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1 . It has been suspected that whale sharks, the biggest fish in the sea, are long-lived, and now this has been confirmed using a carbon dating technique.     1    

Steven Campana is a researcher from the University of Iceland in Reykjavik.     2     It makes a big difference whether they are fast-growing and short-lived, or slow-growing and long-lived.

    3     They don’t have the bony structures in their ears that are used to work out the age of most fish. Instead, sharks’ age can be measured based on growth rings in their cartilaginous vertebrae (软骨椎骨), and these growth rings form at different rates in different species.

Two decades ago, Campana’s team showed that growth-ring-based age could be checked by looking at levels of the carbon-14 isotope (同位素) in the rings.     4     For instance, it was thought that great white sharks lived only 12 to 15 years, but recent studies have shown individuals as old as 73.

Now the carbon-14 technique has been applied to the preserved remains of two adult whale sharks. It shows that one of these whales was at least 50 years old.     5    

In 2016, a study using the same method reported that Greenland sharks are the longest living vertebrates (脊椎动物) possibly living as long as 500 years. Campana is doubtful about such extreme life span, but it is clear that they can live more than a century.

A.Other individuals may live even longer.
B.But working out how long sharks live is difficult.
C.A lot of animals including sharks can live for decades.
D.The sharks are now able to survive in low oxygen environments.
E.In his opinion, knowing how long animals live is important for conservation.
F.It turns out that these animals live for at least 50 years and probably far longer.
G.This technique has proved that the age of many sharks has been guessed wrong.
7日内更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市第五十七中学2024-2025学年高三上学期8月考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . A teacher was very annoyed by some of the boys whistling (吹口哨) during school hours. At last he knew he had to punish anyone who made the noise again.

The next morning, when the room was very quiet, a loud whistle was heard again! The students were very surprised, and the teacher at once looked around to discover the noise-maker.

The blame (责备) fell on a bad boy who was often in trouble. However, he said that he didn’t whistle at all. But no one believed his words, for he was not a truthful boy. The teacher brought him up to be punished.

Seeing what was about to happen, a thin little boy, about nine years old, who was nervously watching the event, rose from his seat.

“Do not punish John, sir,” he said to the teacher. “It was I who whistled. I was doing a long, hard sum (算术题), and when I erased another sum to make room for it, I rubbed out the difficult one by mistake. And before I know what I have done, I whistled out loud! I am very sorry, but I did not mean to whistle. I cannot let John be punished for my fault.” And with all the firmness (坚定) he could order, he held out his hand to be punished!

Taking his hand, the teacher said, “Charles, you have done the right thing. You were honest and spoke the truth. I believe that you did not mean to whistle. I cannot punish you, after being so honest.” Charles returned to his seat with his face red, and even the youngest child in the school felt proud of him. Every student could see how bravely he acted.

Charles was truly a brave boy. He did that which he knew to be right, even though at the time he might have been punished for it. True courage (勇气) may also be shown by refusing to do that which we know is wrong, though we may get in trouble or other children may laugh at us.

1. How might the teacher feel when he heard the whistle again?
2. Who did the teacher blame at first?
A.A thin little boy who was truthful.B.A bad boy who was often in trouble.
C.The youngest child who studied at school.D.Some boys who often whistled during school hours.
3. Why didn’t the teacher punish Charles?
A.Because Charles didn’t whistle out.
B.Because Charles was always a truthful student.
C.Because Charles helped the teacher find out the noise-maker.
D.Because Charles chose to be punished instead of lying(撒谎).
4. What is the correct order of the following events?
a. Charles explained to the teacher why he whistled.     b. Some boys often whistled during school hours.
c. The teacher didn’t punish Charles.                         d. A loud whistle was heard one day.
e. The teacher decided to punish John.
5. What is the best title of the passage?
A.The True CourageB.A Careless Noise-maker
C.The Strict PunishmentD.A Valuable Class
7日内更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省菏泽市巨野县实验中学2024-2025学年高一上学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道,主要讲述的是在叙利亚地震后,Save the Children Türkiye等组织如何通过足球项目来帮助受地震影响的儿童恢复心理健康和生活常态。

3 . In February, when a terrible earthquake hit Türkiye and Syria, hundreds of thousands of children watched their world fall apart.

More than 50,000 people died in Türkiye alone. Homes and schools were damaged or destroyed. Families moved to make shift (临时替代的) “container cities,” often far from friends. Many children were affected emotionally. According to a UN report, more than 5.4 million children across the quake zone are at risk of developing mental diseases. “I’ve spoken to many families who say. ‘I don’t recognize my own children,’” says Ceyda Yelkalan, the communications manager of Save the Children Türkiye.

What these children need to heal (康复), Yelkalan says, is a place where they can focus on just being kids. That means creating new safe spaces where children can do something fun, like playing soccer. Through “Pitches of Hope” — a project created by Mastercard and put into action by Save the Children — Yelkalan and her teammates are building those spaces. Throughout southern Türkiye, they are restoring soccer pitches (球场) that were destroyed and inviting kids to join soccer-related activities, believing in the healing power of sports.

Mehmet Ali Akil, who is Save the Children’s child protection coordinator (协调人), and his teammates developed a series of soccer-related games that encourage teamwork and improve mental well-being. Programs like Pitches of Hope are much needed, he says, since children can, and often do, become separated from their family and friends after disasters. So he developed activities that focus on increasing communication and encouraging respectful and kind behavior.

One girl said that she hadn’t played soccer before because she thought it was a game for men. “Now she’s saying ‘I have more courage,’” Yelkalan says. “These children are learning life skills and the importance of equality and inclusion of every child. They’re getting away from the worries of daily life and making new friendships.”

1. What does paragraph 2 mainly tell us about the earthquake?
A.The cause of it.B.What effect it had.
C.What people think about it.D.The rescue efforts following it.
2. What does Yelkalan expect of Pitches of Hope?
A.It can teach children how to stay safe during an earthquake.
B.It can improve children’s sporting performance.
C.It can heal the children’s physical wounds.
D.It can offer children a world of joy.
3. What is one purpose of the games developed by Akil and his teammate?
A.To change the children’s bad study habits.
B.To teach children how to lead a sports team.
C.To encourage children to connect with each other.
D.To give children chances to get together with their family.
4. What does the author want to show by mentioning the girl in the last paragraph?
A.The limitations of the project.B.The success of the project.
C.The details of the project.D.The future of the project.
7日内更新 | 73次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨师范大学青冈实验中学校2024-2025学年高二开学上学期期初考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Ranger Programs at Yosemite National Park

Yosemite National Park offers a variety of ranger (护林人) programs designed to connect visitors with the park’s remarkable natural and cultural wonders. Join us this summer for a series of engaging and educational experiences.

Yosemite’s Wildlife Encounters (June 20 to August 15)

Set out on a family-friendly adventure to learn how to spot wildlife in their natural habitat. Understand the behaviors and habitats of Yosemite’s diverse wildlife through engaging presentations and interactive discussions. Meet at the Happy Isles Nature Center for this enriching experience.

Junior Ranger Adventure Camp (July 1 to August 31)

Children become junior park rangers for a day, exploring the park’s geological wonders, ecological systems, and wildlife. With hands-on activities and games, kids develop a deeper appreciation for nature. Meet at the Yosemite Valley Visitor Center to kick off their adventure.

Yosemite’s Waterfalls: A Photographic Journey (July 10)

Record the impressive view of Yosemite’s waterfalls with guidance from our park photographer. Learn techniques to enhance your nature photography and compose unforgettable images. Meet at the Yosemite Falls parking lot for this once-in-a-lifetime workshop.

Evening Star Talks at Tunnel View (August 10 to September 5)

Gather at the famous Tunnel View for an evening under the stars. Rangers provide insights into the astronomical bodies visible in Yosemite’s clear skies, sharing stories of the star patterns and the park’s night-time wildlife. Meet at the Tunnel View parking area for this enlightening program.

Participating in these ranger programs allows you to explore further into Yosemite’s natural beauty, gain unique insights, and create lasting memories. Don’t miss the chance to experience Yosemite’s wonders this summer.

1. Which of the four programs begins the earliest?
A.Yosemite’s Wildlife Encounters.
B.Junior Ranger Adventure Camp.
C.Yosemite’s Waterfalls: A Photographic Journey.
D.Evening Star Talks at Tunnel View.
2. Where will the participants meet for the photography workshop?
A.The Happy Isles Nature Center.B.The Yosemite Falls parking lot.
C.The Yosemite Valley Visitor Center.D.The Tunnel View parking area.
3. What do the four programs have in common?
A.Skill development.B.Nature connection.
C.Hands-on activities.D.Interactive discussions.
7日内更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市2024-2025学年高三上学期9月调研开学考试英语测试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . An experiment in Botswana suggests that painting eyes on the rear ends (臀部) of cows may help protect them from large animals like lions. Protecting cows could also in turn protect the lions from farmers.

Large predators (食肉动物) like lions are under pressure. Much of the land they used to live in has been taken over by humans. Many are even hunted. One serious threat to large predators comes from farmers, who often shoot or poison them after losing farm animals to their attacks. This has long been a problem in the Okavango Delta.

The Okavango Delta is an area where the Okavango River empties out. With its waters spreading out over thousands of square miles, the area is an important location for various wildlife. In the area, there are many small farms, with between 6 and 100 cows. Lions are the biggest threat to cows in the area.

Scientists from the University of New South Wales wondered if painting pictures of eyes on the cows’ rear ends might protect them. Working with over 2,000 cows in the Okavango area, the scientists tested their ideas in a four-year study. The researchers separated the cows into three groups. They painted large eyes on the rear ends of one group of cows. The second group got simple Xs. The final group got nothing.The eyes worked well. Of the 683 cows with eyes painted on them, none were killed in the four-year period.Fifteen of the 835 cows with nothing on their backsides were killed. The scientists were surprised to learn even Xs seemed to give the cows protection. Only 4 of the 543 cows with Xs were killed.

Though the results show a simple way to protect cows from lions, the scientists pointed out that the method may have weaknesses. The researchers aren’t sure the fake (假的) eyes would work so well if all of the cows had them. Also, over time, predators might learn to ignore fake eyes. Still, for now, it seems like a cheap way to protect cows in the area.

1. What is the biggest possible benefit of proecting cows?
A.Improving farmers’life quality.
B.Balancing the local ecosystem.
C.Controlling the number of predators.
D.Saving lions from environmental pollution.
2. Why is the Okavango Delta described in detail?
A.To draw attention to cows’ safety.
B.To introduce possible threats to cows.
C.To give the reason for choosing this place.
D.To show the problem of the location.
3. What finding came as a surprise to the scientists?
A.Cows’ eyes could scare lions away.
B.Xs could protect cows from lions too.
C.Many of the cows with Xs were killed.
D.Some cows with nothing on backsides were killed.
4. Which might be the best title for the text?
A.Cows can be protected from lions
B.Fake eyes protect cows from lions
C.Fake eyes are used to protect animals
D.Animals are closely related to each other
7日内更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省西畴县第一中学2024-2025学年高二上学期假期开学检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . High employment, falling inflation (通货膨胀), and economic growth. On the surface, the US economy currently seems to be doing great. But as it turns out, things are not so rosy for the average working American.

According to a March 6 survey conducted by the Savings website, 47 percent of parents provide some degree of financial support to their adult children to help deal with the cost of living struggles.

Gen Zers (defined in the survey as aged 18 - 27) were found to be the most likely generation to get financial help from their parents, receiving on average 1,515 dollars (about 10.950 an) per month. Still, many older parents were found to be supporting their Millennial (aged 28 - 43) or Generation X (aged 44 - 59) adult children, accounting for 21 percent of parents providing support. The most common expenses cited were groceries, tuition and health insurance, among others, reported The Guardian.

But why are so many US adults, both young and old, struggling to “leave the nest”? One major reason is soaring food prices. According to the US Department of Agriculture, food prices are expected to increase by nearly 2.5 percent across the board in 2024.

Meanwhile, stable housing remains an elusive dream for many. The average rate for a 30- year, fixed rate mortgage (抵押贷款) was almost 8 percent in October 2023, said the Mortgage a Bankers Association. An extremely expensive mortgage means that many Americans are priced out of affording their own home.

The final piece of the puzzle is falling salaries. Previous generations were able to count on graduating from college as the key to landing a job that paid well. But now, young US graduates have found that they earn less than their parents. According to a CNBC analysis, college graduate salaries have decreased more than 10 percent in four decades after adjusting for inflation. In other words, steadily declining salaries make it even harder for young Americans to cope with steadily rising costs.

AS Gen Zers in the US struggle under financial pressures, so do the older generations supporting them, as their generosity puts their prospects for retirement at risk. The Savings website discovered that working parents were found to contribute “2.4 times more to support adult children than they contribute to their retirement accounts each month”.

Essentially, while the US economy remains afloat, we might witness multiple generations of Americans sinking in their own lifeboats in the years ahead.

1. What did the March 6 survey find out about adult children in the US?
A.Nearly half of them are financially dependent.
B.Over half of Gen Zers are financially struggling.
C.Generation X often offer their parents financial aid.
D.A majority of them rely on their parents for education.
2. What does the underlined word “elusive” in paragraph 5 most probably mean?
A.Easy to realize.B.Difficult to achieve.
C.Often misunderstood.D.Commonly sought after.
3. What can be inferred from the article about people now in the US?
A.Government policies favor older generations.
B.College education guarantees a well-paid job.
C.Salaries for graduates remain stable in four decades.
D.Financial pressures affect both the young and the old.
4. What is the author’s attitude toward the future prospects of Americans?
7日内更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南通市如皋市2024-2025学年高三上学期期初调研测试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . A new study published on May 20, 2024, found that when teenagers played a game named Arknights (明日方舟), it motivated their brain activity, leading to increased intelligence. This study was conducted by Han, an expert from Ning Jin Yi Zhong, and it made a significant impact on the common perspective of games. Han invited 500 students from Ning Jin Yi Zhong to participate in the study. He divided these students into ten groups and asked them to play different kinds of games. Eventually, he used a device capable of testing brain motivation to assess the students, discovering that those who played Arknights exhibited the highest motivation and performed the best in class.

Professor Wang, who collaborated with Han, stated, “It’s surprising to discover the positive effects of this game. The improvement it brought to students was remarkable. I recommend that all students should play Arknights.”

Arknights is a game that requires players to strategically place characters to defend against enemies, each with various abilities to threaten the player’s base. This necessitates players to utilize their intelligence and skills to place characters in optimal positions. Consequently, players’ brains receive sufficient stimulation, enhancing their motivation and cognitive abilities. Moreover, the game’s attractive characters and scenes captivate players, igniting their passion for playing and amplifying its positive impact on their intelligence.

A participant named Zhang Kangbo remarked, “When you start playing this game, you’ll notice that it sharpens your problem-solving abilities and improves sociability. Let’s invite your friends to play Arknights together quickly.”

With the publication of this study, an increasing number of students began to try playing Arknights. Ying Jiao Company, the developer behind the game, was astonished by the growing number of players. An engineer witnessing this phenomenon expressed, “It’s gratifying to see so many people eager to play our game. I hope every player enjoys their time, and we will continue to enhance the quality and provide more welfare to every player.”

1. Which is the impact of Arknights on students?
A.Make them feel positive.
B.Sharpen students’ intelligence.
C.Boost students’ motivation of brain.
D.Sharpen students’ game skill.
2. How does Dr. Han conduct this study?
A.Compared students’ performance after playing different games.
B.Analyze the former studies’ data.
C.Play different games in person.
D.Ask professor Wang’s to play Arknights.
3. What is professor Wang’s attitude to the study according to Paragraph 2?
4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Many people don’t like playing other games except Arknights.
B.Ying Jiao Company will improve the quality of Arknights.
C.More welfare will be given to the participants.
D.Ying Jiao Company have the best engineers in the world.
7日内更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省宁津县第一中学2024-2025学年高三上学期创新学部9月考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . A love of reading opens the door to adventures, learning new things and a whole host of key language skills.     1     . Just 10 to 15 minutes a day with a book is enough to enhance your curious little ones’ interest and strengthen your ties. Read on for our top tips on fostering (培养) a love of literature.

Start right away

Reading to your newborn helps to give them the best start in life.     2     . When you read to your little one, talk about the characters and objects in the book or the sounds the animals make. Hearing your voice helps give meaning to the letters and pictures they are seeing. It helps to keep your child engaged and makes the story jump off the page!


It is important for children to see reading as something fun and pleasurable to do rather than a difficult task. What better way to teach this than to show them the ropes yourself! If your children see you reading often, it is more likely to encourage them. This will also help to promote time away from screens.

Listen to your child

    4     . If they are particularly drawn to a particular topic, like dinosaurs, try to find children’s books about that subject. This will help to reinforce (强化) that books are tools for learning more about the things we care about and they will be more likely to read if the subject matter is their favourite!

Make it a routine

Making reading an enjoyable part of your child’s life starts with incorporating (融入) books into your daily routine. Create a special reading time before bed or while taking public transportation. If available near you, check with your local library for information on story time programmes.     5     .

A.Take turns to read now and then
B.Model what a good reader looks like
C.These meet ups let kids enjoy books and socialize
D.As your little one grows, pay attention to their interests
E.Babies learn language from adults who repeat words to them
F.Reading together also strengthens the bond with your children
G.There is no need to push if they are not receptive to it right now
7日内更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届河北省邢台市名校联盟高三上学期9月开学调研检测(一)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Stress is unavoidable in life. We all face it daily, whether it is a small inconvenience or a major life challenge. Stress negatively affects all aspects of our lives both personally and professionally.     1     So what can we do about it? Here are some helpful tips to fight stress, defeat it and move on.


    2     The longer you let something sit, the more it will weigh on you and take up valuable brain space.

Practice self-care

Here are the key aspects to self-care that so often get forgotten:

●Drink water. Prevent tiredness, help digestion, your skin and your sleep.

●Stretch. Get oxygen flowing into your muscles before or during a stressful situation.

●Exercise regularly. Don’t let your busy schedule take priority over your health.

    3     Read, take a bath, go for a run, listen to music, or phone a friend.


Find a network of people who you can vent (宣泄) to. This is a fantastic way to reduce bringing work troubles and stress home with you. You have the opportunity to blow off the first build-up of steam.     4    


Breathing deeply brings more oxygen into your body, producing endorphins (内啡肽). They fight with cortisol, a chemical which is a result of anxiety or stress. Did you know breathing is responsible for most of your body’s detoxification (排毒)     5     This critical part of calming yourself down allows you the space and time to focus on the problem at hand and have a quiet mind to tackle what’s ahead of you.

A.Find time for you.
B.Read and practice more.
C.Cross off the most stressful tasks first.
D.So you can go home a bit more calm and sensible.
E.In this way you can communicate with whoever you like to.
F.It can harm our bodies, our relationships and our overall quality of life.
G.It also increases energy, lowers blood pressure and slows your heartbeat.
7日内更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届福建省泉州市高中毕业班质量监测(一模)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了Elon Musk致力于将人类送上火星的决心和举措。

10 . For more than two decades, Elon Musk has focused SpaceX, his rocket company, on his lifelong goal of reaching Mars. Over the last year, he has also built up work on what will happen if he gets there.

Mr. Musk, 53, has directed SpaceX employees to drill into the design and details of a Martian city, according to five people with knowledge of the efforts and documents viewed by The New York Times. One team is drawing up plans for small dome habitats, including the materials that could be used to build them. Another is working on spacesuits to combat Mars's hostile environment, while a medical team is researching whether humans can have children there.

These initiatives, which are at their early stage, are a shift toward more concrete planning for life on Mars as Mr. Musk's timeline has hastened (加速). While he said in 2016 that it would take 40 to 100 years to have a self- sustaining civilization on the planet, Mr. Musk told SpaceX employees in April that he now expects one million people to be living there in about 20 years.

Mr. Musk has long tried to defy(违抗) the impossible and has often managed to beat tough odds. But his vision for life on Mars takes his seemingly limitless ambitions to their most extreme — and some might say absurdist — point. No one has ever set foot on the planet. NASA doesn't expect to land humans on Mars until the 2040s. And if people get there, they will be greeted by a barren terrain, icy temperatures, dust storms, and air that is impossible to breathe.

Yet Mr. Musk is so wedded (执着) to the idea of creating a civilization on Mars — he once said he plans to die there — that it has pushed nearly every business endeavor he has undertaken on Earth. His vision for Mars underlies most of the six companies that he leads or owns, each of which could potentially contribute to a space colony, according to the documents and the people with knowledge of the efforts.

The Boring Company, a private tunneling venture founded by Mr. Musk, was started in part to ready equipment to dig under Mars's surface, two of the people said. Mr. Musk has told people that he bought X, the social media platform, partly to help test how a citizen-led government that rules by consensus might work on Mars. He has also said that he envisions residents on the planet will drive a version of the steel-paneled Cybertrucks made by Tesla, his electric vehicle company.

1. What measures are being taken by SpaceX to realize their dream of Mars?
A.Designing large spaceships and building hospitals.
B.Planning for habitats and designing spacesuits.
C.Developing technologies and training medical teams.
D.Building space stations and inspiring employees to strive.
2. How do some people find Mr. Musk's vision for Mars?
A.Practical and achievable.B.Unreasonable and time- consuming.
C.Theoretical and promising.D.Over-ambitious and ridiculous.
3. Why did Mr. Musk purchase X social media platform?
A.Because he intended to create a company on Mars.
B.Because he was interested in promoting social network on Mars.
C.Because he wanted to make profits by running it on Mars.
D.Because he dream t of a resident- managed government for Mars.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Elon Musk's determination and initiatives to put people on Mars.
B.Elon Musk's efforts to overcome the challenges of exploring Mars.
C.Elon Musk's overall vision for the future development of Mars.
D.Elon Musk's companies on Mars and their contributions.
7日内更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市第三中学校2024-2025学年高三上学期8月月考英语试卷
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