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语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Zhang Jiacheng has lived his life in a village for more than sixty years. Zhang spends his days     1     (look) after his apple farm. His work is     2     (entire) physical, including planting and watering trees and picking fruit. Now his work, though, is sort of different from the one     3     it used to be: Livestreaming (直播).

When I visit Zhang’s land in mid-September,     4     66-year-old farmer is preparing to pick up apples in his fields. The branches (树枝)of his apple trees     5       (weigh) down by red delicious fruit.They can produce 30,000 kilograms of apples each year.

    6       (help) the villagers make their fortune, the government began offering free courses in 2013 to teach villagers how to use the internet to enlarge their businesses. Over 20,00 people have attended     7     (class) covering different topics from e-business to livestreaming.

“Before taking the livestreaming class, I was making 4,000 to 5,000 yuan per year,” Zhang says. “Now,     8     makes me excited is that I can earn 200,000 yuan each year.”

To be frank, the change is     9     (surprise) and tells us the advantages of using technology to connect farmers in the country and other workers with more people.

Now, using social media such as Taobao’s livestreaming, Pinduoduo, Douyin, these workers can help sell their crops across the country, which contributes     10     the developing of the villages.

阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。Julian Beever是一个国际知名的粉笔艺术家,他的三维绘画作品已经出现在伦敦、布宜诺斯艾利斯、巴黎、纽约和世界各地的无数城市的街头。而在他的新书中这位艺术家也和读者分享了一些他最迷人的和幽默的作品背后的故事。

2 . Julian Beever is a well-known British artist. His drawings have appeared on the streets of London, Pairs, Tokyo, New York and many other cities around the world. Beever creates what looks like a three-dimensional design (三维设计). From animals to heroes, to buildings, the paintings are a wonder for our eyes to see.

In his book Pavement Chalk Artist, Beever shares some of his most attractive and humorous pieces. Here are the examples you will find in the book.

Philadelphia Eagle, created in the USA, is a huge drawing with an eagle (鹰) landing on an American national flag. Meeting Mr. Frog was created in Spain and is about a realistic-looking (样子逼真的) frog sitting on a Lily pad (睡莲叶子). Swimming pool in the High Street is about a woman relaxing in a swimming pool sunk into the middle of the street.

Along with an introduction about his background, Beever shares information about his time at home in the UK and abroad. With a funny story coming after each piece of art, this 112-page book is really worth another look.

1. What do people think of Beever’s drawings?
2. Which of the art pieces can NOT be found in the book Pavement Chalk Artist?
A.Philadelphia EagleB.Meeting Mr. Frog
C.Swimming pool in the High StreetD.Sharing information
3. The text mainly talks about_______.
A.a three-dimensional designB.Julian Beever and his book
C.an attractive drawingD.famous artists in Spain
2024-03-06更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省兰州市第五十五中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学测试英语试卷
完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . One day there was a lady and a boy in a plane. It was a very sunny day when the plane ________from the airport. When the plane was in the middle of its journey, thunder, lightning and heavy winds began. Great________ were felt inside the plane. Passengers were afraid and________ . The lady then quickly grabbed her seat. However, the boy was calm and still playing his ________. The lady was surprised why the boy was just________ and wasn’t afraid of what would happen next. The boy suddenly________up and went to the rest room and went back to his games happily jumping and smiling. She asked the boy, “Hey! Aren’t you afraid of what will happen next?” The boy just________ her, “No, I am not.”

The lady was________ . Then the lady asked him, “We are in________. Why aren’t you afraid?” The boy then answered the lady calmly with a________ on his face, “I should not be afraid and will not be afraid, because the one who is flying the plane is my father.”

Sometimes in life we are afraid of what will________ to us and we tend to forget that someone is in control of all the________ that we experience. Sometimes, we don’t believe in the one who can________ all that is happening. We need to be like the boy in the story. We should stop________ because everything is under control. We should not lose faith in the person who can make things________ for us.

A.took offB.showed offC.pulled upD.ended up
2024-03-06更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省民勤县第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Socializing with my friends online is my life. The moment I wake     1     I check through all my social networking     2     (app), reading my emails and posting updates. I have 500 friends online and I live with several roommates, but I feel lonely. It seems that I have an active social life,     3     (attend) parties and playing sports, but I’m absent-minded because I     4     (strong) obsess over my phone.

Social networking     5     (be) the master of my life. Though sometimes I set deadlines    6     (tear) myself away from my phone, I fail again and again. Spending so much time socializing online. I always feel     7     (depress) and alone. As a result, I can’t finish what I should do in my real life.

It is common that at parties or at a family holiday, most members fix their eyes on their phones,     8    they think is normal rather than rude.

What is most worrying is that it is     9     (possible) to drop my phone. I need it for my studies because my teachers and classmates need to contact me. It is     10     problem that we are so close but really so far.


5 . A recent report from the United Nations group UNESCO warns that using technology in classes may not help as much as many people believe. The report suggests that technology should be used less in schools, and that smartphones should be banned from classrooms.

The goal of the new report was to improve how technology is used in education. It says that technology can be helpful, but it shouldn’t be the focus. “Too much attention on technology in education usually comes at a high cost,” the report says.

These days, it’s common for students to use computers or tablets (平板电脑). In many places, it’s normal for students to look up information on the internet rather than using books. UNESCO claims that technology changes so fast that it’s hard to study how it really affects students.

The new report says that many of the studies show that technology helps students come from rich countries. As classes moved online during the Covid-19 pandemic, the use of technology in education grew even more quickly. Many students were forced to study at home, using video calls to communicate with their teachers. But the report points out that around 500 million students were unable to take part in online classes. That’s one example of what UNESCO says is a larger problem — that the advantages of technology aren’t evenly shared. People and countries with less money are often left out.

UNESCO admits that technology can help in many ways. It can allow students to learn in ways that are more interesting; it can also help teachers explain difficult ideas; it can also help students who have special needs. But UNESCO says technology can also be very perturbing. One study showed that when students use phones in class, it can interfere with their learning. Even so, less than 25% of the world’s countries ban phones in schools.

The report suggests that the best way to learn is still to work closely with teachers. Working with other classmates also helps students learn. UNESCO says that most schools should spend more money on things like books, classrooms, and teachers.

1. Why does the report suggest using technology less in schools?
A.It changes too fast for students to adapt.
B.Most countries cannot afford to invest in it.
C.It makes no difference to improving education.
D.It may not be as effective as initially thought.
2. What is the “larger problem” that UNESCO refers to in paragraph 4?
A.The pandemic has affected most countries.
B.Fewer students keep discipline in online classes.
C.High-tech devices are unevenly distributed.
D.Teachers’ training in technology use is not enough.
3. Which word can best replace the underlined word “perturbing” in paragraph 5?
4. What does UNESCO suggest schools do?
A.Explore innovative teaching methods.
B.Increase the expense on teaching staff.
C.Stress the importance of quality education.
D.Update technology and digital resources in time.
2024-03-02更新 | 53次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届甘肃省平凉市静宁县高三上学期第四次摸底考试模拟预测英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Triiiiiingggggggggggg, the bell rang. Suddenly my heart was raising and fear rose within me. I was nervous as I started to feel sick, really sick. I ran to the bathroom and washed my face with water. I felt my heart pound against my chest, hard and loud as I looked into the mirror and whispered “Come on, you can do this.”

Some were looking forward to this moment for ages; but not me. I felt frightened every time I imagine how uncomfortable it would be on a stage, and being the center of attention. If it was a speech, I could manage, but repeating a scene from a movie that has already been done by professional actors is simply hard because we get compared to them. But there was no choice.

As I made it to the assembly hall, I went over the script in my head. Suddenly I tensed as I couldn’t remember all the lines. Once I was there in the assembly hall, my brain literally stopped working because of all the noise and the tension in the air.

As soon as the teachers who were supposed to judge our performance entered, the crowd quieted down and the performances began. I was really nervous until the first performer was called, because I was really tired of being the first in everything as my name is the first in the register. But the more I waited, the more tired I got of waiting. There came a point where I, who once was feeling sick and scared of performing, wanted to go on stage and get my performance done. That’s when I found out that I was arranged to perform the next day. I was quite happy because maybe that would give me some more time to practice and improve the weaknesses that I saw in others.

The bubble burst when the teacher asked us to perform that day. My heart beat raced and as I walked on to the stage, I was shaking. When I got up along with my friend, I had a good look around. There were 50-60 people, which weren’t much. Then I felt really stupid for being scared of having an audience.

1. 续写词数应为150词左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

I introduced myself and stared to perform what I had been dying for long before.


After I was done, I looked at the audience, thinking how much I loved doing this.

2024-03-02更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届甘肃省平凉市静宁县高三上学期第四次摸底考试模拟预测英语试题
书信写作-投稿征文 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 为了让学生全面发展,你校在课外活动中,举办了主题为“Life Skills Show”比赛,你赢得了一等奖。请你就你的参赛经历写一篇短文向校英文报投稿,内容包括:
1. 活动目的;
2. 介绍你参赛的生活技能(烹饪或手工等);
3. 个人感受。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Life Skills Show

完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . When we are married and have promised to live together, we may not even think about what that might mean in the future. We start a ________ new part of a journey, enjoying the good times and ________ each other through the bad times.

Sometimes life ________ us a curve ball. For example, one of the partners is ________ with a life changing illness. This changes a relationship in ways we cannot know until we ________ it. Each partner adapts to the situation and faces the new ________ together.

It is not always easy. There will be days when they ________ each other the most. They walk together as well as walk their own path. They have ________ in that the other is there to support.

When my husband was first diagnosed with MS (a serious disease of the nervous system),we had no idea how it would all ________. Over twenty years later we are still meeting each day, knowing we have each other’s ________. Indeed, life doesn’t require that we be the best, only that we try our best. Sometimes we do have ________, and we even have arguments for a very long time, because we’re humans and we would never be ________. After my husband’s diagnosis, someone asked me if I was going to ________ and 1 answered “Yes. I would never abandon him”.

Life is ________, but together we meet its challenges to the best of our ability, some days being better than others. The true ________ of any relationship is being able to survive hard times.

A.break upB.work outC.take overD.carry out
2024-03-02更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届甘肃省平凉市静宁县高三上学期第四次摸底考试模拟预测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Last Friday, a special concert took place at the National Theater of Korea. It included five different pieces of music. Two were conducted by a robot called EveR 6, and two were conducted by Soo-Yeoul Choi, who leads the Busan Philharmonic Orchestra. Both conductors worked together on the final piece.

EveR 6 is a robot built by the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology. It’s about as tall as a person, and has a human-like face that can show emotions. It has joints in its neck, shoulders, elbows, and wrists. As a result, it can move its arms quickly and smoothly in many different directions.

But EveR 6 doesn’t think on its own like some advanced Artificial Intelligence programs. Instead, it has a limited group of movements that it has been trained to perform. To make these movements as natural as possible, EveR 6’s movements are based on motions of real human conductors. When EveR 6 swung its baton for the first time, a gong rang out. Every movement of the robot’s arms brought more instruments into the mix, and the orchestra’s music grew louder and more exciting.

Mr. Choi was impressed with the way EveR 6 moved. “The robot was able to present such detailed moves much better than I had imagined,” he said. But the robot still is not nearly ready to replace a human conductor. Mr. Choi says the robot’s greatest weakness is that it can’t hear. “Some people think that conducting is just a combination of hand waving and keeping the beat,” says Mr. Choi. But a good conductor needs to listen to the orchestra, so that he or she can correct and encourage the orchestra as it plays.

Mr. Choi said that once EveR 6 started, “the musicians had no choice but to follow its beats.” He said this created a situation where “the performers have to communicate and ‘sense’ each other to follow the correct beats.”

Mr. Choi doesn’t think robots are likely to replace human conductors. But he believes robots could be helpful in situations like practice sessions where the same thing needs to be repeated many times.

1. What is the main disadvantage of EveR 6?
A.It cannot keep the beat steady.B.Its movements are not so natural.
C.It cannot show emotions like humans.D.It lacks the ability of thinking independently.
2. What did the author mean by saying that “the musicians had no choice but to follow its beats”?
A.The robot is programmed with correct beats.
B.The musicians are not allowed to communicate.
C.The robot is trained to be strict with the performers.
D.The robot cannot interact with the musicians.
3. What is Mr. Choi’s attitude toward EveR 6?
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the passage?
A.Robot EveR 6 conducts an orchestra.B.A competition between human and robot.
C.The power of AI robot technology.D.Revive orchestral performances in Korea.
2024-03-02更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届甘肃省平凉市静宁县高三上学期第四次摸底考试模拟预测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章通过Robert在中国学习的经历, 讲述了中国陶瓷在加深国际关系中起到的桥梁作用。

10 . Ugandan student’s study and adaptation of traditional Chinese craft helps build bridges through art. With its balanced, rounded pot and cups, the tea set seems like Chinese ceramic (陶瓷) at first glance. But closer inspection of its pattern reveals an ancient Ugandan design. “My projects always aim to join some aspects of Chinese and Ugandan culture together,” says the tea set’s creator, Ocen Robert.

In 2015, Robert arrived in China from the East African nation to pursue a higher education in ceramic arts at Jingdezhen Ceramic University in East China’s Jiangxi province. The Ugandan is also enrolled in a PhD program focusing on design, with his art pieces sold at national-level exhibitions in China.

He says, “I love it here not only because of its safety, but the raw materials and the production techniques for ceramics here are also among the best in the world.” During his time in China, Robert was given many opportunities to participate in ceramic production, exhibitions and even access to experts-all helping to grow the space where he could express his creativity.

To deepen his understanding and passion for traditional Chinese culture, Robert spends most of his free time in local museums’ culture and history sections. He also gets to know Chinese professionals inside and outside the ceramic world. “I would love to solidify my career as an artist here while helping to link Uganda and China,” Robert says.

“Ugandans are thankful, curious, and passionate about Chinese culture. I would love to introduce the artists back home to study and create ceramic artworks in China and promote them to the world.”

Robert says, “To be a modern artist in Chinese ceramics, one needs to comprehend the full flow of production, which requires years of practice and learning.” One of the most challenging areas of creating his pieces involves creating the “ideal shape and thickness”. He says “I fail at times, but I always practice and try again and again.” Robert has attained the essential spirit of Chinese ceramic arts——accepting and integrating the differences.

1. What is the goal of Robert’s art projects?
A.To promote traditional Chinese ceramics in Uganda.
B.To combine elements of Chinese and Ugandan culture.
C.To compete in the international exhibitions.
D.To restore and preserve ancient Ugandan arts.
2. Why did Robert choose to study ceramic arts in China?
A.He intended to earn money in China.
B.He desired to achieve a doctoral degree abroad.
C.China has the best ceramic materials and craft.
D.China is safer than any other country.
3. How does Robert deepen his understanding for traditional Chinese culture?
A.By visiting famous masters of Chinese history.
B.By comparing it with Ugandan traditions and customs.
C.By acquiring related knowledge from local museums.
D.By participating in art festivals and academic meetings.
4. What words can best describe Robert?
A.Creative and perseverant.B.Kind and knowledgeable.
C.Humorous and passionate.D.Courageous and intelligent.
2024-03-02更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届甘肃省平凉市静宁县高三上学期第四次摸底考试模拟预测英语试题
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