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1 . Computers are very important in our life. People can search of information, send emails and do many other things. Many people shop on the Internet, because they have no time to go shopping. But there are still many people shopping in the stores. We have some numbers in a survey (调查). Let’s have a look!

45% of the people like shopping on the Internet and 55% of them like shopping in the stores.

64% of them learn about things on the Internet before buying them in the stores.

71% of the women buy things on the Internet, but only 52% of the men do this.

Why do many people shop in the stores? Some people don’t want to wait for their things to arrive. And some want to see the real things before buying them. What do you think of it?

1. Why do many people like shopping on the Internet according to (根据) the passage (文章)?
A.Because they’re funny.B.Because they’re tired.
C.Because they’re busy.D.Because they’re different.
2. What can help people learn about things before buying?
A.Watching TV.B.Going on the Internet.
C.Reading a book.D.Writing emails.
3. How many women shop in the stores?
4. Where can we see the passage?
A.In a dictionary.B.In a Chinese book.C.In a newspaper.D.In a science book.
2020-03-07更新 | 73次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省潍坊市临朐县2019-2020学年七年级上学期期末英语试题
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约180词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . The earthquake of the Indian Ocean

Have you heard of the earthquake(地震)of the Indian Ocean that happened(1)         the last Sunday of 2004? About 300,000 lost their lives in the earthquake. Do you know (2)        in an earthquake? Let me tell you. (3) During a quake, if you are in a room, you must get into the open air and stay away from buildings, trees, and other dangerous things. You mustn't stay in a door way or in a corner or get under a heavy desk or table. If you drive a car, a truck or a bus, you must drive it to the side of the road and stop. After a quake, you must check everyone in your family for safety and see if gas(煤气), water and electrical(电的)lines are OK. Please don't use any electrical machines, for there may be something wrong with the lines.

1. 在(1)处填上合适的介词。_________________
2. 在(2)选择合适的选项。__________________
A.what to doB.what to do itC.how to doD.how we should do
3. 把划线句子翻译成汉语。
4. If you are driving a car, what should you do when the earthquake happens? (根据文章内容回答问题)
5. List two pieces of advice to protect yourself when you meet an earthquake. (当你遇到地震时,列举两条保护自己的建议)

3 . A very important world problem is the growing population on the earth. The population of the world today is more than 7,400,000,000. That is a great number and we know it quite well. The important thing is not how large the population of the world is now, but the rate of the growth. It is about 1.63 percent every year.

Every second, 4.2 babies are born in the world. Another baby! Another baby! Another baby! You can not speak quickly enough to keep up with the birth rate. The population is growing faster and faster. In one day, people have to find food for over 350,000 months. The rapid growth of population will make a big problem by the year 2025. There will be as many as 8.1 billion people on the earth! So this is one of the biggest problems that you are going to see in your life.

1. From the passage, we know there are about         new babies to be born in one minute in the world.
2. Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The population of the world is very large.
B.The problem of the large population will be solved by 2025.
C.The growing population will be a big problem in our life.
D.The large population may cause lots of problems.
2020-03-06更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省潍坊临朐市2019-2020学年八年级上学期期末英语试题

4 . It is most difficult for parents to decide to have a second child. Someone says that a single child is likely to be a lonely child. There are no other children in the family for the child to talk or play with. An only child is not able to get along well with children of his age. Some parents regretted(后悔)making the decisions to have only one child.

But the number of parents choosing to have only one child is increasing in many parts of the world. In the US, for example, more than 14 percent of women between 18 and 34 plan to have just one child. The same can be seen in the UK. In Japan, the average number of children born per family had gone down to 1.42 by 1996.

For some single child parents, especially who are busy working every day, time and energy seem to be overwhelming(势不可挡的) They don't have enough time and energy to share with more children. For other people, money is their first consideration(考虑). Many couples in Japan choose not to have large families because the cost of supporting a child up to the age of 18 reaches around US $ 160,000.

1. According to the passage, why is a single child likely to be lonely?
A.Because his parents don't love him.
B.Because he doesn't have holidays.
C.Because he doesn't have a brother or a sister to talk or play with.
D.Because there are other children in the family.
2. What do people not think about when they choose to have a second child?
3. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.It is not easy to make a decision to have a second child.
B.Many couples in Japan love to have large families.
C.All parents feel confident about having a second child.
D.Less than 14% of women in the UK plan to have just one child.
4. The main idea of the passage is           .
A.the cost of supporting a child is so high.
B.parents can't share their time and energy with more children.
C.some parents regretted making the decisions to have only one child.
D.the reasons for parents not to have a second child.
5 .
1. What time do western people usually have dinner?
A.After midday.B.At 5: 00 in the afternoon.
C.Before 7: 00 in the afternoon.D.Around 7 pm or even later.
2. What will a host(主人) probably say to a guest at the start of a meal?
A.Can I help you?B.Eat slowly!C.Help yourself!D.Can you serve me?
3. Which of the following is helpful when you're in the west according to the poster?
A.You can leave as soon as you've finished eating.
B.The fork is held in your right hand and the knife in your left.
C.If you don't know what to do, just watch the others and do as they do.
D.You can't eat chicken legs with your fingers.

6 . First aid can help an injured or sick person quickly. It can stop the person's condition going worse. Sometimes it can save a person's life. But remember that we should never try giving first aid to someone unless we learn how to do first aid.

The first thing we should do is that we should take help. We should immediately try to find a doctor or an elder person. We should be calm and comfort the injured person and make him or her sit or lie down.

We can help if it is a small accident like a slight burn, an insect bite, a small cut or a nosebleed. Wash small cuts with water and apply an antiseptic(抗菌的)cream. If there is bleeding we should tie a bandage(绷带) to stop the bleeding.

If a nose bleeds, we need to pinch(捏)the nose and hold it for 7 to 8 minutes till it stops bleeding. We can get some ice, put it in a piece of clean clothing and apply it to the nose and that will stop the bleeding quickly.

If the burns are serious, a doctor should help them. For a slight burn, run cold water over it or keep ice for a few minutes. Put a clean bandage on it.

An insect bite can be treated by applying ice or running cold water over it. If a person is badly hurt, we shouldn't try to move him or her, that can cause more damage if the injury is serious.

1. The first paragraph mainly tells us _____________.
A.the importance of first aidB.how to get first aid
C.the result of first aidD.how to help injured or sick people
2. When a man hits his head on the tree badly, first you can _____________.
A.send him to the hospital quicklyB.move him to a comfortable place
C.go to the hospital and find a doctor quicklyD.help him sit and try to find a doctor
3. The underlined word “damage” means ______________.
4. When you have a nosebleed, you can immediately______________.
A.bow your headB.sit down quickly
C.pinch the nose for a whileD.lie down on the bed
2019-12-07更新 | 123次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省青州市2018--2019学年八年级上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 .                                                      

A recent study from a team of South Korean researchers suggests that eating alone often may lead to poor eating habits and poor food choices .Specifically ,the study found that men who ate alone more than twice a week had a greater risk of developing high blood pressure ,high cholesterol and diabetes .

For children ,eating with their families is not only about preventing bad outcomes(结果)—it is also about developing good ones .

In 2014, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD) looked at data from nearly three-quarters of the world’s countries .Among its findings was the fact that students who shared a main meal with their families were less likely to skip school .Children who eat a main meal with their families are also less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol(吸毒酗酒).

In the report ,titled “The Importance of Family Dinners (VIII) ”, researchers say that “teens who have frequent family dinners are more likely to say their parents know a lot about what’s going on in their lives ”. They also claim that when teens say they feel closer to their parents ,they are less likely to use drugs and alcohol .

Another study from the University of Montreal found that children who ate with their families experience long –term physical and mental health benefits(好处) .These children were physically in better shape and drank fewer sugary soft drinks .These children also seemed to have better social skills and they were less aggressive(好斗的)。

Professor Linda Pagani says that mealtimes shared with parents “likely provide young children with first-hand social interactions ,discussions of social issues(事件) and day-to-day concerns ” .She adds that they may likely help the child have better communication skills with others .

1. What can be the best title for the text ?
A.Benefits of eating togetherB.Advantages of eating alone
C.Ways of developing social skillsD.Risks of using drugs and alcohol
2. Children eating with their families are more likely to          .
A.drink more sugary soft drinks
B.do well in their studies at school
C.be more socially active and aggressive
D.have a closer relationship with their parents
3. Why is Professor Pagani mentioned in the last paragraph ?
A.To introduce herB.To add a new point
C.To explain furtherD.To provide background information
4. From which is the text probably taken ?
A.A travel guideB.A biology textbook
C.A cooking instructionD.A science magazine
2019-06-20更新 | 519次组卷 | 8卷引用:山东省潍坊市2019年中考英语试题
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约250词) | 较难(0.4) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。

Students generally find it difficult to prepare for a speaking test because they have nobody to practise ___(A)___ or correct their mistakes. But that doesn't mean you can’t test yourself.

Whether you're taking an end-of-course test or an official (官方的) exam like PET or IELTS, there's one great tool you can use: your mobile phone. Nearly every smartphone these days has an inbuilt recording feature (内置录音功能) which you can use to test your speaking skills. You can record yourself speaking, play the recording back, and correct your own mistakes.

I practised this way in Italian. I chose some speaking questions from PET and did the exercise three times. The first time, I made a few grammar mistakes and didn't speak for long enough. The second time was a bit better, and the third time was nearly perfect.

All in all, I made a real improvement with my grammar, pronunciation and how long I spoke. Also, recording myself put me under the pressure (压力) I would experience during an important speaking test.

Many students found this method ___(B)___. Nelia, from Brazil, said that she could hear her mistakes when she listened to her voice. She was mainly using the wrong verb tense (时态) and using prepositions(介词) incorrectly. When she tried the exercise again, she got its right! Donghyeon, from South Korea, said that the exercise helped him to improve his English skills in general.

1. How to test your speaking skills with a smartphone?(根据原文回答)
2. Are the questions the writer chose from an end-of-course test or an official exam?
3. 在(A)(B)两处各填入一词使句意完整。
(A)_____________________     (B) _________________________
4. 将文中处划线句子译成汉语。
5. 请给文章拟一个题目。
2019-05-15更新 | 149次组卷 | 2卷引用:【市级联考】山东省潍坊市2019届九年级初中学业水平考试模拟试题(一模)英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . People know the danger of fires. It’s good for a family to learn how to prepare for a fire. Here are some suggestions:
Put a smoke alarm in the house. Smoke from a fire causes the alarm to go off. The alarm makes a loud sound. The sound tells everyone to leave the house at once.
Make escape (逃脱) plans. They should know all the ways out of the house. If there is a fire, everyone follows the plan to get out. Part of the plan is to check all the windows to make sure they can be opened easily.
Buy fire extinguishers (灭火器) in the house. Everyone in the family should know how to use them.
Practice for a fire. They do fire practice because they teach children about fire safety. Everyone in the family should know the following fire rules:
*Don’t open a hot door! The fire can grow more quickly if you open the door.
*Stay close to the floor! Smoke can be more dangerous than fire; the best air is near the floor because smoke rises.
*What will you do if you hair or clothes start to burn? First, stop! Don’t run! The fire burns faster because of more air. Drop! Fall to the floor. They roll! Turning over and over will make the fire go out. Put a blanket (毯子) around you to keep air away from the fire that may still be on you.
There are many possible causes for fires. A wise family is ready all the time. If there is a fire, don’t forget to call 119 for help.
1. What does it mean when a smoke alarm rings at home?
A.You have to get up.B.Water is running to the floor.
C.Something is burning.D.Someone breaks your window.
2. The writer advices people to do the following to prepare for a fire except that _______.
A.they practice for a fireB.they make escape plans
C.they buy fire extinguishersD.they use electrical cookers
3. When a fire happens, _______ if you open the hot door.
A.the fire will grow more quicklyB.the electricity will be cut off
C.the door will soon be on fireD.the house will fall down
4. What are the right steps you should take when your hair or clothes catch fire?
A.Stop, run, roll.B.Stop, drop, roll.
C.Run, drop, roll.D.Roll, drop, stop
5. What is the best title for this passage?
A.The Dangers of a Fire.B.The Cause of a Fire.
C.Learn to Use a Fire Extinguisher.D.Be Ready for a Fire.
2019-01-30更新 | 787次组卷 | 10卷引用:2016-2017学年山东高密四中文慧学校八年级下开学考试英语卷
阅读理解-单选(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |
10 . Popcorn Park is a very special place. Workers at the zoo care for hurt or sick(生病的)animals. At first this unusual place was not a zoo. It was called the Forked River Animal Care Center. The workers there took care of lost or unwanted cats and dogs.
The change began in 1977 when a raccoon (浣熊) needed help. The workers cared for the animal. Finally it was better, but it could not care for itself. So people had to allow the raccoon to live at the center. After that, people began taking all kinds of hurt or homeless animals there. So many animals were living at the center that it became more like a zoo. It was time for a new name.
Popcorn Park Zoo got its funny name because many of the animals there like to eat popcorn. Also workers at the zoo sell the popcorn to care for the animals. People buy the popcorn to feed the animals as well. Popcorn Park Zoo now takes care of more than 200 kinds of animals. All the animals at the zoo get lots of care and love.
1. Workers at the zoo look after __________.
A.only homeless cats and dogsB.hurt or sick animals
C.all the unwanted cats and dogsD.young or old animals
2. Which animal was the first to live at the zoo?
A.An unwanted dog.B.An unwanted cat.
C.A raccoon.D.A tiger.
3. The zoo got its name because __________.
A.the popcorn at the zoo tastes bestB.workers at the zoo like to eat popcorn
C.many animals there like to eat popcornD.visitors can make popcorn themselves there
4. From the text we can know that __________.
A.the zoo was a very famous park in 1976
B.people look after the animals well at the zoo
C.the zoo spends much money feeding the animals
D.animals at the zoo don’t want to go back to their natural homes
2019-01-25更新 | 73次组卷 | 1卷引用:【市级联考】山东省昌邑市2017-2018学年八年级第一学期期中学业质量评估英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般