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1 . In-flight announcements can be crucial in providing important information.     1     But beyond the “necessities”, are passengers being flooded with too many announcements?

Imagine boarding an aircraft late in the evening or during the early hours of the day, eager to get some sleep. After forcing yourself to stay awake for the safety briefing, you fall fast asleep.     2     It’s the captain making an announcement. She’s telling you her name, her first officer’s name, the name of every flight attendant, and of course, the cruising speed and altitude. Was this really necessary and was it worth being woken up for?

    3     It’s anyone deep into a film or two passengers trying to talk to each other. In fact, in-flight announcements automatically pause television shows and movies—sometimes coming through your headphones far louder than the volume of whatever you were watching.

Which announcements are necessary? There are many in-flight announcements that are absolutely necessary. Anything to do with safety and security is, of course, essential. Anything to do with delays and scheduling is also important to know.     4     I think most people care about those as well.

However, anything beyond these is questionable. Of course, the additional announcements are meant to better connect passengers to the flight crew, the airline, and the overall experience of flying.     5     But in my opinion, this comes at the cost of the overall flight experience.

So from my point of view, in-flight announcements have gotten out of control and need to be controlled.

A.In-flight meal options?
B.After all, they are rules that should be obeyed.
C.Actually, most of the passengers are likely to feel sleepy.
D.It’s not just passengers trying to sleep that are interrupted.
E.It also seems polite to introduce those who will serve you.
F.Suddenly, you’re in the air and something has stirred you awake.
G.This might include delays, the local time at destination, and of course, emergencies.
今日更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省部分重点中学2023-2024学年高三4月二轮复习验收联考英语试卷
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2 . Staying focused can be a challenge even when you are doing one thing at a time.     1    , concentrating might appear impossible. Here are a few strategies that can really help you.

Unfocus your brain.     2    . It’s a place where your unfocused mind often make better decisions. This involves pairing your daydreaming with some unimportant activities such as walking and gardening. Doing this several times a day can offer your mind a fresh approach to the job at hand.

Block interruptions before diving into important work. Our days are filled with distractions (干扰), from others and ourselves. To help, turn off text messaging and social media notifications. Pretty basic?     3    . When distracting interruptions are shut off, your brain will get a chance to complete full sentences of thought.

    4    . Do you feel more sharp-minded in the morning? Or are you more clear-minded late in the night? Either way, it doesn’t matter as long as you can do the most important tasks when your brain is at its best performance. Avoid spending your best brain hours doing unimportant work. Instead, reserve it for the big tasks.

Try new hobbies. Hobbies not only give you fun, but also can help you come up with creative solutions to problems you’re facing at work or home.     5    .

A.Release your mind occasionally
B.Make friends with your body clock
C.If you purposefully let your mind wander
D.Then with multiple tasks going on in the world
E.Sure, but they are vital when you want a deep dive into focus
F.So occasionally engage in your favorite activities to unload your stressed brain
G.Schedule into your workday some breaks to let your mind wander into a dreamland
今日更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省重点中学盟校高三下学期二模英语试题
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3 . Most of you may want your kids to stay away from social media because it can bring harm. But social media can have a positive effect on them, like helping them learn how to communicate with others, improve relationships and deal with somebody who isn’t being kind to them.     1    . If you decide to let your kids use social media, follow a few tips to help them better explore the social media world.

Talk to your kids. From the beginning, it’s important to have an open and honest conversation with your kids about what social media is and what it can be used for. Ask why they’re interested in having an account on a particular platform and what they want to use it for.     2    .

Limit screen time. The American Academy of Pediatrics (儿科) recommends limiting screen time to two hours a day for kids.     3    , but parents should also focus on a bigger picture—making sure your kids are getting enough physical activity and face-to-face interactions.

Monitor their usage.     4    , whether that’s scrolling through (滚动浏览) their tablet or phone or using a social media monitoring tool. “See what apps are there and familiarize yourself with those,” psychologist Kate Eshleman says. “Ask yourself if this tool is going to fit your goal.”

    5    . Easier said than done, right? But practicing safe and healthy social media behaviors in front of your kids really matters. “It’s much harder for kids to understand the potential dangers or risks of social media when parents engage in the same behaviors themselves,” Eshleman says.

A.Be a role model
B.That’s a good guideline
C.Check on what your kids are consuming
D.Put a ban on improper social media behaviors
E.As they start venturing into the world of social media, keep talking
F.Parents should know how to interact with their kids on social media
G.Therefore, no social media at all might not be the best solution for your kids
今日更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省多校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期6月摸底考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . According to a survey, nearly a third of all adults reported that they sometimes struggle to make basic decisions.     1    , try these strategies from decision-making experts.

Let go of the idea of making perfect decisions

Much of the pressure you feel comes from how much you associate your choices with your identity. For example, you are always worried about sending the wrong message about who you are and what you stand for.     2     In fact, it can keep you from making any good decision at all.

Just allow yourself three to five options

The grocery store is as good a place as any to get struck by indecision. If you walk in without a shopping list, you might spend twenty minutes picking up boxes and putting them down. Sometimes, there are just too many options to process any of them meaningfully, because we can handle about three to five choices on average.     3    .

Practice trusting yourself

It is normal to rely on friends for fit checks or for movie recommendations.     4     try to resist the urge and make more of those choices on your own. And then look at what is the outcome of the decision, so that you can build up trust in your ability to know what’s right for you in any given moment.


Whether it’s about choosing how often you’re going to hit the gym, or deciding when you’ll go grocery shopping for the week, sticking to your old habits or starting new ones is a great way to reduce stress.

A.Rely on routines
B.Set clear boundaries
C.That’s a lot of burden to carry
D.But if you find yourself asking for advice for every little thing
E.Seeking opinions is something that contributes to indecisiveness
F.So next time you are unable to decide what shoes or clothes to wear
G.So when you’re indecisive next time, limit your choices to a manageable range
昨日更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省九师联盟高三下学期4月教学质量检测(二模)联考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . There is a lot to learn about the unusual habits and qualities of the British people when you first visit London.

Get to know what to wear. Most men now go for a shirt, and women go for a smart-casual skirt or trousers and top(上衣), or a dress. Some men might keep a jacket and tie at work that they can put on if they have a client meeting or some other reason to look extra smart.     1     For example, if you head to the Ritz Hotel for tea, or visit the members’ section at: Lord’s Cricket Ground, you will be expected to dress appropriately.

Pay attention to the art of giving praise.     2     We receive praise, we will often make a self-deprecating(自嘲) comment to emphasize modesty. For example, if you tell somebody “I love your dress”, you expect the reply to be “This old thing? I bought it in Primark ages ago!” In this example, when faced with a self-deprecating British person, you could say, “Well, I think it’s lovely.”     3    

Visiting gardens is common. Gardening is one of the most popular leisure activities in the UK. Two-thirds of British people visit a garden centre each year, which results in great economic value.     4     In fact, we love the gardens so much that each year the National lead 10Garden Scheme opens over 3,000 private gardens to the public, raising money for charity in the process.

    5     The truly wealthy rarely show off their wealth, and we don’t like to talk about money or how much we earn. A common saying is “money can’t buy taste”. In other words, if you are truly “upper class”, you do not need to show it.!

A.The British like to be modest.
B.This business is worth 25 billion.
C.When it comes to money, less is more.
D.In this way, you will have made their day.
E.We like to wear suits to the gardens and donate money to show modesty.
F.And if you are going to a wedding as a guest, it is best to avoid wearing white.
G.Away from the workplace, however, there are still places that expect a suit and tie.
昨日更新 | 3次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省吉安市2021-2022学年高二下学期期末教学质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要通过介绍孤雌生殖这一生物学现象,解释了某些动物在无雄性参与的情况下也能繁殖后代的科学原理,并列举了多个实例加以说明。同时,文章也指出了这一现象在不同动物类别中的适用性差异,特别是提到哺乳动物 (包括人类) 目前无法通过孤雌生殖方式繁衍存活的后代。

6 . Do you believe that a baby can only have one parent? It is widely understood that animals have two parents, each contributing essential DNA. However, a female shark became pregnant and gave birth to a baby shark at the Brookfield Zoo in Illinois, US,     1    , a new study documented.

This is a phenomenon called parthenogenesis (孤雌生殖), which means “virgin creation” in Greek. For most animals, an egg cell and a sperm (精子) cell are essential to create offspring (后代).     2    . However, in cases of parthenogenesis, the body finds a way to make up for the genetic material usually provided by sperm.

As the female generates an egg cell, small cells called polar bodies are produced in the process. In the case of parthenogenesis, an egg merges with one of its polar bodies, which replaces a sperm cell.     3    . So, the baby is similar to the mother but not a cloned version of her.

    4    . In 2018, a female crocodile who had been living alone for 16 years at a zoo in Costa Rica laid 14 eggs. Scientists found a fully-formed baby crocodile inside one of these eggs. In 2012, scientists incubated (培育) six snake eggs without fertilization (受精), and these eggs developed into healthy baby snakes.

Parthenogenesis may occur in “lower animals” like some species of insects, fish, reptiles and even birds.     5    . So, it is currently impossible for female mammals to reproduce without a male.

A.It is not the best way to reproduce
B.without the involvement of a male
C.with the application of a new technology
D.They each provide one-half of the genetic information for the new life
E.During this process, the mother’s genes get shuffled (打乱顺序) slightly
F.Although seemingly magical, parthenogenesis is not as rare as you might think
G.However, for mammals, including human beings, an egg can not provide all the genes required to form a viable (可存活的) offspring
7日内更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省上饶市高三下学期第二次高考模拟考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Imagine your home on its messages today. Legos spread over the floor. Dirty socks are jammed between couch cushions. Receipts and pieces of mail litter on the table. Though many of us feel shame when your homes end up in this state, a messy house is not a moral failing. The only thing that actually matters is whether your house is functional and livable.     1    .

Collect trash. First get a trash bag or a trash can. Then move around the room, collecting the garbage. But don’t take out the trash yet.     2    .

Pile up dirty dishes.     3    . Or you can pile them up. Maybe do the dishes. With unwashed plates in the kitchen and dining table, we are sure to be distracted and upset.

Pick up clothing and laundry. Collect the laundry that’s lying around. You can use a laundry basket or a bag. Bring the laundry to the machine and start it, if you want.

Put back things that have a place. This one is pretty straightforward.     4    . But if some items be long in another part of the house, put them in a basket or pile them up by the door for now.

    5    . Sometimes our belongings become disordered because we’ve never chosen a place to store them. We may decide to gather all the stuff that doesn’t have a place, put it in a basket and set it aside. At this point, you may also decide to create a home for these random odds and ends. Some people call this a “junk drawer.”

Once you’ve gone through the five methods, then use your space! Might we suggest a celebratory dance party?
A.Gather things that don’t have a place
B.You can put them in the sink if it’s nearby
C.If that book belongs on the shelf, put it back
D.Pick out your belongings and throw away those unwanted
E.We can’t concentrate with too much trash all around the house
F.The more you leave that room, the less likely you are concentrated
G.This five-step method can quickly get a messy room back to functioning
7日内更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省萍乡市2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较难(0.4) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了John Hayes教授对于成为顶级精英所需时间的研究。通过分析莫扎特、毕加索等大师的作品,Hayes发现几乎所有杰作都是在创作者生涯的第十年后诞生的,强调了“十年沉默期”的重要性

8 . How long does it take to become an elite (精英) in your field?     1     That’s what John Hayes, a cognitive psychology professor at Carnegie Mellon University, wanted to know.

For decades, Hayes has been investigating the role of effort, practice and knowledge in top performers.     2     The research focused on people like Mozart and Picasso-to determine how long it took them to become world-class at their craft.

Let’s talk about what Hayes has discovered about world-class-performers. And more importantly, let’s discuss how you can use these insights to achieve your goals and become your best.

    3     He analyzed thousands of musical pieces produced from 1685 to 1900. The central question that drove his work was, “How long after one becomes interested in music is it that one becomes world-class?” Eventually, Hayes developed a list of 500 pieces of “masterworks” in the field, which were created by a total of 76 composers.

text, Hayes mapped out the timeline of each composers career.     4     What he discovered was that virtually every single “masterwork” was written after the tenth year of the composer’s career. Not a single person produced incredible work without putting in a decade of practice first. Even a genius like Mozart had to work for at least ten years before he produced something that became popular.     5    

In follow-up studies, Hayes found similar patterns among famous painters and popular poets. These findings have been further confirmed by research from professors like K. Anders Ericsson, who produced research that revealed that you needed to put in “10, 000 hours” to become an elite or expert in your field.

A.It takes time to achieve your goals.
B.And what do people like doing in their spare time?
C.He has studied the most talented creators in history.
D.Hayes started his research by examining successful composers
E.Professor Hayes began to refer to this period as the “ten years of silence”.
F.And what do the successful people do differently than the rest of us?
G.And then he calculated how long they had been working before they created their popular works.
7日内更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省新余市高三下学期二模考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . A few years ago, the scientists Claudia Townsend at the University of Miami and Suzanne Shu at UCLA Anderson School of Management conducted a simple investigation into how aesthetics (美学) influence our investment decisions.

They randomly assigned 255 students to receive an annual corporate report. One of these reports was aesthetically pleasing —     1    . The other report was far less attractive. After leafing through these two reports — both of which contained the exact same factual information — the subjects were asked to estimate the lowest acceptable selling price for shares of the company.     2    .

If investors were rational agents, then the look of the report shouldn’t have mattered —they should be responding only to its content.     3     Townsend and Shu found that subjects given the prettier document insisted on an average selling price of $327.01 per share. Those shown less pretty document, meanwhile, concluded that the company’s shares were worth only $162.41. This research suggests that the design of the annual report can significantly influence our sense of value.

    4    . In recent years, scientists have also looked at how aesthetics impacts our perceptions of trust. Do we find prettier Web sites more trustworthy? There’s no logical reason why that would be the case, of course, but the human mind is full of illogical peculiarity. So far, the evidence suggests that the look of a site is highly correlated with our ratings of trust,     5    . In a paper, researchers showed that our first impressions of a Web site —they showed subjects screen shots for fifty milliseconds, which is too fast for conscious awareness —shaped our subsequent sense of trustworthiness.

A.But it is not true.
B.it had high-quality images and a clear layout.
C.And this pattern doesn’t apply to other aspects.
D.a phenomenon often referred to as “the halo effect”. (光环效应)
E.When it comes to user assessments of design, function follow s form.
F.While Townsend and Shu looked at paper reports, the same logic applies to Web sites.
G.Actually, they are required to value the company based on the information in the annual report
7日内更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省景德镇市高三下学期第三次质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Nearly everything we do contributes to our carbon footprint.     1     Sales of electric bikes, or e-bikes, are on the rise. In 2021, 880, 000 e-bikes were sold in the U. S., compared with 608,000 electric cars and trucks. That’s up from 450,000 c-bike sales in 2020.

E-bikes have the same components as traditional bicycles: frames, seats, handlebars, and wheels.     2     The speed of a non-electric bike relies on the rider’s physical strength and endurance. Casual cyclists can pedal at 10 to 14 miles per hour, depending on the terrain and weight of the bike and rider.

    3     Some models have a pedal (脚踏板)assist system with a motor to amplify pedaling power, while others have a throttle and don’t require pedaling. The max speed an e-bike can reach is 28 miles per hour, which is comparable to moped speeds, thus requiring more safety precautions than traditional bikes.

The pedal assist on e-bikes can encourage riders to bike farther and more often than they would on a traditional bike, leading to more exercise long-term. This also makes e-bikes a multifunctional option for older riders and individuals with disabilities that would otherwise prevent them from biking.     4    

    5     When it replaces trips made by a car, an individual e-bike can reduce CO2 emissions by 225 kilograms each year. That’s equivalent to the emissions produced by one passenger flying economy from Philadelphia to Chicago.

A.E-bikes also need public storage and charging stations.
B.They differ in their power and speed.
C.Some women chose e-bikes because they make them feel safer, research says.
D.Energy recovery is one common method.
E.E-bikes are fueled by batteries, making them heavier.
F.But a two-wheeled solution is zipping through the world at 20 miles an hour.
G.E-bikes are a powerful tool on the road to sustainability.
7日内更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省景德镇市2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
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