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阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . We are all creatures of habit. We tend to wake up at the same time each day, brush our teeth, have morning coffee and travel to work, following the same patterns every day.     1    

Behavioral scientists who study habit formation say that many of us try to create healthy habits the wrong way.     2     Here are two tips, backed by research, for forming new healthy habits.

    3     For many of us, our morning routine is the strongest, so that’s a great place to build a new habit. While brushing your teeth, you might stand on one foot to practice balance. Many of us fall into end-of-the-day patterns as well. Do you tend to sink into the sofa after work and turn on the TV? That might be a good time to do a single daily yoga pose.

    4     Wendy Wood, a research psychologist, calls the forces that get in the way of good habits “friction”. In one study, researchers changed the turning of lift doors so that workers had to wait nearly half a minute for the doors to close.     5     Many people are therefore convinced that taking the stairs was easier than waiting for the lift. It shows how sensitive we are to small friction in our environment. Just slowing down the lift got people to take the stairs, and they stuck with it even after the lift went back to normal timing.

A.It was just enough of a delay.
B.Why do we stop doing what’s good for us?
C.But why is it so hard to form new healthy habits?
D.We probably form new habits when we clear away the barriers.
E.The better way to form a new habit is to tie it to an existing habit.
F.It explains why friction prevents the progress of forming good habits.
G.For example, we set big goals to lose weight without taking proper steps.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Stress is unavoidable in life. We all face it daily, whether it is a small inconvenience or a major life challenge. Stress negatively affects all aspects of our lives both personally and professionally.     1     So what can we do about it? Here are some helpful tips to fight stress, defeat it and move on.


    2     The longer you let something sit, the more it will weigh on you and take up valuable brain space.

Practice self-care

Here are the key aspects to self-care that so often get forgotten:

●Drink water. Prevent tiredness, help digestion, your skin and your sleep.

●Stretch. Get oxygen flowing into your muscles before or during a stressful situation.

●Exercise regularly. Don’t let your busy schedule take priority over your health.

    3     Read, take a bath, go for a run, listen to music, or phone a friend.


Find a network of people who you can vent (宣泄) to. This is a fantastic way to reduce bringing work troubles and stress home with you. You have the opportunity to blow off the first build-up of steam.     4    


Breathing deeply brings more oxygen into your body, producing endorphins (内啡肽). They fight with cortisol, a chemical which is a result of anxiety or stress. Did you know breathing is responsible for most of your body’s detoxification (排毒)     5     This critical part of calming yourself down allows you the space and time to focus on the problem at hand and have a quiet mind to tackle what’s ahead of you.

A.Find time for you.
B.Read and practice more.
C.Cross off the most stressful tasks first.
D.So you can go home a bit more calm and sensible.
E.In this way you can communicate with whoever you like to.
F.It can harm our bodies, our relationships and our overall quality of life.
G.It also increases energy, lowers blood pressure and slows your heartbeat.
7日内更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届福建省泉州市高中毕业班质量监测(一模)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . Forget privacy, young internet users want to be tracked

On every smartphone there sits a tracker’s paradise (乐园) of location data ready to be shared.     1     And this tech is marketed as convenient, not frightening.

What is an acceptable level of online surveillance (监视)? I had assumed we all agreed that the ideal was none.     2     A quick enquiry on my friends found that those who were, like me, in their 40s and older either had no idea they could use their phone in this way or had relatively little interest in doing so. But friends a decade or so younger all seem to be tracking one another at will. They don’t find the idea of monitoring or being monitored in this way upsetting. They say it makes them feel safer.

    3     It is just that they are realistic about the privacy that is available. They know that if you own a smartphone and don’t want to disable useful things like maps, then your location is already being watched. If app creators, smartphone makers and ad companies are already tracking your location, then why not share the information with people you know?

If you want to start tracking the people you know, then there are some rules involved. It’s fine to use tracking to check that a friend has got home safely at the end of a night out, for example, but not to surprise them on the street. And think carefully about whom you share data with.     4    

Location tracking as a safety measure, particularly for elderly parents and children, is appealing.     5     Once you grow comfortable sharing your location with your family and friends, perhaps one day you’ll be happy to share it with your employer or even government agencies.

A.It is for family and close friends only, not new dates.
B.But the truth is how popular it is depends on your age.
C.Location sharing has been around for more than a decade.
D.The risk is that if you do it too often, it will be hard to turn around.
E.After all, no one will find it comfortable to be watched all the time.
F.This is not because they are blind to the importance of online privacy.
G.Location tracking is so precise that it can locate one person in a crowd.
7日内更新 | 88次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届福建省漳州市高三毕业班第一次检测(一模)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇议论文。文章主要论述了在面对生活挑战时,人们常被鼓励要坚强,但这种 “坚强” 是一种人为的构建。作者认为不应抗拒脆弱时刻,而应拥抱脆弱,因为拥抱脆弱能让人感受到爱、和平与自由,且两个人之间最牢固的关系建立在彼此愿意展现脆弱的基础上,让爱流动同时拥抱脆弱才是成长的唯一途径。

4 . People mean well when they encourage us to be strong when we face the challenging moments of our lives, but that effort is an artificial construct.

    1     Your desire to be strong is a dam you build to control the flow of complex feelings. On the outside, everything is fine. People see you pushing forward and they admire this “strength”. However, unless you keep building that dam higher, it will eventually overflow. It usually happens when we least expect it.

Instead of resisting weak moments, I have learned to embrace them. When I embrace weakness, I feel peace. I sense love. There is freedom in that decision that isn’t present when my focus is on staying strong.     2     An effort to “stay strong” denies you the feelings your heart longs to experience under those challenging circumstances.

The strongest bonds I see between two people are the ones that get developed when both are willing to embrace their weaknesses with each other. Those moments offer honesty, and chances to demonstrate loyalty and love.     3     We think we’re stopping a series of difficult emotions, but actually we’re blocking love from reaching us from the other direction.

Could I be hurt by allowing myself to show and share my weakest moments? Of course, hurt people sometimes hurt others.     4     And I believe that if someone has embraced their weaknesses and feels free, they can one day inspire others through their journey.

It is tempting to be strong, but building a dam will not offer a long-term solution.     5    

A.But freed people will help to free others.
B.Imagine that your emotions represent a river.
C.That’s why I encourage people to do the same.
D.You can reach this by taking some simple steps.
E.Dealing with your weakness cannot be overstated.
F.Without weakness, there is never a chance for a relationship to expand.
G.Allowing love to flow while embracing weakness is the only way to grow.
7日内更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省福州第一中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学质检英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Some students prefer to learn by themselves. They think they can learn better in this way because they have more freedom, pressure and independence. There is some truth in their way.

    1     It is better to have a teacher, especially when they learn something more difficult.

First, a teacher can act as a guide to lead you to success. When you learn, you need help and advice. A teacher will give you a hand when you face difficulties.     2    

What is more, a teacher puts real pressure on you. If you study by yourself, you must be strong-minded enough to keep on.     3     But under the guidance of a teacher, you will feel there is always someone to watch you. The teacher may give you homework to do. You must complete the homework, or you will not pass the course.

Last but not least, studying with a teacher will help you receive the benefit of the teacher’s knowledge.     4     They teach students how to learn and how to obtain information. They guide all of you in class to discuss the material and provide extra material to broaden the scope of the topic.

    5     I choose to learn in a big family — my school. Without a teacher, I would feel there would be no fun and no pressure. I could not learn well in such dull and depressing circumstances.

A.Besides, teachers are connected with our life.
B.Teachers can help you solve all of your problems.
C.In short I prefer to go to class studying with a teacher.
D.Without a guide, you would be searching in darkness.
E.And you may become inactive for lack of a strong will.
F.But they fail to see the advantages of learning with a teacher.
G.In class, teachers do more than just going over the material in the text.
2024-09-17更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省漳州市部分高中2024-2025学年高一上学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . As a high school student, you’re likely used to learning through reading textbooks.     1     This lies at the heart of “experiential (由经验得来的) appreciation”, a philosophy that encourages you to engage directly with the world around you. It’s about learning from real-life experiences, and discovering a more profound and engaging way to learn.

To practice experiential appreciation, you can start by getting involved in hands-on activities related to your subjects. They will provide a firsthand understanding of the concepts you’re studying, making learning active and meaningful. So, try joining a sports team, picking up a paintbrush, or taking part in a local charity event.     2    

As you dive deeper, immerse (沉浸) yourself fully in the surroundings and activities. When you’re in nature, don’t just look around.     3     Touching the leaves, feeling the wind and listening to the birds can enrich your learning and make each moment more memorable.

    4     After trying something new, ask yourself what you learned and how it made you feel. Write in a journal or discuss it with friends. This self-discovery turns experiences into life lessons and offers a deeper understanding of the world.

Experiential appreciation transforms learning from a task to be completed into a journey to be treasured.     5     So, explore the world around you, let every experience shape you, and discover the endless possibilities that await. This is the core of true learning, where every moment is a step towards a richer, more enlightened life.

A.Now consider expanding your learning from just reading to actively participating.
B.It extends learning far beyond textbooks.
C.Instead, activate your senses for a stronger tie with it.
D.Mind the impact of your actions on the environment.
E.Take your experiences further by reflecting on them.
F.Textbooks offer a systematic introduction to essential concepts and principles.
G.These activities bring learning to life.
2024-09-13更新 | 152次组卷 | 22卷引用:福建省莆田第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . A wildfire is an uncontrolled fire that burns among wild land plants. Wildfires can burn in forests, grasslands, and other ecosystems, and have been doing so for hundreds of millions of years.

Wildfires can start naturally or be human-made.     1     Wind, high temperatures, and little rainfall can all leave trees, shrubs, and fallen leaves dried out, causing a fire easily.

Wildfires that burn near communities can become dangerous and even deadly if they grow out of control. For example, the 2018 Camp Fire in Butte County, California destroyed almost the whole town of Paradise.     2    

Still, wildfires are important to the continued survival of some plants. For example, some tree cones need to be heated before they open and let out their seeds. Plants depend on wildfires in order to pass through a life cycle.     3     And others require fire just a few times a century for the species to continue.

    4     They can kill insects and diseases. Fires can make way for new grasses and shrubs that provide food and living space for animal sand birds. Fires can clean up pieces of woods on the forest floor and open up space to let sunlight through to the ground.

While many plants and animals need wildfires, climate change has left some ecosystems more sensitive to fires.     5     The historic practice of putting out all fires also has caused an unnatural buildup of shrubs, which can be riskier in causing wildfires.

A.86 people died in total.
B.Ground fires can last for a long time.
C.Some plants require fire every few years.
D.Wildfires also help keep ecosystems healthy.
E.That sunlight can give larger trees room to grow.
F.Warmer temperatures have caused drought and dried-out forests.
G.However, it is often weather conditions that influence a wildfire.
2024-09-01更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省福州四中、二中、连江一中2023-2024学年高三上学期12月三校联考英语试卷(含听力)
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . How do you like to sit on a chair?     1     They might be no friend of a campaign called “The Great Cross-Out” where people are encouraged to keep healthy by not crossing their legs for a whole day.

    2     The list of suggested consequences of one knee crossing over the other includes nerve damage and raised blood pressure. But both of them deserve close examination.

It is true that maintaining a particular position for many hours can lead to nerve damage. But when a study examined a series of patients’ notes in order to identify the chief causes, sitting on a chair with one knee over the other didn’t feature. In reality nerve damage is an unlikely consequence of leg-crossing.     3    

How about blood pressure? When you get it checked, the doctor tends to ask you not to cross your legs.     4     But when the measurements are repeated just three minutes after uncrossing the legs, blood pressure will be back to the earlier levels

So if you like crossing your legs, you’re unlikely to do yourself any damage, provided you don’t stay in the same position until your legs are numb (麻木的).     5     Whoever is sitting next to you on the bus or the train will be grateful to you for taking up less room than the man-spreaders.

A.Is it really any healthier to avoid doing so?
B.Many prefer to cross one leg over the other.
C.In fact, leg-crossing could bring extra benefits.
D.You are unable to lift the front part of your foot.
E.It might affect the reading of your blood pressure.
F.Because as soon as we feel uncomfortable, we tend to move.
G.But the evidence for any long-term damage simply isn’t there.
2024-08-16更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省南平市松溪县第二中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . How to Be More Interesting

No one is boring and no one needs to be perfect. But maybe you feel that you are boring and need to be more interesting.     1     If you’re looking to be more interesting, then you’ve come to the right place.

Loosen up and be natural. One reason why many people fail to become interesting people is that they worry too much over the small things and don’t come across as natural. Their effort backfires (产生反作用) on them, because they are just trying too hard.     2     Live a life one day at a time.

Be positive and optimistic. Interesting people are happy people. This is one of the reasons why we find them so interesting; whether we admit it or not, we want to know how and why happy people are so happy.     3    

Build an open personality. Be available to the world and look for excitement instead of waiting for it to find you. Celebrate flexibility and a “just go with it” attitude. Often times people aren’t interesting because they are reserved.     4     Of course, to some extent, this is true, but you can also take this too far. By holding back too much, you’re limiting your potential and in the process becoming less interesting. The more reserved you get, the more static(停滞的) your life.

    5     Being interesting means doing things you’ve never done before and being willing to share those experiences with other people. People who are boring and dull normally possess a very small comfort zone. So try to constantly expand your comfort zone and dare yourself to try new things; this is the quickest path to becoming more interesting.

A.Expand your comfort zone.
B.Try to stay relaxed and flexible.
C.A good laugh could be the best medicine.
D.Being interesting also involves high intelligence.
E.Many people feel they need to hold back to protect themselves.
F.Moreover, no one really wants to be around a negative, unhappy person.
G.Being an interesting person is something that can be learned and practiced.
2024-08-08更新 | 180次组卷 | 2卷引用:福建省福州市2023-2024学年高三上学期第一次质量检测英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Do you get nervous thinking about geometry, equations or a coming math test? If yes, you are far from alone.     1     Students in countries with higher levels of math anxiety tend to achieve lower math grades, according to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on Feb 15.

According to a University of Cambridge study, in ordinary life, many people experience some degree of discomfort when faced with a math problem, ranging from mild tension to strong fear.     2     They may then try to avoid every situation involving numbers, meaning they are held back from pursuing careers related to this subject.

Comfort comes from the fact that those with math anxiety are not necessarily to be bad at math.     3     They may have had a really bad experience with math and there are ways to improve math achievement.

    4     If you’re feeling stressed before a math exam, it may help to spend a few minutes exploring those feelings before the exam begins. It’s about making sure you’re interpreting your feelings correctly. In addition, a little math anxiety could be taken as a positive challenge to overcome.     5    

A.Also, there are ways to manage your stress related to math.
B.Students with math anxiety are not cognitively disadvantaged.
C.If a child has math anxiety, don’t assume that they’re not good at math.
D.Math anxiety has become a common psychological condition among students around the world.
E.Just because you have a fast heartbeat and sweaty palms, that does not necessarily mean you will fail.
F.Just like many people get stage fright before delivering a speech, this nervous energy can help to motivate.
G.Some people also experience physical symptoms such as sweaty palms or a racing heart.
2024-08-01更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省福州市鼓山中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
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