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1 .

My mother does most of the housework like cooking and cleaning the room. My father can only do the dishes, sweep the floor and take out the rubbish. He wants to learn more about how to do the housework.

Each of my parents does 50% of the housework. My mother does the cooking and washing. She cleans the living room every day. My father makes the bed, cleans the bedrooms and drives me to school every day.

My father doesn’t do a lot but he tries to help. He hangs up the clothes after my mother washes them and my mother is happy that he can always give her a hand.

My mother is a doctor. She is busy with her work every day, so she has little time to do the housework. In fact, she isn’t good at doing it. So my father has to do most of the housework. Sometimes my grand-mother comes to help.
1. Lily’s father doesn’t ________ at home.
A.do the dishesB.cook
C.take out the rubbishD.sweep the floor
2. How does Cindy go to school?
A.By bike.B.By bus.C.By subway.D.By car.
3. The underlined part “give her a hand” means “________” in Chinese.
4. Whose father does most of the housework?
5. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Lily wants to learn more about how to do the housework.
B.Cindy’s father cleans the living room every day.
C.Bruce’s father doesn’t like to do chores.
D.Peter is one year younger than Bruce but one year older than Lily.
阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Nowadays, Chinese people live around the world, like Canada, Australia and America. Wherever they go, they always take their customs with them.

Many Chinese people live together in Chinatowns (唐人街), such as Ottawa, Sydney, or New York. Walking down the streets of any Chinatown makes you think you are truly in China. There are Chinese restaurants where friends enjoy eating dishes such as Peking duck and dumplings. On Chinese New Year, Chinese people in these cities celebrate the festival just as they do in China so that they will not forget the customs of their hometowns.

China has also shown its great arts to the world. Beautiful Chinese paintings and porcelain (陶瓷) can be seen in many museums. You might have classes about Chinese calligraphy (书法) and learn to write Chinese characters. You can find books about Chinese poetry and art. If you can’t get to China, China can come to you!

China has changed faster than almost any other country in the world. The new technology has improved the lives of millions of Chinese people, China has sent rockets (火箭) into space. We help more and more people around the world get to learn about China and Chinese culture. At the same time, we still carry on many valuable things and customs from the past like eating noodles and rice with chopsticks.

1. In paragraph 1, the underlined word “they” refers to (指) ________ around the world.
2. Why do Chinese people celebrate Chinese New Year in Chinatowns?
A.Because many Chinese people live together in Chinatowns.
B.Because they don’t want to forget the customs of their hometowns.
C.Because China has shown great arts to the world.
D.Because China has changed faster than almost any other country.
3. If you are in Chinatowns, you can not ________.
A.enjoy dishes like Peking duck and dumplings
B.celebrate Chinese New Year
C.learn to write Chinese characters
D.send rockets into space
4. What does the writer want to tell us by saying Chinese people eat noodles and rice with chopsticks?
A.Chinese people like to eat noodles and rice.
B.Chinese people like to use chopsticks.
C.Chinese people still carry on valuable customs from the past.
D.Chinese people are not used to using knives or forks.
5. What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Many Chinese people live together in Chinatowns.
B.China has shown great arts to the world.
C.China has changed faster than any other country.
D.Chinese people always take their customs with them wherever they go.
2024-05-15更新 | 91次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024年青海省中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约110词) | 较易(0.85) |
3 .

Chart 1
Top 5 languages by number of native speakers
Chinese   1,400 million
Hindi   1,428 million
English   681 million
Arabic   328 million
Spanish   478 million

Chart 2
Top 5 languages by number of learners around the world
English   1,500 million
Chinese   300 million
French   140 million
Spanish   15 million
German   15 million

Chart 3 English learners in China
200 million
300 million
400 million

1. Which language has the fewest native speakers?
2. Which language is most widely learned by people in the world?
3. How many people learn Chinese around the world?
A.15 million.B.300 million.C.80 million.D.1,500 million.
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the charts?
A.Chart 1 shows us the top five languages by number of learners around the world.
B.About 478 million people speak Arabic as their first language.
C.French has the largest number of learners around the world.
D.The number of English learners in China is increasing.
5. In which part of a magazine can we read this material?
A.Human and society.B.Human and nature.C.Business.D.Health.
2024-04-24更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年青海省海东市中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Sometimes we may forget something easily. Don’t worry. Here is some advice to help improve your memory.

My first advice is to review what you learned often. After you learn something, you need to review it right away, then two days later, then a week later, then two weeks later, and then a month later. After a month, you will find that you can remember it easily.

My second advice is to mark the important parts of your book. It will help you focus on the most important parts. It is always easier to remember only the key points. Also, this will make reviewing easier. When you open your book, the colored parts will show you the most important parts at once, and you needn’t read every word again.

Another piece of advice is to review at a proper time. One good time is in the evening. Review what you have learned before going to bed. It will be kept in your mind deeply. Another good time is in the morning because you have just rested and your brain is fresh and clear. So it’s easy to remember the important information in the morning.

Remember all the advice above, and your memory will be better and better.

1. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.What we forgot.B.What we believed.
C.What we learned.D.What we imagined.
2. How can we make reviewing easier?
A.By opening the book often.B.By marking the key points.
C.By reading every word aloud.D.By remembering all the information.
3. Why is it easy to remember the important information in the morning?
A.Because our brain is fresh and clear in the morning.
B.Because we can spend more time on it in the morning.
C.Because it is very quiet in the morning.
D.Because we are cleverer in the morning.
4. What does the text want to tell us?
A.Why we should review what we learned often.
B.How we can find the important parts of our book.
C.When we should review what we learned.
D.How we can improve our memory.
5. The passage is written to ________.
2024-04-23更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年青海省海东市中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Three children are talking about their past and now.

l used to be tired of exercise very much. I couldn’t stand it a lot. So I often felt very sick and had to be absent from school sometimes. Mother said I was a problem. Now. I become a sports expert. My most free time is spent on exercise and all kinds of sports. You should be able to imagine what I’m like now.

In the past, I often spent my free time on computer games. When I was in Grade 5, my grades were so terrible that my teachers advised my parents to take me to the hospital for help. They used to think I had illness in my living habits. My grandfather sometimes takes me to some famous people’s old house and makes me learn more about them. And I realize my mistakes now.

I used to like to eat junk food like hamburgers, but my brother David didn’t. He often prevented me and told me it’s bad for my health. However, I thought he was wrong, and I was against him very much. Until last summer, I coughed a lot and sometimes had a fever. Then I realized I deeply got into mistakes these years.

1. How did Marc use to be?
A.He was healthy.B.He was strong.C.He was weak.D.He was smart.
2. Marc spends his most free time ________ now.
3. Why Bob’s teachers advised his parents to take him to the hospital?
A.Because he was ill.
B.Because he had a poor memory.
C.Because he couldn’t get well with his classmates.
D.Because his grades were terrible.
4. Who solves Bob’s problem at last?
A.His grandfather.B.His mother.C.His father.D.His brother.
5. What may happen to Jenny now?
A.She takes much exercise.B.She eats lots of junk food.
C.She starts to eat healthy food.D.She doesn’t play computer games.
2024-04-23更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年青海省海东市中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 .

I am Tom from Canada and reading is my favorite. I can read both French and English books. The Mysterious Stranger(神秘陌生人) is one of the most exciting books I have ever read. It is very funny and it will make you laugh out loud.

The story happens in New York, America and it’s all about a man called Harry who meets a stranger one day while eating his lunch in a park. The stranger Mervin changes Harry’s life forever successfully. I won’t tell you how—you will have to read the story yourself to find out. Mervin has special magic (魔法), but he uses the magic only when Harry gets into trouble which he often does.

It’s not difficult to read the book. It moves at a fast pace (节奏) and lots of things happen on every page so you won’t get bored reading it. Though you might get a bit tired of Harry as he seems to never learn his lesson and keeps on making the same mistakes. I won’t tell the ending for you, but if you enjoy a good mystery and a good laugh, you will completely enjoy this book.

Mr. First has written two other books called The Lonely Child and Whispering Mountain. But I think this book is his best. I highly recommend (推荐) Mysterious Stranger to you!

1. Where is Tom from?
2. We know that Tom ________ from the passage.
A.writes many booksB.loves reading
C.never learns his lessonD.makes the same mistakes
3. What does Tom think of the book?
A.It’s hard to read.B.It’s slow-paced.
C.It’s great fun.D.It’s boring.
4. What kind of person is Harry?
A.He is very funny.B.He is very polite.
C.He has special magic.D.He often makes mistakes.
5. Who is Mr. First?
A.The writer of the book.B.A reader of the book.
C.A character in the book.D.Tom’s friend.
2024-04-17更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年青海省中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-匹配(约150词) | 较易(0.85) |
7 . 请阅读以下对五个人的描述,将其与所给的出行方式相匹配。
    1     I’m Lucy. I live in Beijing. I like koalas best. I want to go to Australia to see them. It must be exciting.
    2     I’m Mary. I like driving. Next Saturday, my family will have a picnic in a farm. We have to take many things with us, so I will drive to the farm.
    3     I’m Zhang Tao. I live in the west of Beijing, but I work in the east of Beijing. It’s a little far. I can’t be late.
    4     I’m Lily. I live near my school. It’s only 500 meters from my home to school. I want to exercise to keep healthy when I go to school.
    5     I’m Tony. I’m 13 years old. My old grandparents live in a village. It’s a little far from my house. There is no train station in the village. I want to visit my grandparents.
2024-04-17更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年青海省中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . What do American children think of thanksgiving? This is what some of them wrote.

Linda, 10 years
Many people have done things for me. I’m happy that people care about me. Most people I know give me money or gifts at thanks giving. Sometimes people take me on visits to places or ask me to their houses. I like to do nice things for other people, too.

Selina, 11 years
Two years ago we were at my grandparents’ house at thanksgiving and we wanted to get a turkey in the store but they didn’t have any. So we had to buy a live (活的) one. When we went out to kill it, it had run away and we couldn’t find it. So my father bought some chicken for us and that year we had to eat chicken instead of turkey.

Ryan, 7 years
I am thankful for having a really good mum who looks after me so well.
I am thankful for my grandparents who always take me to music class.
I am thankful for having good teachers, especially Ms. Mcmillan because she helps me to try new things.

Joss, 9 years
Thanksgiving is a wonderful day. It is great because I don’t have to go to school. I can stay at home. The most important reason is that I can have fun with my family. The first thanksgiving was in 1621. Since then, each year we celebrate thanksgiving on the first Thursday of November.
1. Who is the youngest among the four children?
2. What do people usually do for Linda at thanksgiving?
A.Take her on visits to places.B.Take her to the store.
C.Help her to try new things.D.Ask her to stay at home.
3. Why did Selina have to eat chicken for thanksgiving two years ago?
A.Because they didn’t have money to buy a turkey.
B.Because they didn’t buy a turkey from the store.
C.Because they killed the chicken.
D.Because the turkey ran away and they couldn’t find it.
4. Ryan expressed his thanks for the following people EXCEPT ________.
A.his classmatesB.his mother
C.his grandparentsD.his teachers
5. Which of the following does Joss love the most at thanksgiving?
A.He doesn’t have to go to school.B.He can stay at home.
C.He can have fun with his family.D.He can eat turkey.
2024-04-17更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年青海省中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约40词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 .

1. This is a map of a __________.
2. The post office is __________ the hospital.
A.across fromB.next toC.in front ofD.behind
3. The bookstore is on __________.
A.Pine RoadB.Hill StreetC.First AvenueD.Second Avenue
4. The __________ is between the supermarket and the flower shop.
5. Lily is near the bank. She wants to get to the bookstore. She should __________. It’s on the right.
A.go down Pine Road and then turn rightB.go down Second Avenue and then turn left
C.turn left on First Avenue and go alongD.turn right on First Avenue and go along
阅读理解-单选(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . No. 1 Middle School provides different camps for kids. With the help of our excellent coaches, you will improve your skills and have fun at the same time. Here are some of the camps.

Basketball Camp
For:Students aged 8—13
Cost: ¥185 [Sign up (报名) before June 1 and you can save ¥10 ]
Date/Time:June 5—9
9:00 am—12:00 noon
Activities include:individual (一个人的) skill development, individual and group spirit, competitions and team games.
Questions? Call Li Feng at 853-0158.
Soccer Camp
For:Students aged 11—13
Cost: ¥135
Date/Time:July 17—21
9:00 am—12:00 noon
Train with Head Boys Soccer Coach, Wang Jiang. The training will include the decisions players will make during a game, the skills needed to carry out those decisions, and the communication that players have with teammates.
Questions? Call Wang Jiang at 913-7438.
Dance Camp
For:Students aged 11—13
Cost: ¥135
Date/Time:July 17—21
9:00 am—12:00 noon
Train with the best dance coach, Ma Lin. This camp is perfect for dancers who are interested in trying out for a high school dance team in the future.
Questions? Call Ma Lin at 973-7312.
Swimming Camp
For:Boys aged 8—13
Cost: ¥200(lunch and a camp T-shirt included)
Date/Time:July 19—23
8:00 am—12:00 noon
Train with Head Coach Mike Wilhelm and members of the school swimming team.
Questions? Call Mr. Li Ming at 302-9158.

1. If you are free from June 1 to June 10, which of the following can you sign up for?
2. Mary likes dancing. Which number can she call to get more information?
A.913-7438 .B.973-7312.C.853-0158.D.302-9158.
3. Who can join Swimming Camp?
A.Bob, 5 years old.B.Amy, 8 years old.
C.Bill, 13 years old.D.Lucy, 14 years old.
4. What do the four camps have in common?
A.The coaches are all named Li.B.They all offer camp T-shirts.
C.They are all only for boys.D.They all last for five days.
5. Where can you probably find the passage ?
A.In a bank.B.In a school.C.In a cinema.D.In a supermarket.
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