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1 . In today’s digital age, where a vast ocean of information is just a click away, the question arises: can one learn too much? Given that no individual can grasp the entirety of human knowledge. However, there exists a phenomenon where excessive learning can lead to inaction, a state of being overwhelmed by too much information.

Consider a situation where you’re eager to achieve a particular goal. You begin by conducting extensive research, diving deep into the subject. As you absorb more information, it paradoxically (矛盾地) feels like your understanding weakens. Each new concept or strategy reveals further layers, making the goal seem more complex and out of reach.

This situation is a common trap: the endless pursuit of more information. Although gaining comprehensive knowledge is valuable, that is to say there’s nothing wrong with learning a lot, issues arise when this pursuit obstructs practical application. If learning continuously prevents you from starting, you’ll find yourself stuck, unable to achieve your desired outcomes.

An alternative and more effective approach to achieving goals is to strike a balance between learning and doing. Gather essential information, then transition into action swiftly, even if you feel somewhat unprepared. This is often the best way to learn, as hands-on experience provides insights that theoretical knowledge alone cannot.

The comparison with a baby learning to walk is a good example here. A baby doesn’t learn to walk by sitting and analyzing the process. Instead, it learns by attempting to walk, falling, and then understanding from each fall what works and what doesn’t. Through repeated effort, walking is eventually mastered. This method is applicable to goal achievement too. By engaging in action, learning from the outcomes, and adjusting accordingly, you gradually move closer to your goals.

In summary, while the pursuit of knowledge is valuable, it’s crucial not to let it become a barrier to action. Learning should be a stepping stone to doing, not an end in itself. It’s through the interplay of gathering knowledge and applying it that we can truly progress towards our ambitions.

1. What stops people from achieving the goal?
A.The distraction caused by unrelated tasks.
B.The inability to find relevant information.
C.The confusion caused by the information.
D.The desire to learn basic concept or strategy.
2. What does the author try to advocate in paragraph 3&4?
A.Sticking to continuous learningB.Taking practical action without delay.
C.Gaining as much knowledge as possible.D.Prioritizing theoretical knowledge in study.
3. Why is the example “baby learning to walk” mentioned in Paragraph 5?
A.To compare different learning styles.
B.To show the importance of making mistakes.
C.To emphasize the need for parental guidance.
D.To illustrate learning through action and experience.
4. What makes the best title for the passage?
A.The Harmony of Learning and Doing.B.The Process of Accessing Information.
C.The Pursuit of Advanced Knowledge.D.The significance of Hands-on Experience.
2024-04-20更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省邹城市2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Sunday evening, October 30, 1938, was peaceful in New York City. Some people were returning home from a trip to the countryside, and others were sitting down to dinner. In those days, televisions were not very common. Most people listened to the radio for news and entertainment.

At eight o’clock that evening, there was a concert of dance music, but Suddenly, the programme was cut off by a news report: a large spaceship had landed in a field and an army of Martians (火星人) was moving towards New York City and then the radio went silent.

People felt worried. Some drove out of the city as quickly as possible, but soon the roads were crowded with cars. Some people put wet towels on their faces because they thought there was a gas attack. In New Jersey, some farmers went out with guns. Although it was dark, they found a large cylinder (圆柱体) standing in a field, and, thinking it was the Martian spaceship, the shot at it many times.

Many people were so frightened that they did not hear the next announcement on the radio: “Ladies and gentlemen, you are listening to a radio play called The War of the Worlds.

A message was sent to police stations that there was no real Martian attack, and the police Offices soon returned calm to New York City.

Many people were very angry that they had been fooled by the play, and complained to the radio station. But what about the spaceship that the farmers found in the field? The next morning, they found that they had damaged a large water tank (罐)!

1. According to the news report, ___________.
A.a Martian spaceship had landedB.a spaceship was found at the airport
C.there would be a concert that eveningD.there was a gas attack in New York City
2. The road was crowded with cars because ___________.
A.many people wanted to see the Martians
B.the Martian army was standing in the way
C.people were trying to get home from work
D.many people were trying to leave New York City
3. Who went out in the fields with guns to fight the Martians?
4. What can we learn about the radio station from the article?
A.it was fooled by a news reporter.
B.It played a joke on the listeners.
C.It called the police to catch the Martians.
D.It often announced the news about spaceships.
2024-04-20更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市第十四中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期中英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个恰当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

For brands to succeed, they must grasp and adapt to evolving consumer taste. Over the past decade, China     1    (witness) a shift in consumer behavior marked by the rise of guochao, a trend emphasizing nationalistic branding. Chinese consumers displayed a strong     2    (prefer) for locally-made products. Therefore, it’s crucial for brands to genuinely comprehend and honor local customs, traditions, and values. While integrating Chinese elements into marketing strategies can be effective, it should be handled thoughtfully     3    (avoid) cultural insensitivity.

2024-04-20更新 | 78次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届北京市海淀区高三下学期一模英语试题
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. How many kids were there in the research?
2. How long do most kids spend on the screen every day in this study?
A.Less than 3 hours.B.About 5 hours.C.More than 6 hours.
3. What does the speaker suggest in the end?
A.Students should reduce their time on the screen.
B.Parents shouldn’t buy mobile phones for their children.
C.Parents should communicate with their children more frequently.
2024-04-20更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省衡阳市2023-2024学年高三下学期二模英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
5 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When I woke up, I felt pains all over. A pool of sticky blood surrounded my head. I lay trapped in the bottom of n smooth-walled pit (坑) with an empty water bottle.

I thought of what had happened. I was climbing down the mountain as I was admiring the beautiful scenery. Accidentally. I stepped on a loose rock. Then I slipped, fell with the rock and got stuck somewhere below the top. It was getting dark in the pit. Only my mother knew where I’d gone. I promised to have lunch with her. Thinking of this. I took my phone out and dialed her number with shaking fingers. No service. The silence, which earlier I’d valued, was now horrible.

With a sharp pain in my head, I was terrified. I knew I’d fallen far, but I wasn’t sure where I was. I called 911 because I knew by the pain that my back was severely injured, if not broken. My ear was torn badly. There was still no service. I dug through my bag to assess my supplies and found a whistle and some wipes.

I put the whistle around my neck and blew, though I knew no one would hear me. It was 1:15 pm and I was miles from the town where I lived. I used the wipes to clean off as much blood as I could. I rested. Then I screamed, blew my whistle, and let myself think the unthinkable. What if they can’t find me? What if this is it?

I decided to get moving. I climbed through a small opening, but when I peered over the next edge, my heart sank: there was a 30-foot drop. There was no way down. I was trapped.

I knew with that extreme Arizona heat in the day and bitter desert cold at night, I wouldn’t last long. But I thought my mother was sure to call the police for help if she couldn’t get in touch with me. With a little hope, I prayed the police would send a helicopter (直升机) to my resecu.

注意: 1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Around five hours later, a growing buzz (嗡嗡声) in the air broke the silence.


Though the pilot saw me, it was difficult for the team to get to me.

2024-04-19更新 | 58次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省沧州市部分学校高三下学期一模英语试题
书面表达-图表作文 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 你校近期对学生参加家务劳动的情况做了一份调查,请根据下表中调查结果给学校英文报社写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
1. 劳动状况描述;
2. 原因分析;
3. 你的建议。

1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 按如下格式作答,题目已为你写好。

Housework, Our Responsibility


7 . Pullman is a superb writer and Seagull is a brilliant communicator. They had a debate after Seagull posted a question on his social media platform: “When you were trying to create an environment for learning, what were your best pieces of classical music to listen to?” He received hundreds of suggestions — and one negative reply, from Pullman: “That’s not what classical music is for. Treat it with respect.”

That did it! Everyone — professional musicians, students, teachers — weighed into the argument, and the majority supported Seagull and were criticizing Pullman.

It’s easy to see why people are annoyed. We all want classical music to be as accessible as possible, especially to the young. If some of them are using Bach or Schubert as a tool to help them study, what’s the problem? They may also develop an attachment to classical music.

So is Pullman ridiculous and supercilious by objecting to classical music being used as background music? At first sight, his idea seems stuffy and extreme. By suggesting that classical music should be “treated with respect” and not used as background music, Pullman seems to be closing classical music of to millions of people.

It’s worth pointing out, however, that he isn’t the first to express concerns about classical music being devalued by becoming too commonplace in today’s technologically shaped world. In Benjamin Britten’s 1964 speech, the composer expressed exactly the same worries as Pullman. Britten suggested, “The true musical experience demands some preparation, some effort, a journey to a special place, saving up for a ticket, some homework perhaps”. In short, it demands as much effort from listeners as from composers and performers.

I don’t agree with such an extreme viewpoint, but I do think it touches on a reality. You will never fully grasp the beauty of classical music if you half-hear it only in the background. That doesn’t necessarily matter. Music can be enjoyed on many levels. What Pullman and Britten are really saying is that, in a drive for “accessibility”, we shouldn’t deny the emotional and intellectual complexity underpinning (构成) much classical music.

1. What did Seagull’s posting result in?
A.Great admiration for Seagull.
B.Public criticism of classical music.
C.A discussion about learning environments.
D.An argument over the role of classical music.
2. What does the underlined word “supercilious” in paragraph 4 probably mean?
3. Why is the Benjamin Britten’s 1964 speech mentioned?
A.To show his affection for classical music.
B.To introduce young people to classical music.
C.To demonstrate classical music is demanding.
D.To support Pullman’s idea over classical music.
4. Which word best describes the author’s attitude to Pullman’s idea?
2024-04-19更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省临汾市高三下学期考前适应性训练考试(二)英语试题
8 . Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
1. 你是否支持使用ChatGPT;
2. 你的理由。
2024-04-19更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市浦东新区2023-2024学年高三下学期期中教学质量检测英语试卷
书面表达-概要写作 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Paying Allowances for Completing Chores

The practice of paying children an allowance became popular in America about 100 years ago. Nowadays, American kids on average receive about $800 per year in allowance. But the vast majority of American parents who pay allowance tie it to the completion of housework. Although many parents believe that paying an allowance for completing chores benefits their children, a range of experts expressed concern that tying allowance very closely to chores may not be ideal. In fact, the way chores work in many households worldwide points to another way.

Suniya Luthar, a psychologist, is against paying kids for chores. Luthar is not opposed to giving allowances, but she thinks it’s important to establish that chores are done not because they will lead to payment, but because they keep the household running. Luthar’s suggested approach to allowance is compatible with that of writer Ron Lieber, who advises that allowances be used as a means of showing children how to save, give, and spend on things they care about. “Kids should do chores,” he writes, “for the same reason adults do, because the chores need to be done, and not with the expectation of compensation.”

This argument has its critics, but considering the way chores are undertaken around the world may change people’s thinking. Professor David Lancy of Utah State University has studied how families around the world handle chores. At about 18 months of age, Lancy says, most children become eager to help their parents, and in many cultures, they begin helping with housework at that age. They begin with very simple tasks, but their responsibilities gradually increase. And they do these tasks without payment. Lancy contrasts this with what happens in America. “We deny our children’s attempts to help until they are 6 or 7 years old,” Lancy says, “when many have lost the desire to help and then try to motivate them with payment. The solution to this problem is not to try to use money as a stimulus to do housework, but to get children involved in housework much earlier, when they actually want to do it.”

阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |

10 . Those who had the pleasure of watching Benny Goodman at work saw a rather ordinary-looking man in rimless glasses and a conservative business suit; but they also saw a human being who could play the clarinet(单簧管) like no one before or since. This made Benny Goodman a unique individual.

Other Americans who have stood out from the flock include Joe DiMaggio, Beverly Sill, Ernest Hemingway and Jonas Salk. They, like Benny Goodman, were recognized and honored for no other reason than excellence.

It is doing something better than other people that makes us unique. Yet a surprising number of people still see individuality as a surface thing. They wear garish clothes, dye their hair strange colors and decorate their skin with tattoos to make some kind of social statement. But an ordinary guy who has dyed his hair purple or orange is nothing more than the same person with a funny-looking head.

The whole purpose of individuality is excellence. Those who invent, who improvise(即兴发挥), who know more about a subject than other people do, and who take something that doesn’t work and make it work––these people are the very soul of capitalism.

Charles Kettering didn’t like the idea of cranking a car to make it start, so he invented the electric starter. Henry Ford figured out the assembly-line technique and made it possible to mass-produce automobiles, and Elisha Otis, inventor of the elevator, indirectly created the city sky-line. These people understood that individualism means working at the top of one’s capacity.

The ones with the purple hair and the funky jewelry are just along for the ride, trying to be “different” and not knowing how to go about it.

The student who earns straight A’s on his report card has grasped the idea and has found the real meaning of individuality. So has the youngster who has designed his own spaceship, who gives piano recitals, who paints pictures of the world around him.

Benny Goodman understood it too. This is why he was at his best, blowing his clarinet, in a blue suit and black shoes.

1. The author mentions the appearance of Benny Goodman to _________.
A.show what a talented musician should look like
B.introduce an important figure in the musical world
C.contrast with his talent in music performance
D.indicate that he can’t stand out from the flock
2. The author would most probably agree that _________.
A.an individualist tends to seek difference both in character and appearance
B.the essence of individualism lies in pursuing excellence to the full
C.being different in appearance is the very first step to being individual
D.those who strive to win the recognition of others are real individualists
3. According to the passage, which individual’s actions may not truly embody the essence of individualism?
A.A scientist who conducts research solely advancing knowledge for the greater good rather than for personal recognition.
B.A social media influencer who conforms to popular opinions to maintain a large following.
C.An artist who creates unique works but fail to gain fame and recognition from others.
D.An entrepreneur who prioritizes ethical considerations over profit in his business practices.
4. For the main thread, the article is organized by way of __________.
A.specific to generalB.cause and effect
C.examples and conclusionD.comparison and contrast
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