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阅读理解-判断(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Do you try to save electricity(电)and magazines at home? Do you make your bed every day? Read about the home habits of Americans. Are they the same as yours?

Lights out

Saving magazines

Are you careful about saving electricity? 25% of people turn off the lights when they leave a room. 8% never do. 80% leave the lights on When they go out in the evening.How long do you save magazines? About half the population throws away old ones after six months. But 20% keep them for years and years.

Clean and tidy

Making beds and doing dishes

Are you an organized person?13% of people like to keep the rooms clean and tidy.

The common home has fourteen cleaning products around the house.

74% of people make their beds every morning. 5% never do. And 3% actually change their sheets(床单)every day.

Do you wash the dishes right after eating? 58% of Americans do, but 5%let theirs sit for several days.

1. 80% of Americans go out in the evening with the lights on.______
2. One fifth of Americans keep magazines for years and years. ______
3. Most Americans like to keep the rooms clean and tidy. _______
4. The people who make the beds are as many as those who wash the dishes every day. ______
2020-08-09更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年山东省枣庄市山亭区初中学业水平模拟(一模)英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Fame Hotel is a very interesting hotel in California. In this hotel, you can live the same life as a famous person, such as a movie star or a scientist.

When you check into(登记入住)the hotel, you can choose a room first. Each room has a name famous person. Fame Hotel has 32 rooms, most of which are named after movie or music stars.

But there are also famous writers and even some scientists,

When you enter the room, you enter the life of that person. There are pictures everywhere. The hotel has tried to fill the rooms with clothes, and even food that the stars liked. Monroe's wardrobe (梦露的衣橱)is full of beautiful white dresses. "Albert Einstein" doesn't have any socks in the wardrobe because the real Einstein never wore them.

I spoke to one guest staying in Elvis Presley's(猫王的)room. "I love this hotel," he said to me. " I wanted to know what Elvis Presley would eat for breakfast and now I know. " The guest ate pancakes and strawberry ice cream in the morning, just as Elvis liked to do. On the next table, the guest of Einstein's room was drinking cabbage soup.

The company plans to open another Fame Hotel in New York City next year and there are plans to open some in Europe too. I'm looking forward to staying in the Churchill's suite(丘吉尔的套房) in London.

1. Most of the rooms in Fame Hotel are named after _________________.
A.sports starsB.famous writersC.famous scientistsD.movie or music stars
2. We know from the passage that _____________________.
A.there are many Fame Hotels in the world
B.there aren't socks in Einstein's wardrobe
C.we can meet famous people in Fame Hotel
D.some famous people have stayed at Fame Hotel
3. The passage is mainly about _____________________________.
A.a special hotelB.hotels in America
C.famous people's livesD.things famous people liked
2020-08-09更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年山东省枣庄市山亭区初中学业水平模拟(一模)英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |
真题 名校

3 . Do you get lots of reading tasks as part of your homework? You might wish that you could read faster. There are some people who say that you can learn to read at super-high speeds. But experts disagree on this idea.

"Speed reading is not actually possible," said Elizabeth Schotter, a scientist at the University of South Florida, US. Schotter pointed out that people who say that they can teach others how to speed read are usually doing it to make money by selling courses and books.

In fact, speed reading has been made known to people since 1959, when US educator Evelyn Wood introduced a speed reading program. Several US presidents have even asked their officers to take sped reading courses. However, there is no real science behind sped reading.

Schotter explained that reading is a task difficult to finish. It includes four steps: seeing a word, getting back its meaning from your memory, connecting it to other words. in the same sentence, and then moving on to the next word, This process uses many parts of the brain at one time. It can't be sped up.

Some people who say they are able to speed read are simply skimming. Skimming involves reading a passage quickly and only looking for certain words or sentences. Skimmers can figure out the main idea of a passage—especially if it's a topic they're familiar with—but they will not be able to remember all the pieces of information.

So is there a way to become a faster reader? Research suggests that you should try to improve the number of your words and simply read more.

1. According to Schotter, which of the following is TRUE?
A.It's good for students to read at super-high speeds.
B.Speed reading courses are supported by real science.
C.Reading includes four steps, it`s not easy to finish
D.Speed reading courses and books are useful for us.
2. What can we know from Paragraph 5?
A.Skimmers will not forget all the pieces of information.
B.You must read the passage carefully when you are skimming it.
C.Skimming focuses on all the words or sentences of a passage.
D.By skimming, skimmers may find the main idea of a passage.
3. According to this passage, how to read faster?
A.Learn more words and read more.B.Taking speed reading courses can help.
C.Read more books about sped reading.D.See the words at super-high speeds.
阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . When ice is on the ocean, the polar bears are on the hunt. They are hunting seals. Polar bears need the ice. They can’t catch seals as well in the water, where there is no ice.

In summer, some of the sea ice becomes water. Now, however, the sea ice is becoming water earlier than it used to. There is not as much time for the polar bears to hunt for food. They should have enough fat in their bodies to keep them from getting hungry. Some polar bears, however, haven’t been able to get enough to eat. By the end of the summer, they are going to die.

Scientists want to learn all they can about polar bears and how they can help them. To help the bears, they have to do tests. It is difficult, however, for scientists to get close to the bears. Scientists fly in a helicopter, over the places where polar bears live. When they notice a bear, they shoot a pointed object at it. The object makes the bear go to sleep. While the bear is asleep, the scientists can do their tests. The most important test is the fat test. If the bear hasn’t eaten for two months, it won’t have enough fat to live on.

Many people are worried about the ice that is becoming water. Polar bears have to go further and work harder to find food. If the ice keeps becoming water, one day there might not be any polar bears.

1. The underlined word “hunt” in the first paragraph means: __________
2. If polar bears want to find food, what do they need?
A.Fat.B.Ice.C.A pointed object.D.Water.
3. What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.Polar bears are in great danger.B.Polar bears like hunting for seals to eat.
C.It’s difficult for scientists to test bears.D.The ways to help polar bears.
2020-08-02更新 | 333次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省枣庄市2020年中考英语试题
阅读理解-判断(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . The rockets take astronauts and man-made satellites(卫星)into space. The satellites are used for communication, weather checking and research. But how do satellites stay up without falling down?

There are two opposite forces influencing the satellite. One of them is the force of gravitation(地心引力), which tries to pull the satellite towards the earth and is like a rope which keeps the satellite from flying away. The other force is created by the turning of the satellite around the earth. This force tries to take the satellite away from the earth. With these two forces, the satellite goes round and round.

Everything that goes up has to come down. It is only a matter of time before a satellite comes back to the earth. As time goes by, the satellite loses its speed, which makes the force pulling it towards the earth stronger than the force pulling it away. This makes the satellite fall down to the earth.

1. Two same forces have an influence on the satellite.
2. The force created by the turning keeps the satellite from flying away.
3. Two opposite forces make the satellite turn round and round.
4. The satellite will stay in space forever.
2020-07-30更新 | 364次组卷 | 2卷引用:山东省枣庄市2020年中考英语试题

6 . Once there were many thousands of Gourma Desert (沙漠) elephants in Mali, a country in West Africa. Now, there are fewer than four hundred.

Why did the number of the elephants drop so quickly? On the one hand, the elephants’ main lake, their only water source (来源), dried up. On the other hand, the land which the elephants lived on was overused by humans.

To protect the elephants’ living environment, the Mali Elephant Project (MEP) was started in 2007. MEP met with local people and helped them make rules of using land and water. As a result, the situation became better and there was more food, forest and grassland.

However, from 2012 to 2016, poaching (偷猎) and illegal trade in the elephants increased rapidly. Eighty-three elephants were lost in 2015 alone, and another fifty-one elephant were killed in 2016. “If this situation goes on, all the Gourma elephants will be killed by 2020,” said a member of MEP.

Luckily, the voice of MEP was heard. More organizations (组织) have joined together to educate the local people that trading elephants is against the law. Elephant poaching has dropped to a very low level. The local people have learned to live peacefully with the elephants, one of the wildlife treasures in the world.

1. MEP was started to ________.
A.raise more elephants in MaliB.stop the main lake from drying up
C.discover water source for elephantsD.protect the elephants’ living environment
2. What does the word “illegal” in Paragraph 4 mean in Chinese?
3. Eighty-three elephants were lost ________.
A.in 2012B.in 2015C.in 2016D.in 2020
4. We can learn from the last paragraph that ________.
A.the number of organizations has droppedB.there is much less elephant poaching now
C.the local people keep the elephants at homeD.the whole world live peacefully with elephants
5. This passage is mainly about ________.
A.the rules of using land and waterB.the education of the local people
C.the work of Mali Elephant ProjectD.the situation of Gourma Desert elephants
2020-07-23更新 | 2459次组卷 | 15卷引用:广东省2020年中考英语试题

7 . What can drones do? Their many uses include taking pictures from the sky, observing(观察)wild animals and delivering packages. Now these small flying robots are leading a new farming revolution(革命), according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

When equipped(装备)with cameras and other data-gathering devices, drones provide us with an eye in the sky. Here are a few of the farming-related jobs drones can do.

Looking for sick crops

Drones can scan(扫描)crops using different kinds of light. Then, they produce multispectral images(多谱图像)that can help us find sickly yellow plants within fields of green. Drones can also detect bacteria(检测细菌)that are harmful to crops in the air from a few kilometers away. Farmers can check the drones’ air samples(样本)and try to find ways to protect their crops before the bacteria get to them.

Counting cattle

When flying over cattle, drones can track the livestock and find out where fences need fixing. People can also equip drones with thermal imagers(热像仪)and night-vision cameras. This can help farmers look for animals that could harm their cattle.

Water watch

Most fields aren’t perfectly flat(平坦的). After watering, some places may dry out faster than others. Other spots might not get water at all. Drones can scan the field and make a 3-D map. Using the map, farmers can figure out which parts of a field are dry or need improvement.

Spraying pesticide(喷洒农药)

Different parts of a field might be uneven or have different altitudes(高度). Drones can check for this when flying above the land. Then, they change their height and therefore spray the correct amount of pesticide over each part of the field. This is more efficient than traditional pesticide spraying. Drones can finish spraying a field up to five times faster than with traditional machinery, according to a study from MIT.

1. What can drones do to help farmers with their farming?
A.Take pictures.B.Look at wild animals.C.Deliver packages.D.Look for sick crops.
2. What do drones need to help guard cattle at night?
A.Wooden fences.B.Air samples.C.Night-vision cameras.D.3-D printers.
3. What does the underlined word “uneven” probably mean?
4. What do we know from the story?
A.Drones can’t detect bacteria unless crops are sick.
B.Drones can fight dangerous animals.
C.Drones can help farmers make sure fields are properly watered.
D.Drones are better at spraying pesticide over flat land.

8 . Do you want to do well in exams? Sometimes your knowledge is not enough, you also need good strategies. Here are some for you:

Before you answer the questions, if you feel a little nervous, take a few deep breaths to help you relax.

Always read the question carefully and make sure that you understand it. Read it a few times if possible.

Find out how much each question is worth or how many points you need.

If it asks to give one answer, only write one.

If there is a difficult question, don’t worry. Go on to the next question and come back to it if you have time later.

Try not to leave questions unanswered when you finish the test. Sometimes a guess may get your points.

When you finish, go back and check your answers. You will need to check your writing or spelling mistakes.

1. From the passage, we know we can   to help ourselves relax if we feel a little nervous.
A.tell ourselves not to be nervousB.ask the teacher for help
C.go out for a walkD.take a few deep breaths
2. To make sure we understand the question, we had better________.
A.read it fastB.read it till we finish it
C.read it a few times if possibleD.read it slowly
3. When we finish answering all the questions, we need to________.
A.hand in at onceB.check spelling mistakes
C.worry about our pointsD.check with classmates
4. The underlined word “strategies” in the passage means ________.
5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Find out how many points we need or how much each question is worth.
B.Try not to leave questions unanswered when we finish the test.
C.If it asks to give one answer, we’d better write more.
D.Sometimes we should guess the answers to get points.
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 任务型阅读

At the class meeting, our teacher read us a report in the newspaper. A certain student in a middle school smoked and he wouldn't 1.get rid of the bad habit though his teacher and friends warned(告诫) him not to smoke any more. 2.He even stole money to get cigarettes and was put into prison in the end. This really gave us a shock. As we all know, smoking is very harmful to our health. It does great harm not only to our health, but also to our mind, especially for us teenagers. 3.Now more and more people all over the world gave up smoking or made up their minds to do so. I think we middle school students are the future builders of our country. We should study hard and make progress every day. We should form good habits so that we can spend our time learning things useful and valuable for our motherland and people. I think today's class meeting is very meaningful to my classmates who have a bad habit of smoking.

1. 请问1处划线短语的汉语意思 __________
2. 请把2处的句子改成同义句。He even stole money________he can get cigarettes.
3. 请把3处翻译成汉语。_____________________________________________
4. What harm will smoking give the teenagers?_____________________________________
5. What should teenagers do from this passage?______________________________________
2020-04-23更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省枣庄市薛城舜耕中学2019-2020学年八年级4月月考英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约460词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 .

When you cough or sneeze, you’d better turn your head away from others and cover your mouth with the full part of your hand. And then, you should say, “Excuse me.”

This seems so simple, but it is surprising how many kids have never been told to do this. Actually, I notice adults all the time who cough and sneeze in public without placing a hand over the mouth. One important thing I point out to the kids is that after they sneeze or cough on their hands, they should wash their hands as soon as possible. If not, they will be passing those germs (细菌) along to everything and everyone they touch.

If you come to a door and someone is following you, hold the door. If the door opens by pulling, pull it open, stand to the side, and allow the other person to pass through first, then you can walk through. If the door opens by pushing, hold the door after you pass through.

After a few weeks of seeing kids try to get through doors in the school and watching them enter restaurants as the door hit other people, I knew I had to discuss the problem with my students. Teaching them small acts of kindness, such as letting someone else go through a door first as they hold it open, may seem unimportant, but it can go a long way toward helping students realize how to be polite and thank others. Once they’ve been told, they’re halfway there.

When we have to go up moving stairs, we will stand to the right. That will give others who are in a hurry a choice of walking up the left-hand side of the moving stairs. When we are going to enter a lift, the underground, or a doorway, we will wait for others to exit before we enter.

After college when I moved to London, I was surprised at how polite everyone was in the subways. I was even more touched when I traveled to Japan. In both places, people made efforts to make way for others. On moving stairs, everyone stood to the right and walked to the left. On lifts, everyone would stand over to the side and allow others to exit before they would begin to enter.

1. If you come to a door and someone is following you, you’d better               .
A.hold the doorB.pass throughC.close the doorD.stand to the side
2. Why should we stand to the right of moving stairs?
A.Because it’s dangerous to stand to the left.
B.Because it’s a traffic rule which we must follow.
C.Because we must wait for others to move first.
D.Because we should make way for people in a hurry.
3. From the passage we can know the writer is a               .
4. The passage is mainly about               .
A.the rules of acts in publicB.the ways of communication
C.the problems of meeting peopleD.the knowledge of social life
共计 平均难度:一般