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1 . I have completely forgotten the name of an old lady who was a customer on my paper route when I was a twelve-year-old boy in Marinette, Wisconsin back in 1954.

On a mindless Saturday afternoon, a friend and I were throwing rocks onto the roof of the old lady’s house in her backyard. The object of our play was to observe how the rocks changed to missiles as they rolled to the roofs’ edge and shot out into the yard like comets falling from the sky.

I found myself a perfectly smooth rock. The stone was too smooth, however, so it slipped from my hand as I let it go and headed straight for a small window on the old lady’s back porch. At the sound of fractured glass, we ran away very fast.

I was scared about getting caught that first night. However, a few days later, when I was sure that I hadn’t been discovered, I started to feel guilty for her misfortune.

I made up my mind that I would save my paper delivery money, and in three weeks I had the seven dollars that I calculated would cover the cost of her window. I put the money in an envelope with a note explaining that I was sorry for breaking her window.

I waited until it was dark, snuck up to the old lady’s house, and put the envelope through the letter slot in her door.

The next day, I handed the old lady her paper and was able to return the warm smile that I was receiving from her. She thanked me for the paper and said, “Here,I have something for you. ” It was a bag of cookies. I thanked her and began to eat the cookies as I continued my route.

After several cookies, I felt an envelope and pulled it out of the bag. When I opened the envelope, I was astonished. Inside was the seven dollars and a short note that said, “I'm proud of you. ”

1. The author and his friend threw stones onto the roof of the old lady’s house in order to_______.
A.amuse themselvesB.help her repair it
C.ask her for some helpD.wake her up
2. What part-time job did the author do at the age of 12?
A.Making cookies.B.Collecting stones.
C.Delivering newspapers.D.Repairing windows.
3. When the author felt guilty about what he had done, he         .
A.went to see the old lady and admitted his mistake bravely
B.just wrote a letter to apologize to the old lady
C.turned to his friend for some advice
D.decided to rely on his own efforts to make up for his mistake
4. Which of the following can best replace the phrase “snuck up to” in paragraph 6?
A.ran   intoB.slipped into
C.broke   intoD.rushed into
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Dr Dian Fossey, one of the world’s leading women scientists, had a remarkable career. The work she devoted her life to protecting and studying the mountain gorillas (大猩猩) of Africa --- has proved highly effective and has resulted in the steady (平稳的) increase of this most endangered great apes.

Fossey made her first trip to Africa in 1963. Three years later, she returned to Africa to begin a long-term study of the mountain gorillas. She set up camp in the Democratic Republic of Congo but moved to Rwanda because of political reasons in 1967. She established her “Karisoke” Research Centre camp on September 24, 1967.

Fossey’s aims were to study gorilla ecology (生态学) and social organization. She found that in order to achieve this, she needed to recognize individual gorillas, which required that the gorillas get used to her presence (出现). By copying gorillas’ behaviour and sounds, Fossey began to gain their trust, and in 1970 an adult male gorilla she had named “Peanuts” reached out to touch her hand.

Close observations over thousands of hours enabled Fossey to gain the gorillas’ trust and bring forth new knowledge about their behaviour. Stories and photographs of her work were published in National Geographic Magazine and elsewhere.

In 1977, one of Fossey’s favorite gorillas, Digit, was killed by poachers and she established the Digit Fund to help raise money for gorilla protection efforts in the same year.

On December 26, 1985, Fossey was murdered while going back to her house in Karisoke. Her body was discovered near the research centre. Most probably, Dian Fossey had been killed by the poachers she’d fought against. On her tombstone (墓碑) “No one loved gorillas more ...”

In 1988, the life and the work of Fossey were made into a movie based on her story.

1. Why does the author say that Dr Dian Fossey had a remarkable career?
A.Because she travelled all over the world.
B.Because she liked to play with gorillas.
C.Because she studied gorilla ecology.
D.Because she made great apes increase steadily.
2. Which of the following shows the right time order of the events in Fossey’s life?
a. She established the Digit Fund.
b. Her story was shown in a movie.
c. She was killed probably by the poachers.
d. She established her “Karisoke” centre.
A.a. d. c. bB.a. c.d. b
C.d. c. b. aD.d. a. c. b
3. The underlined word “poachers” in Paragraph 5 probably refers to people who ________.
A.sell drugs against the law
B.hunt animals against the law
C.hate successful people
D.like to do harm lo people
4. From the words on Fossey’s tombstone, we can infer that ________.
A.Fossey was the person who loved gorillas most
B.after Fossey died, no one loves gorillas
C.Fossey was the first one to study gorillas
D.everybody loves gorillas as Fossey did
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校

3 . If you are already making the time to exercise, it is good indeed! With such busy lives, it can be hard to try and find the time to work out.     1     Working out in the morning provides additional benefits beyond being physically fit.

Your productivity is improved. Exercising makes you more awake and ready to handle whatever is ahead of you for the day.     2    

Your metabolism(新陈代谢) gets a head start.     3     If you work out in the mornings, then you will be getting the calorie(卡路里) burning benefits for the whole day, not in your sleep.

    4     Studies found that people who woke up early for exercise slept better than those who exercised in the evening. Exercise energizes you, so it is more difficult to relax and have a peaceful sleep when you are very excited.

    5     If you work out bright and early in the morning, you will be more likely to stick to healthy food choices throughout the day. Who would want to ruin their good workout by eating junk food? You will want to continue to focus on positive choices.

There are a lot of benefits to working out, especially in the mornings. Set your alarm clock an hour early and push yourself to work out! You will feel energized all day long.

A.You will stick to your diet.
B.Your quality of sleep improves.
C.You prefer healthy food to fast food.
D.There is no reason you should exercise in the morning.
E.You can keep your head clear for 4-10 hours after exercise.
F.After you exercise, you continue to burn calories throughout the day.
G.If you are planning to do exercise regularly, or you’re doing it now, then listen up!
2018-06-09更新 | 9225次组卷 | 69卷引用:广东省潮州湘桥区南春中学2021-2022学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . Wanted, Someone for a Kiss
We’re looking for producers to join us in the second of London 100FM. You’ll work on the station’s music programmes. Music production experience in radio is necessary, along with rich knowledge of modern dance music. Please apply(申请) in writing to Producer Vacancies, Kiss100.
Father Christmas
We’re looking for a very special person preferably over 40, to fill our Father Christmas suit.
Working days: Every Saturday from November 24 to December 15 and every day from December17 to December24 except Sunday, 10:30—16:00
Excellent pay.
Please contact(联系)the Enterprise Shopping Center, Station Parade, Eastbourne.
Accountants Assistant
When you join them in our Revenue Administration Unit, you will be providing assistance within all parts of the Revenue Division, dealing with post and other general duties. If you are educated to GCSE grade C level we would like to talk to you. This position is equally suitable for a school leaver of for somebody who has office experience.
Wealden District Council
Software Trainer
If you are aged 24-45 and have experience in teaching and training, you could be the person we are looking for. You should be good at the computer and have some experience in programme writing. You will be allowed to make our decision, and to design courses as well as present them. Pay upwards of £15,000 for the right person. Please apply by sending your CV (简历) to Mrs R. Oglivie, Palmlace Limited.
1. Who should you get in touch with if you hope to work in a radio station?
A.Producer Vacancies,Kiss 100.
B.Mrs R.Oglivie,Palmlace Limited.
C.The Enterprise Shopping Centre
D.Wealden District Council.
2. We learn from the ads that the Enterprise Shopping Centre needs a person who __________________.
A.is aged between 24 and 40
B.may do some training work
C.should deal with general duties
D.can work for about a month
3. What kind of person would probably apply to Palmace Limited?
A.One with GCSE grade C level.
B.One with some office experience.
C.One having good computer knowledge
D.One trained in producing music programmes.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Like all big cities, Paris has a traffic problem: lots of cars, lots of traffic jams and lots of pollution from exhaust fumes (废气). So the city began a project to improve the situation.

Under the Velib project (‘Velib’ comes from velo liberty, or ‘bicycle freedom’) people can take a bicycle, use it for as long as they want, and then leave it at the same or another bicycle station. The first half-hour on the bike is free, but if you don’t return it after 30 minutes, you have to pay. But it’s only €1 a day or €29 a year! The bicycles are heavy (25 kg), and they are all gray and have baskets. There are about 20,000 of them in the city, and around 1,450 bicycle stations. So there are a lot more Velib stations than the 298 subway stations!

Paris is not the first city to have a project like this. But not everybody thinks it’s a great idea. One Parisian said, “These bicycles are only for short journeys. If people want to travel across the city, they won’t use a bicycle - they’ll still use their cars.”

A city spokesman said, “The bicycle project won’t solve all our traffic problems, of course. But it might help reduce air pollution. Traffic, together with factory fumes, is a big problem. There aren’t any simple answers to traffic problems and pollution in cities. But unless we do something now, there will be more traffic jams and temperatures will continue to rise, so the problems in our environment will get worse. The bikes might help people to lead a healthier life, too.”

1. What can we learn about the Velib project?
A.Its bikes have no baskets.B.Its bikes are light and colorful.
C.It aims to make traveling easier.D.It owns more stations than the subway.
2. If you use a Velib for 1 hour, you should pay       .
3. Why do some people disagree with the Velib project?
A.The cost is rather high.
B.It’s hard to find a Velib station.
C.It’s not suitable for a long journey.
D.The distance between two Velib stations is long.
4. What’s the city spokesman’s attitude towards the bicycle project?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . It is good to get in touch with your inner child from time to time,and obviously some people are willing to pay big money for the chance to do so in a proper environment.A Brooklyn-based adult preschool is charging customers between $333 and $999 for the chance to act like a kid again.

At Preschool Mastermind in New York adults get to participate in show—and—tell,arts—and—crafts such as finger paint,games like musical chairs and even take naps.The month-long course also has class picture day where the adults are expected to have a field trip and a parent day.

30-year-old Michelle Joni Lapidos,the brain behind the adult preschool,studied childhood education and has always wanted to be a preschool teacher.She’s always on the lookout for new ways to get people in touch with the freedom of childhood.A friend encouraged her to start the mastermind course instead.

According to Candice,her blogger friend,Preschool Mastermind gives adults a chance to relearn and master the things that they failed to understand as children.“I realized all the significances of what we learn in preschool,”said founder Michelle Joni,“People come here and get in touch with their inner child.It’s magical.We are bringing ourselves back to another place,another time with ourselves when we are more believing in ourselves,more confident and ready to take on the world.”

“One person’s here because they want to learn not to be so serious.”Michelle said.“Another's here to learn to be more confident.” She explained that most of the classes were planned.However,Joni added that while the planned activities were fun,it was often the spontaneous(自发的)moments that attracted students.“It’s the things you don’t plan for,the sharing between friends and learning from each other.’’

1. What is the purpose of Preschool Mastermind?
A.To give adults a chance to return to childhood.
B.To help parents understand their children better.
C.To provide practical training courses for teachers.
D.To introduce some ways of playing with children.
2. What is mainly discussed about Preschool Mastermind in Paragraph 2 ?
A.Its customers.B.Its activities.
C.Its environment.D.Its schedule.
3. According to Candice,people come to this program to________.
A.enjoy freedom of thinkingB.realize their childhood dreams
C.discover their inner abilitiesD.figure out childhood puzzles
4. What do we know about Michelle Joni?
A.She used to be a preschool teacher.
B.She likes to make plans in advance.
C.She founded Preschool Mastermind.
D.She gained confidence by sharing.
2016-11-26更新 | 520次组卷 | 19卷引用:广东省潮州湘桥区南春中学2021-2022学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校
7 . 假定你是李华。在校报英语专栏看到了学校“英语文化节”的一则招募启事,请阅读启事,并根据写作要点和写作要求写一封应征邮件。
Volunteers     Wanted
Our annual English Festival, which will be held on June 15-17, 2015, is now looking for 20 student volunteers to provide service for Talent Show, Speech Contest, and English Debate. If you are interested, please send an application email at your earliest convenience to Ms.Chen at   chenlaoshi@aef.com.
Dear MS Chen ,
I’m Li Hua, a student from Class2, Grade 3. _______________________________________________________________________________________
Looking forward to your reply.
Yours truly,
Li Hua
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . Galaxy saw a man and a woman who communicated with the sign language at the train station when she was on the way home one evening. She noticed that the woman asked the man for the direction. He told her that he did not know. Galaxy decided to help them. She had learned the sign language when she served as a volunteer in the deaf and mute (聋哑) school. Then she showed the woman the direction and left her email address to them in case they needed her help later.

She received an email from that man the next day. Kazrim was his name. Galaxy replied his mail sincerely,They both started chatting online soon after and began seeing each other. Although they only communicated with the sign language, it never bothered her.

Galaxy was fond of him gradually. Obviously, Kazrim was the same too. He presented Galaxy with a bunch of sunflowers and asked her sincerely, “Are you willing to be my girlfriend?”

Galaxy was pleasantly surprised. She requested him to give her some time to persuade her parents.

As she had expected,her parents were very angry after they had learned of their love story.

Galaxy explained,“Kazrim is an excellent and a very optimistic person. He has a very positive attitude towards life and work. He cares for others always. He is 100% better than the normal. Moreover, the mute is still a human. He should possess a perfect and wonderful love. ”

Her parents asked to see him,then. The very worried Galaxy took Kazrim home a few days later. When they were on the train,Kazrim told her,“I'm going to tell your parents that I'll be looking after you well with all my life!” Galaxy was deeply moved.

As soon as they had entered the house,Galaxy introduced him to her parents. She said,“This is Kazrim. ”Just right after her speech,an unbelievable thing happened. Kazrim threw the gift away and held her in his arms tightly.

He said. “YOU CAN TALK?”It was the same question that Galaxy wanted to ask,too.

The four people were shocked all of a sudden. As a matter of fact, Kazrim always believed that Galaxy was a mute and he still fell in love with her deeply.

1. How did Galaxy and Kazrim get to know each other?
A.They met each other by chance.
B.They were introduced to each other
C.They once studied at the same university.
D.They both served in a special needs school.
2. How did Galaxy probably communicate with Kazrim before she took him home?
A.Writing words on paper.B.Using the sign language.
C.Judging from his expression.D.Speaking her native language.
3. What did Galaxy expect her parents to do?
A.To have a talk with Kazrim.B.To prepare for her marriage.
C.To treat Kazrim as a normal man.D.To accept Kazrim as her boyfriend.
4. What can we learn about the two young people from the passage?
A.They fell in love at the first sight.
B.They cheated each other to win love.
C.They mistook each other for being mutes.
D.They ignored the anger of Galaxy's parents.
共计 平均难度:一般