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文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。一位心理治疗师创立了Sidewalk Talk公益组织,带领志愿者们走上街头,邀请路人坐下来聊天,通过倾听和真诚的交谈帮助人们化解孤独情绪。

1 . Traci Ruble, a psychotherapist (心理治疗师), felt worried that people today were experiencing loneliness and a shortage of personal connections. She understood that with busy lives and challenging jobs, people were unable to make these connections.

So on a spring day in 2015, Ruble and a small number of volunteers set up chairs on sidewalks in 12 locations around San Francisco, California and invited people passing by to sit for a few minutes and chat. This was the beginning of Sidewalk Talk, an organization whose mission is to create public spaces of connections where the people are.

Today, the organization has more than 4,000 volunteers in 40 cities. Around 25 percent of the volunteers are licensed therapists (持证治疗师). They come from different backgrounds and are a mixed group. Volunteers receive training from the organization.

Listening activities are held several times a month along with other organizations. In San Francisco, Sidewalk Talk partners with Lava Mae, a non-governmental organization (NGO) that brings mobile showers to homeless people.

Sidewalk Talk gives people a chance to speak and be listened to but it is not therapy, according to Ruble. “I’m not interacting as a therapist out there. I’m not there to solve someone’s problems,” she said. “I’m there to practice being human.”

Ruble stressed that therapy is one-sided and that therapists are taught to avoid self-disclosure(自我表露) but by “being human” she could carry out interactions by sharing her own life and showing empathy (同感) with the people she talks with.

According to a report, 31 percent of all Americans experience serious loneliness including 61 percent of young adults. To fix that, rebuilding community relationships is very important. While listening activities will not solve the loneliness problem, these chats could help someone have a brighter day. Knowing that there are empathetic people who are willing to fully listen and share your feelings could make all the difference to a lonely person.

1. What can we learn about Sidewalk Talk?
A.It is largely made up of licensed therapists.
B.It encourages people to share and reconnect.
C.It was set up with the help of other organizations.
D.It aims to improve people’s language expression ability.
2. Why does Ruble stress “being human”?
A.It leads to a healthier life.
B.It helps people solve problems.
C.It makes chats go more smoothly.
D.It allows people to receive support.
3. What does the last paragraph mainly show us?
A.The power of good community relationships.
B.The seriousness of the loneliness problem.
C.The results of being an empathetic person.
D.The need for Sidewalk Talk’s activities.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Taking listening to the streets
B.Dealing with loneliness by volunteering
C.Building powerful connections between people
D.Enjoying having deep conversations with strangers
2024-04-15更新 | 54次组卷 | 2卷引用:湖北省十堰市郧阳中学2023-2024学年高一上学期11月月考英语试题
书信写作-报道 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 假定你是李华,上周五你所在的城市遭受了暴风雪袭击。为了市民的出行安全,放学后你班自愿上街清理积雪。请根据此事,用英语写一篇活动报道,内容包括:
1.活动目的;       2.具体经过;     3.自己的感受。
注意:1.写作词数应为80个左右;   2.请在答题卡指定位置作答。

Students Sprang into Action to Clear Snow

2024-04-15更新 | 34次组卷 | 2卷引用:湖北省云学名校联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期3月联考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:本文是一篇应用文。这篇文章主要介绍了Rachael Ray Foundation的工作以及他们与一些动物救助组织合作的情况。他们支持各种不同的组织,从营救行动到照顾等等,努力为动物提供保护和帮助。

3 . At The Rachael Ray FoundationTM (RRF), we’re pretty big animal lovers. As a part of our work, we support a wide variety of organizations that do good for animals, from rescue to care and more. Get to know a few of them and the work we do together.

Pittsburgh Aviation Animal Rescue Team

RRF helped enable Pittsburgh Aviation Animal Rescue Team (PAART) to purchase a new and bigger plane for its rescue missions which bring animals from danger to safety. Whether it be flying dogs in overcrowded shelters to new homes, saving animals caught in the path of natural disasters, or bringing supplies to shelters in need, the brave PAART pilots are always ready to help.

National Disaster Search Dog Foundation

National Disaster Search Dog Foundation (SDF) works to find and train shelter dogs who have the talent and drive to become search and rescue animals. RRF supports SDF’s efforts to identify and transform rescued dogs into rescuers, to provide lifetime care for these dogs and to find homes for all dogs who enter the SDF training program.

Rachael Ray Save Them All Grants

This is a program administered by Best Friends Animal Society (BFAS) to support Best Friends’ network partners in their lifesaving efforts. The money has been awarded to organizations across the country to fund initiatives such as adoption drives and shelter intake prevention efforts.

North Shore Animal League America Disaster Relief Grants

This program, administered by North Shore Animal League America (NSALA), provides money for animal welfare organizations impacted by disasters. RRF is proud to help NSALA in its efforts to identify needs in disaster situations and provide targeted, effective relief.

1. What is special about PAART?
A.It provides necessities for-animals in need.B.It conducts animal rescue missions by plane.
C.It is supported by the Rachael Ray Foundation.D.It assists in finding adopters for rescued animals.
2. Which organization is devoted to training shelter animals to do rescue work?
3. What do the last two programs have in common?
A.They both strongly promote animal adoption.
B.They are both in charge of Best Friends Animal Society.
C.They both provide financial assistance to animal welfare initiatives.
D.They are both administered by welfare organizations impacted by disasters.
2024-04-15更新 | 274次组卷 | 3卷引用:2024届湖北省高三十一校高三下学期第二次联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。J.K. Rowling的书帮助一个单身父亲改善他和女儿的关系,他在Twitter上给J.K .Rowling留言表示感谢。

4 . J.K. Rowling frequently shows there is magic every day. Her Harry Potter series has helped people through times of stress and depression and she is always there to deliver wise words of encouragement.

She is one celebrity who is very active on Twitter. So when a single dad named Matt Burke sent her a message thanking her for the series, she noticed. Her series had helped strengthen his relationship with his 9-year-old daughter Bailey.

He included a link to his article titled Being a Broke Parent. He explained how he hadn’t found a level of financial stability that allowed him to pay bills on time and take his daughter on more activities and events. The family also doesn’t have the Internet or TV, which means there’s no “digital babysitter”, and he has to rely on his own creative ways to bond with his daughter. Since he received the series, the main thing that has occupied them these days is reading books together.

Burke admits that he thought he was “too cool” for the books when they first came out and he was in his twenties, but he’s loving reading them now. “We switch off chapter by chapter reading them out loud,” Burke explains. “This not only allows her to get more used to reading aloud in front of someone, but it gets me directly involved in something she loves, and it gives me the chance to be very dramatic when I read my chapters and bring myself into the characters in the book, which has proven to be a ton of fun.”

After hearing Burke’s story, Rowling said how honored she was when Harry Potter was a part of his family’s life and offered Burke more signed books. Besides, people are also offering to send Burke more books as gifts. For Burke, this experience, far more than gifts, will be what he treasures.

1. Why did Burke thank J.K. Rowling according to the text?
A.She guided him how to write a good story.
B.She encouraged him when he was in trouble.
C.Her books helped him through times of confusion.
D.Her books helped him improve his bond with his daughter.
2. What is implied in Burke’s words in Paragraph 4?
A.He has found it interesting to read the series.
B.He was too old to understand the series better.
C.He has chosen a better way of reading the series.
D.He hopes to play a role in the drama in the future.
3. Which word can best describe Burke’s experience according to the text?
4. What is the main idea of this text?
A.J.K. Rowling chooses to help improve kids’ health.
B.J.K. Rowling gives a magical gift to a single father.
C.J.K. Rowling has a deep influence on others’ growth.
D.Burke comes to know J.K. Rowling through her series.
2024-04-09更新 | 103次组卷 | 17卷引用:湖北省仙桃一中2020-2021学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题

5 . Is there a friend of yours who always sings out of tune but never realizes it? Don’t blame them-they may have amusia (失歌症), a disorder in the brain.

Apart from singing out of tune, people with amusia may also find it hard to recognize music they’ve heard before without the help of song lyrics. Amusia can range from difficulty in recognizing melodies to a total inability to distinguish between different musical notes, according to Live Science. However, people with amusia can recognize common environmental sounds as well as the high and low sounds in human voices, meaning that this inability can be specifically related to music.

In many cases, people who have amusia are born with it, as 46 percent of these individuals’ relatives were found to have similar conditions, according to a 2017 study. Brain imaging shows that their brains receive and respond to music pitch (音高) information, but it is not reaching conscious awareness, meaning that the mind can’t understand the information.

Scientists at the University of Otago in New Zealand also think that amusia is related to people’s spatial (空间的) processing skills. They invited people with amusia, musicians and students from non-musical backgrounds to perform a task related to spatial imagination. They were asked to judge whether pairs of images are the same object rotated (旋转) or mirror images.

The result showed that the amusia group made more mistakes than the other two groups. Amusia might be related to the way the brain stores information about the high and low notes in melodies, according to the study.

Although those who aren’t confident about their singing skills often say they are “tone-deaf”, people with amusia only make up about1. 5 percent of the population, as estimated by the2017 study. “Like dyslexics (诵读困难者) can learn how to read, those with amusia should be able to improve their ability to recognize tones if they start early enough,” Isabelle Peretz, a professor of psychology from the University of Montreal in Canada, told Live Science.

1. According to the article, what do people with amusia find easy to do?
A.Recognizing melodies.B.Recognizing tunes.
C.Identifying human voices.D.Distinguishing between different musical notes
2. What did the 2017 study tell us about amusia?
A.Amusia is a result of brain damage.B.Amusia is common among children.
C.Many individuals with amusia are born with it.D.Those who are tone-deaf often suffer from amusia.
3. What did the study by scientists at the University of Otago show?
A.People with amusia have strong spatial imagination skills.
B.People with amusia struggle to judge the shape of images
C.Amusia may be related to one’s level of music education.
D.Amusia may be linked with how the brain stores note information.
4. How can people with amusia improve their musical ability, according to Peretz?
A.Learn how to read earlier in life.B.Start to explore and learn music early.
C.Seek medical treatment.D.Sing frequently with friends.
2024-04-02更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省武汉市部分市级示范高中高二下学期3月联考英语试卷
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 你在网络上读到一篇关于“九零后”的文章,引发了你对这个话题的思考,于是你打算以“Post-90’s Generation, a Successful or an Unsuccessful Generation?”为题,写一篇短文,谈谈你的看法,内容包括:
2024-03-09更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省武汉市部分重点中学2010-2011学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(扫描版,无答案)
完形填空(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Turning 13 can be painful. Sure, pimples (粉刺) are a problem. _______ it’s the feelings of insecurity that really _______. “I would gaze into the bathroom _______ and ask myself, ‘Is this the sum of my 13 years?’” author Gary Soto says of his _______ self. “We all doubt ourselves — _______ we look, how we play on the field, how we dress, how we do in school.”

These _______ form the basis of Soto’s latest book, Mercy on These Teenage Chimps, which is _______ in bookstores.

Soto tells the story of two 13-year-old friends, Ronnie and Joey, who are self-conscious about their _______ appearance. In the mirror, they see the _______ coming out of their chins doesn’t improve the look.

It gets ________ when the coach at school embarrasses Joey in front of a girl. ________, Joey returned to his childhood hideaway in a tree. Soto understands the need of a place to ________ it all. “I remember my childhood street from tree level. It was an escape from the ________.”

The trouble is that Joey has no intention of ________ his sanctuary (避难所). It’s up to Ronnie to convince his friend to face the world ________. In his search, Ronnie stands bullies and nosy neighbors, and ________ from more than one roof.

“This book is a call for mercy for young people ________ self-doubt,” Soto told TFK. “It’s a comic novel about ________. Ronnie concerns his friend and knows he must do ________ in his power to return him to his optimistic, fun-loving spirit. That’s ________ a friend does.”

The moral of the story: You don’t need to be the best-looking chimp in the jungle. All you need is a loyal friend who will stick by you, even when the going gets a little, well, hairy.

A.get away fromB.get intoC.get overD.get through
A.in timeB.on timeC.right awayD.once again
A.going forB.going throughC.going intoD.going by
2024-03-09更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省武汉市部分重点中学2010-2011学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(扫描版,无答案)
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Michael and Greg were brothers and they lived in a family with a tight budget. They both missed the field trip last year because they could not cover the extra fee. This year, Michael’s class would arrange a field trip to the city museum and he really wanted to go. So he was trying to earn some pocket money.

On this cold autumn morning, Michael gathered the last of the leaves into a small pile. There weren’t even enough to jump in. “Mom and Dad are never going to pay me for gathering this little bit of leaves.” “What are you talking about?” Greg asked, walking up behind him. “I’m trying to do some housework so I can make enough money to cover my field trip to the city museum, but there’s nothing to do around here.” Michael sighed and looked around.

“You could offer to wash Mom and Dad’s cars,” Greg said.

Michael’s face lit up. “That’s a great idea.”

“I bet some of the neighbors would pay you to wash theirs, too. It’s getting colder and no one wants to wash the cars themselves.” Greg looked his brother in the eye.

Michael nodded. The air was cold. He shivered(打寒颤)at the thought of washing cars and getting wet in this cold weather. “Maybe this isn’t a good idea.”

Greg placed his hand on Michael’s shoulder. “I have some golf gloves that are designed for wet, cold weather. I’ll loan you a pair, and I’ll even help you wash the cars.” “Really? You’d help me and let me keep the money?” “Sure. Golf season is over. I won’t need the extra cash for a while.” Greg disappeared inside the house.

Michael asked his parents if he could wash their cars for a small fee. When they agreed, he asked some neighbors, too. Three more agreed. Michael got a bucket, some sponges(海绵), towels and soap. Greg came back outside with the gloves. “Here you go. They’ll keep your hands warm and dry.” “Thanks.” Michael still couldn’t believe his brother was helping him earn the money like this. He had to think of a way to repay him.


With these tools, Michael started to work.


To Michael’s surprise, he found he earned more money than expected.


9 . For the first 19 months of her life, Helen Keller was like other pretty happy babies in every way. Then in 1882, a sudden illness destroyed her sight and hearing. Because she could not hear what other people were saying, the child could not learn to speak. For the following 5 years, she lived in a world of darkness, without sounds or words and her parents could do nothing but let her be.

The person who changed Helen’s world was her teacher, Anne Sullivan, who entered her life. Miss Sullivan had accepted a job, which seemed impossible. She had agreed to teach a blind child who had never learned to act like a human being, because no one had ever been able to guide her in any way. No one could control Helen. She acted like a young animal, rushing wildly around, throwing things, and hitting anyone whom she could reach. Who could believe that such a child could be taught?

But Anne Sullivan was a very special kind of teacher. She had been blind during part of her own childhood and had learned to read Braille, a system of writing that uses raised dots which can be felt by the finger of a blind person. She had learned to see again after several operations, but she had never forgotten the experience of being blind.

Miss Sullivan understood Helen. She loved her and believed she could teach her.

Anne Sullivan could not teach Helen Keller to speak until some other important things had been learned. The little girl had to learn to control her actions and feelings. She had to learn that she could not always do what she wished to do. She had always been able to get what she wished by using force. The teacher had to change such habits without breaking the child’s spirit.

Miss Sullivan’s battle began. Sometimes, there was real fighting between the wild child and the strong young teacher. At last, however, the battle was won by Miss Sullivan, who had succeeded in showing Helen that she loved her and wanted to help her. The child and her teacher became friends. They continued to be friends until the teacher’s death, 50 years later.

The day on which Helen finally accepted Miss Sullivan as her friend and teacher was a great day in Helen’s life. After that the teacher could begin to teach the child language.

1. Helen became blind and deaf after ________.
A.an unexpected accidentB.a football match
C.a sudden diseaseD.fighting with her teacher
2. Sullivan probably passed away in ________.
3. To begin with, she taught Helen ________.
A.to pronounce a few wordsB.to control herself properly
C.to copy some lettersD.to make different sounds
4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Sullivan learned the Braille when she was blind as a child.
B.Blind as Sullivan was, he accepted the challenge to teach Helen.
C.At first Sullivan and Helen often fought each other.
D.Sullivan died when she was fifty years old.
2024-03-05更新 | 35次组卷 | 2卷引用:湖北省武汉市部分重点中学2010-2011学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(扫描版,无答案)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Movie stars might think their lives are private after leaving the acting location, but they ought to know that they have much power over their audience. The power gives them an ability to change people, events, even history, making them to have the responsibility of being good role models.

With time going on, movie stars become celebrities (名人) and in the process get a large number of fans. Some of them follow their deeds, dress, and act like them. In reality, they want to be like their favorite movie stars. If a movie star engages in acts that the society does not approve, those who look up to them, especially the teens, will do the same. Movie stars should be responsible for what they do and say as following the actions is now simpler because of social media. It is important to behave like a role model even when they think no one is watching.

Nobody is perfect, and movie stars also have had their down moments. They may not have been good role models at the time, but they can change the narrative by doing the right things. They can also turn the past shortcomings into positives by opening up about problems and how they overcame the challenges. And their audience can learn to discuss their problems and seek help.

People starring in movies are the target of companies to promote their products or services for a fee. Their celebrity status is a reason enough to think beyond the payment. A movie star should not recommend something that will influence the way teens live negatively. It would be wrong to promote something like sweetened drinks or foods without health benefits. Movie stars face problems like other people, but because of their influence, they have a responsibility to be role models in the public eye.

1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.Fans often follow their stars’ dress and hobbies.
B.Celebrities’ actions spread fast on social media.
C.Movie stars should be responsible for their fans.
D.Movie stars’ acts have a great impact on their fans.
2. How should movie stars deal with their down moments?
A.Lie to fans by making up a story.
B.Do the right things to overcome the problems.
C.Cover their problems with good movies.
D.Post their problems online to seek help.
3. Which is the author’s advice to celebrities?
A.Don’t tell problems to the public.
B.Don’t play roles that have a negative impact on teens.
C.Don’t ask for payment when promoting products.
D.Don’t recommend unhealthy drinks or foods.
4. What is the author’s purpose of writing this article?
A.To tell movie stars how to help people in need.
B.To stress movie stars’ impact on teens.
C.To call on movie stars to be good role models.
D.To advise movie stars to open up about their problems.
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