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听力选择题-短对话 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . When did the fire probably break out?
A.At about7.B.At about 8.C.At about 9.
2 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式.

Teenage life is full of adventures and challenges. Doing voluntary work is popular among some teenagers. And extra-curricular activities     1     (prefer) by others, such as organizing debates, studying literature, dancing ballet and cleaning up the greenhouses. But more people sign up for advanced     2     (course) out of curiosity.     3     (actual), some teenagers feel confused in their youth, and their behaviors are sometimes confusing. They think there is a generation gap between     4     (they) and adults, so experts are trying to find a suitable solution. Johnson is     5     outgoing freshman. He is so attracted to Chinese literature that he     6     (give) up his studies in Chicago and come to China since he was 10 years old. Obviously,     7     the help of his teacher, his Chinese has improved greatly and he can speak fluent Chinese on campus now. As scheduled, he will graduate from the school     8     he has stayed for a long time next year. What he is concentrating on is the ancient Chinese literature and he is     9     (interest) in Tang poetry. The topic of his research content is “the differences between Eastern and Western literature”. An editor that acts responsibly has advised him     10     (read) some classical Chinese literature first. This suggestion means a lot to him.

听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 听下面一段独白, 回答以下小题。
1. What does Amy Williams do?
A.She is a doctor.B.She is a scientist.C.She is a gym coach.
2. Who dislikes standing desks according to the speaker?
A.People who have more energy.
B.People who like doing exercise.
C.People who wear professional clothes.
3. What is one problem with standing desks according to Lisa Brown?
A.A high cost.B.Difficulty using them.C.More health problems.
4. What does James Ryan prefer to do at work?
A.Sit down.B.Go for a walk.C.Use the standing desk.
2024-04-08更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:高一英语听力标准训练(39)(含音频及听力材料)-【启航英语】2024版高一英语听力标准训练基础篇
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What’s the man’s trouble?
A.His son was missing.
B.He bought a broken pair of shoes.
C.He lost his shoes.
2. What is the man’s wife doing now?
A.Looking after her son.B.Preparing supper.C.Watching TV.
3. Where probably are the two speakers?
A.In a hospital.B.In a shopping mall.C.In a police station.
2024-04-08更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:高一英语听力标准训练(9)(含音频及听力材料)-【启航英语】2024版高一英语听力标准训练基础篇
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . French parenting isn’t perfect, but there’s a lot we can learn from this kind but no-nonsense style of parenting.

French children are allowed to handle difficult things themselves.     1     The early years are when they discover all the cool ways their new body works and how to use it. To encourage this autonomy, French parents treat children more like adults-in-training than helpless babies. They believe kids feel confident when they’re able to deal with things on their own.

Fearful of hurting feelings, American parents tend to praise every child for everything.     2     However, all that praise eventually turns out to be pointless. By contrast, French adults give children appropriate praise, thus allowing them to feel a true sense of achievement and take pride in what they learn.

Painful experiences are the best learning opportunities and sheltering children from this fact of life will merely delay their emotional development. French doctors never say “sorry” when giving kids shots. The French believe undergoing hurts, is part of life and that there’s no reason to apologize for that.     3    

Plus, the expectation of eye contact and a polite hello starts from the minute French children can say hello. They know saying “hello” and good manners are non-negotiable. Teaching them about that will benefit them for a lifetime.     4     Be patient with little ones as they learn.

All the above feels easier said than done, especially as a tired parent facing an intolerable child.     5     Your efforts will end up with children’s better behaviour overall.

A.They mean what they say.
B.This isn’t to say it’ll come easily.
C.It might save tears in the short term.
D.They wish children to suffer sometimes.
E.Bearing a few blow-ups is worthwhile, though.
F.Parents have to spare them such psychological discomfort.
G.“Me do it!” is little kids’ favorite phrase and for good reason.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Social media provides materialists with ideal opportunities to compare themselves with others, which makes them subject to passive and addictive user behavior. This stresses them out and, ultimately, leads to low life satisfaction, according to a new study.

The researchers headed by Dr. Phillip Ozimek from Germany employed 1, 230 people for their online survey. In order to participate, respondents had to visit at least one social media channel at least once a week. On average, the participants stated they spent just over two hours a day on social media.

The team used six different questionnaires to determine the extent to which the participants had a materialistic attitude and tended to compare themselves with others, whether they used social media more actively or passively, whether they were addicted to social media, how stressed and how satisfied they were with their lives.

“The data showed a stronger materialistic approach goes hand in hand with a tendency to compare oneself with others,” points out Ozimek. This comparison is easy to make on social media, primarily through passive use—by looking at the content posted by other users. Materialism and passive use were also linked to addictive use of social media.

“Users are constantly thinking about the respective channels and fear they’re missing out on something if they aren’t online,” explains Ozimek. “This in turn leads to poorer mental health like stress. The final link in the chain is reduced life satisfaction.”

“Overall, the study provides further evidence that the use of social media is associated with risks, especially for people with a highly materialistic mindset,” says the psychologist. “This is particularly worrying, because social media can stimulate and increase materialistic values through influence r marketing. Meanwhile, the platforms attract materialists anyway, as they’re a perfect way to satisfy materialistic needs.”

“It’s definitely a good idea to be aware of the amount of time you spend on social media and to reduce it,” recommends Ozimek, who advises against giving up social media completely. “If you did, you’re likely to over-correct.” He also suggests recording materialism and social media use in patients undergoing treatment for mental health disorders. “While these factors are often irrelevant, they can be a starting point for additional interventions patients can try out at home.”

1. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.The Virtual World, the Real Danger
B.Showing Superiority Causes Heavy Media Use
C.More Social Media Materialism, Less Happiness
D.Materialistic Values: A Stepping Stone to Discontent
2. To qualify for the survey, a participant must ______
A.be a big spenderB.specialize in data analysis
C.be a regular social media userD.upload web surfing history
3. What kind of feeling is expressed by Ozimek in paragraph 6?
4. What does Ozimek propose concerning using social media?
A.Restricting the duration.B.Logging onto well-rated websites.
C.Abandoning it for good.D.Prohibiting patients from using it.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . With almost all big employers in the United States now using artificial intelligence (AI) and automation in their hiring processes, the public is considering some urgent questions: How can you prevent discrimination in hiring when a machine is keeping the discrimination? What kind of methods might help?

Some 83% of employers, including 99% of Fortune 500 companies, now use some form of automated tools as part of their hiring process, said the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s ( EEOC) chair Charlotte Burrows, at a hearing on Tuesday. She said everyone needs to speak up on the debate over these technologies. “The risks are simply too high to leave this topic just to the experts.”

Last year, the EEOC issued some guidance around the use of cutting-edge hiring tools, noting many of their shortcomings. The agency found that resume( 简历) scanners which prioritize keywords and programs which evaluate a candidate’s facial expressions and speech patterns in video interviews can create discrimination. Take, for example, a video interview that analyses an applicant’s speech patterns to determine their ability to solve problems. A person with a speech problem might score low and automatically be screened out. The problem will be for the EEOC to root out discrimination or stop it from taking place.

The EEOC is considering the most appropriate ways to handle the problem. It’s agreed that inspections are necessary to ensure that the software used by companies avoids intentional or unintentional discrimination. But who would conduct those inspections is a more challenging question. Each option presents risks, Burrows pointed out. A third party may turn a blind eye to its clients, while a government-led inspection could potentially stop innovation.

In previous remarks, Burrows has noted the great potential that AI decision making tools have to improve the lives of Americans, but only when used properly. “We must work to ensure that these new technologies do not become a high-tech pathway to discrimination,” she said.

1. What does Burrows suggest people do?
A.Make their own voice heard.B.Follow the experts’ suggestions.
C.Stop using AI in hiring processes.D.Watch debates about technologies.
2. How might programs in video interviews select employees?
A.By scanning keywords.B.By evaluating resumes.
C.By analyzing personalities.D.By assessing speech patterns.
3. What is a possible outcome of third-party inspections?
A.High expense.B.Unfair results.
C.Age discrimination.D.Innovation interruption.
4. What is Burrows’s attitude to AI decision-making tools?
2024-04-08更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省南阳市镇平县镇平县第一高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题(含听力)

8 . No one can fail to stand in awed admiration of the great discoveries of history — Newton’s laws of motion; Kepler’s principles of planetary movement, Einstein’s general theory of relativity. Equally awe-inspiring are artistic creations in painting, theatre, music and literature, which have also been brought about by discovery through personal efforts. What do these extraordinary achievements of well-known scientists and artists have to do with problem solving?

A great scientific discovery or a great work of art is surely the result of problem-solving activity. The solution to a problem, we are told, often comes to thinkers in a “flash of insight (顿悟), although they may have been turning the problem over in their minds for some time. As a particular form of problem solving, these creative acts are based on the broad knowledge gained in the past, whether this be of the “public” sort known to science, or of the “private” sort known to the artist.

Many creative thinkers state that they have completely devoted themselves to the subject matter of the problem, often over fairly long periods of time. Indeed, it would be strange if they had not done this. Nothing in such statements supports the idea that there is anything very different about the problem solving that leads to discoveries of the great contributions to the society. The act of discovery, even in the relatively predictable sense that it occurs in everyday learning, involves a “sudden insight” which changes the problem situation into a solution situation. As we have seen, everyday discovery also requires that the learner have the knowledge of the rules gained in the past, which is involved in the solution.

1. Newton, Kepler and Einstein are mentioned in the first paragraph to ______.
A.bring about the subject of the discussion
B.explain that scientists are more creative
C.show the difference between science and arts
D.prove that arts require more personal efforts
2. While knowledge from the past plays an important role in their achievements, thinkers sometimes also depend on their ______.
A.artistic tastesB.sudden insight
C.admiration of discoveriesD.scientific experiments
3. What does the underlined word “this” refer to?
A.Great contributions to the society
B.Long-time study of the subject matter.
C.Various statements about problem solving.
D.Complete devotion to artistic creation.
4. We may conclude from the passage that ______.
A.it is more likely to make scientific and artistic discoveries in everyday learning
B.a sudden insight and knowledge from the past are required in making discoveries
C.scientific discoveries or artistic creations are usually unpredictable in nature
D.knowledge of the rules in the past is often developed in the changes of situation
2024-04-08更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省武汉市第十一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月考试英语试卷

9 . I recently spent half a weekend sitting on the sofa watching the Davis Cup. I thought about going for a run, but I did not want to miss the rest of the match. Soon it was starting to get dark, so I did not bother (费神). Whenever I watch tennis, I think how nice it would be to play it regularly. But I have been thinking that for almost 20 years without actually setting foot on a court. The evidence would suggest that I’m not the only one.

When a country or city competes to host an international sporting event, it often promises that more people will take up sports as a result. London was no exception. Tessa Jowell, who helped to bid for (申办) the 2012 Olympics for London, said that by 2012 two million more people would be physically active. And 60 percent of young people would be doing at least five hours of sports per week.

In the end, just over one-third of people in Britain take part in sports once a week. A report on Olympic and Paralympic influences has said that a big change in participation levels simply has not happened.

Why isn’t there a big increase in people taking part in sports after most sporting events? Perhaps it is a mistake to assume a definite link between watching sports and playing it. While the games are on, they actually encourage people to do just the opposite — to spend whole sunny days not out playing sports, but inside sitting on the sofa with the curtains shut to stop the sun shining on the TV screen. We don’t expect half the audience of a hit musical to apply to drama school the next day, yet we seem to expect it of sporting events.

The high-level performances on show only remind people that they could never match the excellent athletes in their sporting achievements even if they trained full time.

Maybe participation in sports is not the right thing to expect after a major sporting event. The Olympics can do many things, but maybe this cannot necessarily be one of them.

1. How does the author introduce the topic?
A.By sharing experiences.B.By asking questions.
C.By listing figures.D.By analyzing causes.
2. What can we infer from paragraph 4?
A.Watching sports is closely linked with playing it.
B.Watching games discourages people from going out.
C.Watching games encourages people to take part in sports.
D.Half the audience of a hit musical will take part in drama soon.
3. What might be the best title of the text?
A.Do people like participating in sporting events?
B.Do people prefer watching big sporting events?
C.Do the Olympics encourage people to match athletes?
D.Do big sporting events make us do more sport?
4. What’s the author’s attitude towards the possibility of people’s participating in sports after big events?
2024-04-08更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省湖州市南浔高级中学2023学年第二学期三月月考高一英语
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Technology seems to discourage slow, immersive reading. Reading on a screen tires your eyes and makes it harder for you to keep your place. Online writing tends to be more skimmable and list-like than print. The cognitive neuroscientist Mary Walt argued recently that this “new norm” of skim reading is producing “an invisible, game -changing transformation” in how readers process words. The neuronal circuit that sustains the brain’s capacity to read now favors the rapid absorption of information.

We shouldn’t overplay this danger. All readers skim. From about the age of nine, our eyes start to bounce around the page, reading only about a quarter of the words properly, and filling in the gaps by inference. Nor is there anything new in these fears about declining attention spans. So far, the anxieties have proved to be false alarms. “Quite a few critics have been worried about attention spans lately and see very short stories as signs of cultural decline,” the American author Selvin Brown wrote. “No one ever said that poems were evidence of short attention spans.”

And yet the Internet has certainly changed the way we read. For a start, it means that there is more to read, because more people than ever are writing. And digital writing is meant for rapid release and response. This mode of writing and reading can be interactive and fun. But often it treats other people’s words as something to be quickly harvested as fodder (素材) to say something else. Everyone talks over the top of everyone else, desperate to be heard.

Perhaps we should slow down. Reading is constantly promoted as a social good and source of personal achievement. But this advocacy often emphasizes “enthusiastic” “passionate” or “eager” reading, none of which adjectives suggest slow, quiet absorption. To a slow reader, a piece of writing can only be fully understood by immersing oneself in the words and their slow comprehension of a line of thought.

The human need for this kind of deep reading is too tenacious for any new technology to destroy. We often assume that technological change can’t be stopped and happens in one direction, so that older media like “dead-tree” books are kicked out by newer, more virtual forms. In practice, older technologies can coexist with new ones. The Kindle has not killed off the printed book any more than the car killed off the bicycle. We still want to enjoy slowly. formed ideas and carefully-chosen words. Even in a fast-moving age, there is time for slow reading.

1. Selvin Brown would probably agree that ________.
A.poetry reading is vital to attention spans
B.the gravity of cultural decline is urgent
C.fears of attention spans are unnecessary
D.online writing harms immersive reading
2. What is TRUE about digital writing?
A.It demands writers to abandon traditional writing modes.
B.It leads to too much talking and not enough deep reflection.
C.It depends heavily on frequent interaction with the readers.
D.It paves the way for enthusiastic, passionate or eager reading.
3. What does the underlined word “tenacious” in the last paragraph mean?
4. Which can be the best title for this article?
A.The Wonder of Deep Reading
B.Slow Reading is Here to Stay
C.The Internet is Changing the Way We Read
D.Digital vs Print: A Life-and-Death Struggle
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