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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:195 题号:10230277

Last May I was hired by a large government agency. I had seven coworkers and a boss, Mrs. King. Our job was to sort huge amounts of mail into four hundred slots( 位置). We delivered the mail out of grocery carts we wheeled from office to office, picking up outgoing mail as we went along. Each mail delivery took an entire half-day to sort and deliver.

My troubles began almost as soon as I arrived. I was horrified to see that the slots were labeled not with people’s names but with their initials. Without thinking, I asked why this was a good idea, only to receive a sharp glance from Mrs. King. So I repeated the question. This time Mrs. King told me not to question what I didn’t understand. It was the first of many such exchanges, and I hadn’t been on the job a half-hour. The longer I worked at the job, the more I saw how inefficient all the procedures were, from delivery routes to times for coffee breaks.

When I asked Mrs. King about the procedures, however, she always reacted the same way. I continued with it over the next seven weeks, but my efforts were fruitless, even counterproductive.

Two months later, I was fired. I objected, of course. The personnel manager asked me if I had ever heard of the barnyard pecking order: the top chicken pecks on the one below it, the second pecks on the third, and so on all the way down the line to the lowliest chicken, whose life is a constant misery. Mrs. King, the manager said, was that lowliest chicken at the bottom of the pecking order in the agency’s management. No one should doubt for a moment that she ruled her rooster.

I reflected upon my adventure in the agency. Eventually I saw how arrogant, and how unsympathetic, my behavior had been. In my next job, I ’ll learn the pecking order before I become a reformer, if I do.

1. What trouble did the author meet when he started his job?
A.He had too many co-workers and a boss to work with.
B.He found the slots were labeled not with full names but initials.
C.He had to spend too much time in sorting and delivering.
D.His boss Mrs King glanced at him sharply and answered him quickly.
2. Why was the author fired two months later?
A.He questioned his boss Mrs King endlessly.
B.He did not work according to work procedures.
C.He worked inefficiently.
D.He did not make his efforts to work.
3. What does the barnyard pecking order in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.work procedureB.job morality
C.production lineD.ranking system
4. What have the author learned from his job adventure?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】As a boy, I wanted to go to the South Pole. As a teenager, I decided I'd like to go to the North Pole too. And yet, I haven't done either. It had taken me 31 years to just make it to the Arctic.

I was traveling with a film crew from Northern Ireland, following the footsteps of Lord Dufferin who, in the 1850s, sailed from Scotland to the Arctic. As an early adventure tourist, he was driven by the desire to see what lay at the ends of the world.

As we sailed north, icebergs of the size of buses floated past our small boat. Finally, we reached our destination—English Bay, where Dufferin landed- and stepped off onto the horseshoe-shaped beach.

This was what I'd dreamt of: standing somewhere so pure and primitive. However, for many early polar explorers, the results were far less pleasant. The south, in particular, was source of extreme danger.

My childhood interest in the South Pole was fueled by the unsuccessful yet heroic adventures of Emest Shackleton. He died in 1922 while preparing for his fourth adventure. The stories of Robert Falcon Scott are also well-known: he and four companions died on their way back from the South Pole.

So why do explorers put themselves at such risk?

Much of it seems to lie in the purity of the challenge. Scott talked of the appeal of a place that had been “unreached and unseen by humans.” “With a view over shining lands covered by ice-sheets of inconceivable extent, you have the feeling of living over the control of death,” said Fridtjof Nansen, a Norwegian explorer.

On the homeward journey the weather turned and we were left for a few days at the mercy of a storm. We experienced a small taste of helplessness when faced with the raw power of nature. We should be grateful for the great explorers’ spirit and stories. I know I am.

1. Why did the author begin his adventure tour?
A.To assist a film crewB.To realize a childhood dream
C.To memorize Lord DufferinD.To challenge a world record
2. Which of the following best explains "inconceivable" underlined in paragraph 7?
A.Hard to controlB.Too far to reach
C.Hard to imagineD.Too bright to view
3. What happened during the writer's journey?
A.They were trapped in icebergsB.They were kept off the destination
C.They were attacked by a stormD.They were rescued by explorers
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.The Appeal of the Ends of the WorldB.The Dream of Traveling to the Arctic
C.The Victory over the Control of DeathD.The Gratitude to Great Explorers Spirit
2021-05-02更新 | 315次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】When a woman was talkative while checking out at a Dollar General, her cashier, Emily Dunean didn’t think much of it. But she stayed attentive as the 85-year-old told her about herself. A man behind her in line noticed what was happening, too.

Gerald Swindle was in a hurry to go hunting that day and was a bit annoyed with how long their conversation was going. But as Gerald waited for his turn, his attitude began to change. Not only did he conclude that hunting wasn’t more important than their conversation, but found himself captivated by what the elderly woman said once he stopped to listen.

“You were patient with this lady,” Gerald later said in a video recalling what had happened. “You did nothing but followed her conversation, listening to every word she said, and never rushing her.”

He added, “You showed me what people ought to be. Sometimes it might be the only person they talk to this week. You inspired me and sometimes I need that, so I appreciate it.”

Since posting the video online, it’s become popular with nearly 2 million views!

“I never expected this to come about because it was just a regular day for me. I was just doing my job,” Emily said.

As the comment section quickly filled with others sharing how inspired they felt by Emily’s kindness, higher-ups at Dollar General heard of the story. One day, members from the company’s leadership team showed up to her store and presented her with flower, and a $1,000 donation to a local elementary school.

Best of all, that elderly woman has since come back to the store several times, and the two of them are becoming quite close. “What I’ve learned is so amazing—you can have an effect on people just by being yourself, working at the Dollar General,” she said.

1. How did Gerald act at the talk between Emily and the customer at first?
A.He listened with full attention.B.He focused on his own hunting.
C.He felt lucky to be not talkative.D.He felt disturbed at the long talk.
2. What does the underlined word “captivated” mean in Paragraph 2?
3. What was the post about?
A.What patience Emily showed to the customer.
B.Why Dollar General became popular online.
C.How Gerald dealt with the customer attentively.
D.How Emily was praised by her company leader.
4. What did Emily learn from the story?
A.Caring for the old can bring benefit to us.
B.Listening to people is a skill to be mastered.
C.It’s sometimes easy to influence other people.
D.Being a cashier is a good way for connection.
2022-04-21更新 | 86次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】This morning my family and I went to a friend’s home to help her get things back in order. She was one of the unfortunate people whose home was recently destroyed by a tornado (龙卷风). One side of her home fell off and the roof was gone over a large part of the house. Torrential rain fell the rest of the night and all of the next day following the tornado, creating even more damage to her belongings. The home was a total loss. Still, there was much that was valuable, and our job today was to help her sort through the debris and find anything with actual value that she may want to take with her.

My husband helped to move furniture and other things to the storeroom while our two younger children helped clean up the yard. My oldest daughter and her boyfriend helped as well, and my another daughter with me swept up all of the areas of debris, sorting it for things that were important. We worked systematically, clearing the main living space first, then moving on to the kitchen, the laundry area, then the master bedroom.

By the time we were done today, though there was no denying the home had met with disaster, we had gone far to restore order from the loss that had been there before.

My thought in entering the day was that our friend, who had been having trouble sleeping, was being affected by that loss negatively. I hoped that if we could restore order, she would finally start to feel some sense of peace and her mind would quiet and allow her the much-needed rest she so deserved.

She posted on Facebook just a little while ago that for the first time she was sleeping at night these days. For me, what a wonderful and deeply meaningful way to begin the New Year!

1. What does the underlined word “debris” in Paragraph 1mean?
A.The dust caused by a tornado.B.Something that is valuable.
C.Something that the owner needs.D.The remains of something destroyed.
2. How many children does the author have at least?
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A.The author’s friend has no family.
B.The author’s family did much to restore order.
C.The author’s friend couldn’t sleep well owing to the loss.
D.The author’s family managed to help her friend rebuild a new house.
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.A Way to Help FriendsB.The Love From Friends
C.The Loss After the TornadoD.A Way to Welcome the New Year
2024-01-14更新 | 13次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般