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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了Jane Goodall的一生致力于对黑猩猩的研究和保护,在她的一生中,Goodall的工作保护了世界各地的人类和动物的生命。她鼓励年轻人加入这场为更美好世界而战的斗争。

1 . Imagine walking into the depths of the jungle (丛林) to observe the chimpanzees who cal it home. With a click of your camera, you document groundbreaking information about the species. Sounds wonderful, right? Jane Goodall did just that.

When Goodall was young, reading and exploring nature were her ideas of fun. Her mother encouraged her to learn and ask questions. Goodal dreamed of seeing the habitats (栖息地) of her favorite animals like chimpanzees firsthand.

In July 1957, when she was 23, Goodal arrived in Tanzania, East Africa, and journeyed to the Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve. She learned early on that studying chimpanzees wouldn’t be easy. To observe chimpanzees up close, she had to gain their trust. That took months. To her, the chimpanzees were complex creatures with lives surprisingly similar to ours.

In October 1960, Goodall was observing chimps. She watched as they made tools out of grass stems to pick ants out of a nest. Until then, people thought humans were the only species that used tools, Because of Goodall’s discovery, chimpanzees are now accepted as intelligent, social animals.

Goodall established the Jane Goodall Institute in 1977, to provide conservation and environmental education. In the late 1980s, her focus shifted to something much larger. Deforestation (滥伐森林) and climate change were affecting the world’s natural habitats. The vegetation chimpanzees depended on for food was in danger. Goodall left Gombe to help. The fight she began against habitat loss continues today, through animal reserves and research sites.

Throughout her life, Goodall’s work has protected the lives of people and animals around the world. And she encourages young people to join in this fight for a better world. In 1991, she founded Roots & Shoots. It equips young people to take action on issues that matter. Goodall says that if we all do our part to help, the world will be a better place.

1. What can we learn about young Goodall?
A.She enjoyed being alone.B.She was fond of traveling.
C.She was crazy about nature.D.She dreamed of keeping a chimp.
2. How did Goodall make a great discovery about chimps in Tanzania?
A.By observing chimps closely.B.By performing an experiment.
C.By studying the photos of chimps.D.By summarizing others’ studies.
3. Why did Goodall enlarge her study field?
A.To adapt to climate change.B.To find food for chimpanzees.
C.To protect the animals’ habitats.D.To provide environmental education.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Traveling in the JungleB.Making a Better World
C.Building a Better ReserveD.Living Peacefully in Nature
2023-11-21更新 | 99次组卷 | 4卷引用:宁夏石嘴山市第三中学2023-2024学年高二上学期11月期中英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Most people aim to get their recommended seven to nine hours of sleep in one long stretch at night. And the technical term for this is “monotheistic sleep (单向睡眠)”    1    .

However, we may not have been programmed to sleep in this way.

Now I’m sure you’ve had that experience of a drop in your concentration in the afternoon, where you start to feel a little sleepy.     2     as their heads begin sort of moving up and down during afternoon meetings. And it happens to most of us somewhere between the one to four pm. mark.

What this suggests is that we may have been designed to sleep in a biphasic (双向的) pattern, meaning one longer period of sleep at night, and then a short afternoon nap during the day, very much like the nap cultures around the world.

But is napping always a good thing?     3    . Although we and other scientists have discovered that naps can have benefits for both the brain and the body, naps can be a double-edged weapon. Long naps in the afternoon or in early evening can just take the edge of your sleepiness.     4    .

So if you are struggling with sleep at night, the best advice is not to nap during the day. Instead, build up all of that healthy sleepiness so that you give yourself the best chance of falling asleep easily, and then staying asleep soundly across night.     5     Naps of around 20 minutes taken early in the day can be just fine.

A.Well, not necessarily.
B.And you can also see it in other people as well.
C.In other words, a single period of sleep at night.
D.It’s a little bit like snacking before your main meal.
E.If you are mindful of how often and how long your naps are.
F.You may think this drop in your concentration is because of a big lunch.
G.But if you’re not struggling with sleep and you can nap regularly during the day.
语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章分享了作者在高中学习和生活中的一些经历和感悟,包括参加迎新会、面对考试成功的经历、被拒绝参加比赛但仍然努力支持队友的故事,以及建议读者在高中生活中尽可能参与并帮助他人。同时,引用作家Maya Angelou的话提醒读者要成为他人生命中的阳光。
3 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个恰当的单词或者括号内单词的正确形式。

I’m Lisa Osborne and I graduated     1     high school last June. Now, I’ll share my advice on high school with you .

       Orientation Day was    2     (actual) helpful. It’s a fantastic opportunity for new students     3     (get) to know the school and the other students. I even made some new friends ! Just keep     4     open mind and take part in     5     much as possible .
       I had a chemistry test right at the end of the first week . I was     6     (frighten) at the sight of the test paper. But then I     7     (figure) I’d better just go all out and see what happens. If you fail , no problem--- next time you can fail better !

As a member of the school volleyball team , I wasn’t selected for the end - of - year competition . At first I was very sad ,     8    I kept working hard to support my teammates during our training . There is always a way to be part of something you love , isn’t there ?

           9     (look) back on my high school life, I’d like to share these wonderful words from the writer Maya Angelou. She once said , “Be a rainbow in somebody else’s cloud .” So give your friends a hand when they need     10    . And this will also make you feel good .
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . Whether shyness is part of your child’s personality or just something they feel when they are in front of a group of strangers, it is a typical experience. “Shyness isn’t always as socially valued as more outgoing personalities. However, we should step back and think about different personalities and their unique advantages,” said Pérez-Edgar, professor of psychology (心理学) at The Pennsylvania State University. “Everyone can feel shy at times. And those who are especially shy often have happy social lives --they just aren’t likely to be the liveliest person in a crowded room.”

       But there are things to watch out for. If your children are avoiding situations that are important or could be enjoyable for them because they’re feeling nervous, it might be time to take action, said Chiappini, a child expert. “That could mean not speaking in class, trouble making friends, or not joining in activities they like.” she said.
       Chiappini recommended first saying something like: “You seem a little nervous or unsure about who everyone is/what to say . We haven’t met them before and that can feel a little uncomfortable.” From there, you can encourage them to join someone or say something when they are ready ---with the promise that you will be there to support them, she added.
       The more we avoid situations where kids may feel shy, the more anxiety (担心) we will have about them in the future. But that doesn’t mean to push your child into the deep end.

“We may have to deal with the situation step by step. For example, you may have to encourage your child just to make eye contact during an outing before expecting them to ask someone a question,” Chiappini said.

1. What may Pérez - Edgar agree with?
A.Shyness is not as bad as people have thought.
B.Children are more likely to feel shy than adults.
C.Shy people like to stay with lively people.
D.It’s difficult for people to get over shyness.
2. When should action be taken to help shy kids?
A.When they ask for instructions from others.
B.When they feel nervous in school activities.
C.When they try hard to mix with other children.
D.When they are absent from important situations.
3. What does Chiappini advise parents to do at first?
A.Tell their kids what they should say.
B.Ask their kids how they are feeling.
C.Help their kids stay away from some situations.
D.Show their kids they understand how they feel.
4. What can we infer from the last two paragraph?
A.Parents should be strict with the shy children.
B.Parents should push the shy children to be outgoing.
C.Parents should be patiently guide the shy children.
D.Parents should encourage shy children to make eye contact with them.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难(0.4) |

5 . According to a study published this week, habitual napping (打盹) appears to be associated with a large brain volume in adults although experts stressed that further research was needed. It reduces the cost caused from the lost time and the fatigue-related errors. The work followed previous studies that suggested a brief doze could improve people’s ability to learn.

Arianna Huffington, a co-founder of Huff Post and the founder and chief executive of Thrive Global, said, “Given the latest science on the effectiveness of napping and the clear link between employees feeling well rested and their productivity, it’s long past time that businesses embrace short naps at work.”

Some businesses, including Thrive Global, have already introduced facilities for employees to take naps. Google introduced sleep pods as far back as 2014 and companies like Nike and Ben & Jerry’s introduced nap rooms. The practice has even been adopted by the NHS, with a growing number of hospitals introducing sleep pods for staff in an effort to help them get more rest. Employees, it seems, are enthusiastic. Sean Greenwood, of Ben & Jerry’s, said, “If a quick nap gets employees more involved and creative, we’re happy to provide that for our team members.”

Unfortunately, the practice of napping still suffers from our collective concept that sleep equals weakness and laziness. However, the performance-enhancing benefits of naps have been no secret to many leaders throughout history. It also gives the higher-ups the chance to acknowledge the 24/7 culture and come up with top-down   solutions that encourage workers to take care of themselves in and out of work.

While sleep experts stressed that a daytime doze could be beneficial, they said it was crucial to get enough shut-eye at the end of a day. It is the late stage of sleep, sometimes missed by early risers, that strengthens the nerve circuits that make for learning and memory, allowing the brain to make and consolidate new neutral connections. Additionally, prioritizing sufficient sleep during the regular nightly sleep period is essential for overall well-being.

1. What is paragraph 1 mainly about?
A.Work stress.B.Learning abilities.
C.A research finding.D.The brain volume.
2. What is Arianna Huffington’s attitude toward napping?
3. Why are so many companies mentioned in the passage?
A.To advocate enough rest.B.To praise creative employees.
C.To compare the differences.D.To present the current situation.
4. What will possibly be discussed in the paragraph that follows?
A.The approaches to shut-eye.B.The importance of napping.
C.The secrets to well-being.D.The benefits of memory.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . It’s most people’s nightmare: surviving a plane crash only to be trapped in a jungle with no way of contacting the outside world. But this was reality for four Colombian children, and in an incredible story, they survived.

The children, aged 13, 9 and 4, as well as an 11-month-old baby, were flying with their mother from their village in the Amazon to visit their father in San José del Guaviare. The single-engine plane on which they were flying experienced engine problems and disappeared on May 1, 2023. Bad weather prevented the army from finding the crash site for two weeks. where they then found the dead bodies of three adults, including the children’s mother.

How did these children survive conditions that would be an unimaginable struggle for most adults? They are members of the Huitoto Indigenous group and were raised in the jungle. As such, they have a better understanding of the rainforest. They know which fruits are safe to eat and which plants should be avoided. Working with, rather than against, the Amazon. they survived off of juan soco (a fruit similar to passion fruit) and seeds, while feeding the baby water mixed with yucca flour that they found on the plane.

While the children got on with the business of surviving, the Colombian army worked with Indigenous volunteers to find them. After 40 days of searching, the children were found and taken to recover at a military hospital in Bogota.

While many around the world have taken this survival story of resilience to be a miracle, others point out that it is the result of an ancient knowledge of the rainforest that has been passed down through Indigenous communities over the generations. Indigenous tribes have a close relationship to the Amazon, marked by a deep respect for the forest that provides them with shelter and sustenance. It is their close connection to and understanding of the rainforest that undoubtedly helped the children to survive.

1. What can we learn about the crash in the first two paragraphs?
A.The plane knocked into another one.
B.The rescue failed to arrive immediately.
C.The mother managed to survive at last.
D.The kids shared a jungle with adults.
2. Why did the kids successfully survive?
A.They kept calm in the plane crash.
B.Enough food was found on the plane.
C.They were familiar with the rainforest.
D.Native volunteers offered food and water.
3. What does the underlined word “resilience” mean in the last paragraph?
4. What does the author suggest from the surviving story?
A.Emergency help should be improved.
B.One who is knowledgeable lives long.
C.We should sharpen children’s living skills.
D.It is worthwhile to be in harmony with nature.
2023-11-16更新 | 84次组卷 | 3卷引用:宁夏银川市唐徕中学2023-2024学年高三上学期12月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Want a part-time job? Here are some options.

Court Monitors

We are seeking fun and energetic individuals for Court Monitors. You must be a good communicator, able to work under pressure and enjoy a fast-paced environment. Applicants must have reliable transportation, be available to work weekends and have a proven background in the field.

● Employee discount
● Flexible schedule for all of life events
Basic Landscaping

Dickerson Landscaping is looking to add experienced members to our landscaping team. If you enjoy working outdoors and are genuinely interested in crafting, planting, and digging, then we’re interested in you! You should be capable of doing physical work and lifting objects over50 lbs. We work on weekdays.

● Paid time off
● Life insurance
● Health insurance
Sandwich Artist

An outstanding Sandwich Make is wanted! The ideal person for this position has relevant work experience in the restaurant industry. A responsibility is to safely prepare sandwiches to our customers’ specifications, work cooperatively with other food service staff and help to maintain organization and cleanliness in the kitchen.

● Paid training
● Paid time off
● Free uniforms
● Discounted meals
Vegetable Farm Assistant

If you are into organic farm practices and take interest in local and sustainably produced food, join us! Previous experience is a plus, but not required. Have the ability to lift and carry 50 lbs and perform tasks that require bending or kneeling for several hours. Schedule can be flexible with priority given to applicants with Monday-Thursday availability.

● Flexible schedule
1. What will result in disqualification as a court monitor?
A.Being a green hand.B.Being stress-resistant.
C.Being a communicative person.D.Being available on weekends.
2. What can you get from the job as a sandwich artist?
A.Free dining.B.Leave with pay.
C.Stylish clothes.D.Personalized training.
3. What is a shared requirement for Basic Landscaping and Vegetable Farm Assistant?
A.Excellent hand skills.B.A strong body.
C.A tight working schedule.D.Prior experience.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是说明文。研究人员发现,Florida Keys的海胆数量相对稳定,这对研究海洋生态系统有重要意义。

8 . Marine life (海洋生物) in Florida Keys is negatively influenced by two forces: human activity and climate change. The former involves fishing, tourism and diving while the latter causes a large increase in intense hurricanes. Fortunately, when the researchers of Florida Museum of Natural History started looking for sea urchins (海胆) on the ocean floor off the coast of Florida Keys in the summer of 2020, they uncovered their population had relatively been stable since the 1960s.

The researchers visited 27 sites along a 20-mile stretch of coast near Florida Keys looking for tracks that reflected the presence of burrowing echinoids (穴居海胆类动物). “The findings that burrowing echinoids have been highly resilient (有适应力的) against climate change and environmental pollution over the last 60 years was a huge discovery for us.” said study co-author Tobias Grun.

Grun said, “However, we know little about their current distribution, population size, and health. The reason is not the lack of interest by the scientific community but lies in that fieldwork is very expensive.”

As the climate crisis progresses, it’s important to understand why some marine creatures are more resilient in bearing the impacts of a worsening environment than others. Grun said, “Evolution may be at play. Some marine animals are very opportunistic. They can tolerate a wide range of abiotic factors like pH, temperature, and salinity, to name a few.”

Grun added, “At this point, our data show that burrowing echinoids are more resilient than many other marine species and are doing comparatively well. That does not mean that we can push our luck and keep going the way we are right now. Our study provides some hope that these creatures are resilient, but much more work is needed to translate our findings into a larger scale. The reasons for their resilience are also widely unknown.”

1. Which has an effect on the marine life in Florida Keys?
2. What did Grun think of the findings?
3. What was a challenge for the research according to Grun?
A.The goal.B.The staffC.The costD.The usage
4. What does Grun tell us in the last paragraph?
A.It’s necessary to do further research.
B.It’s right to keep going the present way.
C.The reasons for sea urchins’ resilience are well known.
D.Fish are more resilient than other marine species.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Everyone was shocked as I placed my son Ilias’s first birthday cake in front of him. He loved Sesame Street, so I made him an Elmo cake in rich red icing(糖霜). I’d worked for hours to perfect my design and make the most delicious and jaw-dropping cake. I enjoyed every minute of it.

I started baking(烘焙) when Ilias was born. At that time, I struggled with the pressure of being a new mum and was diagnosed with postnatal depression(产后抑郁症). So to help walk out of that dark hole, at night when Ilias slept I ran into the kitchen and decided to bake a cake.

Then, with my mum’s birthday coming up, I saw a handbag cake in a shop. I threw my all into copying it and finally I made it. Mum was so blown away by my creation that she didn’t cut the cake. Instead, she kept it in a glass cake stand on display at home for a month.

Over time I created many delicious delights. The best part was seeing Ilias’s face light up when he saw them. “You should do this for a living,” my husband, Michael, suggested. I laughed it off, but it wasn’t a bad idea.

After Ilias’s third birthday, I set up a shop for my cake baking, calling it Cake Queen Oz, and orders started to come in. As time passed, the bakeshop became my full-time job. Once, I made a Titanic cake that was the length of a table for a lady whose family loved ships. It’s been seven years since Cake Queen Oz was born.

Cake baking brought me joy when I was going through a tough time. Every day I feel lucky that I’ve been able to turn my hobby into my job.

1. How did the people feel when they saw Ilias’s first birthday cake?
2. Why did the author’s mother keep the cake for a month?
A.She wanted to sell it.B.She disliked eating cake.
C.She couldn’t bear to eat it.D.She showed it to the public.
3. Who advised the author to run a bakeshop?
A.Her mother.B.Her friends.C.Her child.D.Her husband.
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.My Love Affair with Cake
B.My Experience in Making Cake
C.Baking Cake Is Good for You
D.Children Always Like Eating Cake
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Some pals and I were in the midst of a pinball competition at a bar the other night when the machine kept breaking down. We called over a very busy employee who’s responsible for helping keep the place running. He put everything aside to fix our problematic pinball machine twice.    1    A couple of the guys immediately objected, saying the employee was just doing the job he was paid to do. I insisted and got the group to agree to the plan, although somewhat reluctantly.   

My pinball wizard didn’t stretch out his hand, but how many times have we run across those payment screens that suggest a 20% tip for being handed a sandwich we ordered?    2    There is data to back up the trend: 66% of American adults have a negative view of tipping, and 32% say they’re sick of those payment-screen hints, according to a recent Bankrate survey.   

    3    I admit there are times I suspect the tipping thing has gone too far - say, when I’m at a self-checkout line and there’s still request to leave something extra. But I’m generally willing to err on the side of caution: If someone is expecting a tip, I’ll assume they have financial reasons to do so.     4    

Plus, tipping is good karma (因果报应). It’s always worth it to tip in unexpected situations- ones that don’t necessarily involve a hint on a payment screen.       5    He was so grateful for the $10 tip that later that night, he rewarded our group with well more than $10 in free tokens (代金券) for future play.   

So next time, there must be no arguments with my friends when times come to tip.

A.This leads to what’s been called "tipping fatigue (疲劳)”
B.So, why am I willing to go against the trend and say yes?
C.I suggested we tip him $10 and split the tip among all of us.
D.There’s an argument that we should ban tipping altogether.
E.Guess what happened next with my pinball-machine fixer at the bar?
F.One dollar or two won’t make or break me, but it can possibly help with their rent.
G.Should they earn far below the minimum wage, employers must make up the difference.
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