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1 . Have you heard yourself say “it was nothing really” when someone congratulates you on a job well done? Or when you are asked to make a list of what you have achieved, you draw a blank? Maybe you have success amnesia.

Failing to acknowledge your hard work is often a sign of “success amnesia”. People with success amnesia are often successful yet they find it difficult to admit achievements. They are people who others would describe as successful and yet they find it difficult to acknowledge their results.

Success amnesia robs them of the satisfying sense that can help them achieve a goal. And, perhaps more importantly, it robs them of confidence. Confidence does not guarantee success, but it does increases the chances of success. Think of the classic children’s story, The Little Engine That Could. The Little Blue Engine comes to the rescue of a broken-down train, working hard to pull the stranded (搁浅的) goods up and over a mountain. As she moves upwards, she continuously says “I think I can”, and finally she makes it to the mountaintop and begins downwards.

Imagine you will throw a 50th birthday celebration for your partner. If you approach the task with “I think I can” in your mind, then you’re likely to tackle it with energy. You might not have done anything similar before, but you trust yourself to work it out. You hold meetings to gather ideas and work out a plan. Approaching the task with your head full of “I can’t do this”, on the other hand, would likely result in more hesitant steps. It’s difficult to get the work finished when you hold the belief that the task is beyond you.

Confidence fuels success and success fuels confidence. Our achievements provide us with evidence of what we’re capable of, increasing our self-belief and fueling our confidence to do more. Success amnesia reduces confidence. To boost one’s confidence, it is necessary to tackle success amnesia.

1. Which student may have “success amnesia”?
A.One willing to help others.B.One refusing to admit his mistake.
C.One thinking little of his achievements.D.One speaking highly of his own composition.
2. Why is the story The Little Engine That Could mentioned in paragraph 3?
A.To explain the reason behind success amnesia.
B.To praise the perseverance of The Little Blue Engine.
C.To give an example that confidence can guarantee success.
D.To prove that one is more likely to succeed with confidence.
3. How is Paragraph 4 developed?
A.By citing a real case.B.By presenting supporting facts.
C.By analyzing contributing factors.D.By showing comparison and contrast.
4. What will be presented in the following paragraph?
A.Ways to deal with success amnesia,
B.Different opinions on success amnesia.
C.Scientific research into success amnesia.
D.Possible consequences of success amnesia
7日内更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省高三下学期学生全过程纵向评价(六)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约320词) | 较难(0.4) |


I’m sitting at my desk, staring at a blank document, hoping my fingers will start typing and a brilliant story will appear on my screen. Even though I feel fortunate to usually be full of ideas, I still face creative blocks times — when I feel uninspired.

    1    . Different emotions may lead to creative blocks. One is the so-called “inner critic”, a voice we all have within when we are feeling anxious. There’s no room for mistakes when this is in charge, so we end up feeling frozen.     2    . As a way of people-pleasing, and avoiding conflict or a negative reaction from other people, it can produce negative self-talk. If we feel insecure, we may not feel safe to express ourselves through art or craft.

Fortunately, there are steps we can take to breakthrough these blocks.

Working with our inner critic

We work with our inner critic by teaching it more compassionate (有同情心的) ways of speaking to us.     3    . The best way to do this is to imagine whether you would say the same things you say about yourself to a love done. It’s unlikely that you’d say: “You’re not good enough, what a failure!” Then we can think of a kinder response such as: “You’ve learned so much from this, what do you think you’ll do differently next time you have ago?”


We can try other creative and mindful activities to help reduce anxiety, and boost yourself-esteem (自尊). It could be singing along to your favourite music, doing some weeding, going out for a walk in nature, taking photographs on a lunchtime stroll, or having interesting conversations with friends. Then you’ll feel ready to get your creativity on the go again.

Next time you’re feeling a creative block, remind yourself that it’s OK to just get something written, or painted, or crafted and that you don’t need to share it with anyone. It’s all about making a start.     5    .

A.Filling your creativity cup
B.Talking to someone you trust
C.We’d better be mindful of our loved ones
D.Perfectionism maybe another contributor
E.Creativity is like a muscle and gets easier once you get doing
F.Such a problem can be solved by understanding the causes of them
G.We must identify its comments as something separate from ourselves
7日内更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省高三下学期学生全过程纵向评价(六)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Loud noise can be very damaging to your hearing, whether it’s a loud burst or years of exposure. Approximately 15 percent of adults 18 years of age or older report some trouble hearing.     1     The good news is that taking action now may protect you from hearing loss later in life.

Get a baseline hearing test. Most people have never had a hearing test.     2     At your next physical, ask for a hearing test as part of your routine checkup. A hearing test gives your audiologist a baseline that they can compare with future results to monitor the progression of hearing loss.

    3     While you are watching TV or using mobile devices, keep the volume at a comfortable level. It should be loud enough to make sure you can hear very well, but not so loud that when you leave the room, you can still hear it from another part of your home.

Wear protective hearing devices. Think ear protection before you’re exposed to any noisy environment, such as rock concerts or airports. When you are in a noisy environment, wear protective hearing devices such as earplugs or protective earphones.     4    

Have proper earphones. If you often listen to music on earphones using a portable music or video device, it’s a good idea to have earphones that fit the unique shape of your ear canal, and block outside noise.     5    

A.The risk rises as we age.
B.Monitor the volume of your devices.
C.However, it benefits you to go against that trend.
D.Meanwhile, you will find the sound truly superior.
E.You can find them at your local drugstore or music supply shop.
F.Think about buying appliances and devices that have low noise ratings.
G.You must do something to keep age-related hearing loss from getting worse.
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . College is an exciting milestone for a lot of most important steps you’ll need to take so you’ll be ready to take on higher learning!

College is an exciting milestone for a lot of people.     1     Luckily, we've rounded up the most important steps you'll need to take so you'll be ready to take on higher learning!

Decide on the degree program you want to pursue.

Choose a path that matches your interests. You’ll be most likely to succeed in college if you choose a major that you really like.     2     Then look at degree programs that will help you get a job in that field. You could also talk to people you know well, like your parents, advisor, or guidance counselor for advice.


Sign up for the basics when registration opens. Most colleges have the same entry-level courses for freshmen, regardless of what your major is. Sign in to the school’s registration website as soon as it opens to make sure you get the classes you want. Then use the course catalog (目录) to choose the electives that you want to take that semester.

Decide where you’re going to live.

Plan whether to live on or off campus. Living on campus will require you to pay for the accommodation expenses in the dormitory. However, some financial aid requires you to live on campus, and it can be cheaper to live in a dorm than to rent an apartment near the school. You’ll also have access to on-campus meals if you live in a dorm.     4    

Study a map of campus.

Map out where each of your classes will be. College campuses typically cover a vast area — different departments are often housed in different buildings, not to mention dorms, administration buildings, the bookstore, and the food court.     5    

A.Register for classes.
B.Check the course plan for each class.
C.But there’s a lot that goes into getting ready for that first day.
D.Plan visits to a few different colleges to really get a feel for them.
E.And you won’t have to factor in transportation to your college each day.
F.To avoid getting lost, it’s better to figure out the route for each class in advance.
G.Try taking interest assessments and skills assessments to get matched with careers.
7日内更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省名校联盟高三下学期三模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . When we encounter a troublesome problem, we often gather a group to brainstorm. However, substantial evidence has shown that when we generate ideas together, we fail to maximize collective intelligence.

To unearth the hidden potential in teams, we’re better off shifting to a process called “brainwriting”. You start by asking group members to write down what is going on in their brains separately. Next, you pool them and share them among the group without telling the authors. Then, each member evaluates them on his or her own, only after which do the team members come together to select and improve the most promising options. By developing and assessing ideas individually before choosing and expanding on them, the team can surface and advance possibilities that might not get attention otherwise.

An example of great brainwriting was in 2010 when 33 miners were trapped underground in Chile. Given the urgency of the situation, the rescue team didn’t hold brainstorming sessions. Rather, they established a global brainwriting system to generate individual ideas. A 24-year-old engineer came up with a tiny plastic telephone. This specialized tool ended up becoming the only means of communicating with the miners, making it possible to save them.

Research by organizational behavior scholar Anita Woolley and her colleagues helps to explain why this method works. They find that the key to collective intelligence is balanced participation. In brainstorming meetings, it’s too easy for participation to become one-sided in favor of the loudest voices. The brainwriting process ensures that all ideas are brought to the table and all voices are brought into conversation. The goal isn’t to be the smartest person in the room. It’s to make the room smarter.

Collective intelligence begins with individual creativity, but it doesn’t end there. Individuals produce a greater volume and variety of novel ideas when they work alone. That means they not only come up with more brilliant ideas than groups but also more terrible ideas. Therefore, it takes collective judgment to find the signal in the noise and bring out the best ideas.

1. What is special about brainwriting compared with brainstorming?
A.It highlights independent work.B.It encourages group cooperation.
C.It prioritizes quality over quantity.D.It prefers writing to oral exchanges.
2. Why does the author mention the Chile mining accident in paragraph 3?
A.To introduce a tool developed during brainwriting.
B.To praise a young man with brainwriting technique.
C.To illustrate a successful application of brainwriting.
D.To explain the role of brainwriting in communication.
3. How does brainwriting promote collective intelligence according to paragraph 4?
A.By blocking the loudest voices.B.By allowing equal involvement.
C.By improving individual wisdom.D.By generating more creative ideas.
4. Which step of brainwriting does the author stress in the last paragraph?
A.Individual writing.B.Group sharing.
C.Personal evaluation.D.Joint discussion.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Everyone can experience loneliness from time to time, which causes concern about our health and well-being.     1    ? There are some possible courses of action, depending on who you are and where you live. Below are some suggestions on how to fight loneliness.


Some of us are lonely because we don’t have close relationships in our lives. But if that’s not the case for you, by all means let your friends or family know how you’re feeling and ask for support. Calling or texting can be an active way to shift your mood and help relieve loneliness.

Adopt a pet

There are many reasons to have pets.     3    . And these are especially helpful for people who may be isolated from other humans and feel lonely. One study finds that people who walk dogs are considered friendlier — something that's bound to help you connect if you’re looking to meet new people.

Try loving-kindness meditation (冥想)

Not everyone likes to engage in loving-kindness meditation. But it has been found to reduce loneliness, perhaps because it helps you to accept negative emotions more easily.     4    . Even when they are not around, loving-kindness meditation could help fight feelings of loneliness.

Count your blessings

    5    , its also possible to practice gratitude on your own and feel less lonely. In one study, older adults who were assigned a daily gratitude journaling exercise felt less lonely over time — and felt healthier, too.

A.Reach out to friends or family
B.Be kind to the relatives around you
C.What can you do when you feel lonely
D.Even though this practice can help you feel much happier
E.It can also help you increase a sense of connection to others
F.While expressing gratitude toward others can fight loneliness directly
G.One of them is that they can provide companionship and unconditional love
7日内更新 | 109次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省秦皇岛市部分高中高三下学期二模英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . When did we start walking for leisure?

“Going for a walk” is a popular pastime among older and younger generations alike because of its well-known benefits for our physical and mental health. But you may be surprised to hear that wandering through pretty streets or hiking in mountainous have not always been considered leisure activities, according to Daniel Gale, a researcher of pedestrianism (步行运动).

    1     Before that, it was just something people did out of necessity, some of whom even associated it with criminal activity. But for Charles Dickens, the famous English 19th Century author, marching through London streets and tramping around the countryside was a big part of the creative process.     2     He walked at an impressive pace of four miles per hour, according to his biography by Peter Ackroyd.

    3     Perhaps you can take inspiration from another big-thinking wanderer. 19th Century American writer Henry David Thoreau took a slower approach, preferring to stroll over hills and fields and through the woods. He said that he could not preserve his health and spirits without walking at least four hours a day.

This idea of taking a stroll to clear your head has survived through to the 21st Century. But have pedestrian manners remained the same? A 1780 article for the London Magazine advised pedestrians to avoid things such as hanging around in conversation and obstructing people behind you.     4    

In this modern age, when many of us are tied to our desks and to our screens, try the simple act of stepping out onto the city pavements, or getting lost in nature.     5     Whether you see yourself more as a casual stroller or a purposeful strider (阔步者), why not build a habit out of it?

A.What if speed-walking isn’t your thing?
B.This may make all the difference to our wellbeing.
C.Nowadays, we could add distracted phone-users.
D.He brought the recreation of walking into fashion.
E.Going on an urban walk is much more pleasant now.
F.It was a time to absorb what was going on around him.
G.In Britain, walking for fun wasn’t really a thing until the 1780s.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . How to Increase the Quality of Your Life

Have you reached a point where things are OK, but not very exciting? If so, then it is time to do something to increase the quality of your life.

When you lead a dull life, it is great to think about something that takes you into another world.     1     If you love to read, devote time to just sitting with a book and losing yourself in an imaginary world.

    2     You will feel a sense of achievement that will boost your self-image. A great way is to join a class. Not only will you learn, but you will make new friends. Whether it’s learning a foreign language or playing a musical instrument, there will be a class near your home.

Life-style experts are promoting the idea of taking a 30-day challenge. Motivate yourself to achieve something in 30 days.     3     You could commit to losing weight, or train to run a marathon—well, maybe a half-marathon!

One of the best ways of creating positivity is to help others. You might offer to help in a shop or to do some gardening for an older person. Not only do you feel good about yourself, but others will benefit from your involvement.     4    

Life is full of hope and happiness. You are lucky to be alive. Make the most of the years you have on Earth, and don’t waste them being negative.     5     Be positive, and be happy.

A.Unless you take the challenge.
B.Hobbies provide you something different that you enjoy.
C.Giving a hand to those in need is welcome in any society.
D.Following the advice will help increase the quality of your life.
E.Doing that will make you feel that you have something to offer the world.
F.Once it has been completed, nothing can benefit you in the future than that.
G.Learning a new skill is considered one of the most satisfying things you can do.
2024-05-31更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省沧州市沧县中学高三下学期模拟预测英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What makes the woman excited?
A.Her full preparations for the interview.
B.Her attending the workshop for the interview.
C.Her getting important considerations.
2. What is the man’s final advice?
A.Being friendly to any interviewer.
B.Being interested in your questions.
C.Making your responses honestly.
2024-05-31更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省沧州市沧县中学高三下学期模拟预测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Powerful Benefits of Journaling

When looking for a way to better manage stress and feel your best, consider adding journaling to.     1     It’s a pathway to deeper self-understanding, emotional clarity, and psychological recovery.

Practice journaling as therapy (治疗)

By making journaling a regular practice, you create a space for self-reflection that can lead to personal growth and psychological treatment.     2     Once you start, with each word you write, you’re taking a step towards a deeper understanding of yourself and moving closer to well-being.

Release and process feelings

    3     Journaling provides a private, judgment-free space to explore and express emotions without reservation. This process of externalizing what’s inside can be incredibly cathartic (宣泄的), helping to reduce stress and manage extreme emotions.

Help recognize sources of stress

Think of it as a safe space to express how you feel, leading to a significant decrease in stress levels. Sometimes the first step in building the life you want starts with simple awareness. Journaling gives you a chance to recognize what stresses you out in the first place.     4    

Promote mindfulness

Journaling brings your focus to the present. Just like in mindful meditation (冥想), journaling gives you an outlet to observe thoughts and emotions without judgment. Think of this as an act of self-love, to accept yourself in the present moment just as you are.     5    

A.This practice goes beyond just recording daily events
B.Even just five minutes can help gain some comprehension
C.Sometimes people find it challenging to express their emotions.
D.This mindfulness aspect provides a crucial tool in reducing stress.
E.Once you notice bad situations, you can remove that source of stress.
F.This can enhance decision-making skills and promote an approach to life’s difficulties.
G.To begin your therapeutic journaling journey, the most important aspect is to get started
2024-05-30更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省张家口市高三下学期第三次模拟考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般