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1 . This summer, you are offered a perfect opportunity to upgrade the resume (简历) for your future, but which summer jobs should you go after? From traditional to out-of-the-box summer job opportunities, you are bound to find a good fit with one of these ideas:

Travel Blogger

Those who have a taste for adventure can share their travel experiences down to the minute on social platforms. Typically, the hourly wage is $24; however, this number varies depending on the blogger’s ability to make extra earnings from advertising.


Community and neighborhood pools are usually in need of lifeguards in summer, so ask around to, see what is available. Not only will you be keeping people safe, but you will also be enjoying the sun and maintaining your fitness at the same time. The average pay is $12 an hour.


For academically-minded ones, tutoring services are available online. This means you are no longer limited by your location. If you have the patience, skills, and ability to teach others, this position offers an average hourly wage of $19.

Freelance (自由职业的) Designer

If you have a good understanding of computers, web design, and/or enjoy coding, then becoming a freelance designer over the summer may be ideal. Rather than working regular 9-5 hours at a company, you have the flexibility of working from home. $26.99 is the average hourly rate for this position.

For more summer job ideas, check out INDEED to see what opportunities are best suited for you! And don’t forget the fun doesn’t stop when summer is over, check out our post about the Best Jobs on Campus.

1. Which of the summer jobs offers a more flexible pay?
A.Travel blogger.B.Lifeguard.
C.Tutor.D.Freelance designer.
2. What is special about being a lifeguard?
A.One can work online.B.One should be patient.
C.One can benefit physically.D.One should be adventurous.
3. Who are the possible target readers of this passage?
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2 . Trust me — I am expedition doctor

Ever since I was a young child, I’ve had a taste for adventure, but I never imagined I’d be able to satisfy this passion at regular intervals because of my chosen career.

My work as an expedition (探险队) doctor has taken me all over the world. However, my favourite trips, and the ones in which I now specialise, are those involving mountains. Never do I feel more inspired by nature than when I look up at their towering peaks and begin to prepare myself mentally for the challenges ahead.

I trained as a doctor in the UK, but there was little in that training to prepare me for binding up a broken leg during a storm on the side of a mountain! In fact, I’d say that medical skills come some way down the list of job requirements, after endurance, flexibility, problem-solving and communication.

This kind of medicine is a million miles away from the controlled, germ-free environment of a hospital, and your medical kit basically consists of whatever you can carry, so you sometimes have to be prepared to improvise (即兴做). For example, I’ve learned that some drugs can be used for several conditions, and I’ve even had to resort to cutting branches off a small tree to make a stick to support a broken arm.

That isn’t to say that you can’t train to be an expedition doctor; on the contrary, there are some excellent courses available. Not only do they teach medical techniques, but also practical skills such as carrying out risk assessments, crossing rivers safely and using satellite phones. The first course I did included a session on expedition dentistry, though I must admit I still don’t like the idea of pulling out someone’s tooth!

I do most of my work for adventure holiday companies, travelling to remote places. When I started out, these holidays were quite rare, but they have become much more mainstream now that we’ve all seen celebrities climbing Kilimanjaro or watched reality shows about people surviving in jungles.

I do have mixed feelings about all these people with large amounts of disposable income coming to poor areas just for their own enjoyment, so I try to make sure that the companies I work for have high ethical standards and benefit the local communities. And of course, tourism provides employment, and also opens the eyes of rich visitors to the hardship that many people are forced to endure.

I realise that this kind of life isn’t for everyone, but I’d recommend that all doctors try it at least once, if only to make them appreciate the comforts of their usual working environment!

1. The author feels that he has been________.
A.obliged to choose his careerB.lucky with his job
C.obsessed with his adventureD.inspired by his patients
2. According to the passage, what can be learned about medical skills for an expedition doctor?
A.They are less important than practical skills.
B.They are strictly required as the most important.
C.They are adequately attained in medical schools.
D.They are an underlying part of practical skills.
3. Why do expedition doctors sometimes have to use unusual techniques?
A.They keep their equipment in a backpack.
B.Things can happen that they don’t expect.
C.They don’t have the resources of a hospital.
D.They are required by the patients on the trip.
4. The author works for ethical companies because________.
A.they organise expeditions in the remote areas he enjoys visiting
B.they appreciate the comforts of the unusual working environments
C.he wants to make sure that his clients are safe at all times during the expedition
D.he feels uncomfortable about the difference between rich tourists and poor local people
2022-12-22更新 | 290次组卷 | 4卷引用:广东省中山市第一中学2023-2024学年高三上学期第五次统测英语试题
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3 . Clock making is a traditional craft which involves the building and repair of clocks. But it is now on the red list drawn up by the Heritage Crafts Association(HCA), which has warned that more specialists are retiring than entering the profession.

David Poole, a former master, said, “The shortage of clock makers is a problem. Whereas there used to be clock makers on the high street, a clock repair shop is a rare sight today. People will find it extremely difficult to identify anyone to repair their clocks.”

There are only about 250 makers and repairers left across Britain, according to HCA’s research. When specialists are near retirement, they often cannot afford to take on apprentices(学徒)as happened in the past. Besides, it is feared that the few training courses that have survived will not fill the gaps.

Howard Walwyn, a leading dealer in Kensington, warned that, if expertise in repairing is lost, clocks will become inanimate objects rather than living things, adding, “Most clock makers have fiddled with(捣鼓)clocks as kids, taking them apart, and trying to get them to work. The problem is that young kids now are spending all their time in front of screens and show little interest in clock making. I've got some younger clock makers, but they're few and far between.”

“There are also concerns that too many clock makers are prepared to use modern mechanical solutions to make a clock work, even if those solutions are aesthetically(审美地)wrong,” said Jonathan Betts, an adviser to the National Trust. He added, “Museum collections and more sensitive private collectors would much rather not have a clock cleaned so it looks brand new, but an awful lot of restorers reject that.” Mr. Poole, who became a clock maker in the1990s,said,“There are few people coming into the business. Most people who are in it are edging towards retirement, as am I. If people aren't skilled, all those lovely things won't be looked after properly.”

1. What does the underlined phrase "on the red list"in paragraph 1 mean?
A.On top of standard.B.In need of improvement.
C.In response to demand.D.At risk of extinction.
2. What belongs to a traditional practice in the clock making field?
A.Its pairing each apprentice with a specialist.
B.Its tailoring training programs for apprentices.
C.Its bringing in new blood by employing apprentices.
D.Its postponing experienced specialists' retirement age.
3. What prevents young kids from being clock makers according to Howard Walwyn?
A.A relatively low salary.B.The lack of interest in clock making.
C.The tough employment environment.D.A limited number of training courses.
4. What is Jonathan Betts' concern?
A.Many repairers adopt modern methods in clock making.
B.Many restorers are incapable of fixing mechanical clocks.
C.Private collectors show no interest in traditional techniques.
D.Museums refuse to include cleaned clocks in their collections.
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4 . My husband jokes with me that my midlife crisis was having my now 11-year-old daughter in my 40s.

I started my career as Associate Editor at Woman’s World magazine in the late 1990s. Then I was a magazine editor-in-chief for five national consumer publications and also contributed to magazines like Longevity and New Woman.

Four years after getting married in 2005, I eventually gave birth to my daughter, Crystal. As I wrote on Parenting.com: “As the doctor checked her vital organs and my husband counted her 10 perfect fingers and toes, I realized that my body had produced a wonder.”

While my peers were dealing with the stresses of kids in school, I focused my creative energy on carving out my new identity. I was excited when I was offered a “Mom’s Talk” column where I wrote about toys, breastfeeding, and my ongoing(追求) for “baby-free” time.

When Crystal was 3 years old, I wrote an essay about watching her dance at a toddler(学步的小孩) reading group at the library, instead of sitting down with the other children. I expected her performance to annoy people, but her joyful dancing attracted them and made me consider my own possibilities.

“Had I ever been that way, I wondered. If so, could I be like that again? Could I become as free as a child with her whole life ahead of her, ready and willing to be the star of her own production?”

As my daughter transformed from a toddler into a young girl, she continued to be my inspiration. I wrote about the new rules for babysitting and shared research showing that fathers who participated in housework had a positive impact on their daughter’s future success on The Washington Post.

I focused on providing Crystal with resilience-building(韧性) when she neared her teens. I wrote about powerful phrases for The Week, like “no one is the judge of your self-worth”.

As my daughter continues to grow during this messy time, there is one certainty: I will continue to tell my stories, through the eyes of my midlife wisdom. I can’t wait to see her next chapter----and for you to read mine.

1. How did the author feel when giving birth to her daughter?
2. In terms of being a parent, the author differed from her peers in that _______.
A.she had to deal with more stress from being a mom
B.she left all the babysitting work to her husband
C.she combined the new identity with her career
D.she adopted a creative method of raising her baby
3. What did Crystal’s performance in the library make the author think about?
A.Living the same free life as her daughter’s.
B.Giving performance in front of a crowd
C.Her previous life before having the baby.
D.Pure pleasure during “baby-free” time.
4. Why does the author consider Crystal as her inspiration?
A.Crystal has inspired her to take a writing career.
B.She has started writing in the tone of Crystal.
C.Her writing keeps developing as Crystal grows.
D.Many of her stories are centered on her daughter.
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5 . I was about 30 years old and was working as a firefighter in the South Bronx Engine Co.82. On a restful Sunday, I was reading a copy of The New York Times. I read an article on the Book Review section which openly stated an untrue and unfair statement about an Irish poet William Butler Yeats. As I read it, my blood began to boil.

I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote out a letter of anger to the editor. Yeats had lived his life and written his poetry through the very essence of his Irish sensibility. It was offensive to describe him in the way that article did. I didn’t know why I felt it my duty to safeguard the reputation of the world’s greatest poet. I just knew that I had to write the letter.

After the letter got published, I received a letter from The New Yorker asking for an interview. When my article Fireman Smith appeared in the magazine, the editor of a large publishing firm called me asking if I was interested in writing a book about my life. I had little confidence to write a whole book, though the subject was worthy. I wrote Report from Engine Co.82 in six months. And it sold really well. In the years that followed, I wrote three more best-sellers.

Being a writer had been far from my expectations. How had it happened? I often found myself thinking about it. And my thoughts always came back to that letter to The New York Times. For me, the writing was a natural consequence of the passion I felt and the subjects represented the great values burning within me as I wrote.

1. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 imply?
A.I felt puzzled when I read the article.
B.I felt angry at the statement in the article.
C.I became excited when I read about Yeats.
D.I was very proud of Yeats being a universal author.
2. Why did the author write to the New York Times?
A.To present his love for literature.
B.To spread Irish culture to the world.
C.To protect the reputation of an Irish poet.
D.To express his expectation of being a writer.
3. According to the author, what is the key to his success in writing?
A.His skills in arguing.
B.His educational background.
C.His passion for writing.
D.His experience as a firefighter.
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.My Journey to Be a Writer.
B.A Letter That Changed My Life.
C.How to Become a Great Author.
D.My Defense of Ireland’s Greatest Poet.
完形填空(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . For many young Canadians, planting trees is more than just a job. It’s a way of ______   and it could be catching on, thanks to a popular ______ by Leslie. While working for a logging company, the 29-year-old filmed herself using the ______ method that allowed her to plant 4,545 trees in a single day. She said that the work is incredibly ______.

Planting trees is not easy work, according to Leslie. Not only is it ______ tiring, but it also exposes laborers to the bad weather. “It could start the day off ______ and then minutes later, it will just be raining or snowing. You never know what to ______,” she described. “There were some days that we were planting through a heat ______, so we had like 37 to 40 degree weather for several days straight and that was really ______.”

So far, Leslie has planted a total of 372,290 trees in the past few years. ______, she’s still nowhere near beating the Guinness World record. That honor ______ Kenny Chaplin, who once planted 15,170 trees in 19 hours. After 35 years on the job, he says he’d ______ it to anyone.

“I think every parent in Canada should ______ their kid out tree planting because it will turn them into a worker,” he ______ . “They’ll learn how to work, they’ll have ______ and they’ll have money in their pockets.”

A.turns toB.relates toC.belongs toD.subscribes to
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7 . Research shows that forming connections with your coworkers is good for your career and your overall happiness.

It’s a fact that as you get older, it becomes harder to make friends. It’s a natural progression, whether you work in an office or a remote area. As you get older and leave school, you often have more demands for your time and fewer opportunities to get to know those around you.

“Maintaining friendships takes effort, but it’s well worth it,” says CEO and Fast Company contributor Corey Weiner. “Studies show that a friend can make you a better collaborator (合作者), a more creative and productive worker and generally happier with your job.”

After all, most of you spend a huge number of your waking hours at work. Of course, it’s more fun to have someone to collaborate with and occasionally sympathize with. But how do you go about making genuine connections with coworkers or other like-minded individuals in your industry?

It might sound overly simplistic, but a big part of building friendships is just putting yourself out there. “If you’re not used to having a lot of friends any more, you may actually need to remind yourself to engage,” writes Professor Art Markman. “Set time on your calendar for a phone call or make plans to get a cup of coffee.”

“Don’t wait for someone else to make the first move,” says Keith Rollag, author of What to Do When You’re New. “If things go well during an initial coffee or activity, actively follow up to build on that connection.”

You’re not going to immediately bond with all of your coworkers or every person you meet at a networking happy hour. But making continual attempts to find connections with your non-annoying colleagues will eventually pay off. Last but not least, don’t call them work husband or work wife in the beginning.

1. Why is it harder to make friends when people get older?
A.They focus more on other business.
B.They have more demands on friends.
C.They reject to put many efforts into it.
D.They are too old to know other people.
2. What do the words of Corey Weiner show?
A.The way to make friends.B.The need to do jobs well.
C.The importance of the studies.D.The meaning of gaining friendship.
3. What does Keith Rollag attach importance to?
A.Keeping in touch with old friends.B.Spending more time drinking coffee.
C.The initiative in forming connections.D.The balance between work and life.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the last paragraph?
A.To offer suggestions.B.To explain reasons.
C.To draw conclusions.D.To make comments.
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8 . Are you looking to enter the media industry but not necessarily as an actor? There are various positions in the media—some known and some not so well-known.

Video game developer

If you have a love for computer games, you may wish to consider being a video game developer. You will need to be qualified in computer programming languages. When you get promoted to a lead developer and programmer, you will write more complicated codes and manage other programmers.

Sound engineering technician

Are you currently in the audio-visual club? How about being a sound engineering technician? As a sound engineering technician, you operate machines and equipment to record, mix, or reproduce music, voices, and other sound effects. While you would be usually working indoors, you may also need to be outdoors.


If you would like to set free the Shakespeare in you, how about a career as a playwright? You will need a formal qualification in playwriting or screenwriting and also understand the creative and technical aspects of theatre such as acting, directing, drama history and literary criticism, lighting, scenery and even costume design.

Film editor

As a film editor, you have to edit raw footages (镜头) in order to capture the on-screen personalities and tell a story. You will work with directors, producers and other film staff to ensure that production goals are achieved. With the use of computer software and digital equipment, you are expected to produce a high-quality finished product.

1. Who should be qualified with computer programming languages?
A.A video game developer.
B.A playwright.
C.A sound engineering technician.
D.A film editor.
2. What does the job of playwright need?
A.Techniques of video editing.
B.Skills of sound editing.
C.A knowledge of theatre.
D.A qualification in directing.
3. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To advertise.B.To inform.
C.To entertain.D.To clarify.
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9 . For most people, graduation is an exciting day the celebration of years of hard work. My graduation day... was not.

I remember that weekend two years ago. Family and friends had flown in from across the country to watch our class walk across that stage. But like everyone else in my graduating class, I had watched the economy turn from bad to worse. What I thought would take a week dragged into two. and then four, and 100 job applications later, I found myself in the exact same spot as 1 was before. And the due date to begin paying back my student loans was creeping ever closer.

You know that feeling when you wake up and you are just consumed with fear? Fear about something you can't control—that sense of approaching failure that remains over you as you hope that everything that happened to you thus far was just a bad dream? That feeling became a constant in my life. And the most frustrating part was no matter how much 1 tried, 1 just couldn't seem to make any progress.

So what did I do to maintain my sanity(理智)? I wrote. Something about putting words on a page made everything seem a little clearer—a little brighter. Something about writing gave me hope. And if you want something badly enough... sometimes a little hope is all you need! So I channeled my frustration into a children's book. And then one day, without any sort of writing degree or contacts in the writing world — just a lol of hard work and perseverance—I was offered a publishing contract for my first book! After that, things slowly began to fall into place. 1 was offered a second book deal. Then, a few months later, I got an interview with The Walt Disney Company and was hired shortly after.

The moral of this story is... don't give up. Even if things look bleak now, don't give up. Things change If you work hard, give it time, and don't give up, things will always get better Oftentimes all we need is the courage to push beyond the river.

1. From Paragraph 2, we can learn that the author probably.
A.was having an exciting graduation
B.was getting into financial difficulties
C.missed the life in the university
D.had just applied for the student loans
2. How did the author change the frustrating situation?
A.By sending applications.B.By offering contracts.
C.By keeping writing.D.By publishing books.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined word "bleak" in the last paragraph?
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Success belongs to the persevering.
B.A contented mind is a perpetual(长久的)feast.
C.A smooth sea never makes a skillful mariner.
D.Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.
2021-04-11更新 | 306次组卷 | 6卷引用:广东省东莞市东华高级中学2022-2023学年高三上学期模拟考试英语试题
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10 . Have you imagined one day getting rich by eating candies? Candy Funhouse, a Canadian candy company, is offering the very sweet job. The company, which sells from chocolate bars to soft sweets online, is hiring a $78,000 a year, work-from-home job as its Chief Candy Officer. Duties include: “leading candy board meetings, being the head taste tester… and all things fun.”

“Several thousand people have already applied,”said Chief Executive Officer Jamal Hejazi. He noted that he has been surprised by the number of applications and the videos of entire families offering to share the tasting duties.

Candy Funhouse is run by four brothers and sisters who grew up in this area. The family hoped to differ their company from others with an “unusual” mix of products, no minimum orders — “we’ll sell one candy” — and a strong push on social media. Unexpectedly, sales in 2021 were over $15 million. “I’m not kidding,” Hejazi said.

The company said the Chief Candy Officer position is open to people as young as five years old — although their parents’ agreement comes first. “Many parents have filmed their child filling out the application and posted it online. The company has 340, 000 followers on social media such as Instagram and Tik-Tok, including a Kardashian,” Hejazi said.

Hejazi also noted that reports on social media saying that the. Chief Candy Officer will be required to eat 3, 500 pieces of candy per month are incorrect. “That would be 117 a day,”

Hejazi said. “That’s too many.”

Right now, the company is preparing for Halloween, its biggest sales period last year. “We have 40% of our supply in so far,” . Hejani said. Last week, candy company Hershey reported that it will have difficulty in meeting Halloween-related demand this year.

1. What is the Chief Candy Officer required to do?
A.Sell candies online.B.Organize candy board meetings.
C.Hire more candy testers.D.Develop candies with new tastes.
2. What did Hejazi mean by saying “I’m not kidding” in paragraph 3?
A.He was kidding himself.B.Not many candies were sold.
C.Sales were too good to be true.D.Sales fell short of expectations.
3. What should a 5-year-old child do before application?
A.Get parental support.B.Shoot a video.
C.Eat enough candies.D.Fill in the application form.
4. What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?
A.Too much candy is bad for children.B.The media is not worthy of our trust.
C.Cooperation is important for companies.D.Festivals are a great time for business.
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