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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:167 题号:12378440

Recently I’ve had two good roles on television. But when I was just getting started in theater work 17 years ago, I never thought I’d make it. Back then I was recovering from surgery and had been off work for six months. Even worse, as a single mother with three youngsters, I had no place to live in. I felt hopeless.

One Sunday morning I saw actor Robert Young on the television talking about his faith: Believe yourself! If we confidently take that first step, well take the next, until we reach our goal.

The first step was scary. After I went working part-time, I looked for an apartment. The ones I saw were either too expensive, or I couldn’t raise my children in them. I knew a house, not an apartment, was more suitable for me. However, after seeing several houses, my confidence was shaken. I found two seemed right, but when I was about to make an offer, someone else had ordered.

I remembered a saying, “When one door closes, a better one opens.” I wouldn’t just sit staring at the closed one but got up and struggled on. In a real estate (房地产) agent, I found a small house with proper price. To buy it, I had to borrow $ 3,000 for a down payment and get a mortgage (按揭). Common sense argued that a mortgage for a single mother working part-time was impossible. But I had enough self-confidence without following common sense.

After getting the house, my new self-confidence grew. Later , when I began filling small parts in television productions, that self-confidence showed. I'd always played the role as the director wanted. Now I find myself freer to interpret (演绎) it.

Self-confidence has made it through life. Trouble can be scary at first, but each time I take that step, I believe I will win the next.

1. How did the author feel when entering television industry at first?
2. Why does the author mention her experience of finding a house?
A.To show the value of self-confidence.
B.To share her different life experiences.
C.To introduce her toughest part of life.
D.To tell us her ways to get over difficulty.
3. What mainly helped the author perform well in her later acting?
A.Her sense of confidence.B.The difficulty in her life.
C.The director’s good direction.D.Her success in her first attempt.
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.Appear on the StageB.Struggle with Life
C.Stick to Your PlanD.Believe in Yourself


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Twelve years ago, Danny called me from a dark, damp subway station. “A baby!” he shouted. “Get down here, and flag down a police car or something.” By nature, Danny is a remarkably calm person, so when I felt his heart pounding through the phone line, I ran.

When I got to the subway station, Danny was holding a light-brown-skinned baby, about a day old. The baby had been wrapped in an oversize black sweatshirt and left on the ground in a corner behind the gate.

Three months later, Danny appeared in family court to give an account of finding the baby. Suddenly, the judge asked, “Would you be interested in adopting this baby?” The question stunned everyone in the courtroom, except Danny, who answered, simply, “Yes.”

“But I know it’s not that easy,” he said.

“Well, it can be,” assured the judge before barking out orders to allow me to be a parent-to-be.

My first reaction, when I heard, went something like: “Are you crazy? How could you say yes without consulting me?”

In three years as a couple, we had never discussed adopting a child. I was an ambitious playwright working as a part-time word processor. Danny was a respected yet wildly underpaid social worker. We had a roommate, who slept in our living room, to help pay the rent.

We knew how many challenges couples usually faced when they wanted to adopt. And while Danny had patience and selflessness, I didn’t know how to change a diaper(尿布), let alone nurse a child. I didn’t trust the system and was sure there would be obstacles. Also, I couldn’t handle parenthood. So I promised myself I wouldn’t get attached.

The caretaker held him and then placed him in my arms. But when the baby stared up at me, with all the innocence and hope he represented, I, like Danny, was completely hooked.

1. Why did the author rush to the subway station?
A.Because Danny finally found their long lost son.
B.Because she sensed Danny met something urgent.
C.Because Danny was knocked down by a police car.
D.Because Danny wasn’t a remarkably calm person by nature.
2. How did the author react on hearing Danny’s answer to the judge’s question?
A.Surprised by the question.
B.Crazy to be a parent-to-be.
C.Annoyed at Danny’s decision.
D.Interested in adopting this baby.
3. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that_________.
A.the author will adopt the baby
B.the caretaker will take the baby away
C.the couple love each other very much
D.the baby will bring hope to the family
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
A.To introduce a story of a poor family.
B.To inform people of how to adopt a baby.
C.To call on people to donate money to them.
D.To show human’s kindness and love by nature.
2017-05-07更新 | 86次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Six-year-old Stella Malpass is a first grader. She likes games, playing house and her favorite class is gym. But she has been learning to overcome some difficulties since she was born. Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC) is a condition that limits her ability to fully extend(伸展) her arms and legs. She has had five operations.

"She can’t run but she can walk really fast, but there are just certain things she wishes she could do," said Stella's mother, Kim Malpass. One of those things is going to the restroom on her own." This is the one thing in school she needs help with," Kim said, "she can do just about everything on her own but she just isn't able to pull her pants up."

Jodi Carroll, Stella's doctor for two years had been trying to find a solution, but had no luck reaching out to clothing companies. "After many searches I realized we needed to invent something," Carroll said. She then got in touch with the Petoskey High School drafting team, and no doubt they were all in.

"As soon as I told the students about it they supported me and we went to work right away," Lauren Liebler, the school's engineering teacher, says. Students say it was the perfect project for the students, combining brainstorming, design thinking, problem-solving and tests.

Once Stella tried the device(装置), it was kind of a disappointment to find out that the first one didn't work, but then it was just the matter of coming up with the next idea or seeing how they could improve the first one to make it work. After three tests, the class's 3D-prinled tool worked.

Liebler says the class can use its 3D printing technology to continue to work and grow with Stella. They can even print different colors to match her dresses.

1. What caused Stella’s physical condition?
A.An illness from her birth.B.An accident in an operation.
C.A serious traffic accident.D.A fire she experienced at six.
2. What difficulty did Stella have at school?
A.Walking fast.B.Learning math well.
C.Taking a gym class.D.Going to the toilet by herself.
3. What can we know about Jodi Carroll?
A.She runs a clothing company on her own.
B.She is good at designing dresses for children.
C.She manages to help Stella recover completely.
D.She gets the idea of making something new to help Stella.
4. What did the students think of the project?
A.Hard and dangerous.B.Easy but useful.
C.Useful and difficult.D.Useless but funny.
2021-03-03更新 | 141次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】It’s been less than a month since Arnold, a Texas high school student, was forbidden from going to the prom and graduation unless he cut his locs. As his story spread on social media, celebrities and activists came to Arnold’s defence and encouraged him to stand up to his school’s hair discrimination. Now, in a significant turn of events, he’s proudly wearing his own hair-style at the 2020 Oscars.

Arnold and his mother were invited to attend as the guests of director Matthew A. Cherry, who won the award for Best Animated Short Film for Hair Love tonight. Fittingly, the short film tells the story of a Black father learning to style his daughter’s natural hair.

Arnold told us he couldn’t wait to walk the red carpet with the Hair Love team. “I’m so grateful. I never expected any of this,” Arnold says. “The message of that movie and my message go together so well. I think it’s really amazing how they reached out to me and how we can fight this together.”

Together, Cherry and Arnold are advocating for the nationwide passage of The CROWN Act, which is the law authored by California Senator Holly J. Mitchell that makes it illegal to discriminate against Black people for wearing their natural hair in the workplace or at school. Currently the Act has only been passed in New Jersey, California, and New York.

Arnold has also received the support of celebrities, including Ellen DeGeneres, who invited him to appear on her daytime show and surprised him with a $20,000 scholarship from Alicia Keys. Arnold says the scholarship will help him pursue his dream of becoming a veterinarian. Arnold tells us. “The most exciting thing is seeing all the people that are on my side. I thought it would be a lot more hate than support.” Tonight, Arnold is looking forward to sharing his story on a massive platform. “As teenagers, we have a voice and we’re the future,” he says. “I want more cultural acceptance. If there’s any other situation that I feel like I need to stand up for, I would do that in a heartbeat.”

1. What happened to Arnold not long ago?
A.He played a role in a short film.
B.He managed to apply for a scholarship.
C.He dropped out of school owing to his hair.
D.He was not allowed to attend some school activities.
2. What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What do we know from the passage?
A.Hair Love was based on Arnold’s experiences.
B.Alicia Keys shaped Arnold’s cultural acceptance.
C.Mitchell had been punished for wearing natural hair.
D.The CROWN Act has not been adopted nationwide.
4. What’s the writer’s main purpose in writing this passage?
A.To share a teenager’s story.B.To advocate the passage of an act.
C.To introduce an Oscar-winning film.D.To express his dissatisfaction with society.
2020-12-15更新 | 141次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般