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1 . Small children are easy to throw up in the air and catch — and they ________ it. “Again, Daddy, again!” Jacky shouts as I throw him skywards and catch him on the way back down again. He throws his arms and legs out   ________ he were flying, his eyes wide with ________. His trust in me is ________, which is quite a nice feeling, but at the same time gives me a huge sense of ________.

I hope Jacky will always trust me fully, but I know that, as he gets older, it will need more effort and sound judgment ________. Trust is such an important part of a parent-child relationship that it’s something that I can’t ________to lose. Every time I ________ Jacky to something new, he’ll do it only because he trusts me and feels ________ in the knowledge that he won’t get hurt.________,teaching Jacky to swim means he has to believe that, when he’s swimming in the big pool, I’ll come to his rescue if his doggy paddle lets him down.

________, in the workplace, trust is important for strong ________. It is something that every manager should work hard to ________ among their team. If people don’t trust you, they’re unlikely to follow your directions and willingly become a loyal (忠诚) team member. A ________of trust can make people work against you rather than for you. At the very least, it means that people are not going to be giving you their best. Good ________, like good parenting, is a long-term commitment.

A.in caseB.even thoughC.so thatD.as if
A.on my partB.on my behalfC.in my honorD.in my name
A.For instanceB.Above allC.At firstD.In addition
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2 . It was just a typical morning of an ordinary workday. I was at the _______, on my way to the lab where I was a postdoctoral fellow (博士后研究员). But something began to _______ inside me as I watched the people around me-headphones hanging from their ears, eyes cast down, _______ faces. They looked unhappy. And I realized that I was one of them. Suddenly, I could no longer _______ my work life and booked a one-way ticket to fly home.

Over the years. I had grown more competitive due to the _______ of finishing my Ph.D. Those who could have been partners became competitors I disliked and the effect of this competition was exactly the _______ of what I had hoped for. I began to feel lonely and lost. I became less and less _______ in my scientific work. I hit my _______ point that day at the bus station. I had to end this before it is too late. I emailed my professors, explaining that l had put the _______ first and myself second for too long.

Shortly after I got back home, I started to receive some emails from my workmates — I guessed they expected me to join them again soon. After a few ________ asking how I was, in the emails many expressed their stress of academic life. Vulnerable (脆弱的) researchers were sticking their heads out of their shells (壳), seeking ________. It occurred to me that we all ________ sometimes, and our vulnerability seemed so much alike that I ________ myself from all that had bothered me for days. ________ it can be win-win game, instead of one where one side gains while the other side loses. Working with others and asking for help doesn’t make my contributions ________; it means we can all succeed.

A.storeB.officeC.cafe shopD.station
A.begin withB.get rid ofC.proceed withD.get down to
2024-05-14更新 | 113次组卷 | 2卷引用:福建师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高三上学期10月月考英语试卷
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3 . Climbing, I once thought, was a very manly activity, but as I found my way into this activity, I came to see that something quite different happens on the rock.

Like wild swimming, rock climbing involves you into the landscape. On the rock, I am fully focused. Eyes pay close attention, ears are alert, and hands move across the surface. Unlike walking, where I could happily wander about absent-mindedly, in climbing, attentive observation is essential.

As an arts student studying English literature, I discovered a new type of reading from outdoor climbing. Going out on to the crags (悬崖), I saw how you could learn to read the rocks and develop a vocabulary of physical movements. Good climbers knew how to adjust their bodies on to the stone. Watching them, I wanted to possess that skillful “language”.

My progress happened when I worked for the Caingorms National Park Authority. Guiding my explorations into this strange new landscape was Nan Shepherd, a lady too. Unlike the goal-directed mindset of many mountaineers, she is not concerned with peaks or personal achievement. Shepherd sees the mountain as a total environment and she celebrates the Caingorms as a place alive with plants, rocks, animals and elements. Through her generous spirit and my own curiosity, I saw that rock climbing need not be a process of testing oneself against anything. Rather, the intensity of focus could develop a person into another way of being.

Spending so much time in high and stony places has transformed my view on the world and our place in it. I have come into physical contact with processes that go way beyond the everyday. Working with gravity, geology (地质学), rhythms of weather and deep time, I gain an actual relationship with the earth. This bond lies at the heart of my passion for rock climbing. I return to the rocks, because this is where I feel in contact with our land.

1. Why does the author like rock climbing?
A.It challenges her to compete with men.B.It allows her a unique attitude toward rock.
C.It teaches her how to possess a new language.D.It makes her feel connected wth the earth.
2. What does the writer find important in climbing?
3. What does the writer learn from Nan Shepherd?
A.Climbing goes together with nature.B.Every mountain top is within reach.
C.The best climber is the one having fun.D.You can not achieve high unless you change.
4. What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.Time.B.Transformation.C.The world.D.My view.
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4 . “We regret to inform you...” These are the words that every writer dreads receiving, but words every writer knows well. The response from a publisher comes back and the writer eagerly opens and reads it, their hearts sinking when they reach that final sentence. You may have spent years giving up your weekends and free time to write your life’s work, yet still this is often not enough. Everyone knows that success rarely happens overnight, but perhaps not many know that a lot of highly successful writers have previously faced rejection.

Take for example J.K. Rowling. When she received her first rejection letter, she decided that it meant she now had something in common with her favourite writers, and stuck it on her kitchen wall. Rowling had spent years surviving on little money, spending all her time writing. When she finally finished her first book, she received comments from publishers along the lines of “too difficult for children”, “too long”, “Children would not be interested in it”. Nevertheless, she persevered. “I wasn’t going to give up until every single publisher turned me down, but I often feared that would happen,” she later posted. After a total of twelve rejections, one publisher eventually agreed to print 500 copies of her first book, and as we know, Harry Potter became a global success, with over 400 million books sold and translated into more than seventy different languages.

All too often writers of great works have had to face criticism along with rejection. J.D. Salinger started writing short stories in high school, but later struggled to get his works published. “We feel that we don’t know the central character well enough” was the criticism he received on his manuscript for The Catcher in the Rye. Despite rejections from several publishers, J.D. Salinger refused to give up. Even when serving in the US Army during the Second World War, he carried six chapters of The Catcher in the Rye with him and worked on the novel throughout his war service. When it was eventually published, the book became an immediate best-seller and went on to sell millions and millions of copies.

Perhaps the overall prize for perseverance should go to three sisters from Victorian England who dreamt of seeing their words in print. This, however, was a time when women were not encouraged to become writers. As the then Poet Laureate, Robert Southey, wrote to one of them: “Literature cannot be the business of a woman’s life, and it ought not to be.” Nevertheless, the sisters didn’t stop trying. Their response was to write a book of poems under male names. Even when the book sold only two copies, the sisters still didn’t give up. They started writing novels, and today Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights and Anne Bronte’s Agnes Grey are regarded as classics of world literature. In fact, it is within the pages of Jane Eyre that we can find these words: “I honour endurance, perseverance, industry, talent; because these are the means by which men achieve great ends...”

So, it seems that talent alone isn’t enough to guarantee success. While a lot of hard work and a touch of luck play a part, perseverance is the key. Keep trying and eventually you will read the words “We are delighted to inform you... ”

1. What do you know about J.K. Rowling according to the passage?
A.When she received her first rejection letter, she decided to ask her favourite writers for help.
B.Rowling’s publishers refused to publish her novel because it was not attractive to children.
C.One publisher eventually agreed to print 5,000 copies of her first novel.
D.Rowling has been confident in her own novels.
2. What does the sentence in paragraph 2 “When she received her first rejection letter, she decided that it meant she now had something in common with her favourite writers...” mean?
A.She decided to remain poor for a long time.
B.She decided not to give up like her favourite writers.
C.She decided to receive a lot of rejection letters.
D.She decided to publish her novel on her own account.
3. What do you know from the whole passage?
A.Salinger finished his novel The Catcher in the Rye during the Second World War.
B.It’s within the pages of Wuthering Heights that we can find these words: I honour endurance, perseverance, industry, talent; because these are the means by which men achieve great ends...
C.The three Bronte sisters lived in Victorian England, where women were not encouraged to became a writer.
D.Writers of great works rarely face criticism along with rejection.
4. What is the structure of the passage?
B.Introduction—Question and Solution—Conclusion
D.Introduction—Cause and Effects—Conclusion
5. Choose another suitable title for the passage and give your reasons.
A.Life Is Hard for Female WritersB.Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
C.Never Give Up on Your DreamsD.Successful Writers
2024-01-06更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省福州青鸟北附高级中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中检测英语试题

5 . In American culture, I am noticing a lack of respect, especially among children. This should be treated ________ since disrespectful children will become disrespectful adults. American culture is ________ the ways of teaching respect, while other cultures have methods that Americans could learn from.

Once I spent several months in Kenya living with a Maasai family. One of their customs is the ________ that the children give the adults. When an adult approaches children, they will ________and lean their heads slightly saying “Suppa”. The adult responses by saying “Ippa” and touching their heads. This simple act shows respect for the adult. The children ________ that they are their elder who deserves respect.

Later, I worked at a children’s home in Carolina where the children were taught to respect their elders. They ________me as “Mr. Vince” and every worker there with a “Mr, Mrs, or Ms.”. However, as I talk to teachers working with children now, there seems to be a ________ in such a friendly behavior that children give adults. Fewer students treat teachers with respect: Children frequently talk back to their teachers and ________ their authority (权威). Children ________ speak with other adults like waiters in the way as if they were close friends.

Immanuel Kant expressed two ________ attitudes still common today in Europe. One is that only humans freely choose to act on principles by ________ laws on themselves. It is this mind based on ________ that makes humans unique. Second, to learn to follow principles, a human child needs to learn to follow the laws of ________. They must practice ________ rules before they are able to practice autonomy (自主权). Kant said that “act in the way you want others to act in the situation, taking other people as persons, not ________ you use for your own goals”. Only in this way can you become a real person with intrinsic values.

A.realizingB.graspingC.giving upD.adjusting to
A.show offB.fall downC.turn aroundD.come forward
2024-01-03更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省三明第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期12月月考英语试题
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6 . One summer night, a boy felt himself lifted from bed by his father. Dazed with sleep, he saw stars flashing across the heavens. “What is it?” the child whispered. “Shooting stars. They come every year in August.” Decades have passed, but I remember that night still, because I was the fortunate boy whose father believed a new experience was more important than an unbroken night’s sleep.

Some parents like my father have the gift of opening doors for their children. This art of adding dimensions to a child brings the reward: the marvelous moment when the spark bursts into a flame that will burn brightly on its own one day. At a Golf Association tournament, a ten-year-old girl played creditably. “How long have you been interested in golf?” someone asked. “I got it for my ninth birthday,” she said. “Your father gave you a set of clubs?” “No,” she said, “he gave me golf.”

I have a friend, a psychiatrist, who says there are two types of people: those who think of life as a privilege and those who think of it as a problem. The first type is enthusiastic and energetic. The other type is suspicious and self-centered. And he adds, “Tell me about your childhood and I can tell you which type you are likely to be.”

The real purpose, then, of trying to open doors for children is to build eager and outgoing attitudes, which is the most valuable legacy we can pass on to the next generation. But why don’t we work harder at it? Probably because sometimes we don’t have the awareness or the selflessness or the energy. And yet, for those of us who care what becomes of our children, the challenge is always there but the opportunities also come repeatedly. Many years have passed since that night. And next year, when August comes with its shooting stars, my son will be seven.

1. What do the underlined words “adding dimensions to” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.Setting an example for.B.Broadening the horizons of.
C.Providing attentive care for.D.Narrowing the possibilities of.
2. Why does the author mention the girl in Paragraph 2?
A.To show parental impact on children’s passion.
B.To suggest hobbies always start from the small.
C.To highlight the importance of diverse experiences.
D.To prove true passion usually arises from the reward.
3. What will the author’s psychiatrist friend agree with?
A.One’s personality is related to childhood experiences.
B.Childhood experience determines adult happiness.
C.Parenting styles requires professional guidance.
D.Stability in upbringing builds confidence.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.The author is always addicted to shooting stars.
B.It is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to motivate kids.
C.The author will go to see shooting stars with his son.
D.It is impossible to unlock kids’ potential without eagerness.
2024-01-03更新 | 52次组卷 | 2卷引用:福建省厦门市2023-2024学年高三上学期12月月考英语试题
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7 . When we moved into our home in Maui, Hawaii, 16 years ago, one good thing about this house was the huge avocado tree growing in the backyard.

This tree gave the most delicious avocados I have ever tasted. I lived on these avocados when nursing my first child. Fresh avocado was the very first food for my kids. This tree was so huge that it cast a massive shadow over our backyard. It was truly our magical tree.

Until one day, someone from the Health Department came to tell us that our avocado tree was too large and needed trimming. In New York you get in trouble if you don’t clear the snow off your sidewalk. Here, it’s when your trees are too high. So along came the trimmer, leaving just the trunk and a few branches. I was sad. The kids were all sad. Some friends who knew it would say, “It’s going to grow back. Your next avocados will be crazy!” Yeah, whatever. The tree is gone, so stop doing that. It just didn’t work.

But a few days later, I noticed some unusual butterflies flying around the yard. And then, the sun came in the kitchen, creating this pleasant warmth once blocked by the huge tree. After about a month, I started to notice some tiny green shoots coming out of the cut branches, which eventually turned into full-on bright green leaves.

I started to feel like all was going to be fine, kind of like life. Little do we know what seems really difficult is actually life’s way of making us stronger. It’s life’s way of bringing in the butterflies, the sunshine, and the delightful flowers. We all know that saying, “It will be OK in the end. If it’s not, it’s not the end.”

1. What is mainly expressed in Paragraph 2 about the avocado tree?
A.Her kids’ love for it.B.Its fruit’s good taste.
C.Its benefits for her family.D.Her expectation of it.
2. Why did the author’s friends say the words in paragraph 3?
A.To cheer her up.B.To make fun of her
C.To show their regret.D.To express their excitement.
3. What happened to the avocado tree in the end?
A.It had no branches.B.It blocked the sunshine.
C.It bore more avocados.D.It was full of life again
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.You harvest what you sow.B.Success won’t come unless you go to it.
C.Luck and Misfortune comes in turn.D.The important thing in life is to have a dream.
2023-12-25更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省德化一中、永安一中、漳平一中三校协作2023-2024学年高二上学期12月联考英语试题

8 . When I was 25 years old, I had a big dream in my mind and lots of things in my backpack. I wanted to travel around Africa with my ______. So I left my hometown with great confidence and ______ in Cape Town on a one-way ticket, not really sure what to do next. ______, before my trip actually started, I met a kind, old Nigerian man. He gave me the best travel ______ I ever received: “Be like a student on your way around the world.”

It sounds ______, but it really changed my mind about travelling. He helped me ______ that travel is about learning and observing different cultures. “It’s far too easy to go into a(n) _______ country for you and believe your ways are better. But if you study, ask questions, and _______ to learn from the locals, you’ll have far richer experience,” he promised me.

On other trips ______ I was on my tour way to Cancun, I didn’t know the man so I was just a tourist. I only stayed there for a week to see the ______ and places of interest and then left. The culture didn’t ______ me. I left the cities and towns without really knowing anyone or anything. Those people and things ______ in those very places to which I had ______ a visit.

This time, I promised to myself that I would be a ______ student traveler. After seven months of ______ travelling from Cape Town to Cairo, I returned home. Having a student-like attitude helped me learn a lot. This trip satisfied me more than any other trip ever did to me.

2023-12-21更新 | 91次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省莆田市涵江区莆田锦江中学2023-2024学年高一上学期第二次月考英语试题

9 . I was lucky enough to test into the best high school in the city. But then came my ______: Am I good enough? It was a question that ______ me through my first month, even as I began to ______, even as I got used to the early morning wake-ups and moving between ______ for class.

I knew I had to work to ground myself. My earliest ______ involved keeping quiet and trying to observe my new classmates. Who were these kids anyway? How did they learn in school? All I knew was that they were the ______ kids in the city, obviously. But wasn’t I as well? Hadn’t I ______ here because I was smart like them? The truth is that I didn’t know. This ______ was like a deadly cell that threatened to divide and divide again, ______ I could find some way to stop it. Fortunately, my first ______ of grades turned out to be excellent, and so did my second. Over the course of my first two years, I began to build the same kind of ______ I’d had at my previous school. With each little achievement, my doubt ______ took leave.

I loved any subject that ______ writing and labored through math. I had classmates who were always a step or two ahead of me, whose achievements seemed effortless, but I tried not to let that get to me. I was beginning to understand that if I put in extra hours of studying, I could often ______ the gap. I wasn’t a straight-A student, but I was always ______ and I made progress.

A.cut inB.put inC.settle inD.set in
2023-12-20更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省泉州市第六中学2023-2024学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题

10 . For many years, Dr. Freed was a doctor in our local community. He made house ______. You’d see the lights on, late at night when somebody had an ______. He was always there for his patients.

But he was 80 years old now, and his life had taken a ______. No more bustling (忙碌) about. He was laid up in a wheelchair after a ______, which, not surprisingly, had triggered (引发) ______ feelings from lasting post-surgical pain. He came to see me to ______ what he termed his “uncertain future.” The problem, as he explained it, was that it was hard to examine patients if he could hardly move. He said, “______ is my life. If I give it up, what’s left for me?” My ______ was to help him.

The key, I thought, was for him to ______ to see himself as a vital part of the community. I ______ that he should write about his medical experiences if he was ______ to do it. He thought writing a book was a good idea. “Maybe my role now is to pass on what I’ve learned to the ______.” said Dr. Freed.

We can learn a lot from Dr. Freed’s experience in pursuing happiness through personal growth First, it is that you’re never too ______. Second making some ______ during each phase of life is important. During older age, ______ wisdom and experience is often a source of satisfaction.

A.giving ofB.waiting forC.showing offD.putting aside
2023-12-19更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省优质校2023-2024学年高三上学期12月阶段性检测英语试题
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