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1 .

According to the Chinese government, giant pandas are no longer endangered(濒临灭绝的) animals as their population in the wild has increased to more than 1,800. They are listed as vulnerable(易危的). It is a great achievement of China in protecting wildlife.

Giant pandas are the most famous animals in China.They are deeply loved by people both at home and abroad. However giant pandas once faced big challenges of survival (生存). To save them, the Chinese government has taken lots of ways. One important thing it has done is recreating bamboo forests. Bamboo makes up 99% of giant pandas’ food, without which they are likely to starve(饿死). Zoos have also tried to drive up their numbers by improving breeding(繁殖) methods.

Actually, giant pandas were taken off the endangered list by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 2016. But Chinese experts had different opinions on the decision at that time. They said that according to the facts and real situation, giant pandas were still endangered animals. The decision could lead to a misunderstanding among people, protection efforts could be relaxed.

Thankfully, through the government and workers’ efforts, we now can say for sure that the cute animals are no longer endangered. Apart from giant pandas, the populations of some other endangered animals such as Siberian tigers and Asian elephants are growing as well. These changes show that the Chinese government’s wildlife protection efforts are working. The results also encourage the Chinese government and Chinese people to continue improving the work of protecting wild animals and nature in the future.

1. The ________ of giant pandas in the wild has increased to more than 1,800.
2. In Paragraph 2, ________ ways are mentioned to save giant pandas.
3. What does the underlined word “misunderstanding” mean in Chinese?
4. It is ________ that the cute animals are no longer endangered.
5. Which of the following is RIGHT?
A.It’s easy to protect wild animals.
B.Only giant pandas are no longer endangered.
C.The Chinese government’s wildlife protection efforts are helpful.
D.Chinese government and people don’t need to protect nature anymore.
2023-05-31更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年辽宁省抚顺市顺城区中考三模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 .

While the rest of the city is crowded and noisy, several old men are sitting in their ancient hutong drinking tea and playing chess. This is a typical day in a Beijing hutong.

Beijing hutongs have a very special place in the rich history of Beijing. While visiting them, you can get a feel of its traditional lifestyle and culture.

According to experts, the word hutong originated from (起源于) the Mongolian language, meaning “well (井)”. In ancient times, people preferred to get together and live around wells. So the original meaning of hutong should be “a place where people get together and live.” There are other explanations, too.

No matter what hutong exactly means, it is commonly agreed that hutongs first appeared in Beijing during the Yuan Dynasty. In the Yuan Dynasty, there were about 29 hutongs. The number increased during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Nobody knows exactly how many hutongs there are in Beijing today. But one thing is for sure—if we connected all the hutongs together, it would even be longer than the Great Wall! If you come to Beijing, don’t forget to visit Beijing hutong! You must enjoy yourself!

1. Beijing hutongs have a ________ place in the rich history of Beijing.
2. You can learn ________ while visiting them.
A.how people drink tea
B.when people play chess
C.why people sit together
D.hutong’s traditional lifestyle and culture
3. Paragraph 3 mainly tells us ________.
A.how hutong was built
B.when hutong first appeared
C.the original meaning of hutong
D.what people in ancient times liked to do
4. If we connected all the hutongs together, it would even be ________ than the Great Wall.
A.shorterB.longerC.more famousD.more beautiful
5. People can know ________ from the underlined sentence in the last paragraph.
A.Beijing hutong isn’t famous
B.visiting Beijing hutong is free
C.Beijing hutong is worth visiting
D.visiting Beijing hutong is meaningless
2023-05-31更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年辽宁省抚顺市顺城区中考三模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . We often think the Arctic (北极) only has snow and ice. But in fact, it has far more than that!

The Arctic is on top of Earth. The Arctic Ocean makes up two-thirds of the Arctic, while one-third is made up of land in eight countries, including Russia, Canada, and the US.

The Arctic lands have many various lives. Some plants and animals can grow in very cold temperatures. In fact, the Arctic is home to more than 21,000 kinds of lives. There are whales, Arctic foxes and many more: The polar bear (北极熊) is the most famous Arctic animal.

You might think that the Arctic is too cold for people to live in. But surprisingly, there are about 4 million people living there. That’s the same population as the city of Taiyuan in Shanxi, China. About 10 percent are local people. They have been there for thousands of years. They make a living by fishing, hunting and so on.

A group of scientists recently came back from a one-year-long study in the Arctic. They have bad news: the Arctic is dying. The amount of Arctic sea ice is falling by around 3 percent every year. There will be no more ice during the summer in the near future. What does this mean for us? Many animals such as polar bears, hunt for their food on the ice. If they can’t do this anymore, they will die of hunger Local people hunt animals for food. But since so many animals are dying, they need to change their way of life.

1. One-third of the Arctic is made up ________.
2. The underlined word “various” in Paragraph 3 means ________.
3. There are about _________ local people in Arctic.
4. From the passage, we know that _________.
A.two-thirds of the Arctic is made up of land
B.all the animals in the Arctic will die of hunger
C.the polar bear is the most famous Arctic animal
D.the population of the city of Taiyuan is about 400,000
5. This passage is mainly about _________.
A.the people in the ArcticB.the animals in the Arctic
C.the life in the ArcticD.the weather in the Arctic
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,简略回答所提出的问题。

Giving flowers to others is a way of showing feelings to them. Although it’s one of the oldest traditions, it has never lost its charm(魅力) and never will. It’s a simple way that speaks much for givers, much more than the most expensive gift can. A red rose carries a message of love, and a bunch of flowers can show warmth and carry a message of love. Flowers can be used in many situations, like at parties and at festivals.

The choice of flowers for different situations changes. It depends on the thoughts or feelings you want to show. Sunflowers are often used on Father’s Day, while some female flowers such as white or red carnations(康乃馨) are often given on Mother’s Day. The language of flowers conveys(传达) much more than the spoken language does. Flowers are perfect gifts for all situations. They carry love, cheer and warm feelings. So it’s important to choose right flowers on right occasions. Keep the following rules in mind, please.

◆Choosing flowers’ colors which are suitable for the situations.

◆Knowing about what your friends or family like most can make your choice easy.

◆Giving flowers properly, which is the key to showing your message. For example, giving the roses to girls is better than giving sunflowers to them.

◆The bunch of flowers should be full of colors.

1. What is a way of showing feelings to others?
2. What flower carries a message of love?
3. Where can flowers be used?
4. Can we send carnations to our mothers on Mother’s Day?
5. What’s the main reason of the choice of flowers?
2023-05-16更新 | 72次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年辽宁省抚顺市东洲区中考三模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . In China, there are twenty-four solar terms(节气) in a year. And there are six of them in winter. They are beginning of winter, light snow, heavy snow, winter solstice(冬至) , lesser cold(小寒) and greater cold.

Beginning of winter usually falls on November 7th or 8th. After beginning of winter, most parts of the country can start to expect cold weather. On this day, after a year of hard work, people are happy to have a rest and spend time with family. The northern China celebrates beginning of winter as the “Small Spring Festival”. People usually have dumplings and mutton soup on that day.

Light snow usually falls on November 22nd or 23rd and heavy snow usually falls on December 7th or 8th. When winter solstice comes, it brings the shortest day and the longest night of the year. Many places around the country can expect the coldest weather yet. People often start counting “nine cold periods” starting from winter solstice. Every cold period has nine days. People believe that after 81 cold days, spring will come.

Greater cold comes after lesser cold. The field is covered with snow. And all Chinese are ready to welcome the Spring Festival after it. Of course, a new round of solar terms will start.

1. How many solar terms are there in a year in China?
2. What is the third solar term of winter?
A.Light snow.B.Heavy snow.C.Winter solstice.D.Greater cold.
3. When do people usually have dumplings and mutton soup to celebrate the term?
A.On Nov. 7th or 8 th.B.On Nov. 22nd or 23rd.
C.On Dec. 7 th or 8 th.D.On Jan. 1st or 2nd.
4. People have the shortest day and longest night in a year on ________.
A.beginning of winterB.winter solsticeC.lesser coldD.greater cold
5. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.It often snows heavily on heavy snow.
B.Altogether there are eighty-one days in winter.
C.The Spring Festival is after greater cold.
D.A new round of solar terms begins with beginning of winter.
2023-05-16更新 | 70次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年辽宁省抚顺市东洲区中考三模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . These days, more and more Chinese people enjoy sending and receiving messages on the phone. It can help them to get the latest news and communicate with friends. But I think I should read more books besides the textbooks, the more, the better. It can broaden(拓宽) my mind and improve my language skills. Of course, it can also help me to get good grades. Do you know how to read more and learn more? Here are some tips for you.

◆Clear your purpose of reading

Before you start reading, ask yourself why you are reading this book. Most people read for two main reasons, pleasure or knowledge. Clearing about your reading purpose can not only help you choose the books you really need to read, but also remind you why reading the book is important to you, so you will keep reading and complete the book faster.

◆Read only what you are interested in

No matter what you are reading, it’s important to enjoy what you read. Your friends may tell you the books they love, but those books might not necessarily be the ones you enjoy.

◆Give up books that you don’t enjoy

You may have chosen books that you are interested in, and they are right to your purpose. But while you are reading them, there may still be some books that you don’t enjoy reading. Whenever you realize that you aren’t enjoying the book you reading, give it up. Remember reading shouldn’t be a chore(令人厌烦的事).

It is interesting that read the books borrowed from libraries faster than those I bought. The reason is the books I bought don’t have a due date(到期日). I don’t need to return those books. Having a reading goal helps you work out how much reading you need to do in a week or even a day. Before you read each book, ask yourself what time you need to complete this book.

1. Sending and receiving messages on the phone can help people to get the latest news and ________.
A.get dressedB.take exercise
C.make decisionsD.communicate with friends
2. According to the passage, the writer might be a ________.
3. Why does the writer read books according to the passage?
A.To get the newest books and have lots of friends.
B.To have fun or get lots of knowledge.
C.To open his/her eyes and develop his/her language skills.
D.To do better in his/her schoolwork.
4. What should you do when you find the book you are reading is boring?
A.Keep on reading.B.Stop to have a break.
C.Keep the books your friends love.D.Give up the book.
5. Which tip can be put into “________ ”?
A.Read the books borrowed from librariesB.Set a reading goal
C.Buy books you’re interested inD.Complete a book in a week
2023-05-16更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年辽宁省抚顺市东洲区中考三模英语试题
任务型阅读-阅读填表(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读短文,根据其内容完成表格

It’s important to develop good study habits. Here’s how.

Prepare for homework assignments(任务)

Be sure you understand what the teacher expects. If you’re not sure, ask questions before you leave class. Always write down the assignment and the deadline(截止日期)in your notebook. Don’t just try to remember it!

Take notes

Make a habit of taking good notes during class. Don’t try to write down every word your teacher says. Instead, write down the main ideas you need to remember.

Create a study space

Is it difficult to pay attention when you study? Do you study in a noisy environment? Create a quiet place at home where you can focus on(专注于)study. You must keep yourself away from loud music or the TV. Turn off your phone and computer when you can.

Manage your time

Use your time well. Put a calendar(日历)on your wall and use it to record your assignments. Choose a time that’s good for you to study, for example, when you get home from school or after dinner. And make sure you have enough breaks, for example, after an hour, take a walk.

Develop good personal habits

Let’s face it. If you are tired or feel sick, studying will not be easy. Resting well, getting enough exercise and avoiding unhealthy food are important. You will study better when you’re rested and in good health.

How to develop good study habits

Prepare for homework assignments·In order to make sure you are clear about your homework, you can ask questions,     1     your assignment and the date.
    2     ·It’s important to take notes and remember the main ideas.
Create a study space·You need to study in a quiet place     3     loud music, the TV and even your phone.
Manage your time·A calendar can be     4     to record your assignments.
·The study time and breaks should be well managed.
Develop good personal habits·If you want to study better, you need to     5     , get enough sleep and eat healthy food.
阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Do you know what is sleepwalking (梦游)? Have you ever seen it? Are you afraid of it?

Sleepwalking actually happens during deep sleep. When you see a child sets out of bed and walks around as if he’s awake, but he won’t respond to you or anything around him, he’s asleep. It doesn’t hurt the child, and it usually disappears when the kid grows up.

________ 7% to 15% of children sleepwalk, and it doesn’t usually mean that there’s anything wrong with them. Children aged 4 to 12 are more perhaps to sleepwalk. Both boys and girls sleepwalk.

Sleepwalking often happens in the first few hours of the night. Though the child’s mind is asleep, his body is not asleep during the period of sleepwalking.

Sleepwalking usually has something to do with age and development. However, some things can increase your child’s sleepwalking. For example, bad habits that cause poor sleep, fever or some other illnesses, a family history of sleepwalking, medical conditions that cause poor sleep and so on.

If the child is sleepwalking at least once every night, it’s best to see a doctor. Also see a doctor if it is influencing the sleep of other family members or if you’re worried the child might hurt himself while sleepwalking.

1. The underlined word “respond” in Paragraph 1 means ________ in Chinese.
2. Which of the following can be put in the “________” in the third paragraph?
A.It is easier for boys to sleepwalk.B.Please pay little attention to sleepwalking.
C.Sleepwalking is quite common.D.Sleepwalking does good for children.
3. When sleepwalking happens, the child’s body is ________.
4. From the passage, we know ________.
A.adults never sleepwalkB.sleepwalking happens at noon
C.sleepwalking is very dangerousD.7% to 15% of kids sleepwalk
5. The passage mainly tells us ________.
A.ways to stop sleepwalkingB.sleepwalking and the reasons of it
C.when people can sleepwalkD.who can avoid sleepwalking
阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . June 8 is World Ocean Day. About 80 percent of life on Earth depends on the ocean and coasts, and more than a third of humans live in coastal areas or on small islands. The ocean provides mankind(人类) with more than $21 trillion(万亿) every year in food, energy and transportation.

But the ocean is increasingly in danger. There is pollution, overfishing(过度捕捞) , destruction(破坏) of habitats(栖息地) and the effect of increasing CO² . Here are some tips to preserve the ocean.

1. Don’t use plastic as possible as you can.

Plastic waste forms large floating(浮动的) islands in the middle of the ocean. It is bad for seawater and can kill sea life. Use reusable shopping bags instead of using plastic ones.

2. Choose environmentally friendly household cleaners(家用清洁剂) .

They are safer for the environment and better for your own health.

3. Do background research before going on a beach holiday.

Before you stay in a hotel on the coast, ask the manager what happens to their waste water and swimming pool water.

4. Keep your beach travel clean.

When you visit the beach, take your beach bags with you and leave plants, birds and wildlife alone so everyone can enjoy them.

5. Celebrate World Ocean Day.

Take part in the activities. Support the organizations of protecting the ocean. Also you can ask people around you to join you in protecting the ocean.

1. We can learn from the first paragraph that ________ .
A.the ocean is important to humans
B.all living things on Earth depend on the ocean and coasts
C.half of humans live in coastal areas or on small islands
D.the ocean can only provide mankind with food
2. The underlined word “preserve” in Paragraph 2 means “ ________”.
3. According to the passage, the ocean is increasingly in danger because of ________.
4. Which of the following tips to protect the ocean is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.Get rid of waste water carefully.
B.Reduce the use of plastic.
C.Take your beach bags with you when you visit the beach.
D.Take part in the activities about protecting the ocean.
5. In which part of a magazine would you most probably read the passage?
A.Ocean life.B.Beach travel.
C.Ocean business.D.Environmental protection.
2023-04-20更新 | 71次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年辽宁省抚顺市东洲区中考二模英语试题
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,简略回答所提出的问题。

Labor (劳动) education has been made a part of compulsory education (义务教育). Many students have one course every week on basic household (家庭的) skills such as cleaning and cooking. What do the public think of it?

Li Mei, a student in Beijing

We spend most of the time studying and have little time to develop our interests. A household skill class can give us chances to experience more aspects (方面) of life and help us discover different interests.

Mrs. Chen, a housewife in Hubei

Cooking classes are necessary. Children should be taught how to cook properly. And I think it’s a job for both teachers and parents.

Mr. Wang, a teacher in Shandong

We teach children basic household skills in order to help them learn how to take care of themselves. It’s impossible for their parents to help with every problem they meet in their life. They need to learn to solve problems by themselves and grow from their experiences.

Wu Lei, an engineer in Shanghai

I learned some basic cooking skills from my mother when I was a little boy. But most of them were learned after I graduated from the university, from online short videos. Household skills are very useful in our daily life. I hope these classes will really make the students realize that labor is important and valuable.

1. How often do the students have labor courses?
2. Does Li Mei have enough time to develop interests?
3. Who does Mrs. Chen think should teach children about cooking?
4. According to Mr. Wang, what’s the purpose of giving children labor courses?
5. When did Wu Lei begin to learn cooking skills from online short videos?
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