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语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,从空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

With a history of more than 2,000 years, the Silk Route dates back to Han dynasty. Through this route, the Chinese highly qualified silk made     1    (it) fame to the Western countries. The merchants in different regions     2    (seek) the opportunity of trading Chinese silk and they indeed made their fortune along this route. That route functioned     3     the life blood of international trade at that time. Meanwhile, the Chinese civilization     4    (introduce) to the Western countries and vice versa. The Silk Route was considered as a new chapter     5    (record) the friendship between the European and Asian peoples.

Throughout all these years, many great figures have made significant     6    (contribute) to the development of the Silk Route. Today, the Silk Route has a poetic name called One Belt One Road, aiming to help those     7    (connect) regions in culture and economy exchange with     8     more advanced road. The main cities alongside it are becoming     9    (large) and more important in helping trade and culture exchange. Many countries have gained great benefits along the trading process. All in all, the ancient Silk Road is more like a historical textbook for everyone to read and to know about     10     happened during that ancient time. It has been playing a significant role in the development of the civilizations of China.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . The Sanxingdui Museum in Southwest China’s Sichuan Province enjoyed huge popularity during the three-day Qingming Festival holiday, after the new archaeological discoveries brought international attention.

According to media reports, the museum saw over 15, 000 visitors on Saturday, the first day of the Qingming Festival holiday, breaking its record for daily visitors. And on the next day, more visitors flooded into the museum. To deal with the large flow of people, on Sunday afternoon, the official Weibo account of the Sanxingdui Museum recommended visitors to reschedule their visiting time and travel off-peak(非高峰期地).

The Sanxingdui Museum showcases various kinds of valuable cultural relics unearthed at the site. More than 500 important cultural relics have been unearthed in the six newly-found pits(深坑). Since the new discoveries were known to the public, the number of people visiting the Sanxingdui Museum has increased greatly.

The museum said the newly-found pits have not been unveiled yet and the newly-excavated cultural relics are still under repair and can’t meet the public at present. But a hall for cultural relic preservation and repair will be officially open on May 18. Visitors to it can see how the relics are repaired, according to Zhu Yarong, vice director of the Sanxingdui Museum.

Dating back about 3,000 years, the Sanxingdui Ruins site has been regarded as one of the most important archaeological discoveries in the 20th century.

1. What did the Sanxingdui Museum do to deal with too many visitors?
A.It rescheduled its open time.
B.It closed the newly-found pits.
C.It opened an official Weibo account.
D.It advised visitors to avoid rush hours.
2. What does the underlined word “unveiled” in paragraph 4 mean?
3. What is the best title for the text?
A.The Development of the Sanxingdui Museum.
B.The Cultural Relics of the Sanxingdui Ruins Site.
C.The Sanxingdui Ruins Site Has Gained International Fame.
D.New Discoveries Increase the Sanxingdui Museumˈs Popularity.
4. Where is this text most likely from?
A.An official.B.A diary.
C.A travel brochure.D.A news report.
语法填空-短文语填(约150词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 语法填空

On 28 July, 1976, one million people ignored the strange things that had been happening in Tangshan and went to bed     1     usual. At 3:42 am, a strong earthquake     2     could be felt in Beijing shook Tangshan,     3     (cause) great damage to the city. The whole city lay in ruins. Two thirds of the people who lived there were injured, and the number of people who were killed or     4     (bad) injured     5     (be) more than 400,000. Not only factories and homes were destroyed, but also almost all hospitals where they could be treated     6     (go).People were shocked.     7     (make) matters worse, another earthquake which was as     8     (strength) as the first one struck Tangshan again later that afternoon. It seemed as if the world were at     9     end. 150,000 soldiers came to Tangshan to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead. Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes     10     (destroy).With joint efforts, the city began to breathe again.

语法填空-短文语填(约120词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 课文内容填空

Macquarie Island is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The green grass and bare rock contrast     1    (dramatical),     2    (give) it a wild and natural beauty. The island’s recent history     3    (tell) a tragic story. In 1810     4     humans arrived on the island, they brought rats and     5    (mouse),     6     ate birds’ eggs and attacked baby birds. Later, cats and rabbits     7    (introduce) to the island, making parakeets die out. Experts felt it necessary     8    (remove) the rabbits, but cats had to eat birds. In the 1980s, traps and dogs were used to catch the cats.     9     the disappearance of cats, the mice, rats and rabbits started to increase, which led to a serious result. It was clear that the problem needed     10    (solve). People are taking some steps to give the island a happy ending.

完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Find yourself at the doorway of any one of the countless temples or ancient buildings in China, and you may see an attractive but just piece of wall, only slightly larger than the entrance. It is Zhaobi, or spirit walls, which have a _________ history, with evidence _________ the earliest examples at more than 3000 years old.

Zhaobi can be _________ outside the entrance of a variety of buildings, and during the Western Zhou dynasty, they were _________ as a symbol of the social position. They were used for only the _________ members of society, such as the king. Seeing Zhaobi outside a building would let passers-by know that this was the house of someone of extreme _________, while also serving the _________ function of _________ as a form of privacy by blocking the _________ from any prying (窥探的) eyes. With the passing of time, Zhaobi came to play a role in fengshui, a practice which __________ achieving harmony and balance in all things. As well as __________ this spiritual protection, their location would allow energy to __________ better.

__________ further forward in time, Zhaobi became a form of expression and __________ with poetry, paintings and characters representing luck appearing on the __________. Recently many companies have __________ Zhaobi to practice the principles of fengshui, __________ that such a structure surely can bring __________ luck and wealth to their business.

It is __________ that these attractive structures give us a __________ of life at a particular time in history.

A.looked atB.turned downC.focused onD.put aside
2023-08-04更新 | 119次组卷 | 5卷引用:上外版选择性必修四 Unit 3 Delving into History
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . It took brave European explorers less than 300 years, between 1420 and 1713, to establish that all the seas of the world formed an enormous and continuous ocean. This discovery encouraged them to _____ into areas which hadn’t been charted until then. With the discovery of new lands, new trade routes were _____. In many parts of the world, colonies and settlements were established and many odd-looking products were brought back to _____, arousing great interest and _____ wealth.

It was probably the irresistible desire for wealth that _____ persuaded Europeans of the fifteenth century to _____ their legendary dangers and explore further out into the open seas. They were also _____ by the love for their countries. Many explorers wanted to serve their kings and countries as well as gain personal _____ from their exploring.

The most effective way of gaining wealth was through _____. Silk, gold, silver and ______ stones, and more importantly spices, such as gingers and peppers, were the most profitable trade goods in Europe. Spices were of the greatest ______ because they enabled the Europeans to make their winter diet of salted meat more delicious. These items were ______ mostly from the East by a difficult overland route. The Italian ______, who bought goods from the Arabs of Alexandria, controlled the trade along this route. Other countries of the Mediterranean ______ the wealth which this trade generated and they were ______ to discover new routes which would allow them to share in it.

A.set backB.set offC.set upD.set against
A.the EastB.the MediterraneanC.EuropeD.Italy
2023-07-26更新 | 115次组卷 | 4卷引用:Unit 3 选择性必修第一册(上外版2020)
语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

On the north bank of Fuxian Lake in Chengjiang County, Yunnan Province sits a straw-hat-shaped mountain     1     (call) Maotian Mountain,     2     a 512-hectare site is praised as a “world-class treasure trove of fossils” by the international scientific community. On July 1,1984, young paleontologists in China discovered a fossil of the arthropod (节肢动物化石) with a long tail in Maotian Mountain. “    3     we had studied in China were just shell of fossils. The arthropods, lifelike fossils with legs, which belonged to fossils of soft-bodied animals, are     4     game changer in the research of China’s paleontology (古生物学)”, Hou Xianguang, a paleontologist said.

Scientists have obtained a large number of research results on Chengjiang Fossil Site. The reason why Chengjiang fauna (动物群) is     5     great significance is that it is closely related to the emergence of the animal tree of life.

Up to now, more than 20 phyla and more than 280 species     6     (record)in the Chengjiang Fossil Site, of which, 80% are new species. On July 1, 2012, the Chengjiang Fossil Site     7     (be) inscribed on the World Heritage List by UNESCO,     8     (become) China’ s first World Heritage Site for paleontological fossils.

The UNESCO evaluation says the Chengjiang Fossil Site is one of the     9     (early) records of a complex marine ecosystem of the early Cambrian communities. The property displays excellent quality of fossil     10     (preserve). It presents an exceptional record of the rapid diversification of life on Earth during the early Cambrian period.

语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The knot button (盘扣), in Chinese, is a distinctive feature of traditional Chinese clothing Eyen today, it is still     1     (high) visible on garments like qi pao—cheongsam. Though normally     2     (associate) with tradition, the knot buttons are currently enjoying renewed popularity.

The history of knot buttons dates back to the prehistoric era, in     3     ropes were firs used as a primitive form of belts. In the 4th century BC, the knot button took     4     (it) present form and remained largely unchanged until the Qing Dynasty. In the second half of the 17th century, jackets and cheongsam of the Manchurian ruling class had     5     wider use of knot buttons.

Knot buttons come in wide     6    (variety) of forms, ranging from plain and simple straight knots to graceful flowery knots. However, generally speaking, the two major groups are distinguished     7     the basis of functions and decorations.

Recent years     8     (see) a comeback of knot buttons in contemporary clothing. Knot buttons of various shapes and sizes,     9     (represent) the creativity of their makers, are being used on different types of garments. The use of Chinese aesthetics(美学)and cultural heritage can attract both Chinese and foreigners who admire the beauty and     10     (unique).

选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. uprising                 B. original                 C. frequently                 D. spectacular          E. features
F. luxuriously             G. captured                 H. approaches             I. inhabited             J. matters
K. ranks

Welcome to Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle is the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world and the Official Residence of the Queen of Britain. Over a period of nearly 1,000 years it has been     1    continuously, and altered and redecorated by monarchs(君主)one after the other. Some were great builders, strengthening the Castle against     2    and rebellion; others, living in more peaceful times, created a grand Royal residence. William the Conqueror chose the site, high above the river Thames and on the edge of a Saxon hunting ground. It was a day’s march from the Tower of London and intended to guard the western     3    to the capital. The outer walls of today’s structure are in the same position as those of the     4    castle built by William the Conqueror in the 1070s. The Queen uses the Castle both as a private home where she usually spends the weekend, and as a Royal residence at which she undertakes certain formal duties. Windsor Castle is     5    used by the Queen to host State Visits from overseas monarchs and presidents. Every year the Queen takes up official residence in Windsor Castle for a month over Easter(March-April).

The Castle is huge, so people tend to head for the most     6    bits—the State Apartments, St. George’s Chapel, the Gallery and the delightful Queen Mary’s Dolls House. Works of art, antique furniture, curiosities and impressive architecture reflect the tastes of many different royal generations. The State Apartments are     7     decorated formal rooms still used for state and official functions.

The magnificent and beautiful St. George’s Chapel was started in 1475 by Edward IV and was completed 50 years later by Henry VII. It     8    among the finest examples of late medieval architecture in the UK.

The Drawings Gallery     9    the exhibition “The Queen: 60 Photographs for 60 Years”. The exhibition presents portraits of the Queen     10    in brief moments on both official occasions and at relaxed family gatherings.

10 . Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. defined                 B. aiding                 C. trends                 D. dominate          E. typical        F. loss
G. necessities               H. featured            I. mark                  J. survive             K. appliances

American Decoration in the Middle of the 20th Century

Home decorating has come a long way over the decades. Certain elements that began as     1    for survival—like fireplaces—have transformed into decorative elements in the modern age. Some styles are still massively popular, inspiring copycat furniture that sells for thousands. Other     2    are ignored or even ridiculed.

No one knows what home decoration of the future will look like. But if we look back through history, we can guess which design elements will come back—and which will disappear forever.

The Great Depression affected every aspect of American life—including decoration.   People were just trying to     3    during the 1930s, which didn’t leave a lot of room for non-essentials. But that doesn’t mean everyone gave up on making their homes look beautiful. A     4    living room would have a few throw rugs in interesting patterns, too. There was no one type of furniture that     5    the 1930s—curved and straight line furniture still     6    as the Art Deco style from the previous era was still popular. Plastic chairs and wingback chairs all had a place in the 1930s home. People were also likely to use what they had and not care so much about matching a certain taste.

It’s impossible to describe the 1940s without mentioning World War II. During the first half of the decade, home design took a backseat to     7    the war effort. The second half was much different. Returning soldiers had something new to look forward to: new kitchens with     8    such as refrigerators, freezers, and dishwashers. Traditional wood furniture in dark or blonde tones graced every room of the home.

Post-war America was a lot happier and shinier than recent decades. With a prospering middle class and a healthy economy, people had more time and money to devote to new pursuits—like decorating their houses.

The unfussy furniture made popular by Charles Eames started to     9    the American household. Everything was simple and uncomplicated. Wall to wall carpeting became the most desirable type of flooring, especially in unique colours.

The 60s brought about many changes to American culture and home design was no exception. People wanted to show off their unique sense of style more than ever before. Homes weren’t just seen as a     10    of how successful you were—they were also a chance to let your personality shine through home decoration.

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