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1 .

If you finish your homework quickly after lunch on weekends, you and your friend decide to visit a bookstore. Here are some suggestions for you.

It’s the weekend. Go to a bookstore with friends!

1.Before leaving home, it’s important to give your parents a call. Let them know where you are going, who you are going with, and when you plan to return.

2.After meeting with your friend, you walk to the bookstore. You need to walk on the sidewalk and wait for the traffic lights. You may talk with each other happily when walking. But always remember to watch for cars.

3.The bookstore is very crowded! Try to stay with your friend. Don’t chat with strangers. You may find some books interesting, but it is better to put them down and go back home before 9:30 pm.

4.You may want to buy a burger for dinner. You can pay for it with your smartwatch or phone. If you need to enter the password (输密码), make sure no one else is watching.

1. Who should you give a call before leaving home?
A.Your friends.B.Your parents.
C.Your teachers.D.Your relatives.
2. What should you remember while talking and walking in the street?
A.To talk carefully.B.To look for the traffic lights.
C.To watch for cars.D.To watch for the books.
3. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.How to have a nice weekend.
B.Make sure take everything we need.
C.It’s important to go to a bookstore.
D.Pay attention to the safety when going out.
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2 . “Happiness is a habit,” says Talia Soen, CEO of Happy Things, a platform (平台) that helps you develop those habits through daily lives. “Many people think happiness is hard to achieve, but we want to make it easy to understand and teachable.” she says, “Let’s examine the habits of happy people.”

The experience of joy is related to the good, meaningful life. Happiness can be found in the small moments of our daily lives. For example, showing thankful feeling has been proved to increase happiness. Take a moment to think about the help you receive from others and thank them deeply. It can bring great joy to your life.

Reducing stress can improve your overall happiness. It’s not a good idea to worry about too much. Soen suggests that spending time in nature is helpful for stress reduction. Even if you don’t have time or access to go outdoors all year round, you can feel better by listening to nature sounds. And a study has shown that people feel less stressed if they have two to five hours of free time every day.

“There have been several studies on happiness and exercise,” Soen says. “Many studies show that our happiness levels are influenced by moving our bodies a little bit more.” The exact reason remains unclear, but even short periods of exercise can achieve this. As Soen mentioned earlier, exercising outdoors can have a double influence.

Having strong social relationships, such as friends, family, or other meaningful connections, can contribute to happiness. These relationships provide support when you need it. A researcher says, “Happy people spend more time with their friends and family members and are simply around other people more often.” So, why not have lunch with your family or reach out to an old friend?

As you can see, happiness is all around us as long as we develop good habits.

1. Of which platform is Talia Soen the CEO?
A.Happy Moments.B.Joyful Life.C.Happy Things.D.Reducing Stress.
2. According to the passage, why are small moments important for happiness?
A.They can provide support we need.B.They can bring great joy to our life.
C.They can help develop good habits.D.They are the only cause of happiness.
3. Which word is close to the underlined word “access”?
4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a habit of happy people?
A.Showing thankful feelings often.B.Spending time with friends and family.
C.Not worrying about small things.D.Reading more books when we’re free.
5. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Happiness is hard to achieve for everyone.B.Developing good habits leads to happiness.
C.Exercising outdoors is the key to happiness.D.Relationships have no influence on happiness.
2024-05-24更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年河北省保定市竞秀区中考二模英语试题
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3 . In a recent small group activity in Mrs. Johnson’s 9th-grade class, students came together to discuss how a growth mindset (思维模式) can greatly influence our life. Here are the opinions on developing a growth mindset shared by the students.


Opinions from Group Discussions

Believe in Yourself

Start by believing yourself that you have the power to change your habits. Your habits are shaped by your beliefs and strengths. Use positive statements to welcome changes into your life and prepare your mind for a new way of thinking.

Accept and Overcome Weaknesses

Whatever your weakness is, accept and explore different approaches (方法) to overcome it. Be kind to yourself and focus on finding solutions instead of being angry with yourself. If you have to get out of bed early in the morning, try setting the alarm earlier or preparing things in advance to make mornings easier.

Welcome Challenges for Growth

Stepping out of your comfort zone (区)and taking on new challenges helps you improve your skills and broaden your knowledge and experiences. Whether it’s learning a new sports skill or making progress in your studies, look for challenges that push you to grow. Appreciate the unexpected challenges along the way.

Work with Your Learning Styles

Find out how you learn best, as it will help you learn more effectively. Some learners need to see things to understand them, while others do better with listening or talking. Take your time to learn and look for excellence by practicing and repeating. Accept applying what you learn, even if you make mistakes, as they help you become more skilled.

Developing a growth mindset not only reduces worry but also brings happiness. By celebrating your achievements and enjoying the journey of growth and learning, you can create a satisfying and successful life.

1. According to the passage, what is the first step to changing your habits?
A.Believing in yourself.B.Using positive statements.
C.Shaping your beliefs and strengths.D.Preparing a new way of thinking.
2. How does the passage help you know about accepting weaknesses?
A.By explaining the words.B.By giving examples.
C.By telling a story.D.By showing the sayings.
3. Which of the following is the writer’s final opinion?
A.Accepting challenges is the key to success.
B.Overcoming weaknesses leads to a satisfying life.
C.Practicing helps you become more skilled.
D.Growth mindset reduces worry and brings happiness.
4. What question will Mrs. Johnson probably ask according to the students’ opinions?
A.Why is it important to pay no attention to weaknesses?
B.How can you avoid making mistakes in your daily lives?
C.What can you do to welcome change and believe in yourself?
D.Can you explain why accepting challenges is not necessary?
2024-05-24更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年河北省保定市竞秀区中考二模英语试题
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4 . I have always admired students who hand their homework in on time and never forget anything important to do. Me, on the other hand… I’m terrible at getting myself organized! The following tips are from my friends.


Hi, Amy. My tip is to have a big noticeboard in your bedroom, divide it into different parts. I’ve got a whiteboard. I write a to-do list for each subject on it to make sure I’ll finish everything in time.


Lately I’ve started keeping a small study diary, I write down everything I need to do in it. I also write a reminder before some important dates. It’s helping.


I always spend about five minutes at the end of the day tidying up the desktop on the computer and make a copy of important documents. According to must-do things, I write them on the sticky paper and put it on the front door to keep in mind.

1. Where does Lou write her to-do list?
A.On the computer.B.On a whiteboard.
C.On the sticky paper.D.In a study diary.
2. Who reminds herself before some important dates?
3. How does Hana keep important documents on the computer?
A.By tidying up the noticeboard.B.By keeping a diary.
C.By writing a to-do list.D.By making a copy of them.
2024-05-24更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年河北省保定市竞秀区中考二模英语试题
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5 . What color of wearing do you like? Do you know “dopamine dressing (多巴胺穿搭)”? It’s one of the most talked about fashion trends (趋势) for 2023 and 2024. However, is there any science behind this?

“Dopamine dressing” came out from the book Dress Your Best Life. An American fashion psychologist (心理学家) wrote this book in 2020. In the book, dopamine dressing is about wearing colorful clothing to get more dopamine.

Dopamine is a chemical in our brain. This kind of chemical makes people feel good. Usually our brain gives it out when we eat delicious food, play with our pets, listen to our favorite songs, after we exercise or when we win a game.

According to Science Focus Magazine, there are studies that show a relationship between the colors of the clothes we wear and how we act and feel. One study found that wearing red can bring better physical performance. It also showed bright colors can make people feel active. One more study showed that wearing green can help people relax because it is the color of nature. Yellow, the color of summer and warmth, can bring people happiness. But there are some problems with these studies, as people from different cultures have different ideas about dressing and colors.

In a word, “dopamine dressing” shows that we can wear colorful clothes to get more dopamine and feel good. Dressing is more than just a trend. It’s also a way of showing ourselves. So, next time you’re getting dressed, think about which colors will bring out yourself best.

1. How does the writer start the text?
A.By giving examples.B.By asking questions.
C.By listing numbers.D.By using old sayings.
2. What is dopamine dressing according to the text?
A.A way of dressing.B.A kind of chemical.
C.A book about dressing.D.A fashion trend for 2020.
3. When does our brain usually give out dopamine?
A.When we eat bad food.B.When we study for a test.
C.When we lose a basketball game.D.When we read our favorite books.
4. What is Paragraph 4 mainly talking about?
A.Colors bring happiness.B.Green is the color of nature.
C.Different colors give different feelings.D.Wearing red brings better performance.
5. What would be the best title for the text?
A.The Fashion Trend for 2024B.Different Dressing Cultures
C.Secrets of Personal ExpressionD.The Science Behind Dopamine Dressing
2024-05-24更新 | 60次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年河北省唐山市中考二模英语试题(含听力)
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6 . Parts of a Plant

There are more than 400,000 kinds of plants on Earth. Some plants are as big as tall buildings; others are as small as rice. Plants are key parts of the food circle. They play an important part in the nature because they give out oxygen—the gas that all animals need for breathing.

What is a plant?

Most people have no difficulty finding the differences between an animal and a plant. That is because animals can move around, but plants can’t. What makes a plant a plant? Like animals, plants are living things that are made up of lots of cells (细胞). Unlike animals, plants make their own food by photosynthesis (光合作用). Most plants have roots, stems, and leaves, and most plants reproduce by growing flowers and making seeds. All plants need energy to stay alive and grow, and they get it from sunlight instead of food.

How does a plant grow?

Most animals grow in a certain way, and genes control their growth. That is to say, even when they are small, it’s easy to know what they will look like after they grow up. Plants are different. Their growth is controlled by genes too, but their final shape also depends on where they live. For example, a tree can be big and round if it grows up in an open space, but much taller and thinner if it grows in the woods with other trees all around. Plants are unable to move from one environment to another, so it is important that they are able to get used to the environment.

1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in Paragraph 1?
A.The number of plants.B.Different sizes of plants.
C.The importance of plants.D.Planting more trees.
2. What method does the author use to describe the plants in Paragraph 2?
A.By comparing.B.By giving examples.
C.By giving numbers.D.By telling stories.
3. What can we know about plants from the passage?
A.Flowers and seeds are the most important parts of a plant.
B.Plants and animals grow in the same way.
C.Only environment controls the plants’ growth.
D.It’s important for the plants to get used to the environment.
4. What is the best title for this passage?
A.Different Kinds of PlantsB.The Life of Plants
C.Plants and AnimalsD.All About Plants
2024-05-24更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省保定市易县2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题
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7 . Good afternoon. My name is Susanna. I come from America. I am a junior high school student. I will talk to you about the lives of American students in school.

In America, students usually get up at 6:30. After getting up, they often run for half an hour in the morning. When the class starts at 8 A. m., students need to learn some subjects. They learn English, Chinese, math, science, biology, music and art.

The students eat lunch at school at 12 o’clock. They have many kinds of food to eat, such as meat, vegetables, fruit, bread and so on, but hot dogs and hamburgers are their favorites.

Students have a short rest after lunch. The first class in the afternoon starts at 1:30 and school is over at 3:00.

After school, they always self-study and do their homework until 6:00 in the afternoon.

From 6 to 8 o’clock, they play games, exercise, read, write, draw and do other activities. They go to bed at nine in the evening. They sleep about nine hours a day. The students all think that their school life is very interesting.

That’s all. Thank you.

1. Susanna is a ________.
2. How long do students run in the morning?
A.15 minutes.B.20 minutes.C.30 minutes.D.40 minutes.
3. What do the students do from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.?
A.Self-study and do their homework.B.Play basketball or football.
C.Eat dinner and take a walk.D.Sing and dance.
4. Susanna talks about at least ________ kinds of after-school activities.
5. Which one is true?
A.Students always have breakfast at school.
B.Students like to have bread and milk the most.
C.Students sleep about eight hours a day.
D.Susanna talks about school life in America in the afternoon.
2024-05-23更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省邢台市五校联考2023-2024学年七年级下学期期中英语试题
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8 . Almost everyone today has a smartphone. However, many people cannot get rid of (脱离) smartphones because phones have become part of daily life.

As the addiction (瘾) to the smartphone has become a serious problem, it brings many results in life. Most phone users look down at their phones for a long time. When hunching (弯) or bending their neck, they put serious pressure on the neck and backbone. And this will cause a sore back or a neck ache. According to studies, as high as 45% of the young people from age 16 to 24 these days suffer back pain because of the heavy usage of smartphones. Also, trying to focus on and look at the screen of the phone for a long time will discomfort eyes and may cause loss of vision (视力). Besides, if someone brings the phone to sleep with, he or she will spend more time on the phone than sleep without noticing it. It’s true that phones make life more convenient, but that doesn’t mean they can take control of life.

To get rid of phones, you can create a phone-free time. For example, turn off your phone or stop it from the Internet after 8:00 p.m. At that time, you can spend time on anything but phone so that you won’t check on your phone. Just like smoking, phone addiction is habitual. You must replace the habit with another if you want to stop it. So find a few things to do whenever you are not using your phone, such as reading a book or exercising.

Of course, it’s not easy to get rid of a habit and the beginning is the most challenging. That’s why having a strong mind really makes a big difference. Remember, do not let your phone become your ______. Instead, improve your self-control and put smartphones into good use.

1. Which shows the number of the young people aged 16~24 who have a sore back? (stands for the number)
2. How does the writer explain the ways to avoid phone addiction?
A.By telling a story.B.By listing some numbers.
C.By giving examples.D.By comparing two facts.
3. Which word can be the most suitable in ______?
4. Which is the right order of the text?
a. The ways to get rid of phone addiction.
b. The importance of a strong mind.
c. The cause of smartphone addiction.
d. The results caused by smartphone addiction.
5. What does the writer mainly ask us to do?
A.To live our own life.B.To use phones properly.
C.To develop good habits.D.To care more about health.
2024-05-23更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年河北省沧州市南皮县中考二模英语试题
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9 . At the end of year 2022, the Singaporean government announced that all drinks sold locally must use nutritional grade labels (营养等级标签) A, B, C, or D on their packaging, marking the percentage of sugar and saturated fat (饱和脂肪) in the drinks. So recently several Singaporean drink companies have already started to put these labels on every drink. In March, 2024 Shanghai, China did the same. The labels are from A to D. The more sugar and saturated fat a drink has, the less healthy the drink is.

1. What made some Singaporean drink companies start using these labels?
A.Government rules.B.Selling methods.
C.Educational advantages.D.Customer needs.
2. What is the sugar level in the NUTRI-GRADE B drink?
3. Which of the following is the healthiest drink?
A.Unsweetenwed teas.B.Diet Coke.
C.Flavor-added milk.D.Energy drinks.
4. In which section of a newspaper can you probably read the text?
A.Lost and Found.B.Do It Yourself.
C.Music and Movie.D.Food and Health.
2024-05-23更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年河北省沧州市南皮县中考二模英语试题
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10 . We can go to the library to read in the city. But it is difficult for the children in some places of countryside to read in libraries. There aren’t many libraries or books for children there.

There are some good changes now. People always do something to change. Some families have home libraries for their children. Community groups and some kind-hearted people also help to promote (推动) reading and learning. Look! Here comes a big bus. Are the students taking the bus to school? No. They’re going to read books on it. The bus is a mobile library. There are a lot of books in it. Lu Mei is a kind girl. She wants to help the kids. She turns the bus into a library.

The bus usually stops by the road. Children can get on the bus and read books after school. They can read for 2 hours on it every time. Just like other libraries, the bus library has its rules. Children can’t eat or talk on the bus.

1. What difficulty do students in some places of countryside have?
A.They can’t go to school.B.They don’t have many libraries.
C.They have no buses to take.D.They don’t have teachers.
2. The underlined word “mobile” means “________” in Chinese.
3. What does Lu Mei do for children?
A.She gives them food.B.She buys a bus for them.
C.She teaches them to write.D.She gives them a place to read books.
4. The children have to ________ on the bus.
A.stand upB.take foodC.keep quietD.listen to music
5. What is Lu Mei like?
2024-05-23更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省邢台市五校联考2023-2024学年七年级下学期期中英语试题
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