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阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

1 . Dear friends, it’s common that we all come across this kind of thing. How to care for a sad person will help you be there for your loved ones and friends when they are down. However, knowing how to care for a sad person is not something an individual is born with.     1     . Here are a few tips that will eventually help you lift the spirit of a sad person.

Generally, give a hug. We know hugging someone shows your affection and care.     2     . This can make them feel relaxed and open to you. This can also help them recognize that you are there to help them go through this moment. With no kind and loving words, your behaviours have already meant much.

Tell them some affectionate words. Now, go on and say some these words. Words like “I’m here.     3     . You’ll get over this. Lean on me” and so on, can help a sad person feel better and know that you’re there to take him/her through the sad moment.

Use the right tone of voice.     4     . They go along with tone to convey a meaning to the listener. To convey your words with faith that would create a positive effect on the sad person, you would need to say it with the right tone of voice.

Listen patiently. People ask lots of questions but they end up paying little attention to getting the feedback (反馈) that they wanted. Don’t be that person. After asking the questions, listen patiently to know what the sad person would appreciate at that time.     5     .

A.If you practise this to someone, I’m sure they can be aware of your kindess and warmth
B.Make use of polite expressions
C.Then make a choice to appreciate others too
D.We are in this together
E.It will help you know how to offer the best fitting help
F.I remind you that words do not stand alone
G.This common sense is obtained through observation and communication
2024-02-17更新 | 159次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届陕西省西安市长安区高三上学期第一次联考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . When it comes to studying, most of us bank on being able to focus on our subject like a shooter on his mission target. It is when we actually sit down to study that our minds begin to slip away. This is because focus is like a muscle. Unless you build it, you’ll be distracted by everything!    1    .

●Make a to-do list

Sometimes the simple act of writing down everything that’s on your plate makes it more manageable. You get it out of your working memory, so it’s no longer part of the free-floating anxiety cloud around you.    2    . Once it’s out of your head, it won’t distract you.

●Meditate (冥想)

    3    . Just breathe in, breathe out. Try this for five to fifteen minutes each day. As you get into this practice, most find their minds are in fact an incredibly noisy and distracting place. Loads of ideas are always popping up. This is normal, though. The real value is in noticing every time your mind wanders, you bring your attention back.


Focused listening is a life skill, one that can be applied in many areas.    4    . When you do this, you’ll discover that deep listening is HARD WORK and requires brain power.

●Read difficult works

Read long-form pieces of work at a slow, deliberate pace. Reading difficult material successfully requires real concentration and determination, and your willpower will grow accordingly.

Focus is a skill you can nurture in yourself.    5    . The more you work on it, the more focused you will stay.

A.You can cross things out, one by one
B.Doing it isn’t supposed to be necessary
C.It takes effort, but the results are well worth it
D.One simple practice is to focus on your breathing
E.Let’s see what you can do to build your focus power
F.You’ll be physically strong if you can power up your focus
G.It’s important to do your listening actively and single-mindedly
2024-01-15更新 | 275次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省沈阳市高三上学期一模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . If you have ever lost touch with old school friends, you may find yourself wanting to make contact again. Some teens find that certain school friends are worth keeping contact with and want to keep the friendship going strong.

Hang out at the same places

One way you can get together with old friends from your school is to go to the same places that they go to. If you still go to school together, you probably know where everyone goes on the weekends. If you are able to go there too, you may find that your relationships with your old school friends start up again.

Sports teams

If you are athletic and your former friends are too, joining school sports teams is a great way to catch up with old friends. This doesn’t mean that you should join a sport which you do not like just so you can see your old friends. However, if you like sports, wish to join a team and your former friends are on that team, and then playing the team sports is a great way to get to know them again.

Take part in school clubs

There are often a lot of school clubs in which teens participate. Depending on your interests and your former friends’ interests, you may just find a club at school. Sharing a common interest such as a club activity will help you to have something in common and something to talk about.

1. You can get together with old friends by         .
A.joining the dance clubs
B.having dinner with them
C.going to the places where they go
D.going shopping with them every day
2. From the third paragraph we can learn that         .
A.playing sports helps you get your old friends again
B.you have to play a sport to make more friends
C.team sports are interesting activities at school
D.you have to play the sport your friends like
3. Why did the writer write this text?
A.To tell a hobby.
B.To share same interests.
C.To join clubs.
D.To contact old friends.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Many people do not read the classics. Their reasons begin with the language being too difficult and end with the storyline too distant to the present context.     1     . It is a gradual affair. We begin as acquaintances and eventually become close friends with private jokes between us. So how does one approach a classic?

Don’t be afraid to be confused.

We get it: it’s hard to power through confusion. It doesn’t feel great when a book makes you feel confused. Every reader has to start somewhere.     2     . Instead, be proud of yourself for trying, and get excited about all the new things you’ll learn.

Research, research, research.

    3     . Researching the author and the time and place they were writing about can help you situate yourself during tricky passages. The author’s experience, viewpoint, and historical context might help you make the connections you might not have otherwise.

    4    .

This step is self-explanatory. While it’s not hard to just pick a book up, we know how difficult it can be to convince yourself to do so. Remind yourself that it’s a new learning chance. Take a deep breath, then leap onto the deck (甲板) of Melville’s Pequod or step cautiously through the gates of Castle Dracula.

Remember: there is no right answer.

There is no perfect way to read a classic text. There is no fixed interpretation (解读) and no exact answer. Your goal as a reader is to discover what aspects are meaningful to you. Just enjoy the process.     5    !

A.Just pick the book up
B.Allow the book to grow with you
C.It has some form of historical influence
D.Before you turn to page one, do some digging
E.Love for classics is obviously not at first sight
F.Never beat yourself up for not knowing something
G.Even if your interpretation of the work isn’t perfect, it’s still valuable
2023-12-29更新 | 136次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届四川省内江市高三上学期第一次模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . If your work involves a lot of work in front of a computer screen, you’ll likely experience digital eyestrain(损伤).     1    , so here are some easy ways you can protect your eyes while using a screen.

Change your workstation slightly

Your overall workstation can cause eye strain in many ways. Make sure you’re always sitting at least an arm’s length away from the screen. And keep your screen four to five inches below eye level. What you’re sitting in is also extremely important for your position.     2    .

Adjust lighting

Your computer screen should be the brightest object in the room, so adjust your settings accordingly. You can look into softer lighting options and use blinds if the lighting in your office is too bright.     3    , as dust particles on it can reflect light and cause another source of bright and unpleasant light.

Follow the 20-20-20 rule

    4    . The 20-20-20 rule is an easy way to be fitted into your daily routine: every 20minutes, direct your eyes towards something at least 20 feet away from you, for 20 seconds. This forces your eyes to move from short-distance perception to long-distance perception. Thus it gives them a much-needed moment of rest.


Do whatever you can to make your screen easier to read-whether that’s increasing the text size, switching the contrast levels or changing the colour temperature(avoiding blue light tones as much as possible, which are linked to more eye strain problems). Play around with all the settings until you find what works best for you.

A.Adjust your settings
B.Be sure to clean your screen regularly
C.Switch the screen into eye protection mode
D.In fact, looking at a screen is unavoidable for most
E.So be certain the chair offers enough support for your lower back
F.Take steps immediately to help to ease the discomfort of your eyes
G.One simple way to reduce your eye strain is looking away from the screen
2023-12-28更新 | 83次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届云南省曲靖市第二中学高三适应性考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 .

Can you stand on one leg for 10 seconds?

Balance could be a matter of life and death. The World Health Organization estimates that 684,000 fatal falls occur each year, making falling the second leading cause of unintentional injury death. Some of these falls are caused by more serious conditions -but many aren’t. According to George Locker, a long-term practitioner of tai chi, a loss of balance is a medical problem that can’t be treated with drugs or surgery, despite its effects.

Increasingly,efforts are being made to remedy(补救) the balance problem among the groups already most affected by it. Tai chi,practiced by an estimated 50   million people in China,is an option. Studies have shown that as little as eight weeks of practice can improve older adults’scores on the Tinetti test —a   commonly   used   measure of competence in basic tasks such as rising from a chair and walking—as well as reducing fear of falling. Longer periods of study show further benefits.

Whatever activity you choose the lesson is to work on your balance before you need to. not after it becomes an issue. As Locker puts it everyone’s told to save money for their retirement and nobody’s taught to save their balance. But both are difficult to get back once they’re gone.

Just 15 minutes a day of practice can be beneficial, but do more if you have time Starting earlier helps: try the exercises below on a hard, level surface.

Easy Level: Standing on one leg—with your hands resting on a work surface if you' re feeling unsteady — see how long you can maintain your balance. Do this one while you’re brushing your teeth.

Medium Level: For this movement, start from standing and take a big step forwards, bending your front leg until your trailing knee just brushes the floor. Then push off your front leg and return to a standing position.

Hard Level: Try step-ups on to a step or box: put one foot on to a box and push through that heel to step up so both feet end up together. To ensure you aren’t using your trailing leg to help ,keep your toes off the ground on that foot.

1. What does George Locker think of a lack of balance?
A.It is costly to get treated with drugs and surgery.
B.It is a minor issue that doesn’t affect one’s overall health.
C.It is a problem without any medical solution.
D.It is a problem that can be easily fixed by exercising.
2. Which of the following best illustrates the Medium Level practice?
3. What is the lesson conveyed in the passage regarding balance and health?
A.Balance is the top leading cause of sudden death from injuries.
B.It is essential for those affected by balance issues to seek help.
C.Taichi is the most effective way to improve one’s balance.
D.It is wiser to work on balance as early as possible.
2023-12-15更新 | 104次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届上海市虹口区高三上学期一模英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . The secret to truly enjoying life lies in making small changes to everyday lives. Taking care of yourself and connecting with others are just some of the ways you can live a happy life. We’ve made an extensive list of practical tips.     1    

Put yourself and your happiness first. While making a decision, choose the things that will make you the most pleased.    2     When you focus on your passions and interests, you’ll feel more optimistic and energized. And allow yourself to be involved in the small things that can keep your spirits up, such as going for a short walk each day.

Reward yourself for making progress and continuing to grow. Make sure to celebrate even the smallest signs of progress and growth rather than only praising yourself for the successes. Give yourself an encouraging gesture or word occasionally.    3     Or, be sure to reward yourself with small breaks throughout the workday.

    4     Rather than bottling up all of your thoughts and keeping them to yourself, let others know when you need something. Doing so can help you become more confident and feel like you have control over your life. When you speak your mind and live life on your own terms, you’ll be more content.

Turn off the news every now and then. Consuming too much negative news can lead to stress. While it’s great to keep up with current events, the news can have a bad effect on your happiness levels if lots of negative things have happened recently.    5     If you still want to read, avoid potentially stressful topics.

A.Be honest about your wants and needs.
B.Don’t be afraid to seek out new experiences.
C.They’ll help you enjoy your life to the fullest.
D.Also, make taking care of yourself a top priority.
E.Invest your time and resources in improving yourself.
F.Even just skipping it for a day or two might help ease your worry.
G.Buy yourself a treat whenever you cross something off your to-do list.
2023-12-12更新 | 179次组卷 | 5卷引用:2024年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语领航卷(四)
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍Peloton明星Ben Alldis分享的保持健康生活方式的“永远锻炼”秘诀。

8 . Peloton star Ben Alldis shares his “forever exercise” tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

● Start small. Something as simple as going for a walk in nature is incredibly beneficial for our mental and physical health.     1     Be honest about where you’d like to get to, and put small steps in place to make improvements.

● Mix up your training. There’s real benefit in just moving your body through things like walking to work and gardening. I think the concept of exercise being “over here”, and then everything else being “over there”, is too limiting. It needs to be more inclusive.     2    

● Be smart with your diary. I like to talk about “energy givers” versus “energy takers”. Energy takers are things like spending too much time on social media and binge drinking; while exercise and good food are energy givers. I was an athlete growing up, then I went into finance in my 20s and lost myself totally.     3     But when I changed my lifestyle, my productivity levels increased.

● Give priority to sleep. I read Matthew Walker’s book Why We Sleep: The New Science of Sleep and Dreams.     4     I saw a dramatic influence on my productivity levels and ability to just function. So I’ll look at what I did last night before I went to bed, and then look at the impact it had on my sleep.

Understand your body clock. Everyone has a different rhythm — some people work better later in the day, others prefer to get up early. So the most important thing is finding the right time for you.     5     If you prioritise your health as much as you prioritise other things, and schedule it in your diary like a meeting, it’s far more likely to happen.

A.I’ve learnt to schedule workouts.
B.If cycling’s your usual thing, with tennis or yoga.
C.If you run out of motivation, change your workout routine.
D.It inspired me to dig deeply into sleep and prioritize it.
E.I’d recommend taking an assessment of where you are today.
F.I didn’t have a gym membership, or have time to work out.
G.Slowly you make improvements, and the quality of your sleep gets better.
2023-12-11更新 | 180次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省绍兴市2023-2024学年高三上学期11月选考科目诊断性考试英语
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . If you want to be confident at interview and get the job, body language will be important.

Here are some useful tips for your body language during a job interview.

Make a great entrance. A job interview actually starts before you get to the interview room. You don't know who could be looking at you from a window or standing next to you in the elevator. Your body language should tell others that you're confident and calm.     1     .

Don’t go for direct eye contact.     2    . A more effective way to make sure you look interested is to look at different parts of an interviewer's face every two seconds such as their nose, eyes and lips.

Use hand gestures while you're speaking. If you’re not sure what to do with your hands, go ahead and gesture while you're speaking. When you're really nervous, you may want to hide your hand because they express your anxiety.     3    

Stay positive. Your body language follows your mind. If your mind is negative, your body will consciously create negative energy. However, stay positive and you feel confident in your body language.     4     . And your smiles will be more likely to leave a good impression on the interviewers.

Work on your walk. Interviewers often make a hiring judgment within the first 10 seconds of meeting you.     5    . When walking directly toward the interviewer, you had better make your body point in his direction and maintain eye contact with him occasionally.

A.Instead, make “direct face contact”.
B.How you walk into the room is a part of that judgment.
C.At this time, it's a good choice for you to hide your hands.
D.Instead, using your hands gesture can make you feel relaxed.
E.If your have a positive mind, you will wear a smile on your face.
F.It's very important to review your information you have prepared.
G.It's improper to crazily search your file for your resume at this time.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . How to Sleep Better

What you do (or don’t do) before bedtime has significant impact on the quality of your sleep.     1     Here are a few suggestions:

Go from light to dark. Darkness stimulates production of the sleep hormone.     2     And think about investing into warm light that you can use in the bed-room before bedtime.

    3     Keep the bedroom a technology-free zone as the light from electronic devices can disturb your sleep. If you need to work, wear blue light blocking glasses(also known as computer glasses)throughout or before you sleep to prevent sleep disruption.

Find an activity that helps you to wind down. This could be anything that calms you down, and reduces thinking. For example, listening to soothing (柔和的) music, taking a hot bath, reading or meditating.

Keep any electronics you have on the other side of the room or outside the room. One of the most harmful things that can disrupt your sleep is the notifications you get from your smartphones.     4    

Create a bedtime routine. A night routine is a couple of things you do prior to going to bed. By doing these things every night, you’ll have a more restful and high-quality sleep.

Adjust your sleep temperature. The ideal temperature for sleep is 60~67 Farenheit (华氏度). This may be cooler than what most people are used to.     5     Rule of thumb: sleeping in cooler temperature is better for sleep quality than warmer temperature.

A.Avoid screens.
B.Sleep better from now on.
C.Turn off unused light around the house.
D.The higher the temperature is, the better you sleep.
E.The simplest way to avoid this is to keep it away from you.
F.Many times, it can be the difference between staying up until 4 am and sleeping like a baby.
G.But keep in mind that our body temperature changes once we fall asleep
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