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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了毕业于北京中医药大学的Arvin Kuipers在荷兰阿姆斯特丹开设中医诊所行医的故事。

1 . When Arvin Kuipers, who graduated from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in 2017 and loves Chinese culture, asks his patients to stick out their tongue so he can diagnose(诊断) their illness, many are confused.

Kuipers, 30, practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Amsterdam in the Netherlands, said, “In TCM I need to do face and tongue diagnosis. That’s strange for people in my country.” One elderly woman had been visiting him occasionally for advice, but her first experience with TCM surprised her. She had never experienced acupuncture (针灸) or any other TCM treatment. “She came in, and I examined her face and tongue,” said Kuipers. “I told the patient her kidneys were not doing well and that she wasn’t getting proper sleep.” The woman was shocked by his insight and asked if he had been spying on her. “Actually, it was easy to diagnose her condition when I saw the dark rings under her eyes. Her energy levels were also very low at the time.”

Kuipers opened his TCM clinic in September. Most of his work involves performing acupuncture, cupping as well as tuina — a TCM massage that patients in the West like the most, he said. In some cases he also gave his patients traditional herbal medicines.

Kuipers usually makes a cup of Chinese tea to calm his patients if they are nervous about the acupuncture needles. He also explains to them the meridian (经络) system, which is a central concept of TCM, yin and yang, and other concepts. “In TCM, good health requires balanced yin and yang, so practitioners not only pay attention to a patient’s illness, but also to his or her overall physical condition,” said Kuipers. “TCM is also a different culture and offers a new perspective, instead of being a curing method.”

As of early April, Kuipers has treated more than 200 patients, many of whom come to his clinic every week. “TCM does work, and works well. My patients really feel better with it, so I value it, and when my patients feel better I also feel better.”

1. What can we learn from the elderly woman’s story in paragraph 2?
A.The elderly woman trusted TCM treatment in the beginning.
B.TCM is very different from the treatment in her country.
C.The elderly woman used to visit Kuipers a lot for TCM.
D.The elderly woman was shocked at her kidney s not doing well
2. Which TCM treatment is most welcomed by the patients in the West?
A.Tuina.B.Acupuncture.C.Cupping.D.Herbal medicines.
3. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.Why Kuipers’ patients are fond of Chinese tea.
B.How Kuipers explains meridian system to his patients.
C.How Kuipers applies Chinese culture and treatments to patients.
D.Why Kuipers pays little attention to overall physical condition.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
A.To praise Kuipers for his TCM treatments.
B.To stress the value of teaching foreigners TCM.
C.To show the popularity of TCM with patients in the Netherlands.
D.To tell the story of Kuipers practising TCM in the Netherlands.
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2 .




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1. What’s the restriction of the coupon?
A.It is valid only on March 31st.B.It doesn’t support phone reservation.
C.Only new patients can use it.D.It must be used with insurance fees.
2. Which is an advantage of dental implants?
A.They cost little money.B.They preserve the jawbone.
C.They can be easily removed.D.They prevent teeth missing.
3. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To explain how to implant teeth.B.To introduce three implant centers.
C.To advertise a newly opened dental center.D.To popularize the knowledge of oral health.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . It is the beginning of a new school year, but for many, it may be their last. Many say that senior year is the best year of high school, but be careful.     1    . Here are the things that you should not do during your final year of high school.

The first thing is procrastinating. It is a bad habit, and it is extremely harmful when you get to your senior year. Your senior year is going to be busy with schoolwork, volunteering, and college applications.     2    . You need to plan your schedule wisely so not only can you get everything you need done, but you can also enjoy some time for yourself or with friends.

The next thing you should not do is be unhealthy. Being unhealthy in both mind and body is going to be hard to avoid during your senior year.     3    , not to mention all the stress that this year is going to cause you. However, being healthy will help you greatly. Getting a good night’s sleep, eating good food, and exercising can help your body stay healthy, which will overall benefit you and make the days easier.     4    . You can read a book, take a warm bath, or talk to someone; just do something that will calm you down.

    5    . While you should be careful about your schoolwork and habits, remember that this is your last year of high school, so enjoy it. Give yourself some time for yourself. That could be just staying in and watching movies with your family, or going to a party with your friends.

A.Now, many high school students procrastinate
B.That is why you cannot procrastinate during this time
C.As for your mental health, make sure you take time to relax
D.There will be all-nighters and a ton of unhealthy eating habits
E.There is something you have to watch out for in your senior year
F.The last thing you should avoid in your senior year is being too serious
G.Last, you should not be too mean to your family during your senior year
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Wandering in a thick forest amid fresh air, colorful flowers and the sweet melodies of wild birds, tourists might feel they are in a fairy tale world. In fact, they are picking wild mushrooms in Yunnan Province. Known for its breathing-taking landscapes and diverse ecosystems, Yunnan provides a lot of mushroom picking destinations.

Xu Yaowei is in charge of a mushroom picking project on the app “Youyunnan”. He explained to China Daily that it was launched in early July. There are two types of tour routes. The first mainly aims at tourists from outside the province. Their main demand is for a mushroom hunting experience, focusing on easily finding mushrooms. The second route is for local and high-end customers, and includes a mushroom hunting experience, picking wild tea, enjoying a mushroom feast on a farm, and visiting a local wild mushroom market.

The project is already a success. By the end of August, it conducted nearly 40 one-day wild mushroom collection tours, serving nearly 800 tourists. More than 95 percent of them are from outside the province. Most of them are college graduates and parents with children, ranging from 25 to 35 years old.

One tourist surnamed Li said, “The most unforgettable was undoubtedly our encounter (遇到) with the professional and passionate tour guides.” “Their attractive stories and interactive sessions deepened our understanding and appreciation of the wild mushrooms we encountered,” Li added.

1. What can we learn about the mushroom picking project on the app?
A.It is very expensive.
B.It is successful but risky.
C.It was started in early August.
D.It is very popular with college graduates.
2. How does the writer develop paragraph 3?
A.By giving examples.B.By providing numbers.
C.By explaining the cause.D.By showing the effect.
3. What may impress the tourists most about the project?
A.The tour routes.
B.The local market.
C.The mushroom hunting experience.
D.The professional and passionate tour guides.
4. Where is this text probably taken from?
A.A storybook.B.A guidebook.
C.A news report.D.A scientific article.
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . A majority of the people do not read the classics. Their reasons begin with the language being too difficult and end with the storyline too distant to the present context. Love for classics is obviously not at first sight.     1     We begin as acquaintances (泛泛之交) and eventually become close friends with private jokes between us. So how does one approach a classic?

Don’t be afraid to be confused.

We get it: it’s hard to power through confusion. It doesn’t feel great when a book makes you feel confused. Every reader has to start somewhere.     2     Instead, be proud of yourself for trying, and get excited about all the new things you’ll learn.

Research, research, research.

    3     Researching the author-and the time and place they were writing about-can help you situate yourself during tricky passages. The author’s experience, viewpoint, and historical context might help you make the connections you might not have otherwise.

Just pick the book up.

This step is self-explanatory. While it’s not hard to just pick a book up, we know how difficult it can be to convince yourself to do so.     4     Take a deep breath, then leap onto the deck (甲板) of Melville’s Pequod or step cautiously through the gates of Castle Dracula.

Remember: there is no right answer.

There is no perfect way to read a classic text. There is no defining interpretation, no singular, exact answer. Your goal as a reader is to discover what aspects and insights are meaningful to you. Enjoy the process.     5     Even if your interpretation of the work isn’t quite perfect, it is still valuable!

A.It is a gradual affair.
B.Allow the book to grow with you.
C.It has some form of historical influence.
D.Before you turn to page one, do some digging.
E.Never beat yourself up for not knowing something.
F.Remind yourself that it’s a new learning opportunity.
G.Consider what confuses you, read with intention, and think critically.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in educational technology (EdTech) has brought incomparable convenience and efficiency to classrooms worldwide. However, despite these advancements, it is crucial to recognize the challenges these AI-driven tools pose to the autonomy and professional judgment of instructors.

One of its primary concerns is the depersonalization of instruction. These tools often rely on pre-packaged digital content and standardized solutions, leaving insufficient room for instructors to tailor their teaching methods. Each student possesses unique characteristics. Instructors, armed with their wealth of experience and knowledge, are best positioned to tailor their approaches to these individual needs. However, AI-driven tools restrict their ability to do so effectively, resulting in a one-size-fits-all approach that fails to inspire students to reach their maximum potential.

EdTech companies offer step-by-step solutions to textbook problems. These are intended to act as study aids. However, some students employ this feature as a means to merely copy solutions without comprehending concepts. Consequently, instances of cheating on assignments and exams become widespread. While these tools may offer convenience, students may use external resources or cooperate with others during quizzes, affecting the honesty of their learning outcomes.

The implications of this depersonalization and the increase in academic dishonesty are far-reaching. By decreasing the role of instructors as facilitators of meaningful educational interactions, we run the risk of preventing the growth of critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students. Education should not only focus on knowledge acquisition, but should also develop the ability to analyze, evaluate, and apply that knowledge in real-world contexts. It should help one’s mind grow, not simply memorize information. Through dynamic classroom discussions, cooperative projects, and hands-on activities, instructors play a crucial role in developing these essential skills.

While AI-driven EdTech tools undeniably have their virtues, we must not lose sight of the importance of preserving instructor autonomy and educational experience. Instead of relying only on pre-packaged content and standardized solutions, these tools should be designed to empower instructors to adapt and customize their approaches while taking full advantage of the benefits of technology.

1. What do the underlined words “the depersonalization of instruction” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Tailored methods for individuals.B.Instructors’ dependence on Al.
C.Insufficient resources of Al-driven tools.D.The one-size-fits-all approach.
2. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.A possible solution.
B.A further problem.
C.A well-meant intention.
D.A suggested application
3. In what aspect do students suffer most with AI-driven EdTech education?
A.Thinking skills.B.Teamwork building.
C.Interest development.D.Knowledge acquisition.
4. What is conveyed about Al-driven EdTech tools in the last paragraph?
A.They should be used widely.
B.Their benefits deserve our attention.
C.Their resources need enriching.
D.They should support instructor autonomy.
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. Why did people come to the bar?
A.To hear the lady sing.
B.To make the lady famous.
C.To listen to the piano.
2. When did the pianist know he had a talent for singing?
A.After he became a famous pianist.
B.That night after his first singing.
C.Long before he played the piano in the bar.
3. What happened to the pianist at last?
A.He became a well-known singer in America.
B.He had his own piano bar.
C.He continued to play the piano in the bar.
4. Which of the following will the author agree on?
A.People will succeed if they have talent.
B.Everyone should make full use of his talent.
C.Few people have real talent.
2023-11-10更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏育才中学2023-2024学年高一上学期11月期中英语试题
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 对于高中学生而言,英语学习的方法非常重要。请结合自身英语学习情况,写一篇短文,分享一下自己的学习方法。写作内容:自己在学习英语时比较有效的方法;说明具体的做法。
2023-11-09更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏育才中学2023-2024学年高一上学期11月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . From Black Beauty to The Chronicles of Narnia, films and books have often shown the friendships that can develop between humans and horses. Lots of real-life stories have shown that horses seem to have a special understanding of humans. However, until a recent study, nobody knew if horses really recognized different human emotions.

A team of researchers set out to see what horses can understand. They used a test that is often used to see how much babies understand about the world around them.The team brought 28horses into a room, one by one. Each was shown a picture of a happy human and a picture of a sad human. At the same time,a recording of a happy or sad voice was played.The test showed that horses can recognize different emotions by looking at facial expressions and hearing the tone of people’s voices and matching the two up.When the voice didn’t match up with the picture, the horses seemed to be puzzled: they looked at the picture for longer, as if they knew that something wasn’t right. However, the researchers still don’t know if the horses actually understand what it is to be sad or happy.

Scientist Océane Liehrmann, from the University of Turku in Finland, worked on the study. She said,“You could imagine that they have a particular box in their mind labelled (贴标签)’human sadness’ containing the characteristics of both a sad face and a sad voice.”

It’s also thought that horses prefer to spend time around happy people because they spent longer looking at the pictures of happy people.The researchers now want to see if horses can recognize other negative human emotions.

1. Why did the author mention two films at the beginning?
A.To lead the readers to the topic.B.To introduce the films to the readers.
C.To compare the films with the real life.D.To advise the readers to relax themselves.
2. The researchers want to find out in the study whether horses can        
A.hear different soundsB.communicate with humans
C.recognize different picturesD.understand human emotions
3. When finding the picture didn’t match up with the voice, how did the horses feel?
4. Why do the researchers think horses like to be around happy people?
A.Because horses like to hear loud laughter.
B.Because horses can recognize people’s sad emotions.
C.Because horses spent more time on the pictures of happy people.
D.Because horses understand what it is to be sad or happy for people.
选词填空-单句选词填空 | 较易(0.85) |
10 . 选用所给的短语并运用其适当形式填空。
graduate from; be aware of; burn down; look forward to; in the lead
1. Jane is my new pen pal. I often ________ receiving her e-mail.
2. I don’t think you ________ how much it means to me.
3. She was ________ during the race.
4. Eventually, the girls all ________ college and went away to work for themselves.
5. If you forgot to turn the gas off when you went away, you might ________ the house.
2023-11-08更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏育才中学2023-2024学年高一上学期11月期中英语试题
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