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1 . When you and your family go out for dinner, do you notice how many dishes you usually order? It’s OK if you finish all of them. But if you waste too much food, you need to pay for it.

Last year, China’s top legislature (立法机关) reviewed (审议) a draft law (法律草案) for stopping food waste for the first time. In general, a draft will become law after the top legislature reviews it three times.

According to the draft law, restaurants should tell customers not to order too much. If customers leave too much food uneaten, restaurants can charge (收费) them for food waste. The law also bans (禁止) waiters from encouraging people to order too much food. Some restaurants may use the “N-1” mode for people to order dishes. “N” stands for the number of persons at a table. So if there are six people at your table, you should order just five dishes, which can help people control the amount of dishes in a proper way.

The draft law also asks schools to teach their students to avoid food waste. It also bans TV programs about overeating and overdrinking. Producers of such programs will face a fine of up to 100,000 yuan.

Food waste happens in many places and has long been a big problem around the world. We need to obey the law and refuse to waste food.

1. If customers waste too much food, they ________ .
A.need to pay some money for itB.need to say sorry about it
C.can’t enter the restaurant againD.can leave the restaurant for free
2. According to the “N-1” mode, if 9 persons plan to eat in the restaurant, they need to order ________ dishes.
3. Which is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Students should avoid food waste at school.
B.Programs about overeating will be allowed on TV.
C.Food waste has been a big problem all over the world.
D.Waiters can’t encourage people to order too much food.
4. You may read the passage in ________ .
A.a storybookB.a guidebookC.an advertisementD.a newspaper
5. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Harm of food waste.B.Importance of healthy food.
C.Law to stop food waste.D.Advantages of stopping food waste.
2021-06-19更新 | 1067次组卷 | 5卷引用:云南省2021年中考英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-判断(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 根据短文内容,判断正误(正确“T”,错误“F”),并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。

I am an Inuit boy named Kayla. Inuit are the people who live in cold Arctic (北极的) lands. In my language, Inuit means “the people”. Some people used to call my people Eskimos. We wish to be called Inuit.

I live with my mother, father and two brothers. We live at the most northern part of the world. It is made up of the Arctic Ocean and the land all around it. For months the sea is covered with thick ice. The land is covered with snow and ice most of the year, too.

Winter is long and very cold. It lasts from October to March. It is dark twenty-four hours a day. The sun does not come up to warm the water and land. When the north winds blow, it is even colder. There are days when the temperature is 50°F below zero. My family is prepared. We wear watertight (防水鞋). We put on many layers (层) of clothes. Outside we always wear a thick warm jacket that has fur inside. I’m not afraid of the cold winters. I guess I’m just used to them.

My family and I look forward to each summer. So much happens in a short time. The temperature usually stays around 50°F. During the summer the sun shines all day and night. This is why the Arctic is called the “land of the midnight sun”.

1. Kayla is a boy who lives in cold Arctic lands, the most northern part of the world.
2. There are four people in Kayla’s family.
3. In Kayla’s hometown, winter lasts from October to March without sunshine.
4. Kayla is afraid of the cold winters when the temperature is 50°F below zero.
5. The passage mainly tells us something about Kayla’s family life.
2021-06-19更新 | 956次组卷 | 8卷引用:云南省2021年中考英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Hard-working horses have always been man’s best friends, but the playful pony is a kid’s best friend.

A pony is a small horse. Like horses, they have a lot of hair. The most well-known is the small Shetland pony, only as tall as a six-year-old child! Shetland ponies can pull twice their own weight (重量), with only their thick hair to protect them from the cold.

Ponies eat grass, oats and bran (燕麦和糠) and they also love carrots and apples. They don’t eat meat, ponies can sleep both lying down and standing up.

They are very playful, which is why they get on so well with children! They are happy to hang with their friends and go for rides. They enjoy having fun as much as their riders.

Like you and your friends, every pony is different. Some are quiet and some are cheeky (嬉皮笑脸的). Some are hard-working and others can be a bit lazy. Ponies are sensitive and often try to cheer you up when you feel sad. Just like you, they prefer to be spoken to kindly rather than shouted at!

A pony makes a great playmate but remember that it is not a toy. It is a living animal that needs care and lots of loving attention. You have to learn how to feed and groom (刷洗) it every day, how to clean its feet so that they stay healthy, are they?

1. According to Paragraph 2, the Shetland pony ________.
A.is hard-workingB.is small but strong
C.loves warm placesD.is the biggest pony
2. The main difference between a horse and a pony is about ________.
A.their hairB.their foodC.their sizeD.their sleeping way
3. Ponies are popular with kids because they ________.
A.like playingB.never feel sadC.are always cheekyD.love to be spoken to
4. The underlined word “sensitive” in this passage means ________.
5. Which can be the best title for this passage?
A.The Shetland PonyB.Man’s Best FriendC.Kid’s Great PlaymateD.Horses and Ponies
2022-02-22更新 | 381次组卷 | 5卷引用:2023年云南省中考英语真题变式题汇编11-15题
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校

4 . It might be fun to use your smartphone, but be careful. Too much screen time may be harmful to your health.

First, it is bad for your eyes. A researcher called Sarah Hinkley says the problem comes from the blue light that the screen gives out. Looking at a smartphone for a long time can cause eye strain(劳损), headaches and dry eyes. So it is a good idea to take a break every 15 minutes when you are working at a computer or using a smartphone.

Second, screen use can do harm to children’s brains. A new study shows that using screens too much can affect(影响) how children’s brains grow. If children use screens for more than one hour a day, they might have lower levels of white matter in their brains. White matter is a key to the development of language and reading skills. So it is wise to cut down the time of children using all kinds of screens.

Third, using screens too much will affect your sleep. According to a study, about 95% of the people between the ages of 13 and 64 use electronics before bed, especially the young people under 20. Doctors say that the light from those electronics at night may make you excited before you go to bed. Then it’s hard for you to get enough sleep. So you’d better turn off smartphones, TVs, and all other screens an hour before your bedtime.

To keep healthy, doctors and researchers strongly advise that you shouldn’t use screens for long hours.

1. The blue light from your screens can cause ________.
A.eyestrainB.headachesC.dry eyesD.all of the above
2. According to the passage, you can’t sleep well because you ________.
A.take a break every 15 minutesB.have lower levels of white matter
C.use screens too much before bedD.are the people from 13 to 64
3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Using smartphones for long hours does harm to your eyes.
B.A lot of screen time affects children’s brain growth.
C.The light from electronics at night may make you excited.
D.People of all ages mustn’t use electronics.
4. You may read the passage in ________.
A.a science magazineB.a travel diaryC.a guide bookD.a novel
5. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.The ways to keep healthy.B.The harm of using screens too much.
C.The ways to use screens.D.The advantages of using screens.
2020-07-30更新 | 1220次组卷 | 18卷引用:云南省2020年中考英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Nowadays, many people are looking for fun online. Watching live-streaming (直播) shows has become part of their lives. At the same time, traditional culture has found a bigger stage online. Many traditional artists are starting to live-stream like Douyin and Bilibili. Some of them sing Peking Opera, some make paper cutting, while others perform Chinese classical music. A growing number of young people are starting to become more interested in traditional culture because of live-streaming.

Li Jun is a Peking Opera performer from the Shanghai Jingju Theater Company. The 59-year-old took up his smart phone and started to live-stream. Unlike performing on a real stage, Li uses common places as his stage, including his office and study room. Except singing, Li also teaches viewers about Peking Opera. People can ask him questions and get answers directly.

“Live-streaming has brought this traditional art down to earth.” One viewer said, “it gives young people an easier way to learn more about the traditional art,” Li has more than 70,000 fans on Douyin, while one of his videos got 42,000 views on Bilibili.

March third in the lunar calendar is China Huafu Day. On April 22nd this year, Bilibili live-streamed a huafu show on the fifth China Huafu Day. Performers showed clothes in traditional Chinese styles, including those from Wei, Tang and Ming dynasties. During the show, viewers not only enjoyed looking at the clothes, but also watched how performers used ancient styles of make-up.

As Guangming Daily said, live-streaming has come to a new stage through which traditional culture can be kept alive.

1. In Paragraph 1, we may see the following programs EXCEPT ________ in the live-streaming.
A.singing Peking OperaB.making paper cutting
C.performing Chinese classical musicD.talk shows performance
2. The writer mentioned Li Jun in order to ________ in Paragraph 2.
A.give an example of traditional culture live-streamingB.ask young people to learn from Li Jun
C.tell young people to learn Peking OperaD.ask young people to enjoy Li Jun’s live-streaming
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Many traditional artists start to sell traditional objects on Douyin and Bilibili.
B.More people have interest in traditional culture with the help of live-streaming.
C.Peking Opera performer Li Jun has more than 42,000 fans on Douyin.
D.Performers performed Chinese classical music in the Huafu show.
4. The underlined phrase “down to earth” in Paragraph 3 means “________” in Chinese.
5. The passage mainly talks about ________.
A.live-streaming is getting more and more popularB.we should help to save the traditional art
C.live-streaming brings traditional art back to lifeD.traditional art keeps live-streaming alive
2023-07-07更新 | 232次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年云南省昆明市安宁市中考二模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . If you want to be a better reader, what should you know about the speed of reading?

Some people read very quickly and others read very slowly. But which one is better?

The quick reader may be a good reader when he reads a storybook for fun. But he may not be able to slow down to read instructions (说明书) carefully. The slow reader may be a good reader. But he may spend too much time reading a story for fun. So the reader who reads everything quickly or the one who reads everything slowly isn’t really a good reader.

Knowing why you are reading or what you are reading can help you to know whether (是否) you need to read quickly or slowly. Some things should be read slowly. You must read these things slowly all the time to understand and remember everything important. Example (例子) are instructions for making or doing something. Also, math books, science and even some storybooks are full of important information. However, some things should be read quickly. Examples are picture-books for enjoyment, letters from friends, and some quick news from newspapers.

In some of your reading, you must change your speed from fast to slow and slow to fast. You will need to read some pages quickly and then slow down and do more carefully reading when you come to important ideas. So, knowing when to change your reading speed is one important symbol of being a good reader.

1. The underlined (划线的) word “speed” means ________.
2. From Paragraph 2, we can know that ________.
A.a quick reader reads everything quickly and can never slow down
B.a slow reader always spends too much time in reading
C.a quick reader and a slow reader both like reading storybooks
D.both a quick reader and a slow reader are not really good readers
3. From the passage, you should read slowly when you read ________.
A.letters from friendsB.news from newspapers
C.picture-books for funD.instructions for doing something
4. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Reading everything quickly is a good reader.
B.A slow reader isn’t a good reader.
C.Sometimes you must change your speed when you read.
D.You must always change your speed from fast to slow.
5. What is the best tittle (标题) of this passage?
A.How to Be a Good ReaderB.How to Read Quickly
C.Reading Slowly Is BetterD.Reading Is a Good Hobby
阅读理解-单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . ①Otters (水獭) are cute water animals. Recently, there has been a trend (趋势) of keeping them as pets. In Japan, some “otter cafes” are open for business. People can pay to play with the otters there and to take photos with them. In Indonesia, people go swimming with their pet otters and take “funny” videos. These photos and videos posted online have attracted more people to buy otters as pets.

②However, these photos and videos mask the fact that the online trade is doing harm to otters. In the wild, baby otters usually stay with their mothers during their first year of life. According to a report, 70 percent of otters sold online are under a year old. These baby otters have been stolen from their mothers. When they’re kept as pets by humans, they do not live full, natural lives.

③Otters are very social (群居的). They live in family groups of up to fifteen in the wild. Keeping an otter as a pet can make it very sad and lonely. These animals also need enough space to swim. Their owners’ bathtubs (浴缸) or pools are much smaller than the bodies of water in the wild.

④On the other hand, it is not wise to keep otters as pets at home. They have a very special fishy smell. If they’re kept indoors, they will leave a lot of droppings around the house. This would make the smell even more unpleasant. Besides, when otters are upset, they will make loud noises and even attack (攻击) people. If a person is bitten by an otter, he or she needs to go to the hospital immediately.

⑤So, what can we do to stop the otter pet trade? Well, one of the main ways is to let more people know that otters should not be kept as pets. We should also keep an eye on online posts about these animals. When photos and videos show baby otters being kept or sold as pets, don’t share them.

1. People like to keep otters as pets because they are ________.
2. The underlined word “mask” has the closest meaning to ________.
3. Because of the online pet trade, otters ________.
A.may often fall illB.can’t live a social lifeC.have no food to eatD.have no place to swim
4. What does Paragraph ④ mainly tell us?
A.Otters don’t make good pets.B.Otters are dangerous to people.
C.Otters may live a hard life as pets.D.Otters often make a mess in the room.
5. What is the writer’s main purpose in writing this passage?
A.To stop people from keeping pets at home.
B.To introduce the ways of protecting pet otters.
C.To show the facts of the online otter pet trade.
D.To tell people to say no to the otter pet trade.
2022-07-28更新 | 499次组卷 | 5卷引用:2023年云南省中考英语真题变式题汇编11-15题
阅读理解-选择5题(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 根据短文内容,判断正误 (正确“T”,错误“F”) 。

Everyone should be proud of who they are. What makes you who you are? Part of who you are comes from the past. It comes from the culture of your parents, grandparents, and people before them. It comes from the art you see, the stories and music you hear, and the traditions you share.

Traditional Chinese painting is one of the oldest art forms in the world. It usually shows the painters’ love for nature and life. It mainly includes three kinds: landscapes (山水), flowers and birds, figures. Landscape painting is seen as the highest form of Chinese painting.

Traditional Chinese folk stories are part of our history. They usually carry some information about Chinese beliefs (信念) and traditions. Many traditional folk stories such as Yu Gong Moves the Mountains, Hou Yi Shoots the Suns, Chang’e Flies to the Moon, are passed down from one generation to the next. People tell these stories to teach, to remember and just to pass time.

Traditional Chinese music is a treasure of the Chinese nation. It is a medium (媒介) for the ancient people to express their feelings, experiences and thoughts and is still much loved by people so far.

Dragon boats have a history of more than 2,000 years. Dragon boat racing is a popular tradition in China. Racers must work together to win. Today dragon boat racing has become a modern world sport.

1. People regard the painting of flowers and birds as the highest form of Chinese painting.
2. Traditional Chinese folk stories can give us some information about Chinese beliefs and traditions.
3. The ancient Chinese can express their feelings, experiences and thoughts through traditional Chinese music.
4. Teamwork is very important in a dragon boat racing.
5. The passage mainly talks about traditional Chinese festivals.
2024-06-18更新 | 274次组卷 | 5卷引用:2024年云南省中考英语真题
阅读理解-单选(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校

9 . Here are three kinds of forms of Chinese art.

Calligraphy (书法)

The ancient Chinese thought of writing as an important form of art. Calligraphy is a popular form of writing. To produce Chinese characters one needs a brush, paper, inkstick (墨) and inkstone. These are called the “Four Treasures of the Study”. It’s necessary to learn these tools in order to learn calligraphy.


It was an important part of art. Li Bai, Du Fu and Su Shi are considered among the best ancient poets, and there are five major kinds of ancient poetic styles called Shi, Ci, Ge, Qu and Fu. During the Tang Dynasty, poetry became so important that writing poetry was part of the examinations to work for the government.


Chinese opera is considered as one of the three oldest dramatic art forms in the world. It’s a combination of music, art and literature. During the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Taizong set up an opera school.

1. _________ are called the “Four Treasures of the Study”.
A.A pen, a book, inkstick and inkstone
B.A pen, paper, inkstick and inkstone
C.A brush, paper, inkstick and ink box
D.A brush, paper, inkstick and inkstone
2. How many major kinds of poetic styles are there in ancient China?
3. If you wanted to work for the government, you had to learn to write poetry during ________.
A.the Tang DynastyB.the Song Dynasty
C. the Yuan DynastyD.the Qing Dynasty
4. What’s a combination of music, art and literature?
5. From the passage, we can learn that ________.
A.Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty set up an opera school
B.calligraphy is one of the three oldest art forms in the world
C.Shi and Qu are the two most important poetic styles in ancient China
D.if you want to learn calligraphy, you must learn the “Four Treasures of the Study”
2022-07-28更新 | 480次组卷 | 6卷引用:2024年云南省昆明市第三中学中考二模英语试题
阅读理解-判断(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Kids are having more sugar and junk food in the US now.

They get sugar from sodas, sweet juice and some other drinks. There was a new study. It was on 8,400 children. They were between the ages of 2 and 19. It found that twenty percent of the children didn’t drink any water. That’s on any given day. It also showed that those kids got more calories (卡路里) from sweet drinks. That’s compared to children who did drink water every day. Children who do not drink water can have almost twice as many calories. “Kids should drink water every day. And the first drink for kids should be water because it is healthy,” said one teacher.

The study showed two thirds of the children have junk food for lunch for it is fast and delicious. Junk food, like hamburgers, hot dogs and French fries, makes children in the US overweight (超重) and brings many health problems. This is because it has lots of salt and sugar. Children who eat junk food four to five times a week are easy to have heart diseases. “Kids should keep a balanced diet with both vegetables and all kinds of meat because giving what our body needs is important,” said another teacher.

根据短文判断句子对错,正确写”A”;错误写 “B”。
1. American children are having more sugar and more unhealthy food.
2. Most children didn’t drink any water according to the study.
3. Children who drank water every day can get more calories.
4. Junk food makes children get fat.
5. If you have junk food four or five times a week, you must have a heart disease.
共计 平均难度:一般