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1 . Jobs Week: Find Your Next Job Here

A Registered Nurse

Average salary: $65, 470 per year

Top cities for hiring: San Antonio, Texas; Chicago, Illinois; Dallas, Texas

In the United States, registered nurses(RNs)are clinicians who have completed at least an associate degree in nursing. The Bureau of Labor Statistics(BLS)has identified it as one of the top ten occupations for career growth. RNs can cither practice independently or as part of a healthcare team.

A Retail Associate

Average salary: $21, 410 per year

Top cities for hiring: Atlanta, Georgia; Houston, Texas; Chicag0, Illinois

Rctail workers sell products and help customers find the products they want. According to the BLS, nearly 14.8 million people were employed as retail workers in 2017. Top places to find retail positions include Walmart, Target and Macy's.

A Truck Driver

Average salary: $46, 000 per year

Top cities for hiring: Atlanta, Georgia; Houston, Texas; Indianapolis, Indiana

Truck driving doesn't require a college degree and can pay well even at the entry-level stage. It takes a certain kind of person to work long weeks away from home—but with a high level of demand, it can be a great career choice for someone who wants job security without the cubicle(格子间).

A Web Developer

Average salary: $62, 500 per year

Top cities for hiring: Chicago, Illinois; New York; Atlanta, Georgia

Tech jobs like Web Developer frequently top lists of the best jobs for pay, work-life balance, and career welfare. The wide use of the Internet means that web developers are in continuous demand, and there are no education barriers preventing job seekers from learning programming languages like Java or Python.

1. Who may get the highest salary every year according to the text?
A.A truck driver.B.A web developer.
C.A registered nurse.D.A retail associate.
2. What is the fact about retail associates?
A.They design products and help produce them.
B.They help customers get their desired products.
C.They must have an associate degree in business.
D.They should learn several programming languages.
3. What can we infer from the content about web developers?
A.They can find a job more easily.
B.They can work as part of a healthcare team.
C.Designing a web doesn't require much mental work.
D.The job is fit for someone who doesn't need a cubicle.
2024-09-18更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆阿克苏库车市第二中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。主要说明了18岁的舞者Elli Goldstein现在是Gucci最著名的模特之一,患有唐氏综合症的Elli Goldstein在 Gucci一款睫毛膏产品的美容广告中担任主角。文章介绍了在此之前她所取得的一些成就,以及周围人对她的评价和对美的看法。

2 . This 18-year-old dancer is now one of Gucci’s most well-known models. Elli Goldstein, who has Down Syndrome (唐氏综合征), stars in a Gucci beauty campaign for a mascara product. Her mom says the February photoshoot. now being featured in Italian Vogue, took around six hours.

Elli is from Ilford Essex in the UK. This isn’t Elli’s first appearance in the worldwide spotlight. She’s been featured in London’s famous National Portrait Gallery and has danced at the Royal Opera House. The model has appeared in TV commercials and videos for a famous film festival. She even made a dance video of her own during the pandemic (流行病) to cheer people up.

“Elli was born to have this outgoing personality. She loves the camera. She loves the films. ” Her mom says nothing holds her back. She lives life to the fullest. That positive energy appears to be paying off.

Elli’s modeling picture posted on the Gucci beauty Instagram account was the most liked post ever. “We want to increase the representation of people who have until now been excluded in the media,” said Peterson, Elli’s agent. “You know, it’s about time that we welcomed different models with different disability.”

“Just follow our dreams and add passions to our life.” The photographer for Elli’s Gucci photoshoot says he aims to show that beauty is everywhere. It exists in every person.

1. What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.Elli’s appearance.B.Elli’s inspiration.
C.Elli’s childhood life.D.Elli’s achievements.
2. Which of the following best describes Elli?
A.Determined and positive.B.Optimistic and easygoing.
C.Respectful and straight.D.Honest and fashionable.
3. Which of the following words can replace the underlined word in Para.4?
4. What does the photographer want to convey?
A.Better late than never.B.Life is full of the unexpected.
C.Beauty has no boundaries.D.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
2024-09-18更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省潍坊青州市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第二次期末模拟(7月段考)英语试题
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3 . In my early teens, I was once given a film camera as a gift . On receiving it, I jumped on my bike, headed to Wimbledon Common and took photos, just for me: photos of trees and wildlife. I was out all day. On my way home I spotted a tree lit up by street lighting and tried to capture its beauty. Rushing home, I put the spent film in a special little envelope and sent it off to a photography store, desperate to see how it would come out. I took many photos then and loved the fact that when you processed your film you got back colour photos which froze the precious moments, gently encouraging the hobby and the payments for processing.

As I grew into adulthood, that simple, deep happiness gradually faded away. One weekend when I was busy answering the work calls, my eyes caught a box in the corner of the room. I suddenly felt a sense of sadness. The stress growing over these years had pushed the camera from beside my pillow to the box in the corner. I thought I needed a change.

I took out the camera and dusted it down. It was a great joy that it still worked. I bought new film and took the camera everywhere I went. Now it is always on hand to accompany me on journeys, to allow me time to myself. Even if the day is full and busy, I can seize some moments for myself to take photos, to observe the world around me.

The wall of my room now holds all my camera equipment on display, along with photos I've taken. To me, the room represents how I’ve found happiness: by reconnecting to the younger part of myself I laid aside, by allowing room in my life for pleasure to exist, and by creating an environment that allows opportunities for delight.

1. What did the author think of taking photos as a young boy?
A.Inspiring and practical.B.Tiring yet delightful.
C.Exciting and worthwhile.D.Difficult yet engaging.
2. Why did the author stop taking photos according to paragraph 2?
A.He wanted to focus on his work.B.He was struck by sudden sorrow.
C.He attempted to behave like an adult.D.He was faced with increasing pressure.
3. What did the author get from picking up his hobby?
A.More fun in the daily routine.B.New journeys in the wild.
C.Better skills of observation.D.Different styles of photography.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Revisiting Lost Childhood MemoriesB.Appreciating Beauty Behind the Lens
C.Escaping Teenage Sadness with CameraD.Regaining Pleasure Through Photography
2024-09-17更新 | 104次组卷 | 20卷引用:广东省深圳市2022-2023学年高二下学期6月期末英语试题
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4 . Every year, hundreds of international students travel thousands of miles to study hard in China, leaving their homes and native languages behind. As some of them devote themselves to Chinese language study at Tongji University in Shanghai, one unique task helps them bridge the miles that lie in between — writing a letter home in Chinese.

The letter- home activity has become an annual tradition in Tongji’s pre-university Chinese program. After months of studying vocabulary, grammar, and composition, students from all over the world are tasked with writing a letter to their families, entirely in Chinese.

“At first, this activity was operated in a few classes. But when other students saw the letters on show, they began to write home letters on their own,” explained Zong Qian, director of the International School of the university.

As the letters started coming in, the teachers were impressed and touched by the students’ efforts to express emotions across cultures. “We realized that these letters offered a special window into the students’ experiences and growth in China,” said Zong. “The letters were very moving to read.”

Chipo Bard Shanzuwa Chintu from Zambia wrote about her adjustment to life in Shanghai: “I think Shanghai is beautiful and safe. Learning to write Chinese characters is very challenging but rewarding.” Neth Chanranuth from Cambodia described his progress after settling in: “Time flies and my Chinese language ability has improved a lot. I’ve gradually adapted to life in China.”

For the students, letters are a more special way of communication. Once they are received, that physical paper held in hands becomes a lasting memory one can revisit again and again.

1. What unique task are the international students asked to do at Tongji University?
A.Learn Chinese vocabulary.B.Study grammar and composition.
C.Write a letter home in Chinese.D.Join in the pre- university program.
2. What can we infer about the letter-home activity?
A.It took some efforts to get promoted.
B.It was run in all the classes at first.
C.It offered students a common way to communicate.
D.It contributed little to international students’ growth.
3. What did Zong Qian say about the students’ letters?
A.They showed little effort.B.They were difficult to read.
C.They were very touching.D.They lacked cultural expressions.
4. How did Neth Chanranuth feel about his study in Chinese?
2024-09-17更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省马鞍山市2023~2024 学年高一下学期期末教学质量监测英语试题
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5 . Natural disasters take many different forms and can happen without warning.

The surface of the Earth has not always looked as it does today; it is moving continuously and has done so for billions of years. This is one cause of earthquakes, when one section of the Earth (tectonic plate) crashes with another. Scientists can predict where (but not when) this might happen and the area between p lates is called a fault line. However, earthquakes do not always happen on fault lines, which is why they are so dangerous and unpredictable.

Volcanoes happen where the earth’s crust (地壳) is thin — lava (熔岩), dust and gases burst out from beneath the earth. They can rise into a massive cone (锥体) shape — like a mountain — and erupt, or they can be so violent that they just explode directly from the earth with no warning. However, scientists are becoming more skilled at predicting volcanic eruptions.

Hurricanes are extremely strong storms and often happen in the Caribbean. They cause high winds, huge waves and heavy flooding and can be hundreds of miles across.

Floods happen in many countries after very heavy rainfall. When rain pours for weeks at a time, rivers overflow and people and belongings can be trapped or simply washed away.

Another kind of natural disaster is a drought. This happens when there is no water — when it doesn’t rain for a long time and rivers dry up. Plants, animals and even humans die as a result of drought, for we all need water to live.

All the disasters mentioned above are very dangerous and continue to kill thousands of people each year, but they are nowhere near the most dangerous disaster to ever happen on earth: asteroid (小行星) impacts. About once every million years the Earth is hit by a piece of rock and ice from space large enough to cause massive destruction and sometimes to kill entire species.

1. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.Why an earthquake happens.B.How scientists describe an earthquake.
C.When sections of the Earth crash.D.What the surface of the Earth looks like.
2. Which of the following is the most dangerous natural disaster?
A.Volcanoes.B.Hurricanes.C.Droughts.D.Asteroid impacts.
3. How many natural disasters are mentioned in the text?
4. How does the author develop the text?
A.By expressing opinions.B.By listing examples.
C.By telling some stories.D.By describing experiences.
2024-09-17更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省马鞍山市2023~2024 学年高一下学期期末教学质量监测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Four Ways to Get That Vacation Feeling in Two Days

Going on vacation every week? It sounds like the wildest dream. But a simple mindset change can make it happen — no travel involved.     1    

Get creative about making time

Not everyone has Saturday and Sunday off work and actually some people often find their weekend schedules fully packed.     2     For example, devote an hour on Sunday morning to the housework, but protect the rest of the weekend as your vacation time.

Reflect on what matters most

    3     “Does it mean turning off your email reminders? Spending money carelessly?” Maybe it means being able to spend time with people you don’t normally get to see, or giving yourself a break on a workout. It’s helpful to make a list of those things and be able to follow through.


Doing something totally new is recommended, so you can disconnect from the same old routines controlling your life. Think about a journey: Drive to a part of town you’ve never been to before, go for a walk, and grab lunch at the first cute café you see.

Don’t put extra pressure on yourself

Treating your weekend like a vacation doesn’t mean it needs to be complicated (复杂的). If your “vacation” meets a few problems or lasts for only a few hours — don’t worry. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Don’t put pressure on yourself to have one “perfect vacation.” It’s meant to be fun.     5    

A.Act like a tourist.
B.Follow your routine as usual.
C.Somehow, try your best to create a perfect vacation.
D.Plus, there’s always another one just a few days away.
E.But you could still find a solution to manage your time.
F.Here are four tips for taking a vacation mindset at home.
G.Focus on what makes a vacation different from a regular weekend.
2024-09-16更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省马鞍山市2023~2024 学年高一下学期期末教学质量监测英语试题
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7 . Traditionally, filmmaking has been seen as a domain (领域) limited to professional teams led by experienced directors or wealthy individuals. However, with the help of AI- generated content (AIGC), ordinary people are now ab le to produce brilliant films and even receive awards at a film festival.

This year, the 14th Beijing International Film Festival (BJIFF) introduced the AIGC Short Film Unit for the first time. From January to April, the committee received 430 films from both domestic and international creators. Impressively,45 percent of the total submissions (提交) were from independent creators, with the youngest being just 11 years old, while professionals accounted for only 10.7 percent.

“AIGC is changing the film industry by allowing ordinary people to create films,” stated Wang Lei. Wang Zimin, a 29- year- old journalism major, won the Best Creative Award with his film Illegal Report. In his film, a special group decides whether beings are considered as AI or human to prevent chaos.

A significant challenge in AIGC filmmaking is shot continuity because many AIGC applications can only produce random video clips based on users’ order. As a result, characters often appear differently in following scenes. Wang Zimin explained his innovative solution: “To maintain continuity, I used unclear images to make the scenes smooth.” He added, “I dug into AI applications for just two months. AIGC tools are everywhere and user- friendly like Meitu.”

According to Song Donghuan, a scriptwriter and founder of StoryStorm, a leading AIGC workshop, “AIGC filmmaking is accessible to everyone, with no barriers related to wealth or technology. The essential requirement is a strong desire to express themselves.”

Song also highlighted the transformative impact of AI: “We are fortunate to live in the era of AL Now, the only limit to becoming a director is not the absence of a team, scenes or actors, but rather your own imagination.”

1. What can we know about the AIGC Short Film Unit at the 14th BJIFF?
A.Chinese creators contributed to half of the films.
B.Only 10.7 percent of the films were well- received.
C.Most of the entries were made by non- professionals.
D.Individuals age under 18 were disqualified to submit films.
2. What is one problem of using AIGC to make films according to the text?
A.Unclear images at certain scenes.B.Lack of continuity between scenes.
C.The limited AIGC tools in filmmaking.D.High costs for independent filmmakers.
3. Which is closest in meaning to “transformative” in the last paragraph?
A.Short- termed.B.Negative.C.Predictable.D.Ground- breaking.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.The Rise of Independent Filmmakers.
B.Wang Zimin: A Rising Star in the Film Industry.
C.A Revolutionary Era in Filmmaking: The Role of AI.
D.The Development of Beijing International Film Festival.
2024-09-16更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省宜宾市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
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8 . On a sunny morning in 2001, Jim, a skilled diver and ocean lover, was diving as usual around Palm Beach in the Bahamas when he spotted a giant tiger shark circling a few feet away. The shark, which he later named Emma, was clearly struggling in pain. Seeing Jim, Emma swam close to him seemingly quite on purpose. With great fear and curiosity, Jim checked and found a fishing hook in Emma’s mouth. Despite the obvious risks, he managed to pull the hook out, careful not to cause any further injury to the animal. Jim has since removed four other hooks from Emma’s mouth on several occasions and sometimes freed her from fishing lines or plastic bags. The two have become inseparable.

Every time Jim goes into the water in the area of Palm Beach, Emma comes around and rubs her head against him as a sign of affection (喜爱). It’s not the kind of behavior most people would expect from tiger sharks, which could easily tear a person apart. “When you suddenly come across a huge shark, it seems like it might end your life,” Jim said. “What makes Emma so special is that she’s so loving and affectionate. She’s not a mindless killer but a sentient (有感情的) animal just like cats and dogs.”

Emma will always recognize Jim every time he dives in her area even if he changes diving equipment. Over time, she has learned his hand signals — an invitation to get her head rubbed and Jim claims that she started acting like a playful dog who loves being petted.

“What makes Emma so special is that she’s so loving and affectionate. She’s not a mindless killer but a sentient (有感情的) animal just like cats and dogs.” Jim said. “To have a connection that lasts the entire time you`re in the water is so moving and so influential. One of the best things that have happened to me is the discovery of the affectionate aspect of this tiger shark.”

1. What might be the reason why Emma approached Jim initially?
A.To greet him.B.To seek assistance.
C.To ask for food.D.To make friends with him.
2. What makes Emma unique according to Jim?
A.Her enormous body.B.Her feeding ability.
C.Her high research value.D.Her pet-like character.
3. What can we learn from the text?
A.Emma can read Jim`s sign language.
B.Emma has never attacked human beings.
C.Jim once saved Emma from a deadly disease.
D.Jim has removed four hooks from Emma`s mouth.
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.A Diver and His Odd Friend
B.An Exciting Diving Experience
C.Jim: A Person Devoted to Ocean Protection
D.Palm Beach: An Ideal Base for Shark Watching
2024-09-16更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省烟台市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
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9 . The following list focuses on the top 4 not-to-be-missed world-class parks, helping tourists better explore the city of Atlanta.

Centennial Olympic Park

Created for the 1996 Olympics, this park is well worth a visit. Visitors can be entertained by free music and lots of public art. Photography lovers should take advantage of all the photo opportunities the park affords. One of the big draws especially for children in summer is the fountains. Sometimes there are free concerts and movies in the park. Overnight campgrounds are offered.

Chattahooche Nature Center

Visitors can begin their exploration at the Discovery Center, where they can see Atlanta from the top. There’s also a river boardwalk crossing the wetland area. Besides effortless and short-distance hiking paths, there is a variety of native wildlife as well. Don’t miss Wildlife Walk, where visitors can enjoy close and personal views of native animals and plants.

Chastain Memorial Park and Amphitheatre

Apart from the running and walking roads, there’re also tennis courts and fields for playing ball games. Looking for a spot to host a family get-together? This could be an ideal place as there`re many pavilions(亭子)available. Kids can play on the special playgrounds. Of course, there is an amphitheater, which hosts outdoor concerts during summer.

Cloudland Canyon(峡谷)State Park

Featuring a beautiful canyon, this park is one of the largest and most scenic parks in Atlanta. At the bottom of the canyon are two waterfalls, where visitors can watch the water run over the sandstone. There are several different hiking paths around the park, but some may take several hours. If you’d like to stay overnight, there are regular camp places.

1. What do Centennial Olympic Park and Cloudland Canyon State Park have in common?
A.They offer campsites.B.They have beautiful fountains.
C.They host photo exhibitions regularly.D.They are equipped with top tennis courts.
2. What can a tourist do in Chattahooche Nature Center?
A.Interact with rare animals.B.Have a bird view of the city.
C.Take challenging hiking routes.D.Row a boat across the wetland.
3. Which is the best place for people to have a family party?
A.Centennial Olympic Park.B.Chattahooche Nature Center.
C.Chastain Memorial Park and Amphitheatre.D.Cloudland Canyon State Park.
2024-09-16更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省烟台市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了Lizzie Velasquez成为反欺凌倡导者的经历。

10 . Feeling pressure from the Internet is nothing new for Lizzie Velasquez, an anti-bullying (霸凌) advocate, who found that browsing social media had a negative impact on her self-esteem.

In 2006, when she was just 17, a video calling her “The World’s Ugliest Woman” went viral on YouTube. It was a difficult period for her, who had been dealing with a lifetime of bullying due to a rare health condition. “I was diagnosed with neonatal progeroid syndrome (新生儿早衰症), which doesn’t allow me to gain weight and severely affects my eyes, my bones and my heart.”

Growing up, Velasquez says that she lived in two different worlds. At home, her family treated her just like everyone else. Her parents raised her to be optimistic and confident. Yet, things got hard when she started school. “I didn’t become aware of it until I entered this other world where I had to face the reality of, ‘I do not look like everybody else,’” says Velasquez.

As Velasquez transitioned into high school, she gained more understanding about her condition. This new level of self-acceptance inspired Velasquez to make new friends, join the cheerleading squad, and write for the school newspaper. She had started to feel gratitude for what she had accomplished, but then came the YouTube video, which threatened her already-shaky foundation. “To just see a video that says ‘the world’s ugliest woman,’ it felt like, within two seconds, everything that I had worked for up to that point was just sort of knocked over and done.” says Velasquez.

According to DoSomething. org, about 37 percent of teenagers have been bullied online. Among them, only one in 10 teen victims (受害者) will inform a parent or trusted adult of their abuse. But Velasquez did speak up. That moment of bullying inspired Velasquez to use her newfound platform for good. In 2013, she gave a TEDxAustin Women talk about her experiences, reaching millions with her uplifting messages about beauty and happiness.

“My mission is just to remind people that no matter how different you are, you are meant to be in this world. Your purpose in life is out there waiting for you,” says the motivational speaker.

1. What can we learn about Lizzie Velasquez?
A.She hasn’t received any support from her families.
B.She has been aware of her difference since she was born.
C.She has suffered from cyberbullying due to a rare disease.
D.She feels horrible every time she browses social media.
2. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 4 mean?
A.Velasquez’s efforts to establish confidence was destroyed by the video.
B.Velasquez’s status at school has been threatened because of the video.
C.Velasquez’s health- has been negatively affected after watching the video.
D.Velasquez’s achievement in high school became worthless due to the video.
3. Why did she give a talk on TEDxAustin Women?
A.To share her experience as a victim of online bullying.
B.To show people the importance of beauty and happiness.
C.To encourage people to enjoy life whatever their differences.
D.To gain fame through the newly established online platform.
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.The ugliest womanB.A woman with a rare disease
C.The impact of cyberbullyingD.A fighter against cyberbullying
2024-09-14更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区第六中学校2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷
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