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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was the day of the big cross-country run. Students from seven different primary schools in and around the small town were warming up and walking the route(路线)through thick evergreen forest.

I looked around and finally spotted David, who was standing by himself off to the side by a fence. He was small for ten years old. His usual big toothy smile was absent today. I walked over and asked him why he wasn’t with the other children. He hesitated and then said he had decided not to run.

What was wrong? He had worked so hard for this event!

I quickly searched the crowd for the school’s coach and asked him what had happened. “I was afraid that kids from other schools would laugh at him,” he explained uncomfortably. “I gave him the choice to run or not, and let him decide.”

I bit back my frustration(懊恼). I knew the coach meant well—he thought he was doing the right thing. After making sure that David could run if he wanted, I turned to find him coming towards me, his small body rocking from side to side as he swung his feet forward.

David had a brain disease which prevented him from walking or running like other children, but at school his classmates thought of him as a regular kid. He always participated to the best of his ability in whatever they were doing. That was why none of the children thought it unusual that David had decided to join the cross-country team. It just took him longer—that’s all. David had not missed a single practice, and although he always finished his run long after the other children, he did always finish. As a special education teacher at the school, I was familiar with the challenges David faced and was proud of his strong determination.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答.
We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn’t look at me.
I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners.
2022-06-08更新 | 20496次组卷 | 55卷引用:2022年新高考全国Ⅰ卷英语真题
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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。


The twins were filled with excitement as they thought of the surprise they were planning for Mother’s Day. How pleased and proud Mother would be when they brought her breakfast in bed. They planned to make French toast and chicken porridge. They had watched their mother in the kitchen. There was nothing to it. Jenna and Jeff knew exactly what to do.

The big day came at last. The alarm rang at 6 a.m. The pair went down the stairs quietly to the kitchen. They decided to boil the porridge first. They put some rice into a pot of water and left it to boil while they made the French toast. Jeff broke two eggs into a plate and added in some milk. Jenna found the bread and put two slices into the egg mixture. Next, Jeff turned on the second stove burner to heat up the frying pan. Everything was going smoothly until Jeff started frying the bread. The pan was too hot and the bread turned black within seconds. Jenna threw the burnt piece into the   sink and put in the other slice of bread. This time, she turned down the fire so it cooked nicely.

Then Jeff noticed steam shooting out of the pot and the lid starting to shake. The next minute, the porridge boiled over and put out the fire. Jenna panicked. Thankfully, Jeff stayed calm and turned off the gas quickly. But the stove was a mess now. Jenna told Jeff to clean it up so they could continue to cook the rest of the porridge. But Jeff’s hand touched the hot burner and he gave a cry of pain. Jenna made him put his hand in cold water. Then she caught the smell of burning. Oh dear! The piece of bread in the pan had turned black as well.


As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared.


The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up.

2021-06-09更新 | 18974次组卷 | 81卷引用:2021年新高考I卷英语真题
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真题 名校
3 . 你们学校正举办主题为“用英文讲中国故事”的征文活动。请你以一位中国历史人物为题写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
2. 意义或启示。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 题目已为你写好。
2023-06-12更新 | 5595次组卷 | 22卷引用:2023年全国甲卷英语真题(含听力)
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真题 名校
4 . 你校英文报Youth正在庆祝创刊十周年。请你写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
1. 读报的经历;2. 喜爱的栏目;3. 期望和祝福。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式写字答题卡的相应位置作答。

Youth and Me

2021-06-09更新 | 16569次组卷 | 27卷引用:2021年新高考I卷英语真题
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真题 名校
5 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Eva spent the first week of high school trying to keep her head above water. One of the major headaches for her was finding her way in the huge school building. It was a six-story building. On each floor, hallways stretched in four directions, leading to classrooms, laboratories, and teachers’ offices. Somewhere in the building, there was also a library, a cafeteria, and a gym.

Having a poor sense of direction, Eva found it impossible to get around in such a huge building. All the different hallways and rooms were too much to think about, let alone commit to memory. She decided that she would memorize where her classes were and then pretend that the rest of the place didn’t exist.

In her first PE class, Eva was shocked when Coach Pitt announced that everyone had to run one mile around the track outside. She searched the faces of her classmates for signs of panic. There was nothing she feared more than having to run a whole mile. To Eva, “a mile” was used to describe long distances. It was ten miles from her home to her grandfather’s, and that always seemed like a long way, even in a car!

When Coach Pitt blew his whistle (哨子), Eva figured she would be left in the dust. However, while some of her classmates edged ahead, others actually fell behind. ” It’s just the beginning, “she thought.” I’ll come in last for sure. “

Soon Eva began to breathe hard, with her heart pounding and legs shaking. Feeling desperate, Eva started using a mind trick on herself. She stopped thinking about the word” mile. “Instead, she focused on reaching the shadow cast on the track by an oak tree up ahead. Then she concentrated on jogging to the spot where the track curved (拐弯). After that, she tried to see if she could complete her first lap. One lap turned into two, then three, then four.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2, 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:

When Coach Pitt said “Nice work!” to her at the finish line, Eva was surprised.

Paragraph 2:

Eva decided to use the same trick to deal with the school building.

2024-01-09更新 | 1775次组卷 | 5卷引用:2024年1月浙江省首考普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试题
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真题 名校
6 . 请你写一篇短文向校英文报“Sports and Health”栏目投稿,向同学们推荐一项适合课间开展的运动,内容包括:
1. 介绍这项运动;
2. 说明推荐理由。
1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答:

Stand Up and Exercise, Everybody!

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7 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事,

My dad, George, only had an eighth grade education. A quiet man, he didn’t understand my world of school activities. From age 14, he worked. And his dad, Albert, took the money my dad earned and used it to pay family expenses.

I didn’t really understand his world either: He was a livestock trucker, and I thought that I would surpass (超过) anything he had accomplished by the time I walked across the stage at high school graduation.

Summers in the mid-70s were spent at home shooting baskets, hitting a baseball, or throwing a football, preparing for my future as a quarterback on a football team. In poor weather, I read about sports or practiced my trombone (长号).

The summer before my eighth grade I was one of a group of boys that a neighboring farmer hired to work in his field. He explained our basic task, the tractor fired up and we were off, riding down the field looking for weeds to spray with chemicals. After a short way, the farmer stopped and pointed at a weed which we missed. Then we began again. This happened over and over, but we soon learned to identify different grasses like cockleburs, lamb’s-quarters, foxtails, and the king of weeds, the pretty purple thistle. It was tiring work, but I looked forward to the pay, even though I wasn’t sure how much it would amount to.

At home, my dad said, “A job’s a big step to growing up. I’m glad you will be contributing to the household.” My dad’s words made me realize that my earnings might not be mine to do with as I wished.

My labors lasted about two weeks, and the farmer said there might be more work, but I wasn’t interested. I decided it was not fair that I had to contribute my money.

Paragraph 1:The pay arrived at last.
Paragraph 2:I understood immediately what my parents were worried about.
2021-06-15更新 | 5164次组卷 | 26卷引用:2021年浙江卷英语真题(6月)
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8 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Today was Community Service Day at school. Maya’s class was going to make cards for the seniors living in a nursing home. It was also the first day Maya would be wearing her leg brace (腿支架) to school, which was designed to help her walk more steadily and smoothly.

It was a cold autumn morning, Maya looked down, feeling embarrassed. To make it lovelier, she had delicately decorated the brace with pretty butterfly patterns. Still, she was unsure about others’ reaction. All morning at school, kids kept glancing at her brace. To her relief, they didn’t say anything.

In the classroom, Maya was drawing little green buds (芽) and pretty flowers when her friend Samir came over and sat by her. She felt his eyes fixed on her brace and heard him asking, “What’s that for?” Not knowing what to say, Maya pretended she didn’t hear him. After a few seconds of awkwardness, she glanced back at him, and found that he looked a little sad.

After lunch, the class set off. The nursing home was on a small hill and all of them walked there happily along the path. Maya found that the brace did make it easier for her to walk up.

Maya and Samir were paired up with a lady who was 83 years old. There at the end of the hall in a wheelchair, with a big smile on her face, sat the lady, wearing a pink coat, with red lipstick and beautiful earrings. She looked bright and full of life. Moving flexibly and fast towards Maya and Samir, she greeted first. “I’m Joan, ” she said cheerfully, “Glad to meet you. ”

Maya and Samir handed her the cards they made. Joan looked at Samir’s card carefully and spoke with admiration, “You’ve written a poem! That’s so artistic!” Samir’s face reddened with shyness. Then Joan turned to Maya’s picture. “The first flowers of spring!” she cried in delight. “You really have a gift for using colour!” she said. Clearly, Joan’s praise added great power into Maya.


In a sudden wave of bravery, Maya asked, “What’s it like being in a wheelchair?”


Deeply impressed by Joan, Maya offered to sit beside Samir on the bus ride back home.

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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Melati and Isabel deeply love their home on the island, surrounded by tropical rain forests, green fields, and a vast ocean. Enjoying a swim at their local beach was once a daily pleasure for them. But when Melati was fifteen, and Isabel just ten, the sisters started to lose their enthusiasm for swimming in the waters near their borne. More often than not, plastic bags would be around them as they swam and some were scattered on the beach. They got really upset about that.

Melati didn’t think much about it until one day her teacher gave a lesson on some world heroes. Each of those people had sparked movements of positive changes in the world. They believed in the impact they could have and they did inspire more people to do something meaningful. After school, Melati walked home slowly in silence, concerned about the vast amount of plastic rubbish on the beach. The heroes crossed her mind. If they could do it, we could do it too, she thought. The idea lit her up. She couldn’t wait to share what she thought with Isabel and quickened her pace.

“So many plastic bags around! The beach is dirty and messy! It’s so terrible! We have lost the clean and beautiful beach. Can’t we do something to get it back?” Melati said heartily. Isabel felt a bit puzzled at what to do, but she also had a strong desire to do something. Picturing a beach as fascinating as before in mind, the pair jumped with joy.

They talked a lot, anxious to know how Dad and Mom would respond to their ideas. That night when the family sat by the dinner table, the sisters eagerly got their ideas across. While Mom and Dad listened to the girls carefully, their eyes shone. “How amazing that would be! We are so proud of you!” Dad exclaimed. Mom came up, gave them a thumb up and hugged the sisters.


Melati and Isabel decided to make a positive impact straight away.


One month later, Melati received a call from the local newspaper.

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真题 名校
10 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

“I'm going to miss you so much, Poppy, "said the tall, thin teenager. He bent down to hug his old friend goodbye. He stood up, hugged his parents, and smiled, trying not to let his emotions(情绪)get the better of him.

His parents were not quite able to keep theirs under control. They had driven their son several hours out of town to the university where he would soon be living and studying. It was time to say goodbye for now at least. The family hugged and smiled through misty eyes and then laughed.

The boy lifted the last bag onto his shoulder, and flashed a bright smile.” I guess this is it, “he said.” I'll see you back home in a month, okay?"His parents nodded, and they watched as he walked out of sight into the crowds of hundreds of students and parents. The boy's mother turned to the dog, “Okay, Poppy, time to go back home.”

The house seemed quiet as a tomb without the boy living there. All that week, Poppy didn't seem interested in her dinner, her favorite toy, or even in her daily walk. Her owners were sad too, but they knew their son would be back to visit. Poppy didn't.

They offered the dog some of her favorite peanut butter treats. They even let her sit on the sofa, but the old girl just wasn't her usual cheerful self. Her owners started to get worried. "What should we do to cheer Poppy up?"asked Dad. “We've tried everything.”

“I have an idea, but it might be a little crazy, “smiled Mom.” Without anybody left in the house but us, this place could use a bit of fun. Let's get a little dog for Poppy."

It didn't take long before they walked through the front door carrying a big box. Poppy welcomed them home as usual, but when she saw the box, she stopped. She put her nose on it. Her tail began wagging(摆动)ever so slowly, then faster as she caught the smell.

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
Para 1. Dad opened the box and a sweet little dog appeared.
Para 2. A few weeks later, the boy arrived home from university.
2020-01-09更新 | 4943次组卷 | 50卷引用:2020年浙江省高考英语试卷(1月)
共计 平均难度:一般