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阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Ways to Be Safe in School

School safety problems involve more than violence. It may also include such concern as natural disasters, illness, fire and local emergencies (紧急情况).     1    

Have a plan

Teachers and students should know where to go and what to do in case of a school safety problem.     2     Schools can also post instructions in each classroom with simple pictures pointing out emergency exits, fire extinguishers (灭火器), and other emergency equipment.

Screen visitors

    3     Give school visitors temporary badges (证章) to identify them. Fit cameras at all entrances and limit access as much as possible. Ask teachers and hall monitors to stop anyone in the halls without appropriate identification.

Panic buttons

Provide teachers with panic buttons in classrooms so they can ask for help immediately. Provide clear and brief instructions about use and immediate response when started.     4    

Establish a hotline

Establish a hotline so students can report crimes and dangers. Post the number in obvious locations so students can often see it.     5     Establish a student discipline committee, and develop programs for newcomers and victims of bullying (欺凌).

A.Visitors are not allowed to enter schools.
B.So what can we do to make the school a safer place?
C.Students may report crimes and dangers more quickly.
D.Just as schools practice fire drills, they can conduct safety drills.
E.Teachers and students should be sure that immediate help will arrive.
F.It is said that about hundreds of students die in school accidents every year.
G.Require that all visitors enter the safety office and explain why they are there.
2021-07-01更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省仁寿县2020-2021学年高二下学期期末模拟考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Research showed 60% of middle school students in America     1     (say) they had been bullied (霸凌) in the past few months. Over 160,000 stayed home from school     2     (avoid) bullying.

It also showed that over 50% of bullying decreased if the school had     3     anti-bully program running. Those programs would help the bullies understand how much they hurt the person     4     is being bullied. It would also be     5     (help) if teachers kept an eye on students at all times. A bullying case usually occurs on the playground     6     at the canteen, but only 25% of bullied students said that teachers noticed and stood up for them.

Another way is to talk to the bully. Tell them how much it hurts when they call you names or     7     (physical) hurt you. You can also tell a trusted adult. Iť's one of the most commonly known     8     (way) to stop a bully     9     bullying you. Don't just sit on the sidelines and watch bullying. Stand up for the bullying victim and let     10     (they) know they won't be alone.

Bullying is never, nor will it ever be an acceptable matter. Together we can stand up to bullying and make it disappear.

语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的词或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)。

According to a recent survey, violence did exist in schools. Students showed their fear and parents and teachers also     1    (express)their great concern about it. Experts hope the whole society pay more attention to the mental health of adolescents.

Nowadays, school violence is     2     hot issue. I think this is a phenomenon,     3     calls for our great concern. We should try every effort     4    (prevent) violence happening at school for more and more students would drop out of school     5     their personal safety could not be guaranteed. In fact, violence can     6    (learn). Children learn violent behavior from adults or from     7     they see on television or on the Internet.

If I meet with school violence, I will not answer violence     8     violence, for it will result in    9    (much) fighting. I will tell my teachers or parents about it. I think they will help me deal with it well and they will protect me from the bad guys.

All in all, every student should behave     10     (he) and keep away from violence.

2021-06-24更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省静宁县第一中学2020-2021学年高一下学期第三次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Rosie Dutton, a teacher from Relax Kids in Tamworth, UK, used two apples to show her students the damaging, and often unseen,consequences of bullying(霸凌). And her post about the powerful lesson has gone viral.

Rosie Dutton explained that during one of her classes she introduced the children to two red apples. What the kids didn't know was that before the lesson, Dutton had repeatedly dropped one of the apples on the floor. And yet, on the outside at least both apples looked perfect. "I picked up the apple I'd dropped on the floor and started to tell the children how I disliked this apple, that I thought it was disgusting, it had a horrible colour and the stem was just too short," Dutton wrote.

She then encouraged the students to do the same. Some of the children looked at her as if she was "crazy", but the students passed the apple around the circle, calling it names. Continuing the exercise, the teacher then passed the second apple around the circle. This apple, however, was showered with comments like: "Your skin is beautiful", and "What a beautiful colour you have."

Dutton then showed the students both apples once again, highlighting that "there was no change; both apples still looked the same . "

That is, until she cut them open. "The apple we'd said unkind words to was bruised and all mushy inside," she said.

There was, she said, an immediate "light bulb" moment for her students. "They really got it. What we saw inside that apple, the bruises, the mush and the broken bits is happening inside every one of us when someone mistreats us with their words or actions."

Dutton explained how important it is to teach children to stand up for one another, and to stop any form of bullying. "Let's create a generation of kind caring children," the teacher wrote." The tongue has no bones, but is strong enough to break a heart. So be careful with your words."

1. What had the teacher done to the first apple before the lesson?
A.She had introduced it to the kids.
B.She had damaged it purposely.
C.She had made it look perfect.
D.She had coloured it brightly.
2. What does the underlined part "calling it names" in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.Saying rude things.
B.Making fun of it.
C.Cheering for it.
D.Shouting at it.
3. What's the purpose of the teacher's using two apples in class ?
A.To draw the kids' attention.
B.To explain her personal preference.
C.To make a comparison between them.
D.To help the kids understand the results of bullying.
2021-06-19更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:专题18 阅读理解专项练习(三)-2020-2021学年高一英语下学期期末专项复习(人教版2019)
阅读理解-七选五 | 较难(0.4) |

5 . The effect of bullying (欺凌) can be serious and even lead to tragedy. Unfortunately, it is still a mostly researched area.

    1     That year, two students with shotguns, both of whom had been considered gifted and who had been bullied for years, killed 13 people, wounded 24 and then committed suicide. A year later, an analysis by the US government found that bullying played a major role in more than two-thirds of the campus violence.

    2     Numerous invaders throughout history have tried to defend their bullying behavior by claiming that they themselves were bullied.     3     Although there is no justification for bullying, many of the worst humans in history have indeed bullies and victims of bullying.

Since bullying is often ignored, it may provide an important clue in crowd behavior and passer-by behavior.     4     Many of them have suggested bullying as one of the reasons of this becoming less sensitive to violence.     5     In this sense, bullying affects not only the bullied but his friends and classmates and the whole society.

A.Research indicates that the victim often becomes the bully.
B.Psychologists have been puzzled by the inactivity of crowds and bystanders when crimes occur in crowded places.
C.More attention should be paid to people's reaction to bullying when it happens.
D.Hitler, for example, is claimed to have been a victim of bullying in his childhood.
E.Campus bullying is becoming a serious problem in some high schools in big cities.
F.The friends and classmates of the bully and the victim also accept the violence as normal.
G.The link between bullying and school violence has attracted increasing attention since 1999.
2018-10-16更新 | 398次组卷 | 3卷引用:【全国百强校】黑龙江省哈尔滨市第三中学2019届高三上学期第二次调研考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Bully for you

The makers of a hotly debated computer game about bullying have decided to go ahead and put it into market despite calls for it     1    (forbid). In the game, players take on the role of a new student at a school and have to fight the bullies, by striking them or hitting them     2     a baseball bat.

Critics have said that the game encourages     3    (violent). The makers, however, disagree and say that, while the game might be a little violent at times, it is just an     4     (amuse) look at school life. Besides, they argue that the fighting in the game       5    ( direct) against the bullies to protect students who are being bullied. The makers also say that the players will learn to stand up to bullies,     6     use their strength or power to hurt or frighten other people. “Nobody should bully others just because they want to feel stronger or    7    (important),” said the makers.

A British politician, a former minister, has called for it to be banned as it might have     8    negative influence on the way young people think of violent behaviors.

Anti-bullying     9     (charity) that fight against school bullying have said that the game might make people respond violently to bullies, which might make things more complicated and result in injuries. In other words, people     10    (possible) get hurt because of the game.

2017-09-08更新 | 64次组卷 | 2卷引用:江西省九江市第一中学2017-2018学年高二上学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 容易(0.94) |
7 . An old problem is getting new attention in the United States—bullying. Recent cases included the tragic case of a fifteen-year-old girl whose family moved from Ireland. She hanged herself in Massachusetts in January following months of bullying. Her parents criticized her school for failing to protect her. Officials have brought criminal charges against several teenagers.
Judy Kuczynski is president of an anti-bullying group called Bully Police USA. Her daughter Tina was the victim of severe bullying starting in middle school in the state of Minnesota. Her said, "Our daughter was a very outgoing child. She was a bubbly personality, very involved in all kinds of things, had lots of friends. And over a period of time her grades fell completely. She started having health issues. She couldn't sleep. She wasn't eating. She had terrible stomach pains. She started clenching her jaw and grinding her teeth at night. Didn't want to go to school."
Bullying is defined as negative behavior repeated over time against the same person. It can involve physical violence. Or it can be verbal — for example, insults or threats. Spreading lies about someone or excluding a person from a group is known as social or relational bullying.
And now there is cyber bullying, which uses the Internet, e-mail or text messages. It has easy appeal for the bully because it does not involve face-to-face contact and it can be done at any time.
The first serious research studies into bullying were done in Norway in the late 1970s. The latest government study in the United States was released last year. It found that about one-third of students age twelve to eighteen were bullied at school.
Susan Sweater is a psychologist at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and co-director of the Bullying Research Network. She says schools should treat bullying as a mental health problem to get bullies and victims the help they need. She says bullying is connected to depression, anxiety and anti-social behavior, and bullies are often victims themselves.
1. From the case of Tina, we can know that                    .
A.bullying is rareB.victims suffered a lot
C.schools are to blameD.personalities are related
2. Which of the following is NOT bullying?
A.To beat someone repeatedly.B.To call someone names.
C.To isolate someone from friends.D.To refuse to help someone in need.
3. Why is cyber bullying appealing to the bully?
A.Because it can involve more people.B.Because it can create worse effects.
C.Because it is more convenient.D.Because it can avoid cheating.
4. According to Susan Sweater,                  .
A.bullies are anti-socialB.bullies should give victims help
C.students are not requally treatedD.bullies themselves also need help
5. Which of the following can be the best title of the text?
A.Bullying—Old Irish Girl Committed Suicide
B.15-Year-Old Irish Girl Committed Suicide
C.Cyberbullying-Taking Off in Schools
D.How to Find Bullying among Teens
2016-12-07更新 | 962次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省济南市2010届高三下学期第三次模拟考试试题(英语)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |
8 .        Due to the increasing number of violence acts produced in schools all over the world, more and more parents prefer to have their children educated at home rather than at school. This way they can ensure their safety and well-being, although teachers and school representatives are trying to improve the situation in schools by increasing the number of the persons in charge of the safety of the students.
       The main reason for violence acts are the films and cartoons that fill the children’s time. They want to do everything they watch on TV and never think of the consequences, and they may hurt a classmate or a teacher.
       On the other hand, parents are not fully satisfied with the children’s results obtained in classes and they consider private classes would have better results.
     When a teacher has to watch 30 students in class he can’t probably see what each of them is doing, how he is writing, or if he understands the explanations. At home the teacher can explain in details everything the child doesn’t understand as many times as he considers proper.
     And many times the child grows fond of the teacher at home, who becomes his best friend, and who helps him whenever he needs someone to talk to.
       However, the best solution would be a mixture between the education received at school and that at home, because school makes children communicate and socialize. Keeping a child at home for fear there might happen something bad to him only makes the child’s character weak and prevents him from knowing what real life is. Staying in a crystal ball only does harm to the child.
       All in all, schools have been created to help children, not to harm them, so it’s best to keep children in these special places, where they learn, laugh, have fun and make new friends.
1. The writer’s purpose in writing the text is to ________.
A.teach parents the ways to keep their children safe
B.show solutions to developing children’s character
C.explain the main reason for violence acts in schools
D.analyze an education problem and give opinions
2. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?
A.Advantages and Disadvantages of Private Classes
B.Who is to Blame, Parents or Schools?
C.Which Is Better, School Study or Home Study?
D.The Relationship between Teachers and Children
3. What does “a crystal ball” in the passage refer to?
A.A toy that can be used for entertainment.
B.A safe and comfortable environment.
C.A round object that is made of crystal.
D.An obstacle that is hard to overcome.
4. We can infer from the passage that ________.
A.violence TV programs have bad effects on children’s behavior
B.the teacher at home is more patient than the teacher at school
C.children today are weak from lack of sense of right and wrong
D.there are too many students in class for a teacher to teach
2016-11-26更新 | 193次组卷 | 5卷引用:河南省郑州市47中2010届高三模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . Last August, Joe and Mary Mahoney began looking at colleges for their 17-year-old daughter, Maureen. With a checklist of criteria (衡量标准)in hand, the Dallas family looked around the country visiting half a dozen schools. They sought a university that offered the teenager’s intended major, one located near a large city, and a campus where their daughter would be safe.
“The safety issue is a big one,” says Joe Mahoney, who quickly discovered he wasn’t alone in his worries. On campus tours other parents voiced similar concerns, and the same question was always asked: what about crime? But when college officials always gave the same answer -----“That’s not a problem here,”-----Mahoney began to feel uneasy.
“No crime whatever?” comments Mahoney today. “I just don’t buy it.” Nor should he: in 1999 the U.S. Department of education had reports of nearly 400,000 serious crimes on or around our campuses. “Parents need to understand that times have changed since they went to college,” says David Nichols, author of Creating a Safe Campus. “Campus crime mirrors the rest of the nation.”
But getting accurate information isn’t easy. Colleges must report crime statistics(统计数字) by law, but some hold back for fear of bad publicity(关注), leaving the honest ones looking dangerous. “The truth may not always be serious,” warns S. Daniel Carter of Security on Campus, Inc., the nation’s leading campus safety watchdog group.
To help concerned parents, Carter promised to visit campuses and talk to experts around the country to find out major crime issues and effective solutions.
1. It is often difficult to get correct information on campus crime because some colleges ____.
A.receive too many visitorsB.mirror the rest of the nation
C.hide the truth of campus crimeD.have too many watchdog groups
2. The underlined word “buy” in the third paragraph means _____.
3. We learn from the text that “the honest ones” in the fourth paragraph most probably refers to colleges _____.
A.that are protected by campus securityB.that report campus crimes by law
C.that are free from campus crimeD.that enjoy very good publicity
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Exact campus crime statistics.B.Crimes on or around campuses.
C.Effective solutions to campus crime.D.Concerns about kids’ campus safety.
2016-11-26更新 | 792次组卷 | 2卷引用:2011年辽宁省瓦房店市高级中学高一下学期期末考试英语卷
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