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1 . Are we just thinking with our heads? No. The human brain is just like a telephone switchboard (总机), but not a whole system. Its function is to receive incoming signals, establish appropriate connections, and send the information to its destination. In order to provide efficient service, the body must function as a whole.

But where is the mind? Is it in the brain? Or the nervous system? Can we say that the mind is in a particular place? In fact, the mind is not a thing, not a leg, and not even a brain. Thinking is both a function and an activity. Aristotle, 2300 years ago, noted that the mind is to the body what the tool is to the worker. When the tool is not in use, there is no work. Charles Woolbert said that consciousness is what the body does.

If this activity is necessary for thought, it is also necessary for the transmission of thought from one person to another. Observe how people conduct their daily conversations. If you've never taken the trouble to do this, you'll have a surprise waiting for you, because good conversationalists are almost always in motion. Their heads nodded and nodded, sometimes so violently that you wondered how their necks could withstand the strain. Even the legs and feet are active. As for hands and arms, they rarely stay still for more than a few seconds at a time.

Remember, these people are not giving speeches. They're just people, trying to get their points of view across. They have no sense of movement. Their language has not been studied. They're just human beings in a human environment, trying to adapt to the social environment. However, their conversation is not only verbal, but also visual, involving almost every muscle in the body. Briefly, because people are really thinking, the speaker must be everywhere if he is to succeed in getting people to think.

1. Which of the following is the author's opinion?
A.Thinking is a social phenomenon.
B.Thinking is just a brain function.
C.Thinking is the sum total of bodily activity.
D.Thinking is a function of the nervous system.
2. To communication, it is necessary not only to use speech, but also           .
A.to use various bodily movementsB.to speak directly to the other person
C.to make the other person listenD.to observe the other person's behavior
3. It can be inferred from the passage that the basic function of bodily activity in speech is to         .
A.make the listeners deeply moved
B.appeal to the sympathy of the audience
C.make the speaker understood
D.convey the speaker's implied meaning to the listeners
4. The best title for the passage would be         .
A.Spoken LanguageB.Bodily Communication
C.Spiritual ActivityD.Proper Conversation

2 . Almost every family buys as least one copy of a newspaper every day. Some people subscribe to as many as two or three different newspapers. But why do people read newspapers?

Five hundred years ago, news of important happenings--battles lost and won, kings or rulers overthrown(推翻)or killed--took months and even years to travel from one country to another. The news passed by word of mouth and was never accurate. Today we can read in our newspapers of important events that occur in faraway countries on the same day they happen.

Apart from supplying news from all over the world, newspapers give us a lot of other useful information. There are weather reports, radio, television and film guides, book reviews, stories, and of course, advertisements. The bigger ones are put in by large companies to bring attention to their products. They pay the newspapers thousands of dollars for the advertising space, but it is worth the money for news of their products goes into almost every home in the country. For those who produce newspapers, advertisements are also very important. Money earned from advertisements makes it possible for them to sell their newspapers at a low price and still make a profit.

1. The phrase “subscribe to” in the first paragraph means“________”
A.go to the newspaper stand and buyB.send their own news stories to
C.agree to buy for a specific period of timeD.become faithful readers of
2. Before the time of the newspaper, ________
A.bad news traveled quickly and good news slowly
B.few people cared about events that took place in faraway countries
C.kings and rulers were often overthrown or killed
D.news was passed from one person to another
3. The author seems to agree that money spent on advertisements is ________.
A.wastedB.not much
C.well spentD.of no use to anyone
4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Five hundred years ago it took a long time for news to reach other countries.
B.Newspaper advertisements turn people’s attention away from their products.
C.The news that we read in newspapers is mainly about new products.
D.When newspapers are sold at a low price, the newspaper producers will lose money.
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3 . Becoming a real runner

I would never use the word “athletic” to describe myself. To me, athletes are people who really enjoy working out. I remember crying in middle school when I had to run a mile during gym class. I huffed and puffed as I jogged. As I grew up, I would go to the gym, but I never enjoyed working out. That, I thought, was for real runners.

In June 2017, my friend sent me an email that would forever change my attitude towards running. He was training for a 200-mile relay (接力赛) and wanted me to be on his team. I would run three legs between four and six miles each over the course of two days. Figuring that I would never again have the chance to work with some top runners, I immediately agreed, and started running outside to prepare.

That first run was hard. I purposefully avoided Central Park in order to stay away from real runners. After a few blocks, I was already winded, and ran the rest of the way home. I called my mom, choked up, to say I had no hope at all of running this relay. But she encouraged me to keep at it, so I didn't quit. I went from running four miles a week to eight within one month before my advanced training began.

I was frightened going into the first training session with the team as everyone else was super “athletic”. We ran for five miles, and I was significantly slower. However, my teammates were so supportive that I felt the runner’s high, which I had never believed existed.

One day, about two weeks into training, my ankle gave out while I was running in Central Park. I was diagnosed with a stress fracture (应力性骨折). The doctor told me to stop running for two months. It took me a while to face the fact that I was out of the race. My doctor told me that he too had once been struck down with a stress fracture, and the following year, he beat his best running time in a half-marathon. That brought me hope.

I made it through the next two months by picturing myself running again. Just yesterday, for the first time since that fateful day, I took my outdoor run with my physical therapist. I mentioned that I might run a half-marathon the next year. Now I wake up excited for the days I get to run. Maybe I am a “real runner” after all.

1. According to the article, when did the author start to feel passion for running?
A.After she got into the habit of working out.
B.After she got the courage to run outdoors on her own.
C.After she ran with some top runners and got their encouragement.
D.After she broke her ankle in training and stayed in bed for two months.
2. The underlined word in the passage refers to her doctor’s _________.
A.helpful advice.
B.immediate treatment.
C.experience in the marathon.
D.personal experience with an injury.
3. What can we infer from the article about the author?
A.She didn’t take the relay seriously.
B.She had a strict and overprotective mother.
C.She felt disappointed about withdrawing from the race.
D.She would have expected to run a half-marathon if she had won the race.
4. The author’s purpose of writing the article was to _________.
A.urge readers to exercise regularly.
B.share with readers the fun of running.
C.warn readers to be careful about running.
D.encourage readers to pursue their hobbies.
完形填空(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . I'm a geologist. I have been researching changes in the Antarctic ice sheets to help governments plan for floods and other_________of a changing climate.

I first met Tom on the tip of Antarctica. He is a professional mountaineer who_________geologists with their research. We were_________here together, hundreds of miles from anyone else, for a two-month_________. My task was simple: to_________rock samples from as many peaks as possible. It is physically exhausting work, and not without _________, as some of the crevasse(裂缝)fields we crossed left me shaking. I relied on Tom for my_________; my life was in his hands.

Trust quickly grew between us, and our_________did, too. Within a week we'd_________deep topics: the meaning of life, and what follows death.

When I got the date for my return journey, I started to feel__________. I didn't want our time there to__________. We felt we had to make the most of the final few days to plant__________.

Saying goodbye to each other was a(n)__________. I was heading off to start another mission, so I was__________the man who'd been through it with me. I looked down at him as my plane took off, knowing what we had just been through together was__________in time.

A.leaving behindB.picking upC.taking inD.appealing to
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5 . That morning, I dropped our eldest at kindergarten and returned home to let our two younger children play while I worked on my medical report. It was a wonderful chance to work from home, but it hit me that my career in hospital wasn't making a difference in anyone's life. I needed something that would stretch my limits and push me to grow. My career enabled me to work from home. I could work from home, and become a foster mother, providing safety for a child who needed it desperately.

On Monday morning. I picked up the phone and dialed the number I had Googled for the nearest Department of Children's Services. The man on the other end was receptive to my questions and explained the next step of training, involving eight weeks of classes designed to prepare and educate foster parents. We continued through all the classes, the home visits, background checks, and seemingly endless steps.

Five long months after we were approved, the phone rang. In the middle of the night, I woke my husband and rushed to East Tennessee Children's Hospital. Our placement was waiting for us in the emergency room, sick and lack of nutrition. It didn't take long for us to realize the full depth of her suffering. Six months later, her half-brother came to us by our request. We now had five children under our care.

On August 12, 2016, our family of seven walked into a small courtroom. The children's lawyer and social worker were there. With just a few words, our adoption was finalized. These two amazing children weren't going home, because they were already home. We are their forever family, and they are our forever children. We may not be able to change the entire world, but we have changed the world entirely for our new children.

1. How did the author feel about her hospital work?
A.Lacking of motivation.B.Filled with challenge.
C.Highly motivating.D.Unusually Demanding.
2. What led the author to decide to adopt children?
A.She felt sympathetic for abused children she knew.
B.She wanted to make a difference in other people.
C.She felt confident about her ability to raise children.
D.She experienced training to raise children properly.
3. What does the underlined word "placement" in Para 3 refer to?
A.The child to be adopted.B.The need to get trained.
C.The approval of adoption.D.The official at the hospital.
4. Why did the author appear at the courtroom?
A.To put the adopted kids elsewhere.B.To receive another adopted child.
C.To make the adoption officially legal.D.To begin the kids' adoption in her home.
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6 . Chinese food is considered to be the biggest cultural exchange between China and other countries. The following dishes are each special in their own way.

Peking Duck

This famous dish can be found at restaurants all around Beijing. High class restaurants take this dish so seriously that some even have their own duck farms and use only a special kind of duck for their specific Peking Duck dish. Peking Duck is famous for its, thin skin, and its delicious meat, which is highly popular among all foreigners, including foreign celebrities and leaders.

Won Ton Soup

Won Ton Soup, called "Hun Dun" in Chinese, is a highly welcoming dish in China. Since China is a country of many nationalities and different cultures, each region has their own shapes for won tons. Won tons are usually boiled and served in soup, but they can also be deep- fried.


During the Spring Festival, Chinese families will get together and have dumpling parties. It is said that the dish was invented by Zhang Zhongjing, one of the finest Chinese physicians in history. Dumplings have a 1,800-year-long history, which is why it is one of the most popular traditional foods in China and extremely popular in Western countries. They may be cooked by boiling, steaming, simmering, frying or baking.

Egg-fried Rice

Firstly from China's ancient western regions, egg-fried rice has now become part of Chinese people's daily food. Famous for its pleasant smells, soft taste and handsome appearance, one can easily find this popular dish anywhere in China, from high class hotels to family-run restaurants on the street. While it is fairly easy to make, there are some points that should be kept in mind: use left-over rice rather than newly cooked rice for better taste. Additionally, before frying, the rice should be churned up.

1. Which of the following has its own farm?'
A.Restaurants serving Won Ton Soup.
B.Restaurants, serving Peking Duck.
C.Restaurants serving dumplings.
D.Restaurants serving Egg-fried Rice.
2. What makes dumplings so popular in China and Western countries?
A.The long history.B.The different shapes.
C.The special taste.D.The unique style of cooking,
3. What can we learn about egg-fried rice?
A.It tastes better if cooked with newly made rice.
B.It first appeared in the northern part of China.
C.It is served in restaurants of different classes.
D.It was invented by an ancient Chinese physician.
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7 . Florence, a 17-year-old senior student in High School, was busy ,composing(编曲)a song. She plans to release an album(唱片)with three other music lovers whom she met at the 2016 Campus Singing Competition. Edward, 18, is another one of the four students to make their own album. Actually, he was the one who came up with this fun idea in the first place.

"Everyone loves music. Being a good way to express our feelings and emotions, music can tell something about who we are and our experience of the world. We hope we can use our music to touch our peers(同龄人)." Edward said.

The album includes 15 songs across three themes - love, campus life, and youth, with pop and electronic music styles. The inspiration for the songs came from the students' lives. Take the song Sea of Tranquility for example - it was written by Edward during a flight back to Chengdu after he took part in the China High School Biology Olympiad in summer. "The sky is clear and the ground looks small from the plane. This scene makes me feel calm and peaceful." Edward explained.

The songs were created one by one with the efforts of the four writers. But a challenge soon appeared. The students found that they didn't have enough money to produce the album. So to cut down their budget, they used an iPad and headphones to record the songs in an empty classroom on the weekend.

Apart from reducing their cost, they also tried to raise money through crowd funding on the internet. They raised more than 7,000 dollars before the album was released in October. "Thanks to all the supporters, we'll keep working on our own music." Edward said.

1. Why did they make the album?
A.To earn money.B.To be famous.
C.To influence young people.D.To make friends.
2. Which of the following best describes Edward and his music team?
3. What was the problem when they produced the album?
A.Short of money.B.Disagreement on the theme.
C.Stress from teachers.D.Poor abilities on making music.
4. What's the best title of the text?
A.Album CollectionsB.Student Musicians
C.Theme MusicD.School Life

8 . When I was worried my son was coming down with a little something, I remarked that his eating was slowing down a bit.

“I’ve noticed how fast you eat,” my wife’s Auntie Carmel said. I looked down at my plate — the plate from which my food had just been emptied — and looked up at her scientific stare. “I’m not being critical,” she assured me, “and I find it fascinating.” She said “fascinating” the way a polite member of the FBI might describe your recent Internet searches.

“You do eat pretty fast,” whispered my wife by the time I’d placed my knives and forks down. Her mother shared the same view shortly after that, and soon the entire table were unanimous in this opinion.

We were at my wife’s parents’ home in Dublin because Auntie Carmel was visiting from New York, and it was a good chance for her to meet our son, who immediately adored her. We all adore Auntie Carmel for her ability to speak her mind in a way that never seems rude.

In fairness to Carmel, I do eat quickly. I’m fond of saying it’s because I come from a large family. I now realize this makes no sense. There is also the fact that my wife’s mum and Auntie Carmel themselves both come from a family of 12. The same is true for her dad. Yet somehow, none of them eat as if their legs were on fire.

It’s a habit I picked up along the way, and I might have been permanently blind to it without this intervention. Left unexamined, it might have coloured my parenting, demanding my speed as a default (默认) for my son, for I remarked that his eating was slowing down a bit. For now, at least, he can clear his plate as slowly as he likes.

1. How does Auntie Carmel feel about the author’s eating habit?
2. What does the underlined word “unanimous” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.At a loss.B.In agreement.
C.Out of patience.D.Under consideration.
3. What do we know about Auntie Carmel?
A.She is skilled at expressing herself.
B.She is particular about table manners.
C.She lives alone in New York.
D.She tends to criticize others.
4. What can be learned from Paragraph 5?
A.Children in large families usually behave badly.
B.Children's eating habits are not easy to change.
C.The small family usually has strict family rules.
D.The family size isn't related to one’ s eating speed.
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9 . Glenn Cunningham and his brother were in charge of heating the classroom at school before the teachers and other students would arrive. But disaster struck one day when someone accidentally poured gasoline in a container and an explosion took place.

“When they looked at my legs the doctors thought they should amputate(截肢) my legs because they said if I got an infection I would not only lose my leg, but also lose my life," he is quoted as saying in the book American Miler: The Life and Times of Glenn Cunningham. “Even though the doctors said I'd never walk, they couldn't convince me because I knew I was going to be able to walk again.”

Creams and massages (按摩) aided his recovery but it was over a year before he could walk again. “My family was wonderful,” he said. “I had lost all the flesh on my knees. Yet my family kept changing the dressings and massaging my legs, though there was little muscle left to massage. Even after I was able to stand, holding onto either the bed or a chair, a neighbor kid said, ‘Aw, you are never gonna walk again!’ But by then I knew that nothing was going to stop me.”

His talent shone through early when just at 12 years of age, he had defeated all the runners in high school. During his senior year in high school, he created a new state record for the mile: clocking 4:28.3 in Manhattan. During the 1930s, he won two National Collegiate Athletic Association titles.

Having built a reputation as one of the finest runners in his country, Cunningham would go on to compete in the 1,500-meter event at the 1932 Olympics. He narrowly missed out on a medal as he finished fourth. Cunningham was at his peak by the time he made his second Olympic appearance at Berlin in 1936. He did not disappoint, setting a new US record at the event by clocking 3: 48. 4 but fell short of New Zealand's Jack Lovelock.

From being almost crippled (跛的)as a child to creating world records and going on to win a medal at the Olympics, Cunningham's career remains an inspiration for athletes.

1. What was Cunningham doing when the accident happened?
A.Reading a book.B.Heating the container.
C.Greeting teachers and students.D.Warming the classroom.
2. What did the doctors think of Cunningham's situation?
A.He would lose his life if he lost his legs.B.He could get an infection while being amputated.
C.He had to sacrifice his legs to survive.D.He had a great chance of being able to walk again.
3. What did Cunningham' s family do?
A.They helped him to recover from the disaster.B.They didn't allow him to do sports.
C.They gave him full-body massages.D.They encouraged him to develop more talents.
4. What did Cunningham accomplish in his running career?
A.He got a medal at his first Olympics.B.He won a place at his second Olympics.
C.He set a record in his first year of high school.D.He represented his school in an international race.
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10 . Do you like running enough to make it a habit? Tierney Wolfgram does; she has made running a lifelong career and isn't stopping.

In February, the 16-year-old from a high school, US, competed at the 2020 US Olympic Trials. She finished the marathon(42.195 km)with a time of 2:42:47 as the youngest competitor in the race and ranked 76th out of 390 runners. However, the cross-country(越野的)season was postponed to winter because of the COVID-19. So she jumped at the opportunity to train for another race-the Parkway Marathon in California. In November, Wolfgram broke the Women's American Junior marathon record with her time of 2:31:49. The old record was 2:34:32, which had stood since 1984.

“I'm completely stunned, ”said Wolfgram's coach.   “I knew she was going to break it, but she really showed out!”

During the run, Wolfgram once hit a wall pretty hard, but she overcame it to finish. “I guess I can say I gave it my all, ”she told Runner's World. “When I finished, all I was thinking was I felt super happy,” Wolfgram said This was only her third marathon. In 2018, when Wolfgram was 15 years old, she ran her first marathon just because she wanted to see if she had the ability to do it. “I believed that I would get faster as the distances got longer. . . I'm still glad that I did it. ”

When preparing for that first marathon, she ran up to 120 miles per week. Although her parents didn't have any background in running, they helped Wolfgram train. At first, her dad would take her out in the morning and run about 13 miles. The distance would gradually increase each day. On top of her runs in the morning, she would do cross-country practice after school.

Now Wolfgram will consider attending the Olympics Games in 2024 after it's scheduled.

1. What can we learn about Wolfgram from Paragraph 2?
A.She was the champion at the 2020 US Olympic Trials.
B.She put off the cross-country season for the COVID-19.
C.She broke an Olympic marathon record in November.
D.She prepared for the Parkway Marathon in California.
2. What does the underlined word “stunned”in paragraph 3 refer to?
3. What inspired Wolfgram to run her first marathon?
A.Her parents' encouragement.B.Her desire to prove she could do it.
C.Her coach's support and help.D.Her hope to break the national record
4. Which section of a newspaper does the passage probably come from?
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