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1 . Discovering your passion is a journey of self-exploration and understanding. It involves delving into your innermost thoughts and feelings to find what truly ignites (点燃) your spark.     1    .

Reflect on your experiences

Look back on your life and identify moments that have brought you joy, fulfillment, or a sense of purpose. Think about the activities, people, or causes that have excited you in the past.     2    .


Experiment with new hobbies, skills, or activities. Try something that piques (激起) your curiosity or that you’ve always been interested in but never had the chance to explore. This could be anything from learning a new language to taking up a sport or trying an artistic medium.

Listen to your emotions

    4    . What activities or moments make you feel alive, excited, or fulfilled? What causes your heart to race or your eyes to sparkle? These are clues to your passion.

Surround yourself with supportive people

Seek out individuals who are passionate about their lives and who can inspire and encourage you. Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, family, or mentors who can provide guidance and encouragement on your journey.

Embrace failure and setbacks

Discovering your passion isn’t always a smooth process.     5    . Don’t let these discourage you. Embrace the challenges and learn from them. Use them as opportunities to grow and refine your understanding of what truly ignites your passion.

A.Explore your interests
B.Take an active role in developing your habits
C.You may encounter failure, setbacks, or even doubts
D.Find something that can really piques your curiosity
E.The following are tips to help you discover your passion
F.Pay attention to the emotions you experience throughout your day
G.These experiences can provide clues to what might ignite your passion
7日内更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省三校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Sporting events provide a fruitful ground for many ambitious journalists and writers to practice their craft. Here are four methods to help you get started.

    1     You may have an editor assigning your topic, or you may be a freelancer (自由职业者) choosing your own. Regardless, be familiar with the most common forms of sports articles and determine which best matches your task. You can leaf through your local newspaper, favorite sports magazine, or go-to sports website and think about what makes certain articles stand out.

●Be familiar with the sport you are covering. When you're starting out, if you have the choice, cover the sport you know best. Sports fans are known for their passion and not necessarily for their patience.     2     If you make mistakes in your report, they will probably tune you out quickly.

●Go to the game, and make the most of being there. Watch closely.     3     Take note of interesting details, such as how the players celebrated at the end or the feel of the crowd that night.     4     You'll find passionate fans, eager participants, and a good environment for covering a sporting event from several angles there.

● Start with a great hook. News article writing relies on an “inverted pyramid” structure, where the most substantial elements are found at the top of the article, and the information becomes less weighty and important as one approaches the bottom. Readers always start but don't always finish an article.     5    

A.They are particular about sports articles.
B.Know the type of article you are writing.
C.Ask permission to record your interviews.
D.So make sure they get your best stuff up front.
E.Keep track of important plays, scores, and statistics.
F.They provide the most essential information of games.
G.Local sporting events are good places for sportswriters.
2024-06-15更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届云南省高三下学期第二次高中毕业生复习统一检测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . How to Express Thanks to Loved Ones

You may feel grateful to your family and friends, but it may not always be easy for you to know how to express that. To truly express your gratitude (感激), you have to be kind and open.     1    .

Tell them how much you thank them. You may be taking your family members for granted (想当然) without even realizing it.     2    , remember to tell them that you love them every single day, and to show that you thank them for all of the love, food, help and any other offerings they have given you.

Write “thank-you” cards.     3    . You can give “thank-you” cards to whoever has influenced your life in a positive way. You can write these cards to your best friend, and you don’t need to wait for a special occasion to send one along, either.

    4    . It is good to than k a person in front of other people. Don’t do this in a way that makes the person embarrassed (尴尬的), but make it clear how much the person means to you. Just a few sentences at work or at a small gathering of friends can make a person feel even more special about his or her role in your life.

Do favors for them. Don’t do favors for your friends just because they’ve helped you out recently or because you want something in return.     5    . This can mean picking up coffee or lunch when they’re busy or finding another small way to make a big difference in your friends’ life.

A.Give meaningful gifts
B.Thank the person publicly
C.When they face troubles and need some help
D.It’s one of the easiest ways to show your gratitude
E.Remember that a more grateful life is a happier life
F.To show how much your family members mean to you
G.Instead, help them out just because you care about them
2024-06-12更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省曲靖市麒麟区曲靖二中云师高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期5月期中英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Most of us get distracted with push notifications (通知), text messages and phone calls. With so much going on, it can be very difficult to stay focused, but it’s not impossible.

Turn Off Alerts (提醒)

Constant notifications and text messages are every college student’s enemy.     1     Close unnecessary tabs on your computer. You can fight online distractions by blocking or hiding time-wasting websites and apps.

Break Down Your Work into Smaller Tasks

If you’re having a difficult time studying or getting work done, break up your time effectively.     2     Studies show that taking breaks can help you retain information and increase productivity.

Find the Right Place to Do Work

Some students work best with a little background noise, while others need complete quiet.     3     Are you the kind of person who works better in silence at the library? Or do you prefer the campus coffee shop with noise? Try a few different spaces and see how each study session works out.

Clear Your Desk

Is your desk covered with stacks of papers? Is your computer monitor framed with layers of sticky notes?     4     A messy workspace can keep you from getting your work done. Go through your desk and keep only the essentials. A clean workspace can help reduce anxiety and make room for motivation.

Reward Yourself

    5     Setting up a reward system is a good way to encourage yourself to do something. For example, if you finish an essay without any distractions, give yourself a reward like watching a TV show or taking a nap.

A.Everyone likes to be quiet.
B.If so, it’s time to get organised.
C.A little motivation can go a long way.
D.Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow.
E.Put your phone on silent or in “Do Not Disturb” mode.
F.Get to know your work style and the type of atmosphere you prefer.
G.Try giving yourself a 10-minute break for every 45-50 minutes of work you do.
2024-06-12更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届云南省西双版纳傣族自治州勐海县中学高三下学期高考适应性考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Amazing Benefits of Listening to Music

If you love listening to music, you’re in good mood. Recent research shows that listening to music improves our mental and physical health.     1    .

Music lowers stress (压力).

           2    . This is an important finding since stress causes many illnesses. To stay calm and healthy during a busy day, turn on the radio.

Music brings happiness.

More than 350 million people are not happy around the world. Music can make people happy, depending on the type of music.     3    . But heavy metal brings people down even more. When you feel low, put on some popular folk music or relaxing music to make you happy.

    4    .

Music can lead people to eat fewer calories and enjoy their meals better. If you’re looking for ways to reduce your weight, try listening to soft music next time you sit down for a meal.

Music raises school performance.

Taking music lessons predicts higher school performance in young children. In one study, children who took singing lessons had learned better than children who took other lessons unrelated to music.     5    , you can let them take music lessons. Or you can encourage them to sing or learn to play an instrument.

A.Music helps you eat less
B.Popular music lifts people up
C.Music gives you hope and confidence
D.Listening to music reduces the stress in your body
E.Here are some amazing benefits of listening to music
F.If you want to help your children get good grades in their studies
G.Musical training can help raise our IQs and even keep us sharp in young age
2024-06-12更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省迪庆州香格里拉市藏文中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . How to Avoid an Internet Addiction

It may seem like everyone surfs the web these days. But if you can’t have interest in other aspects of your life because of the Internet, you may be on your way to an Internet addiction. You might fear you’re the only one who has experienced that feeling.    1     Luckily, there are some ways to avoid living your life in front of the computer.


More and more people in the world are becoming addicted to the Internet, and you are not the only one with this problem. So do not be embarrassed. Just be brave to admit that you are on your way to an Internet addiction. And then find others with the same problem and help each other beat it.

Set aside limited time for computer use.

Make sure not to turn it on too many times a week. If you have a laptop, make sure to put it somewhere that you can remember but not somewhere that you see every day. Try keeping the lid closed when you are not using it.     3       If you have a desktop PC, try not to go near it or put something over it like a sheet.

Call people instead of sending instant messages or texts.

If you are free on weekends, call friends and ask them to go outside to do something you enjoy, like playing a sport. This will take your mind off the computer.     4    

Use an alarm clock or timer (计时器).

Before using your computer, decide on a time limit such as 30 minutes. Set the clock or timer and make sure that you get away from the computer when the time is up. Alternatively create a shutdown timer on your desktop.     5    

A.Being addicted to it is quite normal.
B.Admit you are at risk of an addiction.
C.The truth, though, is that it’s quite common to be an addict.
D.When the computer is not looking at you, you are less likely to use it.
E.This can be programmed to shut down your computer after the set time.
F.If you have a problem on weekdays, phone your friends or ask for help in person.
G.This will prevent you from using the Internet so often or going on to another page.
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . As we know, Shennongjia Forestry District was added to the United Nations World Heritage list on July 17, 2016. But there are so many important places not yet on this list.     1    .

UNESCO awarded Shennongjia Forestry District this status because it meets two criteria required by the list. It contains a naturally-balanced environment.     2    . It is also one of the rare locations in the world where scientists can observe in real time the ecological and biological processes that occur as the plants and animals develop and evolve.

    3    . Firstly, Shennongjia is apparently one of the most “complete” natural areas in the world. The region rises from about 400 meters to over 3,000 meters above sea level, giving it the name the “Roof of Central China”. Secondly, it has incredible biodiversity. According to official statistics, over 3,000 plant species have been recorded there. This represents more than ten percent of China’s total floral richness.

It is a challenge to look after so many species in freezing cold winter. Scientists walked in heavy snow to supply food to the Golden Snub-nosed Monkey.     4    , the monkey’s population wouldn’t had doubled since the 1980s. Their number reached over 1,300 in 2015 and continued to grow.

But the most impressive aspect of Shennongjia is the local people.     5    . A local village is known for its home-made honey. What is special about the honey is that it is produced by the earliest species of Chinese bee. All of this explains why Shennongjia deserves its place on the UNESCO World Heritage List, as well as highlighting how understanding, awareness and hard work have contributed towards protecting a unique and wonderful part of our natural world.

A.Although it was cold in the woods
B.It allows various species to live and prosper
C.You might think why Shennongjia was chosen
D.If they hadn’t made efforts to save these monkeys
E.They take things from nature without causing damage
F.There are two main reasons for Shennongjia was chosen
G.One interesting thing about Shennongjia is its legend of wild man
2024-06-12更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省保山市第一中学2023~2024学年高一下学期期中教学质量监测英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Sometimes, the stress you experience from schooling can affect your overall physical and mental health. The following are some ways to help you better manage stress at school.

Look at things from the right perspective.

To smartly handle stress, the first thing you have to do is change how you look at your situation.    1     Instead, it is an opportunity to help you create a brighter future for yourself.


Your mind needs to get a picture of every single thing that you should accomplish in a particular period of time, or you’ll spend days and nights blindly worrying about the things that you ought to do. Therefore, a to-do list, visible and written, will get rid of overthinking that leads to anxiety.

Ignore unproductive comments from other people.

Learn to accept blame with an open mind but beware (提防) of worthless remarks from people who don’t even matter. Do not let these people change your focus.    3     Be with the right people and take advice from those who have good intentions.

Never take your physical and mental health for granted.

Sometimes, stress comes from ignoring your health by not eating right or on time; at other times your anxiety may come from a deeper reason such as failing mental health.     4    

Create an effective time management plan.

Set your schedule and find a balance among all aspects of your life.    5    Also, it will give you the feeling that you are in control. You don’t have to waste your time worrying about school-related tasks.

A.Don’t lose control of the situation.
B.Make a list of things you need to do.
C.Doing so will help you better arrange everyday affairs.
D.You don’t even need to listen to them, just stay away from them.
E.Sometimes, stress is caused by your body’s inability to function properly.
F.Thus, you should know when to seek help and what your body truly needs.
G.Being a student is not a tiring role, and studying is not an exhausting responsibility.
2024-06-06更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . One good part about school is field trips. Students can get out of the classroom and into the real world, even if just for a few hours.    1    Whether it is learning how to feed chickens on the farm or understanding how gravity works at the science museum, these hands-on learning experiences bring them benefits.

Students do better in school. Students who go on field trips generally have better grades.    2    In fact, in a study conducted by some researchers, 89% of adults said educational trips had a positive, lasting impact on their education and career. It's because the trips made them more curious and interested in and out of school.

    3    When exploring a new place, students have the opportunity to listen to and talk to new people. They can learn how to effectively communicate with strangers, get along with them and work with them. For example, they may acquire the skill of using body language to interact with strangers.

Students learn to be more independent. A field trip includes many things. Although adults are in charge, it’s also up to students to figure out what exhibits they want to learn about, how they can finish certain tasks, etc. During field trips, students can have many such situations to learn to be independent. In the process, they sometimes may feel unpleasant and stressed.    4    

Students develop a stronger connection to a neighborhood. By getting out of the classroom and, into the streets, students can become more familiar with a neighborhood.    5    Moreover, they have the chance to communicate with local people, which also improves their connection to the neighborhood.

A.Students master more social skills.
B.So students can develop lifelong friendships.
C.And they have higher graduation rates from school.
D.These trips, wherever they are, can influence students.
E.But they’ll see their ability to deal with problems alone improve.
F.They will learn more about its culture, environment, population, etc.
G.Teachers’ detailed guidance will help students behave well in school.
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Do you think you’ve lost your inspiration? Maybe the ups and downs of life and work have affected you.     1     The majority of people across the world are trying newer and easier ways to get inspired. But they give up along the way gradually. They start thinking to themselves that they are no good. And only a handful of people can stay inspired for life. You can get inspired for life anytime you want. That’s the potential of being human.

Alone time is just as important as socializing time. It is important to stay alone for you to understand your thoughts and emotions at a deeper level. Inspiration comes from inside.     2    

Do you have goals? If you don’t, now is the time to write them down.     3     And he or she can never know if he or she is making progress or not. Create your life goals and then break them down to yearly goals, monthly goals, weekly goals and daily goals. You can even go deeper to hourly goals. Having a sense of direction will keep you inspired.

When socializing, listen to the stories of other people. You’ll be happy to realize how fortunate you really are. Most of the people around you have gone through things you might never imagine. And there they are standing in front of you.     4     You can also read an inspiring book or watch a movie to get the inspiration you need to move forward.

Everyone needs inspiration to succeed in life. If you’re lost your inspiration, you can put to practice these tips any time.     5    

A.You’re not alone.
B.It’s time to start living with passion.
C.A person without goals has no direction.
D.It’s always inside of you, waiting to be used.
E.Inspiration also comes from your success.
F.But they always keep their experiences a secret.
G.Listen to their stories and how they settled their problems.
2024-06-03更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市五华区云南师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题(含听力)
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