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1 . Like many others who are autistic (患自闭症的), Bobby Latheron has known for most of his life that there was something that made him different from his peers. As a child, he often preferred spending time with adults.

Throughout school, Bobby struggled. He suffered from panic attacks that would cause him to run out of the room crying, which made teachers view him as a “naughty child”. Then, at around 13 years old, he was officially diagnosed (诊断) with autism. But because autism was still so misunderstood, this didn’t improve his situation by much.

Still, Bobby persevered and made it to university. But after a while, he struggled academically here, too. Things were looking up when he switched to art, design, and photography, but he simply couldn’t do it. That’s when a kind teacher changed his life for the better.

“I was telling one of the music teachers about my life with autism—my relationships and my struggles,” Bobby tells InspireMore. “She said, ‘Why don’t you write a book about your life?’ So I did.”

This is how My World in My Words by Bobby Latheron came to be. When writing this book, Bobby remained incredibly focused. Finding the inspiration to write his first book has changed Bobby’s life in so many ways. He’s met others who are like himself, plus, he’s even managed to secure a job he loves. He’s even given multiple interviews for various news and radio stations. Best of all, this new direction in life has given Bobby the opportunity to help others like him to feel less alone and, in doing so, he’s proven to himself that he’s far more capable than he once believed.

“I’m not here to say it’s always been perfect and that I haven’t made mistakes,” Bobby tells InspireMore, “but you have to learn in life.”

1. What can we infer about Bobby’s childhood?
A.He behaved as a grown-up.
B.He had a happy childhood.
C.He was misunderstood at school.
D.He got along well with his teachers.
2. What gave Bobby the idea of writing?
A.His desire for success.B.A teacher’s advice.
C.His unhappy experience.D.A wish to battle loneliness.
3. What is the main idea of paragraph 5?
A.Bobby benefited from his book.
B.Bobby got more appreciation.
C.Bobby became more popular.
D.Bobby got a job opportunity.
4. Which word can best describe Bobby?
2024-04-15更新 | 39次组卷 | 2卷引用:江西省部分学校2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次阶段性考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Are you happy with your appearance?     1    

“Almost all the girls with single-fold eyelids (单眼皮) in our class have had double eyelid operations,” Zeng, a Senior 2 student from Chengdu, told Xinhua. Zeng had the same surgery done this summer.     2    

From popular photo-editing apps to plastic surgery (整形手术), it seems that large eyes, pale skin and a skinny body are the only standard for beauty these days. But can following this standard really make us feel good about ourselves?

    3     . According to Huxiu News, over six in ten girls choose not to take part in certain daily activities, such as attending school, because they feel bad about their looks. As much as 31 percent of teenagers avoid speaking up in class because they worry that others will notice their looks.

“Many teenagers are upset about their appearance because they believe in unrealistic standards of beauty,” experts say.       4     Seeing all these things can make anyone believe that they’re too dark, too fat, too short, or too tall.

However, trying to live up to strict standards can make us feel anxious. What troubles us is not just our “imperfect” looks, but the fact that we criticize ourselves too much.

    5     Plus-size models are being featured in some fashion shows. All of us should be just as confident as they are.

A.Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.
B.Body image anxiety is common among teenagers.
C.Guys care just as much as girls do about their body image.
D.Some teenagers might feel negative about their appearance.
E.It’s common for teenagers to feel confident about their appearance.
F.She and many of her classmates believe bigger eyes look more beautiful.
G.Perfect faces and bodies are everywhere in advertising, TV shows and social media.
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

A few years ago when I was looking for a small dog to add to our family, I contacted the local SPCA(Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and got the name of a woman who was fostering(领养,代养) some rescued Maltese dogs for them. I called the woman, and my husband and I drove to her home. As I looked around, I noticed a cute Maltese named Casper. My husband and I decided we would like to adopt him.

The foster mom asked us if there were any way we would open our hearts to Casper’s friend, Kato, as well. She told us that the two boys, who had only each other for comfort, had recently been rescued from a puppy farm, where they had spent the first seven years of their lives. When the local SPCA shut down the puppy farm and seized all the dogs, Kato and Casper had been put in her foster home.

She told us that when she first picked them up, their fur was in such terrible shape that they hardly looked like Maltese dogs. They were brown, whose fur was wet and dirty, and their paws were swollen. For seven years, they were locked in a dark doghouse and the only human contact these boys had was when they were thrown their food.

Hearing all this, I turned and looked down at the little Maltese named Kato. But he’s so ugly, I thought. And he isn’t even friendly. He barked angrily when we looked at him. When I reached for him, he pushed himself against the back wall of his doghouse, whispering. Still, I felt a tig at my heart and agreed to take Kato also. As we drove home, my husband and I worried that maybe we’d taken on too much. We’d never had dogs that had been so abused(虐待) for such a longtime.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

The first day at our home was very difficult for the two dogs.


Though difficult, I did everything I could think of to help these dogs.

2024-03-11更新 | 63次组卷 | 3卷引用:江西省宜春市丰城市第九中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Xiaomi’s founder and CEO, Lei Jun, marked the 130th anniversary of his alma mater (母校), Wuhan University, with an enormous donation of 1.3 billion yuan ($182.59 million). The contribution, the largest single donation ever received in the history of Chinese     1     (high) education, primarily supports fundamental research in mathematics, technological innovation in computer science, and the education of undergraduate students. Lei, a graduate of the university’s computer school in 1991,    2     (express) his desire to contribute to the school’s future     3     boosting outstanding engineers, scientists, and technology entrepreneurs (企业家) in China.

In recognition of his     4     (generous), Wuhan University presented Lei with     5     “Outstanding Education Contribution” medal and a donation certificate. The     6     (university) president, Zhang Pingwen, highlighted the significance of alumni contributions, acknowledging Lei’s donation as a new milestone.

Lei’s story of     7     (believe) achievement in the field of software development during his time at the university and subsequent (后续的) success in     8     (found) Xiaomi has become legendary among students,     9     can, as Zhang Pingwen said, permanently encourage countless young individuals at Wuhan University to make contributions, large or small, in their respective fields for the societal development. Notably, Lei has been supporting Wuhan University since 1997, with previous donations totaling 130million yuan. In June of the current year, the artificial intelligence teaching and research building, funded by Lei’s contributions,     10     (official) opened.

2024-03-09更新 | 93次组卷 | 3卷引用:江西省部分学校2023-2024学年高三上学期3月模拟考试英语试题

5 . My first visit to Angkor Wat (吴哥窟) was in 1980. The country had been at war for many years and the temple was deserted and falling to pieces. Plants were growing out of the roofs, and trees were growing in the yards.

Today, the temple is the scene of a busy repair program. A team of 15 Indian experts are organizing a workforce of 400 Cambodians, most of them women, who are cleaning, repairing and rebuilding parts of this temple.

As I walked through the yards, I noticed the Cambodian women devote hours to cleaning carefully a tiny area of stone. Boards are laid down to protect the precious painted stones while the repair work is going on. There are very few machines and little heavy equipment. Workers carry building materials in buckets at the end of long poles. Piles of stones lie in a corner of the yard, waiting to be replaced.

The work of cleaning the stones is watched over by three Indian chemists. It is a very slow task. First they clean the stones with brushes using buckets of a weak chemical. Then gaps between the stones are filled in. Finally another material is painted onto the stones which will protect them from water forever.

Work starts every day at 7 am and goes on until late afternoon six days a week, with a break at midday.

Evening is the best time to visit the temple, after the tour groups have left. As the sun sinks lower, shadows spread across the yard. After sunset, the sky turns pink. The grey stone towers take on a golden color before turning pink. Nowhere else in the world can there be such a quiet, beautiful place.

1. According to the author, which of the following plays the LEAST important role in the repair work?
A.The women workers.
B.The Indian workers.
D.Skilled workers.
2. The underlined sentence “the temple was deserted” probably means that ________.
A.there was no one in the temple and it was in a poor state
B.the temple was built on a desert and nobody noticed it
C.the temple was very old with a long history
D.the temple was repaired by the Cambodians, most of whom were women
3. To clean the stone, how many steps should be followed?
4. Which work needs a lot of time to do?
A.To get rid of certain types of plants.
B.To carry the building materials.
C.To replace the stones.
D.To clean the stones.
6 . 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
Dear friends,

I, on behalf our school, would like to express our warm welcome to Mr. Ken Hyland, our distinguished guest. We are lucky to have him to visit our school.

Which is known to us all, being a world famous English linguist, he had written lots of books. I have read many of his books, included Discourse Studies, Teaching and Researching and so on. Today, the remarkable professor is invited to our school to deliver a lecture on English study, which is a opportunity for us to promote our English. Meanwhile, if you have any questions on English, you can ask him for help. I do believe his shining ideas will be benefit to you.

We wish you, all the guest here, good health and a pleasant journey. Now a wonderful lecture from Mr. Ken Hyland is eager expected and let’s express your sincere welcome once again.

2024-03-03更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省南昌市2018-2019学年度高一年级下学期八校期末联考英语试卷及答案(图片版)
短文填空-根据课文内容填空 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文为三篇说明文。文章第一段介绍了Jane Goodall的生平和工作并概述了她的生活,她的激情,以及她对理解和保护动物的贡献。文章第二段介绍了查理·卓别林的背景和早年生活。文章第三段介绍了为什么哪儿有迪士尼乐园哪儿的旅游业就会增长。
7 . 课文语法填空

For forty years Jane Goodall, has been    1    (outspeak) about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals. She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for    2    (entertain) or advertisement. She has helped to set up special places    3     they can live safely. She is    4    (lead) a busy life.

Not that Charlie’s own life was easy! He was born in a poor family in 1889. His parents were both poor music hall    5    (perform). You may find    6     astonishing that Charlie was    7    (teach) to sing as soon as he could speak and dace as soon as he could walk.

With all these    8     (attract), no wonder    9    (tour) is increasing    10     there is a Disneyland. If you want to have fun and more than fun, come to Disneyland.

2024-03-03更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省南昌市第十八中学2019-2020学年下学期期末联考高一英语试卷(扫描版无答案)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . A sense of humour, God’s greatest gift to mankind, is universally considered the most valuable personality. It is born within every person’s heart, but has to be cultivated (培养). A person without humour is just like a spring without flowers, or like a dish without seasoning (调味品). In a sense, your personality lies in your sense of humour.

Humour can improve physical as well as mental well-being. It helps us bear our burdens, reduce our tension, overcome our frustration. With a piece of joke, all our worries and sadness disappear like smoke, and we are all full of energy once again.

Humour helps us live in harmony with others. It is unavoidable to have misunderstanding and tension with others during work and study. But humour can help us solve these problems more quickly than angry words or quarrels. With it you can always keep on good terms with others.

A sense of humour is really one of the keys to happiness. It gives fun and interest to life to make it worth living.

Here are five ways to improve your sense of humour.

1. Begin to cultivate an atmosphere of humour and laughter in your relationships.

2. Start association with humourous, fun loving people.

3. Learn to laugh at yourself.

4. Collect cartoons and jokes and share them with others.

5. Use humour to deal with conflict in your relationships:

Remember that a sense of humour is learned, not inherited (遗传). You can sharpen your sense of humour if you really want to.

1. What would be the best title for this passage?
A.A Sense of Humour—a Great PersonalityB.A Sense of Humour—the Secret to Success
C.How to. Improve Your Sense, of Humour.D.Humour Helps to Improve Our Health
2. This passage doesn’t tell us that____________.
A.a person without humour is dullB.humour can make us happy.
C.humour can help us deal with worriesD.humour can help us solve all the problems
3. The underlined word “harmony” probably means ”____________”.
4. According to the passage, a sense of humour cannot be____________.
2024-03-03更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省南昌市第十八中学2019-2020学年下学期期末联考高一英语试卷(扫描版无答案)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Movie stars might think their lives are private after leaving the acting location, but they ought to know that they have much power over their audience. The power gives them an ability to change people, events, even history, making them to have the responsibility of being good role models.

With time going on, movie stars become celebrities (名人) and in the process get a large number of fans. Some of them follow their deeds, dress, and act like them. In reality, they want to be like their favorite movie stars. If a movie star engages in acts that the society does not approve, those who look up to them, especially the teens, will do the same. Movie stars should be responsible for what they do and say as following the actions is now simpler because of social media. It is important to behave like a role model even when they think no one is watching.

Nobody is perfect, and movie stars also have had their down moments. They may not have been good role models at the time, but they can change the narrative by doing the right things. They can also turn the past shortcomings into positives by opening up about problems and how they overcame the challenges. And their audience can learn to discuss their problems and seek help.

People starring in movies are the target of companies to promote their products or services for a fee. Their celebrity status is a reason enough to think beyond the payment. A movie star should not recommend something that will influence the way teens live negatively. It would be wrong to promote something like sweetened drinks or foods without health benefits. Movie stars face problems like other people, but because of their influence, they have a responsibility to be role models in the public eye.

1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.Fans often follow their stars’ dress and hobbies.
B.Celebrities’ actions spread fast on social media.
C.Movie stars should be responsible for their fans.
D.Movie stars’ acts have a great impact on their fans.
2. How should movie stars deal with their down moments?
A.Lie to fans by making up a story.
B.Do the right things to overcome the problems.
C.Cover their problems with good movies.
D.Post their problems online to seek help.
3. Which is the author’s advice to celebrities?
A.Don’t tell problems to the public.
B.Don’t play roles that have a negative impact on teens.
C.Don’t ask for payment when promoting products.
D.Don’t recommend unhealthy drinks or foods.
4. What is the author’s purpose of writing this article?
A.To tell movie stars how to help people in need.
B.To stress movie stars’ impact on teens.
C.To call on movie stars to be good role models.
D.To advise movie stars to open up about their problems.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

10 . The Internet plays a big part in human life. We use it for work and entertainment. We can find new recipes on the Internet or advice on staying healthy. We can even use it to learn a new language and connect with family and friends.

As far as the Internet being a part of our lives —well, that train has left the station. This expression means there is no going back to an Internet-free life. But can using the Internet too much be bad for our health? It might be, say researchers.

A new study finds that heavy Internet use may be connected to high blood pressure in an unlikely group— teenagers. The study results show that teens who spend at least 14 hours a week online were more likely to have high blood pressure. High blood pressure can cause heart and kidney (肾) disease. It is also closely linked to some forms of dementia (痴呆), a brain disease. Dementia is marked by memory disorders, personality changes, and a reduced ability to reason.

The Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan did the study. 335 young people from 14 to 17 years old participated in it. One hundred and thirty-four of the teens were described as “heavy Internet users.” Researchers found that out of these 134 teens, 26 had high blood pressure.

The lead researcher of the study is Andrea Cassidy-Bushrow. In a statement she said, “Using the Internet is part of our daily life but it shouldn’t consume us.” For the purpose of the study, she explains, teens considered heavy Internet users were online on “average 25 hours a week.” Ms. Cassidy-Bushrow adds that it is important for teens to take “regular breaks from their computers or smartphones” and to do some “kind of physical activity.”

1. Which of the following statements is closest in the meaning to the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2?
A.The train has stopped at the wrong station.
B.There is something wrong with the train.
C.Life without the Internet is nowhere to be found.
D.The train has changed its course.
2. If a person suffers from Dementia, he _______.
A.will remember everything clearlyB.will change his character
C.will develop a brain cancerD.can do analysis accurately
3. What is the percentage of young “heavy Internet users” with high blood pressure?
4. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.The Internet Does Harm to the Study.
B.Too Much Internet May Be Bad for Teenagers.
C.We Should Stop Using the Internet.
D.High Blood Pressure Is around the Comer.
共计 平均难度:一般