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1 .

Volunteers Wanted

             SOS Children’s Village
Five English teachers are needed.
Outgoing with a loving heart.
Spend one week a month.
Tel : 636-2788
             Home Love
Help old people repair things.
Have skill in repairing.
Spend thirty hours a month.
Tel : 593-6655
             Blue Water Beach
Ten people are needed.
Be interested in protecting the environment.
Collect and carry rubbish.
Clean up the beach every Saturday morning.
Tel : 720-8956
             Sunny Children’s Hospital
Two people are needed.
Be good with kids.
Play fun games with kids.
Spend four days a month.
Tel : 593-6607
根据表格内容, 选择最佳选项。
1. SOS Children’s Village needs ________ volunteers.
2. Home Love needs volunteers to ________.
A.collect and carry rubbishB.play games with kidsC.help old people repair things
3. If you want to volunteer for Blue Water Beach, you must work there every ________.
A.Saturday morningB.Sunday morningC.Saturday afternoon
4. If Helen is interested in Sunny Children’s Hospital, she can call ________.
5. The passage is probably from a ________.
2024-08-17更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西南宁市第二十六中学2023-2024学年九年级上学期开学英语试题
2 . 根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话,有一个选项是多余的。
A: Would you like to visit the science museum with me this evening, Sam?
B:     1     Maybe another time.
A: What are you doing?
B: I’m making a plan.     2    
A: What plan? Is it very important?
B: Yes, my friends and I always do volunteer work on Sunday morning.
A:     3    
B: I help out at the old people’s home. I help to plan some activities.
A:     4    
B: Of course. You could help to make the old people happy.
A:     5     I can dance for them.
A.Can I join you?
B.What kind of volunteer work do you do?
C.When do you want to do volunteer work?
D.I must finish it on time.
E.Oh, I’d love to do that.
F.Sorry, I can’t. I’m busy today.
2024-08-12更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西防城港市2023-2024学年八年级下学期期末英语试题
完形填空-10空(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Like most children growing up in the countryside, Mike loved being outdoors and traveled around every inch of the area.

With a deep love of the land, he had a strong wish to ________ it. When Mike saw rubbish floating (漂浮) in the rivers, he got ________. He knew he had to do something. While only in the third grade, Mike started a group. Its purpose was to ________ the countryside and teach other young people about pollution and its dangers.

But Mike faced a challenge. As he was ________, he found it hard to speak out in public. However, with his mom’s help, Mike ________ overcame (克服) his fear. He said, “I took responsibility (责任) and did what needed to be done. When your heart is into it, ________ will stop you.”

Mike worked hard to ________ his idea to the public. He handed out leaflets (传单) and even appeared on radio and TV. His efforts paid off. He won ________ from several thousand people. And his group collected and recycled more than 22,000 pounds of rubbish.

Now as a college student, Mike’s ________   remains the same. He often says, “I want to create a ________ life for my kids and grand kids. It’s beautiful countryside, where I’m from, and I want my kids to see it like I see it.”

A.clean upB.break intoC.set up
2024-08-08更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年广西柳州市三市六校联考英语试题
阅读理解-选择5题(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . A couple of months ago, I made a promise to myself. I had put some money in my wallet with the purpose of giving the money away to the first person I came across who deserved (应得) it.

Months passed, and as my daily life got busy, I was unable to keep my promise. Whenever I opened my wallet and saw the money, I was reminded of my purpose for it, and I would feel a little disappointed for having not acted on it. The voice inside told me that I should do something soon.

One day, while walking to work on a busy street, I passed a blind old lady with her hand out on the corer. Seeing her aged face and blind eyes, I stopped at once. A wave of sympathy (同情) washed over me, and I remembered the money that had been lying in my wallet all these months. I took out the money from the wallet. Gently, I took her hand, placed the notes into it, and closed her fingers over the notes so that she could feel the money and understand my action. Then I slowly moved away. I felt like I had achieved something. I had kept my word to myself. The lady nodded her head a little bit. I felt happy and moved on.

This small act was a huge step towards facing and walking through my own fears around giving. How great it is to carry out these small yet kind actions!

1. I had put some money in my wallet.
2. I felt disappointed for not giving money to someone.
3. I gave the money to a blind old lady.
4. The lady moved on quickly.
5. I’m a person who is glad to help others.
2024-08-08更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年广西壮族自治区南宁市中考三模英语试题
听力选择-听长对话选答案 | 较易(0.85) |
5 . 请听对话,回答各小题。
1. How often does the boy visit the old people?
A.Once a week.B.Twice a week.C.Three times a week.
2. What might they do next?
A.They might join a school club.
B.They might visit the old people.
C.They might buy some fruit in the supermarket.
3. What can Amy do at the Old People’s Home?
A.Sing songs.B.Read newspapers.C.Talk with the old.
2024-08-07更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年广西壮族自治区南宁市中考三模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文介绍了九岁的David和他的母亲,通过他们的组织Project Freedom Ride,帮助无家可归的狗找到新家的故事。

6 . Nine-year-old David comes from the US. He has three dogs—Luna, Ru and Zion. The boy’s love for dogs isn’t just playing with them. He helps thousands of dogs find homes through his organization (组织), Project Freedom Ride.

Together with his mother Jennifer, David started Project Freedom Ride in December 2016. Jennifer wrote on the organization’s Facebook page, “We work with Texas Rescues. It helps by saving dogs from high-kill shelters or taking in homeless dogs, and looking after them. We look for people to raise them. We give them the best chance of finding the right home that they need. It usually takes us about four weeks to save a dog.”

David spent lots of time with dogs, made videos of them and showed their friendly and fun side, wanting people to raise the dogs. Jennifer also sent videos online to make more people   watch them. She said that it was great that every dog that David made a video with finally had a nice home.

David has got several awards (奖) for his work in saving animals, but he still hopes that he can save as many dogs as possible. How great the boy is!

1. What can’t we learn from the first paragraph?
A.David is from America.
B.David is nine years old.
C.David works with his mother.
2. Which of the following does Texas Rescues do?
①Looking after homeless dogs.
②Looking for money for dogs.
③Saving dogs from high-kill shelters.
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A.David has no time to look after his dogs.
B.David and his mother are doing a good thing for dogs.
C.It is easy for David to find homes for homeless dogs.
4. Which words can best describe the boy according to the passage?
A.Careful and quiet.B.Kind and helpful.C.Funny and friendly.
5. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.A young dog saver
B.Be kind to the poor dogs
C.Save as many dogs as possible
2024-08-07更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西南宁市天桃实验学校2023-2024学年九年级上学期开学考试英语试题
听力填空-听短文填表 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,将所缺信息填入答题卡对应的横线上,每空一词。短文读三遍。
NickPlaying footballTeach the     1     children how to play football.
DaveAnimalsWork in the     2     or animal hospitals.
JohnReading    3     sick kids up in the hospitals by reading stories.
SallyPaintingPaint for the school     4    .
AnnaSingingSinging for the old people or sing to raise money for     5     people.
2024-08-06更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西河池市南丹县2023-2024学年八年级下学期期末学情教情调研检测英语试题
听力选择-听短文选答案 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,选出每个问题的最佳答案,短文读两遍。
1. Where did Lily do the volunteer activity?
A.In a hospitalB.In a parkC.At school
2. Which group was Lily in?
A.In Group 1.B.In Group 2.C.In Group 3.
3. How did they go to the volunteer place?
A.By bike.B.By bus.C.On foot.
4. What did the students in Lily’s group do ?
A.They watered the flowers.
B.They watered the trees.
C.They picked up the rubbish.
5. How long did they do the volunteer work?
A.For two hours.B.For three hours.C.For four hours.
2024-07-31更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西河池市环江县2023-2024学年八年级下学期期末检测英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Actress Jiang Yiyan has spent around a month a year volunteering as a teacher in mountain villages in Guangxi for nine years in row (连续).

In 2007, when she took part in film shooting in that area. She was shocked by the poverty (贫穷) there. Children had to walk along mountain roads to attend classes at a neighbouring village school. So she came up with the idea of doing something for these children. Besides giving classes, Jiang also plays games with children and sings songs for them. And she cares much for their daily life. Moreover, she donated a billion yuan to set up a fund (基金) for students there.

“Like the grass in stone clefts (裂缝), they have to try their best to find sunshine on their own rather than waiting for others to do it for them.” Jiang said.

When asked how she persisted in her volunteer to services for such a long time, Jiang said, “I’m not persisting but enjoying”.

“It’s not that I gave these kids love. I am actually learning about love.” Jiang added.

To enjoy and share love is seen as the most important thing in her life. At the same time, children in the big mountains have also influenced Jiang.

Whenever I meet with something difficult to do, I’ll think of these kids. Born in the kind of environment, they have to learn to face a lot of difficult things from birth. “So, why can’t I?” said Jiang.

1. How long does Jiang Yiyan spend as a teacher in mountain villages in Guangxi.
A.A month a year.B.A day a month.C.A week a month.
2. When did Jiang Yiyan come up with the idea of doing something for the children there?
A.In 1987.B.In 1997.C.In 2007.
3. What does the underlined word “persisted” mean in Chinese?
4. What’s the most important thing in Jiang Yiyan’s life?
A.To set up a fund.
B.To enjoy and share love.
C.To take part in film shooting.
5. What’s the best title of this passage?
A.A kind and helpful Actress.
B.The Mountain Roads.
C.The Grass in Stone Cleft.
2024-07-28更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西来宾市忻城县2023-2024学年八年级下学期期末教学质量调研英语试题
完形填空-10空(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面语篇,从各小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。

When Canadian teenager Ryan was six years old, his teacher told him that in many parts of Africa, there was no clean ______. She ______ that people often made themselves ill, and even died, just from drinking or bathing in dirty water.

What she said made Ryan ______. He decided to raise money for a well (井) so that people in Africa could have clean water. He did extra (额外的) chores for his parents and raised $70 all by himself. Then he ______ that it actually cost $2,000 to dig a well.

Most people would have ______ at this point, but not Ryan. He was disappointed (失望), but made up his mind to raise more money. ______ he collected over $2,000. That money was used to dig the first of “Ryan’s wells”.

Since then, Ryan has ______ to raise money for more wells. In fact, Ryan has raised over $1,500,000!

Ryan calls himself “a normal boy” and likes to play ice hockey (冰上曲棍球) ______ he’s not in school. He also likes travelling around the world and talking to ______ students about himself and his work. As for the ______, he has said that he isn’t exactly (确切地) sure what he will choose to do. “Something along the lines of a lawyer (律师) or a teacher. Maybe a leader!”

A.looked outB.carried outC.found out
A.given upB.gotten upC.put up
A.anotherB.the otherC.other
2024-07-28更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西贵港市桂平市2023-2024学年八年级下学期期末英语试题
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