it came from something much smaller.

At first, they couldn’t locate the sound, but after some time, they realized it came from the ground. They searched through the grass and dead leaves carefully, but what they found surprised them. It was a tiny frog—just seven millimeters (微米) long. “This frog has a call that doesn’t sound like a frog at all, ”said Austin. The frog they discovered was the smallest in the world!

Researchers believe that frogs are important because they help keep the environment clean. We can also use them to create new medicines. Whenever we find a new species, we learn new things. For that reason, scientists work very hard to find new plants and animals every day. But their jobs are getting more difficult. The forests that these animals live in are disappearing quickly. And, sadly, so are the animals.

1. Why were Austin and Rittmeyer surprised when they found the frog?
A.There weren’t any known frogs in the area.B.The frog’s color matched the leaves perfectly.
C.It didn’t seem like the sound came from a frog.D.The frog could be used to make new medicines.
2. What did Austin and Rittmeyer probably expect to find in the grass?
A.An insect.B.An eagle.C.A rabbit.D.A snake.
3. The purpose of the last paragraph is to show that ________.
A.frogs are useful animalsB.scientists are working very hard
C.finding new species is importantD.scientists can use animals to make medicines
4. The writer says that researchers’ jobs are getting more difficult because there are fewer ________.
昨日更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年江苏省南京市联合体中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Knowing how to stay safe at home is just as important as knowing the family rules. Again, this is something you need to talk over with your mum, dad, or both of them. Go over safety rules for the kitchen if you’ll do any cooking while you’re home alone. It’s a good idea to practise what you would do in a real emergency, just in case something terrible happens.

Kids who are home alone might worry that someone could break into the house and hurt them. The good news is that this is very unlikely. But keeping the doors and windows locked will help you stay safe.

Decide with your mum or dad what to do if the phone rings or someone knocks at the door. It’s never a good idea to tell someone that you’re home by yourself. And when you get home and find the door is open or a window is broken, don’t go inside. Instead, go to a neighbour you trust and ask for help.

Other kinds of emergencies could come up too, like a fire, or you or a brother might get sick or hurt. Just in case, you’ll need to know:

◆how to dial 911

◆your address and phone number

◆the name, address, and the phone number of the place where your mum or dad works

◆the name, phone number, and address of a trusted neighbour

1. The underlined word “emergency” in the first paragraph means “________” in Chinese.
2. The second paragraph tells us the safety rules ________.
A.in the neighbour’s houseB.at home
C.in the kitchenD.in the neighbourhood
3. When you are at home, someone knocks at the door. What should you do?
A.Dial 911 right away.
B.Tell him that you’re home alone.
C.Do as your parents tell you to.
D.Open the door for him at once.
4. Which is NOT true according to the passage?
A.It’s a good idea to practise what to do in an emergency.
B.Staying safe is important.
C.It’s necessary for you to know safety rules for the kitchen.
D.It isn’t important to know the phone number of the place where your parent works.
5. The main idea of the passage is about ________.
A.how to stay safe at homeB.how to cook in the kitchen
C.how to ask for helpD.how to remember phone numbers
昨日更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年甘肃省武威市凉州区金羊九年制学校联片教研中考二模英语试题
阅读理解-单选 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Fraser Island is in Queensland, Australia, about 200 kilometers north of Brisbane. It is about 120 kilometers long and 240 kilometers wide. It is a very important island because it is completely made of sand. In fact, it is the largest sand island in the world. There is no airport on the island, but there is a long beach along the east coast. Planes arrive and leave from here.

The sand makes unusual shapes. There are hills made of sand called sand-blows. Nothing grows on them. They move one or two meters a year from the northwest towards the southeast of the island, getting bigger and bigger. At other places on the island, such as Rainbow Gorge, the Cathedrals and Red Canyon, the sandy rocks have different colors. Sometimes the rocks are so brown that they turn the sea brown, like coffee.

Surprisingly, the sandy island has a lot of different plants and animals. There are dark forests-eucalyptus woods, beautiful flowers and over a hundred lakes. There are many kinds of birds, like owls and curlews. There are many animals there, too, such as crocodiles, flying foxes and wild dogs called dingoes.

About 500, 000 people visit the island every year to see the island’s beauty and nature. People enjoy camping and hiking there. Unluckily, the visitors create problems. They damage plants and frighten animals. Their sun cream (防晒霜) makes the water dirty. So it is necessary to manage the visitors. For example, people may not use motor boats or go fishing in the lakes, and they need official papers to drive there.

1. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Shape of Fraser Island.B.Nature on Fraser Island.
C.History of Fraser Island.D.Daily life on Fraser Island.
2. From the first paragraph, we do NOT know ________.
A.how large Fraser Island is
B.what is special about Fraser Island
C.how many people live on Fraser Island
D.where planes arrive and leave on Fraser Island
3. What does the underlined word “They” in the second paragraph refer to?
A.The unusual shapes.B.The sandy hills.
C.The sandy rocks.D.Different plants.
4. From the third paragraph we know that ________ is a kind of plant.
A.the eucalyptusB.the owlC.the curlewD.the dingo
5. Visitors may not be allowed to ________ on Fraser Island soon.
A.camp and hikeB.go fishing in the sea
C.wear sun creamD.drive without official papers
昨日更新 | 3次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年甘肃省武威市凉州区金羊九年制学校联片教研中考二模英语试题

7 .

The word “low-carbon” sounds familiar to most of us. But do you know “low-carbon community (低碳社区)”? What is the community like? What benefits (好处) will it bring to our environment? Let’s have a look at Hanbei Road Community of Ya’an, Sichuan Province.

Walking into the community, people can see the hanging environmental slogans (环保标语) at first sight. And the most eye-catching items are idle bins (闲置物品投放箱) around. Many people in the community would give their idle things into the bins. Xu Juan, a mother of two, once put a pair of gloves there. “I think it’s meaningful to help others.”

In order to encourage more people to join in the “low-carbon” activity, the community introduced a reward program. Anyone can get some points if he/she gives idle things or takes part in volunteer activities. With certain points, people can exchange things in the “low-carbon supermarket” in the community.

There is also an “exchange corner” in the community. People can exchange their idle things (except the living things) with others. If he/she is not interested in any idle things in the corner, he/she can donate (捐赠) his/her things to poor families in the community.

“We are trying to make the best use of idle things by free exchange and donation. We hope all the people in our community can live low-carbon life,” said Wang Lu, leader of Hanbei Road Community.

1. What is Hanbei Road Community like?
A.A community with many poor families.B.A community with waste everywhere.
C.A community with many idle bins around.D.A community with many supermarkets.
2. How can people get points in the reward program?
A.By giving idle things.B.By organizing volunteer activities.
C.By changing things in the supermarket.D.By exchanging things with others.
3. What CANNOT be exchanged in the community?
A.A used bike.B.An old sweater.C.A pet cat.D.A plastic cup.
4. What does Wang Lu hope for their community in the last paragraph?
A.People should donate all their used things.
B.There will be more idle bins than dustbins.
C.All the people in their community are living low-carbon life now.
D.People can live low-carbon life by making the best use of idle things.
昨日更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市凤鸣山中学2023-2024学年九年级下学期3月月考英语试题(含听力)

8 . There are 8 billion humans on Earth. The sun is 150 million kilometers away. The universe (宇宙) may have 200 billion trillion (万亿) stars...

As scientists explore (探索) the world with more and more high-tech tools, the numbers that they use are also becoming bigger. Recently, scientists added four new names for numbers: ronna (1027), quetta (1030), ronto (10⁻27) and quecto (10⁻30).

Almost all human brains have a problem dealing with big numbers. In ancient times, early humans had no need to develop such a skill. They only needed to understand small numbers, like the number of people in the their family, or how many animals they had caught. So there’s no need to tell the difference between large and very large.

_______ One way is to turn big numbers into something you know. For example, if imagining 400, 000 people is too hard, you can think that a soccer playground usually can hold around 40, 000 people. Then 400, 000 people mean 10 soccer playgrounds of people. Or if you have 1,000 yuan, then a millionaire (百万富翁) has 1,000 times more money than you.

Although it is not necessary for us to understand larger numbers, we still can work out them and get useful answers.

1. What might one “quetta” refer to?
A.One followed by 30 zeros.B.A decimal point (小数点) followed by 26 zeros.
C.One followed by 27 zeros.D.A decimal point followed by 29 zeros.
2. How does the writer introduce very larger numbers to us in Para.1?
A.By telling about the Earth.B.By showing some numbers.
C.By telling a story.D.By asking a question.
3. Which of the following sentences can be put in the ________?
A.However, how to tell the difference between them?
B.However, how to deal with the differences?
C.However, how big is a soccer playground?
D.However, there are some ways to help us better understand big numbers.
4. What can we infer from the story?
A.There were no large numbers in ancient times.
B.Math is the best way for us to understand the world.
C.Working out large numbers can help us deal with them.
D.Human brains don’t have a problem dealing with large numbers
昨日更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省芜湖市2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个正确选项。

Bats search for food in the dark using echolocation (回声定位), but that doesn’t mean that they can’t see, though they’re often wrongly thought to be blind. Research shows that many bats actually have good eyesight (视力) and use it to help them find food.

There are over 1,300 different kinds of bats in the world. Some feed on flowers, others on insects, and a few even feed on blood. Different kinds have developed different visual (视觉的) abilities. Many bats use both eyesight and echolocation when looking for food. Fruit bats, for example, don’t echolocate at all and actually have better eyesight than most humans. Even bats that eat insects prefer using eyesight when possible. Far from being useless, bats’ eyes are used to the dark environment to better help them look for small animals. Also, the eyes are improved by their great hearing power.

In a word, bats are not blind. They have different degrees of visual abilities and use them along echolocation to look for food. So now, being “as blind as a bat” doesn’t sound so bad, does it?

1. Which type of bat does NOT use echolocation?
A.Fruit bats.B.Blood-feeding bats.C.Insect-eating bats.D.Flower-feeding bats.
2. What do all bats use to search for food?
3. According to the article, which statement is True?
A.There are about 1,200 kinds of bats.B.All bats have the ability to echolocate.
C.Some bats use eyesight and echolocation together.D.Only fruit bats have good eyesight, while others do not.
4. Which one can be the best title (标题) ?
A.Why are Bats Special?B.Are Bats Really Blind?
C.What Great Powers Do Bats Have?D.Are Men as blind as a bat?
昨日更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年新疆维吾尔自治区喀什地区喀什市中考二模英语试题

10 . Humans and dogs have been living and working together for thousands of years. Because of their protective (保护的) and playful nature, people often get dogs as pets for children. Today, because of their natural curiosity and excellent sense of smell, many dogs are being trained to help with different kinds of search and rescue (救援) jobs, for example, when a skier is lost in a snowy wilderness area or a child disappears in a forest.

The first known use of dogs to help rescue people took place in the Great St. Bernard Pass, a route (路线) in the mountains between Switzerland and Italy. There, hikers often became lost during bad winter weather. For many centuries, a group of monks (僧人) ran a small hotel there where travelers could spend the night. In the 17th century, the monks began taking dogs with them when they went out to rescue lost travelers. They knew the dogs could use their sense of smell to find people, but they soon discovered that the animals also had an excellent sense of direction, even when it was impossible to see anything through the heavy snow. Using dogs for search and rescue jobs became common during the First World War.

They have to go through strict training. The training can last up to two years, and trainers look for four qualities in the animals they choose: being able to communicate well with humans; focusing on one thing for a long time; enjoying playing games since the training includes doing the same thing over and over again; finally, it must follow orders all times or it might fight back. Dogs with these have become a valuable part of many life-saving teams around the world.

1. Dogs are chosen as pets because they ________.
A.are easy to be trainedB.have good sense of smell and direction
C.can protect and have fun with ownersD.are useful when go hunting
2. According to the writer, which event happened first?
A.The monks discovered that the dogs had a good sense of direction.
B.The monks began taking dogs with them to rescue hikers.
C.The monks opened a hotel in the Great St. Bernard Pass.
D.The monks discovered that the dogs had an excellent sense of smell.
3. Which of the following can be best put in ?
A.Not every dog can do this difficult and challenging job.
B.Dogs are born to be rescue and research helpers.
C.Since then, dogs have been playing an important role in life-saving.
D.Dogs can only be trained at special schools or centers.
4. Which dog might be chosen as a rescue dog?
A.Dog Lucky likes to play ball games for a short while every day.
B.Dog Jacky often helps his owner take out rubbish when asked to.
C.Dog Jojo loses herself in cartoons and turns a deaf ear to her owner.
D.Dog Puppet follows the strangers home as offered some chicken.
5. The main purpose of the passage is to ________.
A.help choose the best rescue dog
B.show how rescue dogs are trained
C.raise children’s interest in keeping pet dogs
D.introduce the qualities and history about rescue dogs
7日内更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省武汉市江汉区2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中质量检测英语试题
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