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1 . On April 2, we said goodbye to Tiangong I, China's first space lab. According to the China Manned Space Agency(中国载人航天), Tiangong I re-entered the Earth's atmosphere(大气层)and some of its debris(碎片)fell into the South Pacific Ocean.

There are many spacecraft(宇宙飞船)that are still in orbit(轨道)above the Earth. After finishing their trips, they will all re-enter the Earth's atmosphere like Tiangong I.

There are two types of re-entries: controlled re-entry and uncontrolled re-entry.

Some satellites and manned spacecraft come back to the Earth in a controlled re-entry. Experts calculate(计算)the path of the falling spacecraft and its speed. They can guide the spacecraft to fall in a chosen area.

Some spacecraft may have problems while in space after a certain amount of time. These spacecraft come back in an uncontrolled re-entry. It is hard to tell when and where these spacecraft will fall until the last few hours. The US space station Skylab came back partially uncontrolled in 1979. Parts of the station fell in western Australia, but no one was hurt.

During re-entry, most of the spacecraft will burn up while passing through the Earth's atmosphere. Only a small amount of the debris will reach the ground. The debris typically ends up falling into the ocean, China Daily reported.

1. The debris from Tiangong I       .
A.fell into the South Pacific OceanB.fell in western Australia
C.fell in the central part of the USD.fell into the North Pacific Ocean
2. When the spacecraft finishes its trip, it will       .
A.burn up and disappearB.speed up and fly back to the Earth
C.enter another orbit and stay in spaceD.re-enter the Earth's atmosphere
3. From the passage, we know there are        types of re-entries.
4. Which of the following is TRUE about the US space station Skylab?
A.It came back in a controlled re-entry.
B.Some people were hurt by its debris.
C.Parts of it fell in western Australia.
D.It was directed to fall into the ocean.
5. This story most probably comes from       .
A.a story bookB.a movie reviewC.a science magazineD.a government report
2021-03-19更新 | 148次组卷 | 1卷引用:《同步单元AB卷》外研版英语八年级下册Module 3(A卷基础篇)
阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . When the bell rings, every student takes out an iPad. The light from the screens(屏幕) makes their young faces pretty and lively. That’s what happens every day at my school in the US. We use iPad in class.

I feel surprised and excited when I get an iPad the first day I get to the school. But it is not free. I spend about $100 renting(租) it for three years.

Every iPad at my school has a special learning system(系统) called Focus. Teachers put their teaching material like textbooks and PPTs on it. When we have classes, we enter the system and download(下载) the materials with our iPads.

It makes the classes interesting and efficient(高效). For example, a few weeks ago, we learned about London in the UK. Our teacher prepared a video. Through the video, we saw many places of interest in London. We could not only watch the video,but also see the words at the same time. Because of the video, I know more about the city.

We also do our homework with iPads. We can know how well we do our homework right after we submit (提交) our homework.

However, there are still some bad points about learning with iPads. Some of my classmates play games or surf the Internet in class.

I believe the key to use iPads well is to have good self-control (自制), isn’t it?

1. In the writer’s class, every student ________.
A.gets a free iPad from the teacher
B.plays games on iPads in each class
C.shares an iPad with their classmates in class
D.rents an iPad to use at school for three years
2. The underlined word "Focus" is ________.
A.a special learning systemB.PPTs and videos
C.teachers’ teaching materialsD.the name of the iPad at school
3. When students are learning with iPads, they should not ________.
A.play gamesB.watch any videos
C.download the materialsD.submit the homework
4. According to the example in Paragraph (段落)4, we learn that ________.
A.students don't like to use iPads in class
B.iPads are not useful when having classes
C.students use iPads to watch videos every class
D.iPads make the classes interesting and efficient
2021-03-15更新 | 85次组卷 | 2卷引用:《同步单元AB卷》牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit 2(B卷提升篇)
阅读理解-单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 .

Thousands of years ago, Chinese poet Qu Yuan (about 340-278 BC) wrote the poem Tianwen, meaning Quest for Heavenly Truth. He came up with a series of questions about the sky, stars, nature, myths and the world around us. The poem showed his doubts about traditional ideas and the spirit of finding the truth.

Inspired by the great poet, China has named its upcoming series of planetary exploration missions (行星探测任务) after the poem. The first one in the series-a Mars exploration mission-has been named Tianwen 1, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) said on April 24, China’s Space Day. This shows China’s desire (渴望) to explore the universe and discover its secrets.

China has been making great progress in space exploration. As early as 1970, China launched its first man-made Earth satellite (卫星), becoming the fifth country in the world to launch a man-made satellite independently. Since 2003, China has carried out six Shenzhou manned missions and launched two space labs into Earth’s orbit (轨道). China’s moon exploration missions-the Chang’e series-started in 2007. In December 2018, China became the first country to send the probe (探测器) Chang’e 4 to the moon’s far side, which always faces away from Earth.

The Tianwen series will follow the Shenzhou and Chang’e series and move further into space. The first step is to launch a Mars probe this year, which will mark the start of China’s exploration of the Red Planet. The probe is expected to orbit (绕……轨道运行), land on and explore Mars in one mission. If it succeeds, it will be the first to complete all of these tasks in one mission. The Long March 5 rocket will send the probe to Mars. It will take seven months to reach the planet and land.

After this mission, China plans to visit Mars again in 2028, aiming to collect soil from the surface of the planet and bring it to Earth. Around 2030, China will explore Jupiter and several asteroids (小行星), according to CNSA.

1. How does the passage lead to the topic?
A.By telling a story.B.By giving an opinion.
C.By answering a question.D.By offering a suggestion.
2. What do we know about the Mars exploration mission?
A.China will launch a Mars probe named Long March 5.
B.It will be the first mission of the Tianwen series.
C.China will launch the probe on Space Day.
D.The probe will be launched on a rocket built by another country.
3. Paragraph 3 focuses on ________.
A.how China explored the moonB.how many missions China has completed
C.the progress China has made in exploring spaceD.the meaning of the name Tianwen
4. The first step of the Mars exploration mission is ________.
A.taking a clear picture of MarsB.designing a probe
C.naming the missionD.sending a probe to Mars
5. What will CNSA probably do in the future, according to the last paragraph?
A.It will visit Venus and several asteroids.
B.It will collect soil from the surface of the moon.
C.It will launch other missions to Mars.
D.It will visit all of the planets in the solar system.
2021-03-12更新 | 129次组卷 | 1卷引用:《同步单元AB卷》外研版英语八年级下册Module 3(B卷提升篇)
阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . I am Mike Smith, a doctor from London. I really feel that life in China is changing so quickly. Recently I had a business trip to Tianjin. I left my Beijing apartment and walked half a street to the subway station. About twelve stops later, I reached the high-speed rail station. After two minutes of security (安检), I picked up my ticket, which I had bought on my phone while on the subway. Then I walked to the terminal (终点站) and got on the train. Twenty-eight minutes later, I was in the center of a beautiful city—Tianjin. I could enjoy a nice walk along the riverside towards my hotel. It is amazing that the whole experience took no more than a few hours, with no cars, no airports, no credit cards (信用卡) and no long lines, just my smart phone, only a few US dollars and comfortable walking shoes. In most places in the developed world, there is no experience like this. But China is different.

So in my opinion, if we think highly of China’s modern wonders, I believe its high-speed rail system must be one of them. And it's one symbol of a new China and a sign of China’s strength (实力) as well.

1. Mike Smith is from ________.
A.AmericaB.the UKC.AustraliaD.Canada
2. Mike bought his ticket to Tianjin ________.
A.on his phoneB.from the high-speed rail ticket office
C.from the subway ticket officeD.with the help of his friend
3. How many traffic tools did Mike use from his apartment to his hotel in Tianjin?
4. According to the passage, which of the following isn’t Mike’s ideas about his trip?
5. What is Mike’s attitude (态度) to Chinese high-speed rail train?
A.He looks down upon it.B.He dislikes it.C.He thinks highly of it.D.He hates it.
2021-03-12更新 | 109次组卷 | 1卷引用:《同步单元AB卷》外研版英语九年级下册Module 1(A卷基础篇)
短文填空-语法填空(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

Robots have built a big house in Switzerland using 3D-printed materials. It is the first house made by robots for people to live       1    . It is environmentally friendlier and       2     (safe) than man-made houses.

The creators say the future of building will     3     (influence) by the big house. “This is a new way of seeing architecture(建筑),” said one of the creators. “How you build is important.”

The big house was built     4     (complete) from robot-made materials. It used 60% less cement(水泥)than a man-made house. There are 35 parts in the house, but some     5       (wise) robots built each one in 60 to 90 minutes. It means     6     the robots built the full house in just 48 hours.

It is not the first time for robots     7     (build) houses. The Chinese used 3D printers to build 10 houses in a day in 2014. And also     8     created a building the next year. Last year,     9     (Italian) built a house in just 48 hours.

Scientists say one day they could send robots to build houses on     10     moon. We are curious about how we're building for the future.

2021-03-12更新 | 83次组卷 | 2卷引用:Unit 4(B卷·提升能力练)-【单元测试】2022-2023学年九年级英语全册分层训练AB卷(仁爱版)

6 . Technology is developing fast and it has become an important part of our life. Then what will the world be like in the future?

3-D food will be both delicious and nutritious (有营养的). We can use 3-D printers to print some basic materials. _____ And we can go further. Scientists believe that we just need to turn on a printer in the kitchen and then we can enjoy our favourite food whenever we like.

_____ 5G network will allow many more people to get information. Big companies like China Mobile and China Unicom will start to offer 5G. It is said that 5G promises download speeds 10 to 20 times faster than 4G. For example, we can download a film within just 1 second. But with a 4G network, it takes a few minutes. There will be much bandwidth (带宽) and we can get unlimited (无限的) information.

Underwater cities will provide more space. The earth is becoming more and more crowded. We may turn to underwater homes, which will be built as low as 15 kilometers below the sea. And the different temperatures at the different depths (深度) of the sea can be used to provide power for the homes.

_____ For us common people on the earth, the dream of travelling around space will come true. In the coming years, spacecraft will be as popular as buses, trains and planes. We can leave our home and enter space to take an adventure (冒险). And even we will get used to living there.

A robot will be a part of life. Robots can do many of the same things as we humans do like driving cars. But they will be used in other areas as well. They will be able to think. They can tell the difference between right and wrong. They can feel sadness or joy. When we are lonely, they can have a talk with us like real friends.

_____ In a word, just as Jules Verne said, "Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real."

1. According to the passage, which of the following statements about the future world is TRUE?
A.3-D food will be easy to make but won't taste good.
B.With 5G, users will get only a little information.
C.Underwater cities will provide more living space.
D.A robot will do everything for us as human beings.
2. Where can the sentence "Space tour will be a piece of cake." be put?
3. What can we infer (推断) from the passage?
A.People will live a hard life in the future.
B.Technology will make our future better.
C.People will have no real friends in the future.
D.Technology will make no difference to our future.
4. Where does the passage probably come from?
A.A storybook.B.A film poster.C.A travel guide.D.A science magazine.

7 . Artificial intelligence(人工智能), or AI in short, is the science of giving computers and machines ability to think and work like humans. AI scientists and engineers have made a lot of cool technologies.

AI is rapidly catching up with the human ability to read faces. As a result, facial recognition(识别) is used a lot in the world. Chinese police use this technology to identify criminals(罪犯). Once they caught a criminal when he attended a concert. It also checks the ID of ride-hailing(网约车) drivers and lets people pay for things with a smile.

AI is also used in self-driving cars, which are believed to be the future of driving. Most drivers may wave or nod at passers-by to let them cross the street, but self-driving cars don't have this ability. Carmakers are testing a light signal system to help them "speak" to humans. The system can show what self-driving cars will do. For example, if a driverless car is yielding(让路), it will flash two white lights side to side. A rapidly flashing light tells passers-by that the car is about to speed up.

Service Robots also show you how powerful AI is. Imagine this—you come back home from school and your robot housekeeper is waiting for you at the door. After dinner, he teaches you to play the piano, just like a real music teacher. Such thoughts will soon happen in the real world. In the future, more and more service robots will become good home helpers.

AI is so powerful that it can help human beings and even replace us in many jobs.

1. What does the underlined word "identify" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.To let somebody know his mistakes.B.To come to realize and tell who is who.
C.To take somebody to the police station.D.To inform somebody of something important.
2. According to the passage, what is facial recognition used for?
A.Driving cars.B.Making people smile.
C.Calling the police.D.Checking people's information.
3. Which technology has been used in real life according to the passage?
A.Service Robots at school.B.Robots as ride-hailing drivers.
C.Facial recognition for payment.D.Light signals for self-driving cars.
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A.People use AI in many different ways.B.AI will take the place of human beings in all jobs.
C.Self-driving cars will be able to talk like humans.D.A criminal was caught for inventing facial recognition.
2021-03-06更新 | 463次组卷 | 3卷引用:九年级下学期英语外研版Module 8 Unit 3 单元测试卷
阅读理解-五选四(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . What if you had the chance to meet with a dead loved one in virtual reality (VR) (虚拟现实)?

Recently, a South Korean video recording a special meeting between a mother and a daughter has touched the hearts of many people. The video is from a TV show called Meeting You.     1     Jang Ji-sung, a mother of four, meets her dead daughter Nayeon in this way. Nayeon is Jang’s third daughter and she died of an illness at the age of seven.

In the video, Jang wears a VR headset (头戴式耳机) and gloves.     2     Jang and the virtual Nayeon meet in a virtual park and have a birthday party. They blow out the candles on the cake and Nayeon makes a wish.     3     Then she goes to sleep. Jang replies “me too” and reaches out to touch Nayeon again as she falls asleep. “Even though it was very short, I was really happy at that time. I think I had the dream I’ve always wanted,” Jang said.

The video has been watched more than 13 million times in a week on YouTube.     4     “My mother passed away two years ago and I wish I could meet her through virtual reality,” said one of the viewers. “When I watch the video, I am full of hope and the world looks better,” another viewer added.

The maker of the show spent eight months processing the virtual Nayeon. “People often think technology is something cold, but I’d like to say it can also warm your heart,” said the maker of the show.

A.They allow Jang to see, hear and touch the virtual Nayeon.
B.Later, Nayeon says, “Goodbye, Mom, I love you.”
C.It is unrealistic for most people who lost their family members.
D.Many viewers offered their support for the technology.
E.It mainly wants to help people meet with their lost family members by VR technology.
2021-01-12更新 | 167次组卷 | 4卷引用:Unit 6(A卷·知识通关练)-【单元测试】2022-2023学年九年级英语上册分层训练AB卷(牛津译林版)
阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Anyone with a long-term illness knows that recovering (康复) at home can be lonely. This can be especially true for children. They are recovering from a long-term illness in hospital or at home, so they may feel lonely since they are away from their friends and classmates. Now, a small robot may help these children. The robot goes to school instead of them. Through the robot, the children can hear what their teachers and friends say. They can also take part in the classroom activities at home or on the hospital bed.

The robot is called AVI. It goes to school for the sick child. And the child's school friends must help to make the robot move. They carry the robot between classes and place the robot at the child's desk.

Dolva, one of AVI's inventors, explains how the robot works. She says, "The robot sits at the child's desk in the classroom, and the child at home or in the hospital uses a tablet or a phone to start it, control its movement by touching the screen, and talk through it. With speakers, microphones and cameras, the robot becomes the eyes, the ears and the voice of the child at school. "Moreover, AVI is designed to be tough. It would not be easily broken even falling from a desk. Inside AVI there is a small computer connected to a 4G network. AVI is large and looks like a human. Dolva thinks this is important because in this way, it would be easier for the robot to become a friend of the children.

Now the robot has come into the market. Hopefully, AVI will help some children feel less lonely while they are away from the class.

1. The robot AVI can help the children ________.
A.recover from a long-term illness very soon
B.see their teachers and friends at any time
C.have classroom activities and do homework for them
D.join in classroom activities at home or on the hospital bed
2. The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 3 refers to ________.
A.the deskB.the tabletC.the robotD.the phone
3. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.AVI is big in size and looks like a human.
B.AVI has cameras, speakers, and microphones.
C.AVI has the same eyes, ears and voices as children.
D.AVI has a computer inside which is connected to a 4G network.
4. Where can we most probably read this passage?
A.In a health report.B.In a science magazine.
C.In a travel guide.D.In a science fiction.
5. Which is the best title for this passage?
A.AVI, an Illness DoctorB.AVI, a Helpful Friend
C.AVI, a Smart StudentD.AVI, a Helpful Teacher
2021-01-08更新 | 58次组卷 | 1卷引用:《同步单元AB卷》牛津深圳版(广州沈阳通用)英语2020-2021学年八年级上册Unit 8(B卷提高篇)
阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . The invention of the camera goes far into the past. In the 1500s, men were experimenting with cameras that made images. But it was not until the early 1800s that man found a way to make the pictures permanent. Even then, photography was a new field. Most families had their pictures taken by a photographer. People did not own cameras because taking pictures and developing the film were too difficult.

In 1884, George Eastman changed photography by inventing a kind of film that fit into a small camera. Because the new film was easy to use, many people began to buy cameras. When they had used up their film, people returned their cameras to the factory. There, the film was developed, and pictures were printed. Then more film was put into the cameras, which was sent back to the owners, along with their pictures.

Eastman’s camera made it easy to take pictures. Today’s cameras are even easier to use, and people can put in their own film. Photography has become a growing hobby.

There are also many new jobs in the field of photography. One of the most important kinds of work is in news reporting. Newspapers, magazines, and television all need pictures to tell their stories. Photographers aid scientists by taking pictures through microscopes and telescopes. Deep-sea divers take pictures of ocean plants and animals, while astronauts take cameras into space. Man finds new uses for the cameras every day.

1. In 1884, George Eastman changed photography by inventing a new kind of ________.
2. Long ago, people sent their cameras to a factory because _________.
A.they wanted to have the cameras cleaned.
B.they wanted their film developed.
C.they broke their cameras when taking pictures.
D.they wanted to have their pictures taken by a photographer.
3. On the whole, this passage is about ___________ .
A.the field of photographyB.the life of George Eastman
C.how photographers aid scientistsD.George Eastman invented the first camera
4. Why did people begin to buy their own cameras?
A.Taking and developing pictures became easier.
B.They did not like to go to photographers.
C.They wanted to see what a camera looked like.
D.They wanted to find a way to make their pictures permanent.
5. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Deep-sea divers do not use cameras.
B.Photographers cannot find jobs today.
C.There are different kinds of cameras.
D.Early man found a way to make photographers aid scientists.
2021-01-06更新 | 115次组卷 | 1卷引用:《同步单元AB卷》外研版英语2020-2021学年九年级上册Module 11(B卷提升篇)
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