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1 . What will you do when you feel like a failure? Feeling like a failure is part of the human experiences. Treat yourself with kindness and understand that failure does not define you, but it is a stepping stone on your journey. When you’re ready, take action and challenge yourself.

As some friends were deeply lost in the world of yoga and mindfulness, I’ve personally struggled with the feeling of failure, not on the yoga mat, but on the road to my entrepreneurship(创业). It all began several years ago when I threw myself into the business, driven by my passion and a dream.

In the early days, optimism flowed freely, but financial struggles and sleepless nights soon followed. I questioned my decision and felt like the biggest failure. However, every difficulty became a stepping stone towards growth. I learned more from my failures than from my successes, adapting and growing stronger with each obstacle. I reached out to instructors, friends and family, sought advice and slowly saw a ray of hope. One defining moment came when I gained my first long-term coaching partnership. It was a breakthrough, and my hard work paid off. Over the years, I faced many more failures, but I refused to let them define me.

Today, looking back at my journey, I realize that moments of feeling like a failure were essential to my success. They taught me humility, perseverance and the value of hard work. They shaped me into a successful entrepreneur I am today—someone who doesn’t fear failure but embraces it as a necessary part of the path to success. As we approach the end of the year of graduation, remember that success is not about avoiding failure, but about how we rise after we fall. Let’s support each other on this journey called life. Stay positive, stay inspired and stay true to ourselves.

1. What is the function of paragraph 1?
A.To give the definition of failure.
B.To list some examples of failure.
C.To introduce the topic of the story.
D.To stress the importance of experience.
2. What made the author start a business?
A.Internal motivation.B.Advice from a coach.
C.Family financial crisis.D.Encouragement from friends.
3. What can be concluded from the author’s entrepreneurial experience?
A.To teach is to learn.
B.A word spoken is past recalling.
C.Constant dropping wears away a stone.
D.Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.
4. What does the author want to do in the last paragraph?
A.Inspire us with his lessons.
B.Persuade us to major in business.
C.Recall the key moments of his entrepreneurship.
D.Advocate avoiding obstacles on the way to success.

2 . In 1967, my husband and I graduated from college with financial challenges. We struggled to make both _________ meet because of our low-paying jobs as well as college loans. The birth of our son that summer _________ our financial pressure.

Later we got involved socially with a community of couples. They _________ our values and had insights to offer on parenting. This group of people went to many places and engaged in various activities. They _________ made us feel welcome although our finances often _________ our participation.

One summer, the group _________ a picnic and requested we bring potato chips. I was _________ that I didn’t have to spend much on the event. So I bought two large bags of the least expensive brand of potato chips I could find. _________, we got to the state park, only to find a real feast laid out — chicken, watermelon, home-made salads, and desserts. _________, I thought about leaving but a friend reassured (使……安心) me that our time to make a __________ for the feast would come.

Decades have passed. Now, as my husband and I approach retirement with our grown son, that picnic remains __________ in my memory. Our friends’ kindness has __________ how we perceive and assist others. We may never repay those who once provided for us, but we continue the tradition of __________, supporting our struggling younger friends.

That day, the feast symbolized a(n) __________ of gratitude, not to be repaid, but to be paid forward. It serves as a __________ of the lasting power of community and kindness.

A.allowed forB.sorted outC.resulted inD.added to
2024-04-13更新 | 89次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省泰州市联盟校2023-2024学年高二下学期3月阶段调研英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文.

Born to be different

I stood in front of the mirror, whispering to myself, “If I didn’t have this scar (疤痕), the world would embrace me more warmly.” With a heavy heart, I turned away from my reflection and gazed out of the window, the daily school routine—a constant reminder of the tightness in my chest. Each day, I prepared my sell for the unavoidable questions—the disgusted glances, and the eye-rolls as I bravely attempted to explain what it truly meant to be born with a cleft (裂缝,裂口).

Born with a cleft lip and orphaned (孤儿) at birth, I entered multiple adoptive homes until ages even when I was finally adopted by my forever home. But the frequent transitions had already left a bad mark on my young soul and I’d fallen behind in my schoolwork, and my appearance-related insecurities robbed me of any confidence. My future seemed clouded and uncertain, and I constantly sought approval from others, often finding myself in the wrong crowd.

Deep inside, I was fully aware that I was on the wrong path. Although the future remained a mystery, I desired something different and realized that I had to change the course of my life.

Thankfully, in middle school, my life took a turn. I started to hang out with uplifting friends—individuals who accepted me without judgment and taught me the value of self-love. My sixth-grade social studies teacher, Cynthia, with her passionate delivery of history, often had me staying after class to further explore global issues. She inspired me to become the change I longed to see in the world.

One day, I delivered a speech in front of my classmates, discussing the significance of the “Treaty of Versailles (《凡尔赛条约》)”. After my speech, Cynthia called to me. “Ashleigh, I would like to speak with you for a moment, please.”


My legs shook like trees in a storm.


Cynthia nodded approvingly, “Ashleigh, I’d like to suggest you consider a career in polities.”

2024-04-12更新 | 69次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省部分学校高三下学期语数英第一次模拟联合检测英语试题
书信写作-演讲稿 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 假定你校英语社团准备以“我的强大抗挫能力(ability of anti-frustration)”为主题举办演讲比赛,请就此写一篇英语演讲稿,内容包括:
1. 你对挫折的认识;
2. 举例说明你的抗挫能力。
1. 词数100左右;开头和结尾已写出;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Good morning, everybody! I’m happy to share with you my understanding of frustration.


Thank you very much.

2024-04-12更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届四川省雅安市、遂宁市、眉山市高三下学期二诊英语试题(含听力)
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5 . As this year draws to a close, I still remember the fear I felt on a bright Saturday morning in late September, at a five-kilometer race in Clarkston, Georgia, as I waited for my 11-year-old son at the finish line.

I knew he could run a 5k in about 30 minutes. When I didn't see him at the 35-minute mark, I began to wonder what had gone wrong. Had he gotten lost? Was he hit by a car? About an hour earlier, when we drove into town, my son noticed an insect on my car. It was bright green, no longer than a fingernail. And it was friendly. This little green thing hopped onto my son's finger, where it stayed for a long, long time. It stayed so long that we eventually gave it a name: Little Friend.

A few minutes before the race, Little Friend jumped off my son’s hand and landed on the sidewalk. But pedestrian traffic was heavy and unpredictable. Little Friend was in danger. So my son knelt and reached out his hand. Little Friend came back.

The race was about to start, and the tiny green insect was in for a wild ride. My son would run fast, and the race would be long, and his arms would swing, and Little Friend would eventually be shaken off.

“You will lose Little Friend,” I told him.

My son nodded, treating the moment with appropriate seriousness.

The race began, and I lost sight of him.

The excitement at the finish line gave way to anxiety when my son did not show up.

I kept asking people if they'd seen him. No one had. And beyond the 40-minute mark, I was in a panic.

But there he was, thank goodness, just ahead of the 45-minute mark.

And there was Little Friend, riding on the upper crook of his right thumb like a very small captain on a very tall ship.

My predictions had been wrong. My son had not run fast, and he had not lost Little Friend. And these two facts seemed somehow related. He blamed a cold he was getting over. I suspected it was more than that, but I didn’t question him too much about it.

We walked back to the car, smiling, and found some bushes in the parking lot that seemed like a good place for my son to drop off Little Friend.

“Be free,” my son said, and gently put it in the bushes.

My son knew the truth. Sometimes life gives you something beautiful, a fragile, short-lived treasure in your hand. There is no need to rush ahead. Treat it gently. Enjoy each moment. Hold on while you can.

One day my son will leave too, running off on his own adventure.

1. How did the writer probably feel when he finally saw his son appear in sight?
2. The son failed to run as fast as his father had expected probably because ________.
A.he was lostB.he was recovering from a cold
C.he was afraid to lose the tiny insectD.he was slowed down by the heavy traffic
3. As for the way his son treated Little Friend, the writer is ________.
4. What will the writer most probably do after the race?
A.Treasure every moment he has with his son.
B.Encourage his son to take more adventures.
C.Tell his son to take races seriously.
D.Get more insects for his son.
2024-04-12更新 | 134次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届北京市西城区高三下学期一模英语试题
其他 | 较易(0.85) |

6 . I have watched good lives get put on hold because someone told a lie. I have seen people put in jail because of a lie. I have held the hands of a kind-hearted dying man who only wanted to know the truth about why his children were turned against him. Lies only hurt. Let’s remember that. Let’s not forget the damage that can be done, and maybe we will all get to live better lives, even though we are sharing a very difficult time. Lies are always uncovered. Always.

That may not help you right now, but it is something to hold onto.

What does “it” refer to in the last paragraph?
A.Lies will grow and spread.
B.Lies are not acceptable.
C.Lies will be exposed sooner or later.
D.One truth is better than a hundred lies
2024-04-12更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:题型04 词义猜测题(解题技巧)-备战2024年高考英语答题技巧与模板构建
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7 . 阅读短文,用英文填空或回答问题 (请注意每小题的词数要求)。

There are two important teachers in this world. One is the nature. It was considered to be the best teacher in the old days, because man learned a lot from nature like lighting the fire and growing rice. It also provides man with many necessary things for life, such as water, food and so on.

Hu, 31, is a pioneer in nature education. He set up an organization five years ago. It offers nature-based programs to children under 12 years old, including many outdoor activities, such as planting trees and watching birds.

“Nature is friendly to us if we protect her. And don’t forget that we all are part of nature,” He said. The purpose of nature education is to teach people how to understand, respect (尊重) and get on well with nature.

Here comes the other important teacher — a book. The experiences people learned from nature were written down in the form of a book. This was a step forward because man could record their experiences and thoughts.

Books play an important role in our lives. Su Mingjuan, a girl from a poor family in a small village, has finished college and become a good bank clerk. She volunteers to encourage people to read more. She said, “Without reading books, I can’t have such a wonderful life.” Besides Su, millions of people learn from books and have better lives. Some people ever said, “A book is like a garden carried in the pocket (口袋).”

1. The passage mainly talks about _______________________________(10个词以内)
2. According to Paragraph 1, nature teaches us some skills like _______________________________(列举两项,10个词以内)
3. Hu works on nature education to help people ______________________________(10个词以内)
4. How did people record their experiences and thoughts in Paragraph 4? (10个词以内)
5. What can you learn from Su Mingjuan’s story? (20个词以内)
2024-04-11更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省宜宾市珙县中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When we were finally dismissed from the last class of the day, the students streamed out of the classrooms. It was another boring day after school. I dragged my feet home as I sighed. Yet another uneventful day, I thought. Little did I know that the day would take a turn for the worse.

The lift lobby (电梯间) of my flat was old and dirty. The walls, which were painted white, had been dirtied over many years. I reached my flat’s lobby, and pressed the lift button and went in. Just then, Mrs Lim, my elderly neighbour, hobbled (蹒跚) in. She looked ancient with tissue paper white hair, wearing a faded old-fashioned dress. I held the lift door open, flashing a friendly smile, and politely greeted her. I asked her how she felt that day and pressed the buttons. She thanked me for being so polite, then we were silent for the rest of the ride.

The lift fell down increasingly fast. There were loud clanking sounds here and there while the lift grew slower and slower. My heart beat hard and fast as my hands turned cold and wet with sweat. Unfortunately, the lift came to an abrupt stop at the fifth floor. I pressed the buttons hard several times, but it was of no help. The lights on the buttons had gone out. It soon dawned on me that we were trapped. An icy fear crept up my spine. Mrs Lim was hysterical (歇斯底里).

“We will never get out!” she cried with her face pale. It had become a colourless mask. I had no time to lose. I pressed the bell in the lift immediately. The sound was surely deafening, but what other choice did I have? Mrs Lim burst into tears. I tried my very best to comfort her, telling her that everything would be all right and that we needed to find out how to get out safely. Mrs Lim began having trouble breathing, and I immediately helped her sit down and loosened her collar.

Paragraph 1: Several minutes passed, but no help came.


Paragraph 2: Bang! My hopes were lifted when I heard the firefighters on the other side of the lift door.

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9 . I started a “question of the day” section in a family text group. We’d talk about everything from movies to politics. But despite several warnings from loved ones that some of my responses were judgmental and that I was too quick to attack an opinion, I all but killed that group text. It had a good 12 people in it. We’d shared laughs, encouragement, and funny memes (表情包). It took only one conversation — which I was in the middle of — to end it.

I realized that I had a problem. The medium for my problem is the smartphone. Before smartphones enabled instant communication, people talked on the telephone. In person, you could cut in a “What do you mean by that?” to correct a misunderstanding before it got out of hand. Don’t get me wrong: I love a good group text. It makes me feel connected to people in a way that I just can’t seem to anymore, now that I have a wife and kids.

I’m learning, but I had a relapse (复发) recently. I joined a new text group. I introduced my “question of the day” feature. I fooled myself into thinking that I was encouraging a healthy debate on current events. No. Others in the group saw it as me trying to prove that my way was the right way. Then I made the mistake of sharing some personal information that one friend had told me during a phone conversation. I thought everyone knew. Then this friend started referring to me as a snitch — not terms of kind word. So I asked him about it — in person. That’s when he told me I’d shared sensitive information he hadn’t told anyone else. I apologized plentifully and came away from the conversation more determined to slow down my texts.

My new resolve seems to be working. You should be pleased to know that I have avoided making a few points that I was tempted (鼓动) to make in individual and group texts. In some cases, I didn’t even respond. I haven’t lost any more connections by doing this.

1. How does the author introduce the topic?
A.By making judgments on politics.B.By responding to some text messages.
C.By presenting a personal experience.D.By starting a funny conversation.
2. What problem does the author have in digital communication?
A.Ignoring the need to listen to others.B.Making quick and sharp responses.
C.Failing to express himself timely.D.Focusing on the issues of his own.
3. Why was the author attacked by his friend in the text group?
A.He gave away the privacy of his friend.
B.He always made mistakes on current events.
C.He made a fool of himself in chatting.
D.He liked enquiring personal information.
4. What does the author learn from his experience?
A.Hurry makes waste.B.Understanding each other is vital.
C.Sometimes fast is just too fast.D.Trust is the bridge of communication.
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文章大意:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过自己高中最后一天的鲜活记忆和坚持给女儿讲睡前故事的经历讲述了“峰终定律”(peak-end rule),它表明我们对一段经历的判断很大程度上取决于这段经历的巅峰和结尾,并建议人们珍惜结尾。

10 . Even now, I have vivid memories of my last day of high school. In my mind’s eye, I’m cleaning out my locker, and then staring at the emptiness for a few extra beats before slamming it shut for the last time. I’m roaming the halls with my best friend, blissfully ignoring the bells going off every 50 minutes on schedule because, just today, we’re allowed to break the rules. I’m sitting on my desk, swinging my feet, and shooting the breeze (闲聊) with my English teacher, Mr. Carr, in a way that makes me feel almost grown up.

It was maybe my favorite day of the whole year. Like the final layer of watercolor, the freedom and lightness I feel seeps (渗透) into the rest of my memories of that day and turns them just a shade rosier.

If the school year hasn’t yet ended for you, consider what you can do to make the finale count. Why? Because when it comes to human memory, not all moments are created equal. Instead, our remembered experiences are disproportionately (不成比例地) influenced by peaks(the best moments as well as the worst)and endings (the last moments). Nobel Prize winner Danny Kahneman, who discovered this phenomenon, called this the peak-end rule. It suggests that our judgment of a past experience is largely based on its most extreme point and its endpoint.

I took advantage of the peak-end rule years ago, when my girls were young enough to want a bedtime story each night. I remember thinking that whatever strife (冲突) and stress had occurred that day, I could make the last moments count. I could end on a note of calm and act like the patient mom I hadn’t quite managed to be just hours before.

Don’t mistake all moments as equal in significance. There’s a reason why yoga classes end with savasana (挺卧式). There’s a reason we eat dessert last. Do orchestrate (精心安排) endings. As Seattle Seahawks coach Pete Carroll might say: Finish strong. Last impressions are especially lasting.

1. What does the underlined word in paragraph 1 mean?
2. Which statement is true about the peak-end rule?
A.Peaks in life can be remembered better than endings.
B.The last moments matter the most in our memories.
C.Our judgment of the past is determined by first impressions.
D.The peaks and ends of experiences are easier to remember.
3. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.How the author applied the rule to daily life.
B.How the author treated her daughters.
C.What struggles the author had in life.
D.Why the author read stories to her kids.
4. Why is Pete Carroll mentioned in the last paragraph?
A.To prove the peak-end rule can be used in sports.
B.To encourage readers to value the last moments of an experience.
C.To explain why last impressions are lasting.
D.To show the importance of doing sports.
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