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1 . A psychologist at Stanford once did an experiment. He assigned preschool children to three groups. The first group watched adults play rudely with an inflatable clown (充气小丑) called Bobo; another watched adults play quietly with a different toy while ignoring Bobo; and the third had no exposure to these adult role models. Next, each of the children was left alone with Bobo.

The results of the study were striking. Only the children in the first group later kicked Bobo, hit it with a stick, and sat on it just as they watched the adults do.

The above study indicates kids may follow suit if they see what others do. That’s why role models matter. When kids are exposed to role models they can relate to, it helps them set ambitious goals. Don’t assume kids know they can be anything they want when they grow up.

Take myself for example. “Angela, do you think the US will elect a female president in your lifetime?” Years ago, this was the last question of the last interview for a scholarship I didn’t win. Without hesitation I shook my head saying “no”. As the interview ended, I sensed I’d given an answer the committee found disappointing. “Of course there will be a female president,” they wanted me to say with a confident smile. “And I hope I have your vote.”

Like most children, my first role models were in my family. My dad had a PhD in chemistry. My uncles and countless cousins were mostly doctors or scientists. So, if you’d asked me in, say, third grade, “Angela, could you become a college professor someday if you tried?” Without a bit of evidence that I’d be any good at such a career, I’d have nodded my head.

So it’s quite necessary that we should go out of our way to expose kids to role models, whether it’s an Olympic athlete or a CEO. Now that we have our first female vice-president, can the first female president be far behind?

1. Why did the children in the first group treated Bobo rudely?
A.They regarded it as a mere toy.
B.They meant to make fun of Bobo.
C.They were raised to behave badly.
D.They were set a negative example.
2. What did the committee expect Angela to do with the last question?
A.To raise her doubt.
B.To respond positively.
C.To interpret its meaning.
D.To change her reply quickly.
3. How did third-grade Angela feel about the chance of being a professor?
4. Which of the following may be the best title for the text?
A.My Role Models
B.Aim High and Act Early
C.How to Become American President
D.Role Models Help Shape Kids’ Future
2022-02-02更新 | 167次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省烟台市2021-2022学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了材料工程师Nzambi Matee创造性地将难以回收处理的塑料垃圾转化成建筑用砖的一些情况。

2 . Kenya has been at the forefront of the global war on plastic since 2017, when officials outlawed plastic bags. In 2020, the government raised the demand with a ban on single-use plastics. Unfortunately, tons of industrial and consumer plastic waste continue to get poured into landfills daily. However, if 29-year-old Nzambi Matee has her way, the unsightly plastic garbage mountain will soon be transformed into colorful bricks.

The materials engineer’s search for an effective solution to controlling plastic pollution began in 2017, when she set up a small lab in her backyard. It took her nine months to produce the first brick and even longer to convince a partner to help build the machinery to make them.

She says, “I wanted to use my education in applied physics and materials engineering to do something about plastic waste pollution. But I was very clear the solution had to be practical, sustainable and affordable. The best way to do this was by channeling the waste into the construction space and finding the most efficient and affordable material to build homes.”

Her company, Gjenge Makers, now hires 112 people and produces over 1,500 bricks a day, which are made using a mix of plastic products that can’t be reprocessed or recycled. The collected plastic is obtained directly from factories or picked by hired locals from landfills and mixed with sand, heated at very high temperatures, and compressed (压缩) into bricks that vary in color and thickness. The resulting product is stronger, lighter, and about 30 percent cheaper than traditional concrete (混凝土) bricks. Most importantly, it helps repurpose the lowest quality of plastic.

Matee, recognized as one of the Young Champions of the Earth 2020 — the United Nations’ highest environmental honor — is far from done. Her dream is to reduce rubbish by increasing production and expanding her offerings. She says, “The more we recycle plastic, the more we produce affordable housing…the more we create more employment for the youth.”

1. Which word best describes Kenyan government’s measures against plastic?
2. Which of the following do we know about Matee?
A.She turns knowledge into actual products.
B.Her company’s funded by the government.
C.She produces brick-making machinery herself.
D.Her bricks are made from recyclable plastic waste.
3. What’s the greatest strength of Matee’s resulting product?
A.Its low cost.B.Its wide range of uses.
C.Its economic benefit.D.Its environmental value.
4. What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?
A.Matee’s achievement.
B.Matee’s greater ambition.
C.Multiple challenges Matee faces.
D.Innovative solutions to plastic waste.
2022-02-02更新 | 118次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省烟台市2021-2022学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
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3 . In what has become an annual tradition, the staff of National Public Radio bring you a mighty year-end guide of Books We Love. Here are a handful of the most interesting picks. We hope you enjoy the selections and take time to look through for a while!

Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner

Michelle Zauner lays out the complexity and the ongoing sorrow of losing a parent in her 20s, just as her own life is about to start. Zauner writes about how she turned to Korean food to process her sadness when her mother, her only tie to Korean culture, died of cancer. The book reflects on how cooking and eating the food that her mom once prepared gives her a way to connect to her identity.

Fat Chance, Charlie Vega by Crystal Maldonado

Crystal Maldonado creates a much-needed believable character with teenage and adult readers. Charlie Vega is fat and wears glasses, with a diet-pushing mother and a beautiful, athletic best friend. When her classmate Brian pursues a romantic relationship, Charlie is bothered with self doubt. The book, which tells a well-observed story of fat teenage life, is developed by internal (内在的) and external (外在的) conflicts.       

The Most Fun Thing: Dispatches (快讯) from a Skateboard Life by Kyle Beachy

The year 2021 was the year of skateboarding, which has been transformed into an Olympic sport. And many have picked up skateboards for the first time, so The Most Fun Thing couldn’t have come at a better time. Kyle Beachy, a longtime skater and writing professor, is devoted to exploring the meaning of skateboarding based on related essays of a decade.

The Secret History of Home Economics by Danielle Dreilinger

It’s generally thought that home economics is just a class taken at school, which is appropriately named Mrs Housekeeper. But in reading this book, you can discover that in the early 20th century, the field provided jobs for women in science, companies and governments. Danielle Dreilinger also makes the case that cooking and managing a budget are invaluable lessons for all children and should still be school courses.

1. What is Charlie Vega like?
2. Who is a sports lover?
A.Michelle Zauner.B.Crystal Maldonado.C.Kyle Beachy.D.Danielle Dreilinger.
3. What do Crying in H Mart and The Secret History of Home Economics have in common?
A.They both involve the topic of cookery.
B.They both mention the bond with parents.
C.They both state how to survive economic hardship.
D.They both stress the necessity of ensuring women’s rights.
2022-02-02更新 | 126次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省烟台市2021-2022学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
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4 . Lapland's reindeer (驯鹿) grow well in winters of -30℃ and even colder. So when rain falls instead of snow during the coldest months in the Arctic,it makes food hard to get for them. Now one of the best-loved symbols of Christmas is probably dying out. Numbers have fallen by over half in the last two decades as the place warms at four times the global average rate.

The animals are used to pull sleigh (雪橇) rides for tourists. The rides are part of Lapland winter wonderland experiences in thousands of British tourists each year. But this year the working herd had to be moved 60 miles further north due to the absence of snow. As a result, they can't be provided in some areas, making it hard for people to earn a living.

Lapland is often described as Europe's last great wilderness, home to lynxes, brown bears, wolverines and golden eagles. Tourism is a big part of the economy, and the town of Rovaniemi is also the "official home of Santa Claus". But changing climate (气候) is threatening its tourism industry. A report by The Finnish Climate Change Panel warns of flooding and increased rainfall, with Rovaniemi most at risk. Firms that rely on snow "will have great effects on visit levels" and these industries may be forced further north.

Erkkila of the Arctic Husky Park in Rovaniemi says: "Tourists see pictures of the Santa Claus village covered in snow and when they get here they think, 'Is this the winter wonderland?'." The Husky Park bought a wheeled cart (车) six years ago as a replacement for sleigh rides when the snow fails.

In the past it was thought the Arctic was warming twice as fast as the rest of the world. But a report published last week by scientists showed the rate is actually four times the global average.

1. What causes the drop in Lapland's reindeer population?
A.Cold winter.B.Polluted habitats.
C.Heavy snow.D.Rising temperatures.
2. What does the underlined word "they" in paragraph 2 refer to?
3. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.Lapland is home to various wildlife.
B.Increased rainfall threatens Rovaniemi.
C.Rovaniemi is official home of Santa Claus.
D.Changing climate affects Lapland's tourism.
4. What does Erkkila say about tourists to Rovaniemi?
A.They feel excited.B.They are disappointed.
C.They enjoy themselves.D.They prefer wheeled carts.
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5 . Recent research discovered that a low-cost computer training program can help older persons drive less dangerously.

“We developed a training program, called Drive Aware, which could be used by anyone who has a computer,” says Jing Feng, co-author of the study and a professor of psychology at NC State. “Drive Aware is a cognitive (认知的) training program for older persons that helps them notice traffic risks more effectively. The purpose of our recent study was to see how much Drive Aware changes trainees’ driving behaviors once they get behind the wheel.”

The researchers found 27 persons aged 65 and up to test Drive Aware. In a driving simulator (模拟器), all of the study participants (参与者) experienced a basic driving exam. The “active training” group was made up of nine of the study participants. Every two weeks, the active training group had two Drive Aware trainings. A group of nine additional study participants was asked to take “passive training”. This group watched videos of others receiving the Drive Aware instruction. This happened twice, with each lasting about a week. The control group, which was made up of the remaining nine study participants, received no training. After that, all 27 study participants performed a second driving exam in the simulator.

The study participants in the active training group experienced 25% fewer “unsafe incidents (事件)” following the training, according to the researchers. There was no obvious change in the number of dangerous incidents among study participants in the passive training and control groups.

“This testing was done with a fairly limited number of study participants,” Feng says. “If we can succeed in getting the fund, we’d like to further our testing with more people to clearly prove how effective this training is at reducing accidents among older drivers.”

1. What does the underlined phrase “get behind the wheel” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Take a risk.B.Start a program.
C.Drive a car.D.Use a computer.
2. What was the “passive training” group required to do?
A.Experience no training.B.Receive two Drive Aware trainings.
C.Take three driving tests.D.Observe videos of Drive Aware trainings.
3. How did the researchers arrive at their testing result?
A.By quoting former figures.B.By investigating car accidents.
C.By operating the driving simulator.D.By comparing participants’ performances.
4. What is Feng’s attitude towards the testing?
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6 . A new technology project in southern Greece is helping visitors experience the ancient birthplace of the Olympic Games.

The project used Augmented Reality (AR) to recreate temples and competition areas in the ancient city of Olympia. It was recently launched in the city, one of the world’s major archaeological sites. Augmented Reality is a technology that can project computer-created imagery onto special eyeglasses. Through the eyeglasses, the images appear along with other physical objects in the environment.

The project is a partnership between American software maker Microsoft and Greece’s Ministry of Culture and Sport. The ministry helped Microsoft map and build virtual representations of Olympia. The city was used for nearly a thousand years to host the games in ancient Greece that served as the model for the modern Olympics. The experience provides users the chance to virtually walk through the ruins of Olympia. At the Olympic Museum in Athens, people can also use Microsoft’s AR headsets for a similar experience.

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis joined a group of schoolchildren who were using the app for the first time. “I’m absolutely thrilled that we’re able to present to the world a completely new cultural experience utilizing technology to recreate the ancient world of Olympia, ” Mitsotakis told the media.

Students from a local middle school looked at statues and structures that were brought to life on their phones. One of the children, Panagiotis Christopoulos, called the project “impressive”. “I think it can help with teaching in schools, ” the student said. They were able to virtually visit inside and outside settings to explore where ancient Olympians had competed in different sports.

The project began 18 months ago with a series of imaging flights to help map areas across Olympia. Microsoft is to build several data centers in and near Athens as part of a $ 1 billion investment agreement with the Greek government.

1. What can users do with the eyeglasses?
A.Move physical objects.
B.Take photos of the ruins of Olympia.
C.Take part in the virtual Olympic Games.
D.Be on a virtual visit to the ruins of Olympia.
2. What does the underlined word “utilizing” in paragraph 4 mean?
3. What will Microsoft do according to the last paragraph?
A.Develop advanced operating systems.
B.Help the Greek government plan the city.
C.Make an agreement with other companies.
D.Spend lots of money establishing data centers.
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Greece Will Open a New Olympic Museum
B.Digital Project Brings Olympics Birthplace to Life
C.The AR Glasses Helps You See More about the World
D.The Olympic Museum in Athens Will Create a Virtual Map
2022-01-29更新 | 366次组卷 | 5卷引用:阅读理解变式题-科学技术类说明文2
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7 . Kids and science seem to be made for each other!

The basic science is a combination of thought and experiment called the scientific method. It’s where you start with an idea, create a way to prove or disprove your idea, and show what you learned based on facts. Learning to follow this process helps you think logically and carefully. These important thinking skills can be used in many areas of study. To give a child practice with these thinking skills is like giving vitamins to a developing mind.

One of the greatest things we can teach our children is to love learning. Learning science is a great way to do so. Children are easy to be interested in science. Because much of science is hands-on, it attracts most children. Nothing makes a child sit up and take notice like the “WOW!” of a great science showing.

Science opens doors to many subjects at school. Building love for science can be helpful in other areas of study. For example, one cannot love science for very long without becoming good at its language-math! So science encourages children to study math. An interest in science is an interest in how things were once understood compared to how they are understood now. Thus studying science lends itself easily to studying history. And after you do an experiment, you need to write a lab report. Therefore, writing becomes an important part of science.

Science is the basic thing for much of our life. The science of farming shows how our food is produced; biomedical science keeps us healthy; even our beds these days are designed according to scientific facts. We almost eat, sleep and breathe with the help of science! When we prepare the next generation of voters, creators and policy makers, it is important to make sure they are not only comfortable but also good at science.

1. According to Paragraph 2, what does learning the scientific method mean to kids?
A.Learning to do experiments.B.Learning many areas of study.
C.Helping them develop thinking skills.D.Refusing any ideas that are not logical.
2. Which of the following statements would the author agree with?
A.Science is too difficult for children.B.Children usually consider science boring.
C.Science can arouse children's interest in learning.D.Children who are careless shouldn't learn science.
3. What happens to a child who works hard at science at school?
A.He usually has no time for other subjects.B.He usually loses interest in other activities.
C.He is usually bad at such subjects like history.D.He is likely to learn many other subjects well.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.Why Kids Should Learn ScienceB.Why Science Is Important
C.How Kids Can Make Use of ScienceD.What Kids Should Learn at School
2022-01-26更新 | 231次组卷 | 12卷引用:山东省济宁市兖州区2019-2020学年高一下学期5月阶段性测试英语试题
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8 . Dutch artist Daan Roosegaarde’s latest project, GROW, involved installing (安装) thousands of blue, red and purple LED lights in a 2-hectare field of leek (韭菜) for both artistic and practical purposes. People driving by the town of Lelystad, in central Netherlands, at night, this time of year are treated to a fantastic sight—a 20,000 square meters field of leek glowing blue, red and purple. Thought up by Studio Roosegaarde, the unique artistic installation is designed both as an honor to Dutch farmers and as an inspiration for them to experiment with artificial light in outdoor farming. Daan Roosegaarde also wants GROW to send a hopeful light to people in these trying times, giving new meaning to the word “agriculture” as a living cultural artwork.

Nighttime ultraviolet (紫外线的) light has been used in glasshouse agriculture for a while now, especially in places where direct sunlight is scarce, but its use in outdoor fanning has so far been very limited. Ultraviolet light is known to help plants grow better, but Studio Roosegaarde is also testing a theory according to which certain wavelengths of ultraviolet light could reduce the need for pesticides by up to 50%.

“So we started to scan the plants with these wavelengths of light and then suddenly it started to dance, the light,” Daan Roosegaarde said. “You had these huge fields of fireflies, as if they were, and we were testing it and the magic started kicking in, so I think that’s when the worlds of science, art and design meet and enhance each other.” Solar-powered LEDs give ultraviolet light onto the leek plants, thus adding the effect of natural sunlight after sunset, and creating a wonderful sight at the same time.

GROW is currently only visible near Lelystad, but Roosegaarde plans to take the visually-impressive installation on the road to over 40 countries. Each country will have its own local or national crop and its own unique light recipe. Over the years, Studio Roosegaarde has created a number of fascinating installations, like the glow-in-the-dark bicycle path powered directly by the sun.

1. What does GROW probably refer to?
A.A project creating artworks.B.A project installing LED lights.
C.A project producing pesticides.D.A project building glasshouses.
2. What does the underlined word “scarce” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A.What artistic effects were caused by the project
B.Why the project GROW was conducted.
C.How Roosegaarde’s design idea came up.
D.How Roosegaarde’s theory was tested.
4. What does Roosegaarde think of the future of GROW?
A.It is promising.B.It is pressing.
C.It is challenging.D.It is demanding.
2022-01-23更新 | 193次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省菏泽市2021-2022学年高二上学期期末教学质量检测英语试题
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9 . Christmas 2020 was shaping up to be a heartbreaker for Melanie Lee. A few weeks earlier, her 33-year-old son had lost his battle with a long illness. Then the engine of her car conked down. She had no means of paying for it to be fixed.

“When it broke down, I broke down,” Lee told CNN. “Now I don’t have my baby, now I don’t have transportation. How am I supposed to stay active in my grandchildren’s lives?”

Middleton, 38, the owner of a barbecue restaurant and former auto mechanic who, in his free time, repairs and gives away used cars. He’d heard about Lee’s predicament from Frank, the mayor of South Carolina. On Christmas morning, Middleton showed up at Lee’s home with a gift: a white 1993 Oldsmobile.

“I had no idea what was going on,” said Lee. “He handed me the keys and didn’t ask for anything.” Once again, she’s able to pick up her granddaughters from school and take them to dance class. “I got my freedom back. ”

The idea for the used-car giveaway came to Middleton a year earlier during a food drive he’d organized. Many of those who’d lined up for a meal walked up to four miles to get there because they didn’t have cars.

Cars are a lifeline in this part of South Carolina, Middleton told CBS. “There’s no public transportation, no Ubers, no taxis to take people to job interviews, doctor appointments, even food shopping. ”So he posted on Facebook an offer to trade his restaurant’s barbecued ribs for broken-down vehicles. Since then, friends and strangers have dropped off more than 100 cars in various states of disrepair. Many sit in Middleton’s yard waiting to be repaired and donated, usually to those he’s heard about through word of mouth. It’s a list of names that grows daily.

“People think Middleton is an angel,” Mayor Frank told the Washington Post. “And I do too.”

1. Why was Christmas 2020 a heartbreaker for Melanie Lee?
A.Her car was stolen.
B.She was in financial trouble.
C.Her son was beaten in a battle.
D.She lost one of her families.
2. What does the underlined word “predicament” in Paragraph3 probably mean?
3. What inspired Middleton to give away used cars?
A.He saw many people lining up for meals.
B.He learnt about the huge profit of his restaurant.
C.He noticed the inconvenience of the people with no cars.
D.He witnessed many abandoned cars around his restaurant.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.An angel ready to help those in need.
B.A mechanic repairing cars for neighbors.
C.A kind-hearted chef offering food for free.
D.An official calling on environment protection.
2022-01-22更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省日照市2021-2022学年高二上学期期末校际联合考试英语试题
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10 . Under the background of the slow growth of its total population to 1.44 billion, China has seen a sharp rise in older adults over the past decade, solidifying the country’s rapidly aging pattern, the latest national census (人口普查) data shows. The population on the Chinese mainland increased by an average of 0.53 percent annually during the past 10 years to 1.41 billion, compared with an annual growth rate of 0.57 percent from 2000 to 2010, according to the 7th national census published by the National Bureau of Statistics.

“The growth of the total population has slowed down but remains at a steady pace,” Ning Jizhe, head of the bureau, said at a news conference. “Based on trends in recent years, China’s population will grow at an increasingly slow rate in the future while remaining above 1.4 billion.” The increasing elderly population has become a defining feature of the past decade.

Ning said an aging society will set the tone for China's population structure for a long time, presenting challenges and opportunities. “A graying population will pile pressure on supply of labor force and social services, as well as adding to families’ elderly care burden. But more elderly people could also motivate consumption of products and services targeting this age group, and advance the development of some technologies,” he said.

Ning added that those between the ages of 60 and 69, who are equipped with knowledge, experience and skills and are generally in good health, make up nearly 56 percent of all older adults. “Their potential to continue making contributions to society and playing a constructive role is big,” he responded to a question on the outlook for raising the retirement age and carrying out other potential measures aimed at addressing the aging trend. Some population economists also said the latest number and proportion (比例) of elderly are largely within predictions, and the aging trend will continue for a long time.

1. What does the 7th national census data show?
A.The aging population of China has risen rapidly.
B.The annual growth rate has increased by 0.04%.
C.The annual growth rate was 0.57% during the past 10 years.
D.The total population of Chinese mainland increased to 1.44 billion.
2. What does Ning Jizhe say about the growth of graying population?
A.It is beyond predictions.B.It brings few advantages.
C.It has sharply slowed down.D.It will increase pressure on family.
3. What is Ning Jizhe’s attitude to the graying population?
4. What can be a suitable title for the passage?
A.The aging trend brings problems
B.An aging society presents opportunities
C.China’s population gets old as growth slows
D.Measures are to be taken to tackle the aging trend
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