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1 . 阅读下面短文, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Last week, I had a wisdom tooth (智齿) pulled, which left me swollen and unable to speak. It was very strange spending a few days in this _____ but judging from other people’s responses, not as strange as it was for them.

I thought my husband would be the first to feel upset. I tried to imagine how _____ it must be to have half of the house go silent. _____, when I found him in the kitchen at midnight, cooking potatoes for my recovery and _____ the silence by singing “your lovely swollen face” to the tune of My Humps, I, too, was surprised, but also _____ .

When I felt _____ I went to my local shop. It still hurt when I moved my face, so when I _____ a friend, I couldn’t say anything. The friend wanted my _____ on a Twitter disagreement that I didn’t seem bothered. I was not bothered-and it felt good to remember that.

Later I visited my mom, who chatted away (闲聊) as normal. She didn’t even _____ that I was on the silent mode. This makes me certainly believe that my family role is part ______ part listener.

People say ______ is golden and that sometimes it is wise to say nothing and to let people reveal (吐露) themselves. Perhaps that is the ______ of the wisdom tooth. Maybe when they arrive with all their pain, forcing us-even just for a while-to move our ______ a little less, they give a lesson for living well: Listen, ______ and try-being quiet now and then. Then maybe adulthood (成年期) won’t be quite like ______ teeth.

A.called upB.looked atC.turned toD.ran into
7日内更新 | 138次组卷 | 1卷引用:全国招生考试全真试卷英语4
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2 . For the past 18 years, my daughter has been around me all the time. Now that she is in college, the _______ of our relationship has totally changed and our relationship is completely _______. I’m not going to be there every morning to have breakfast with her. I won’t know when she’s mad or when she’s happy. Here’s a little story of our new _______.

A week ago, my daughter wanted to _______ so she called me during the day as I was in meetings. I _______her later on, but she was in class. At midnight, she reached out _______ to ask if we could talk. Well, guess what? I was _______ . I thought we would talk the next day, but she was not   _______ .

Research shows that parents are _______ when their children are grown up, but for me that is when I start to get concerned. I am always left to________ , how can I, as a parent, remain ________to my daughter to guide, support and love through life's changes?   

We may have to ________ the way we communicate. My daughter encouraged me to go digital. That’s how I ventured into the world of social media, following her updates and occasionally sharing my own experiences. Through this   ________ presence, the physical gap is ________and I feel I still have an active role in her life. This experience serves as a reminder that ________, however scary, holds the promise of growth in our shared journey.

A.catch upB.take overC.check outD.break away
A.by taxiB.by textC.in privateD.in person
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3 . Any schoolchild knows that a whale breathes through its blowhole. Fewer know that a blowhole is a nostril (鼻孔) slightly changed by evolution into a form more useful for a mammal that spends its life at sea. And only a dedicated expert would know that while toothed whales, such as sperm whales, have one hole, baleen (鲸须) whales, such as humpback and Rice whales, have two.

Even among the baleen whales, the placing of those nostrils differs. In some species they are close together. In others, they are much further apart. In a paper published in Biology Letters Conor Ryan, a marine biologist at the Scottish Association for Marine Science, suggests why that might be. Having two nostrils, he argues, helps whales smell in stereo (立体空间).

Many types of baleen whales eat tiny animals known as zooplankton (浮游动物), which they catch by filtering (过滤) them from seawater using the sheets of fibrous baleen that have replaced teeth in their mouths. But to eat something you first have to find it. Toothed whales do not hunt by scent. In fact, the olfactory bulb—the part of the brain that processes smell—is absent in such creatures. But baleen whales still have olfactory bulbs, which suggests smell remains important. And scent can indeed give zooplankton away. Zooplankton like to eat other tiny creatures called phytoplankton (浮游植物). When these are under attack, they release a special gas called dimethyl sulphide, which in turn attracts baleen whales.

Most animals have stereoscopic senses. Having two eyes, for instance, allows an animal to compare the images from each in order to perceive depth. Having two ears lets them locate the direction from which a sound is coming. Dr Ryan theorized that paired blowholes might bring baleen whales the same sorts of benefits.

The farther apart the sensory organs are, the more information can be extracted by the animal that bears them. The researchers used drones to photograph the nostrils of 143 whales belonging to 14 different species. Sure enough, baleen whales that often eat zooplankton, such as the North Atlantic right whale, have nostrils that are farther apart than do those, such as humpback whales, that eat zooplankton occasionally. Besides allowing them to breathe, it seems that some whales use their blowholes to determine in which direction dinner lies.

1. What do we know about whales’ nostrils according to the first two paragraphs?
A.They are adapted ones.B.They are developed merely for smell.
C.They are not easy to detect.D.They are fixed universally in numbers.
2. What plays a role when baleen whales hunt zooplankton?
A.The teeth that baleen whales have.
B.The smell that phytoplankton send.
C.The sound waves that zooplankton create.
D.The chemical signals that zooplankton give off.
3. How is the concept of stereoscopic senses explained in paragraph 4?
A.By quoting a theory.B.By using examples.
C.By making contrast.D.By making inferences.
4. What is the position of nostrils related to according to the last paragraph?
A.The sense of smell.B.The possibility to attract food.
C.The ability to locate food.D.The ability to communicate.
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4 . Fine Arts Students Deliver Magical Performances

As the winter holidays approach,Brookhaven School students presented an array of extraordinary performances showcasing immense talent within our fine arts community. From the band concert to the choral concerts, each event highlighted the dedication and exceptional gifts of our students.

The December 12 Eagles Band Concert filled Woodruff Auditorium with melodies that captured the festive spirit.On December 14, the Foundations Christmas Choral Concert featured spirited performances by our 7th graders. The finale of seasonal fine arts showcases occurred on December 18 in Brady Theater with the Senior Chior Concert,spotlighting high school singers.

A highly anticipated tradition,the school-wide Holiday Assembly on December 19, hosted by esteemed Fine Arts Department Chair Mr.Kaminer, embodied the true essence of the holiday season. Angelic songs filled Young Gym, followed by joyous laughter and cheers as the “best costume” winners received their awards. Even the youngest War Eagles,the children in the Brookhaven Early Learning Center, attended the celebrations.Following the event, students merrily left school for the holiday break.

Looking toward 2024, anticipation builds for the Brookhaven theater spring productions. “Something Rotten!” promises high-energy comedic performances by theater students, while “Tuck Everlasting” assures a moving portrayal by talented Foundations students. Furthermore,the Brookhaven Dance Company will hold their showcase April 11-12 in Woodruff Auditorium. Tickets will soon be available for purchase.

1. What did the students at Brookhaven School do before the winter holidays?
A.They performed magic tricks.B.They participated in community service.
C.They gave holiday concerts.D.They presented new theatre productions.
2. What can we learn about Holiday Assembly on December 19?
A.It was a large celebration within the school.B.It was an award presentation for best students.
C.It featured various fun music and sports events.D.It was held on the first day of the winter holiday.
3. What is the text?
A.A fine arts brochure.B.A school announcement.
C.A school newsletter.D.A concert advertisement.
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5 . Is forgiveness against our human nature? To answer our question, we need to ask a further question: What is the essence of our humanity? For the sake of simplicity, people consider two distinctly different views of humanity. The first view involves dominance and power. In an early paper on the psychology of forgiveness, Droll (1984) made the interesting claim that humans’ essential nature is more aggressive than forgiving allows. Those who forgive are against their basic nature, much to their harm. In his opinion, forgivers are compromising their well-being as they offer mercy to others, who might then take advantage of them.

The second view involves the theme of cooperation, mutual respect, and even love as the basis of who we are as humans. Researchers find that to fully grow as human beings, we need both to receive love from and offer love to others. Without love, our connections with a wide range of individuals in our lives can fall apart. Even common sense strongly suggests that the will to power over others does not make for harmonious interactions. For example, how well has slavery worked as a mode of social harmony?

From this second viewpoint of who we are as humans, forgiveness plays a key role in the biological and psychological integrity of both individuals and communities because one of the outcomes of forgiveness, shown through scientific studies, is the decreasing of hatred and the restoration of harmony. Forgiveness can break the cycle of anger. At least to the extent the people from whom you are estranged accept your love and forgiveness and are prepared to make the required adjustments. Forgiveness can heal relationships and reconnect people.

As an important note, when we take a Classical philosophical perspective, that of Aristotle, we see the distinction between potentiality and actuality. We are not necessarily born with the capacity to forgive, but instead with the potential to learn about it and to grow in our ability to forgive. The actuality of forgiving, its actual appropriation in conflict situations, develops with practice.

1. What is Droll’s idea about forgiveness?
A.People should offer mercy to others.
B.Aggressive people should learn to forgive.
C.Forgiveness depends on the nature of humanity.
D.People who forgive can have their own welfare affected.
2. What does the example in paragraph 2 illustrate?
A.To forgive is to love.B.To dominate is to harm.
C.To fight is to grow.D.To give is to receive.
3. What is the writer’s attitude toward forgiveness?
4. What is message of the last paragraph?
A.Forgiveness is in our nature.B.Forgiveness grows with time.
C.It takes practice to forgive.D.Actuality is based on potentiality.
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6 . In an ideal world, we would be able to devote as much time to sports as we feel we need. But in reality, with growing demands in both work and family, we can only jump at the chance for our physical exercise when we can. Making the most of that time to practice Yin Yang yoga, which mixes the dynamic and slow-paced elements of yoga, helps keep you active and relaxed.

Yin and Yang are the Taoist concepts representing a balance of opposite forces which are also interconnected. Yin is inactive, cooling, and negative, associated with the female force. Yang is active, warming, and positive, associated with action and movement. They are complementary to one another, as one cannot exist without the other.

Yin Yang yoga is a combination of high-energy movement which builds energy, increases strength and promotes stamina (耐力), followed by the more restful practice of Yin to give us a deeper stretch (拉伸) and calm the nervous system.

If you have a busy and active life you may feel more in Yang, so taking some cooler, slower Yin yoga practice into your routine may help you feel calmer and more balanced.

If you are practicing for an hour, divide the time in half, Warm up with sun salutations (拜日式瑜伽), continue into a dynamic flow and then move on to some standing postures. After half an hour your heart will be pumping, muscles tighten up and you are hopefully feeling energetic, but ready for a rest. Then pick five Yin postures to hold for 3-5 minutes, or even longer if you are enjoying them!

As ever with yoga, if you are a beginner or have health issues, always attend a class with a trained instructor first to guide you safely through the yoga practice and avoid injury.

1. What can be inferred from paragraph 1?
A.Most of our sports time should be spent on Yin Yang yoga.
B.We’d better devote as much time to physical exercise as we can.
C.Busy schedule makes it impossible for us to do any form of sports.
D.Yin Yang yoga can be a choice of physical exercise when time is tight.
2. What does the underlined word “complementary” in the second paragraph probably mean?
A.Independent from one another.
B.Competitive against one another.
C.Similar to each other but unable to work together as a whole.
D.Different from each other but together making a good combination.
3. Which of the following might be the benefit of Yin postures?
A.Relaxing muscles.B.Building stamina.
C.Strengthening the body.D.Quickening the heartbeat.
4. What suggestion does the writer give in the last two paragraphs?
A.Hold each Yin posture for longer than 5 minutes.
B.Do not practice yoga when you are not in good health.
C.Start your yoga practice under the guidance of a trainer.
D.Spare half an hour for five Yin postures in every yoga practice.

7 . Adrienne Tully, an amateur photographer, went to the coast of a beach in Belmar, New Jersey. She planned to take photos of the ______ against the sea. Instead, she was able to ______ a frightening but happy journey. It all started last Sunday morning when she noticed a crowd ______ on the beach. Naturally, she joined them in the ______ of learning what was going on.

For a minute, Adrienne was ______ about what everyone was looking at. From how far away they were, it almost seemed like a bird. Looking closer, ______ , it was clearly a deer who was ______ on a raised rock in the middle of the ocean. The deer made a couple of ______ to swim back to the shore but the turbulent (汹涌的) water ______ all its efforts. Then someone who came out of nowhere ______ rode his surfboard to the deer. After a short magic while, the ______ managed to guide the deer out. Upon ______ ashore, the deer just ran north on the beach. Those watching nearby were no doubt ______ at the way this nameless young man ______ to help. But he somehow disappeared too, leaving people to hope he knows that he is greatly ______ for what he did.

A.went offB.turned upC.settled downD.set out
2024-04-16更新 | 144次组卷 | 4卷引用:浙江省杭州市余杭高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期月考英语试题
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8 . I am a big laugher. I’ve been told that even in a room of a thousand people, you can always hear me laughing over the crowd. For me, laughter is the ultimate form of embodied joy. And by “embodied”, I mean that my whole body is involved when I laugh. On the inside, it’s like a bubbling fountain of joy spilling out all over the place.

But what is joy, anyway?

Life can be terrible, but if you decide to follow the sound of the joy-fountain, you will find joy showing up in all kinds of places: pets playfully bouncing around, kindness, or even in nothingness.

How can joy be found? A friend moved into a new apartment and needed some help, so I helped him. Afterwards, he was obviously so much happier and at ease. I noticed that playing even a small part in his happiness brought me great joy, and I took a moment to let this feeling of embodied joy in. We can practice letting joy in by noticing how it feels to smile. Where does your body light up when you smile? When I smile, it makes me want to take a deep breath, and I notice my shoulders and belly relaxing. When I embody caring and loving, it feels great!

Sadly, many of us are unaware of joy, or suspicious of it. Maybe you are afraid to open up to joy, or maybe you are so unfamiliar with what joy feels like that you ignore or resist it when it comes knocking. No one, other than you, owns your happiness, but you might unknowingly block feelings or experiences that help you embody joy. The fact is that when you can’t embody joy, you miss out on one of life’s essential vitamins.

Want more joy? Don’t be afraid to look silly. Silliness helps us take things less personally. It helps us see the world the way a kiddoes. When we can find more joy in the smalls of everyday life, we can embody happiness, rather than just pursuing it.

1. How is the topic of joy introduced at the beginning of the passage?
A.By highlighting a joyful experience.
B.By stressing the importance of laughing.
C.By presenting an ultimate form of satisfaction.
D.By sharing the author’s understanding of joy.
2. What might be the author’s advice on finding joy?
A.Taking a deep breath.B.Smiling to your friends.
C.Doing small acts of kindness.D.Reflecting on nothingness.
3. What is the best title of the text?
A.Life is the creation of joyB.A happy man always laughs last
C.People are always unaware of joyD.Happy people are happy in childhood
2024-04-16更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省杭州市第四中学下沙校区2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考英语试题
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9 . Black taxis have been a common sight in London for many years. Now these taxis and their drivers have become the focus of a new study into Alzheimer’s (阿尔兹海默症). For those on the outside, it may seem that behind the wheel of these black taxis are just common people who help move us to our places. But hidden within their brains is a map of London’s streets that has put GPS technology to shame for many years.

“The knowledge”, the test for London’s taxi drivers, stands among the hardest tests one could ever experience. It includes remembering information repeatedly from the memory of minute details about between 25, 000 and 56, 000 streets in London, depending on who’s taking the test, from the Trafalgar Square to the tiniest residential lanes (居民巷).

Usually, the hippocampus (马体) feels the influences of Alzheimer’s most. The hippocampus controls the brain’s short-term memory and spatial memory (空间记忆) systems. University College London and Alzheimer’s Research UK are coming together to study these taxi drivers’ brains. And the taxi drivers’ hippocampi continue to grow as they go on doing the job for more years. This suggests that perhaps there’s something we can do to reproduce the influence on the general population.

Lead researcher Hugo Spiers was part of the team which 20 years ago found that, like birds’, the taxi drivers’ hippocampi slowly got bigger. In fact, research has found for years that any animal that requires detailed spatial knowledge of their land experiences growth in the hippocampus.

Spiers’ team hopes to deal with Alzheimer’s by studying the taxi drivers “brains, since the hippocampus becomes smaller with the development of Alzheimer’s. To collect more information, Spiers has asked thirty London’s taxi drivers connected to an MRI machine to drive around. The machine will allow the researchers to keep a real-time watch on the workings of the hippocampus. “It’s been a joy to help scientists fight the disease,” said taxi driver Robert Lordan.

1. What can we learn about “The knowledge’?
A.It lasts for a few minutes only.B.It invites some residents to be testers.
C.It is a great challenge to people’s memory.D.It is usually held in London's busy streets.
2. What does the research on animals show?
A.Animals’ hippocampi are quite different from humans’.
B.The new study can do good to animals as well.
C.More detailed studies on animals’ brains are needed.
D.Animals’ hippocampi are similar to humans’
3. Why do researchers watch taxi drivers with an MRI machine?
A.To decide who has the largest hippocampus.
B.To find out what their hippocampi are doing at work.
C.To know how Alzheimer’s develops in their brains.
D.To test whether the machine influences the hippocampus.
2024-04-16更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省杭州市第四中学下沙校区2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考英语试题
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10 . “Why do I live? Why do I wish for anything, or do anything? Is there anything in my life that will not be destroyed by my death?”

These are the words of the famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. Like Tolstoy, many people ask these difficult questions. And they struggle to find meaning in their life. Tolstoy spent his whole life trying to answer difficult questions like these. His search for answers influenced his writing.

On August 28th, 1828, Leo Tolstoy was born in the country of Russia.

As a child, Tolstoy was a member of the Russian Catholic Church. But as a young man, he began to question that faith. Tolstoy wanted to make his own moral decisions; he was tired of being told what to believe. He thought people could achieve a degree of perfection if they tried hard enough. So he worked very hard at being the best in everything he did. He thought that he would find meaning and truth in success.

In the 1850s, Leo Tolstoy wrote his first stories. He wrote about his experiences in the army. He also told stories about when he was a child. These works were published and Tolstoy became a well-known writer.

Tolstoy was finally successful. He earned the respect he always wanted. Many wealthy and intelligent men met and talked with Tolstoy. Some of the men were writers like him. They talked a lot about faith and the meaning of life. But soon Tolstoy recognized that these men were not perfect. Now he knew they could not answer his questions about faith.

So in the 1860s, Tolstoy tried a different way to find meaning. He opened a school for the children of his serfs—the people who worked on his land. These workers were very poor. He wanted to help them because he thought they were more honest than the wealthy people he knew.

Tolstoy learned many things from his workers. He respected how they worked hard to provide for their families.

He began to believe that marriage and family would give his life meaning. So in 1862, Leo Tolstoy married a young woman named Sonya Behrs.

The next 15 years were the best years of Tolstoy's life. It was during this time that he wrote his most famous books-War and Peace and Anna Karenina. Many literature experts say that War and Peace is one of the greatest books ever written.

Both War and Peace and Anna Karenina communicate Tolstoy's beliefs about the Russian nation, church and people. They also communicate what he thought was the answer to all his questions. Tolstoy believed humans were supposed to live a simple life and take care of their families. Tolstoy thought this would satisfy him and bring him happiness.

Leo Tolstoy is still a very respected writer today. His faith and writings have influenced many people.

Tolstoy's search for the meaning of life is something everyone can understand. His teachings still interest people all over the world.

1. Which shows the correct order of the following events?
①Tolstoy served in the army ②Tolstoy got married ③Tolstoy wrote War and Peace
④ Tolstoy started a school.   ⑤Tolstoy became a well-known writer.
2. What does the underlined phrase “provide for” in paragraph 8 mean?
3. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Leo Tolstoy: Living for writingB.Leo Tolstoy: Influencing the world
C.Leo Tolstoy: Being the best in everythingD.Leo Tolstoy: Searching for the meaning of life
2024-04-16更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省杭州市第四中学下沙校区2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考英语试题
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