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1 . Creativity is advocated everywhere these days. But most of us don’t know how to set it off. Here are some ways to start the process.

Work in a blue room. As we grow up, colors take on specific associations. Red means danger, and blue relates to peace.     1    . In one experiment, people facing a red computer screen did better at detail-oriented tasks like proofreading. Volunteers who faced a blue screen did better at creative tasks. That study appeared in 2009 in the journal Science.

Why the difference?     2    . Blue, on the other hand, tells us we can relax and let the imagination run free.

Sleep on it. Sleep helps generate new ideas in several ways. During sleep, the brain strengthens memories. That act of strengthening actually reorganizes thoughts, much like reorganizing books on a shelf.     3    . And that half-awake period right before we fall asleep or when we wake up may also help us focus on a problem.

    4    . The sleep-on-it solution only works best when people feel that they are getting close to an answer that is most likely to be solved by waiting a day.

Live in a foreign land. People who had lived abroad performed better on creative problems and tasks. A week in Paris isn’t enough to light the creative spark, delightful though that trip may be.     5    .

A.Watch a funny video
B.Such associations affect how we think
C.However, don’t expect this to work every time
D.Red makes us anxious, and anxiety causes us to focus
E.The new arrangement can help generate new associations
F.If we can let our mind wander, we are more likely to solve the problem
G.It has to be long enough to challenge our habitual ways of thinking and living
昨日更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届陕西省榆林市第十中学高三下学期冲刺阶段英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . When you are dissatisfied with your current situation, sometimes you doubt yourself. Maybe you reflect on yourself from time to time: What kind of person am I? Have I become the person I want to be?     1    

Take a good look at yourself. When you do, you might realize that you aren’t what you want to be in life.    2    , but you shouldn’t stay stuck where you are anyway. Take ownership of the person you are and accept your unique qualities. Commit yourself to personal improvement, whether it’s through learning new skills, developing new interests, or simply taking better care of yourself.

    3    . You may feel disconnected from yourself as you are busy taking care of the needs of others in your life. Go back to the interests and activities you overlooked and reflect on your personal goals and achieve them. Schedule time on your calendar to reacquaint yourself with your passions. And remember to see how they influence you.

Make significant changes. When Gretchen Rubin, the former chief of the Yale Law Journal, realized her true dream was to become a writer, she quit her job. And, today, she is a best-selling author, with her website attracting 275,000 visitors per month.    4    . “One reason why people don’t find their true selves is that they aren’t willing to make changes,” said she.

Find support. In the journey of life, support is often what keeps us going. It helps us stay strong and move forward. Life coach, author and motivational speaker Tony Robbins has said, “    5    .” Find a person who is willing to guide and support you as you start to switch things up in your life.

A.Make time for yourself
B.Set reasonable and influential goals
C.Who you surround yourself with is who you become
D.She suggests making some changes to find the true you
E.Not reaching the level you want in life may be discouraging
F.Here are some techniques that help you discover your true self
G.Self-reflection rarely helps make sense of your place in the world
7日内更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届陕西省铜川市王益中学高三下学期猜题信息卷(三)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . How to Make Your Writing Flow?

Writing flow refers to how smoothly text flows from one sentence to the next and one paragraph to another.     1     On the other hand, choppy (不连贯的) writing lacking flow disrupts the reading experience. Luckily, you have the tips below to improve the flow of your writing.

1. Vary your sentence structure.

Using only short, choppy sentences creates a disconnected rhythm that disrupts the flow, while a series of long, complex sentences overwhelm readers.     2     Varying sentence structure keeps readers engaged and create s natural movement from one idea to the next.

2. Use transition words and phrases.

Transition words and phrases act like bridges between sentences and paragraphs. They create logical connections between ideas. Use transitions like “however,” “therefore,” “similarly,” and “in contrast” to glue sentences and paragraphs together smoothly.     3    

3. Structure paragraphs around a central idea.

    4     The supporting sentences in the paragraph should work together to explain, develop, or argue that central idea. This creates cohesion within paragraphs and connects them to each other logically. Use topic sentences to introduce the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraphs structured around a singular focus improve writing flow and readability.

4.     5    

Revisiting writing with fresh eyes makes flaws in flow and transitions more noticeable. Let your drafts rest for a day or two to prevent getting stuck reworking the same passage repeatedly. Approaching writing anew allows you to evaluate flow and smooth out imperfections with distance and objectivity.

A.Don’t leave out the revising process.
B.Let completed drafts rest before editing.
C.The key is to mix sentence lengths to create fluid variety.
D.Place them at the beginning of a sentence or between independent clauses.
E.Flowing writing maintains the continuity of ideas and transitions logically.
F.Each paragraph should have a controlling idea relating to your overall theme.
G.As a writer, it is your responsibility to present your readers with a central idea.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . How to Start a Garden in 2024?

Gardening is a powerful outlet for creativity, enabling you to surround yourself with beauty. It can provide homegrown food for your family, keep you in touch with nature and is also an invaluable form of exercise. In short, gardening is beneficial to both body and soul.     1    .

It all starts with good soil.

Whatever you’re growing, fertile soil is the key.     2    . It promotes root development, supplying nutrients for plant growth.

Grow vegetables that keep on giving.

    3    , choose ones you can harvest more than once. Lettuce and basil are quick and easy to grow. They’ll replace their leaves every time you cut them. Vegetables like these mean continuous harvests, which is huge for keeping spirits high.

    4    .

Some plants will grow tall and some will grow closer to the ground. Tall plants will shade shorter plants and prevent them getting needed sunshine. Also, give little seedlings plenty of room to stretch and grow. If they grow too close together, don’t be afraid to thin seedlings.

Save money with seeds and cuttings.

Buying all of your plants from the garden center is expensive.     5    . Reach out to friends and family who garden and ask them to share spare seeds with you. Also check to see if they have any plants you can take cuttings from. It takes longer than buying young plants, but it is definitely more satisfying and you will learn so much.

A.If you need some help
B.Size up your growing space
C.If you’re a newcomer
D.Here are some essential tips for beginners in gardening
E.Choose a container size appropriate for what you are growing
F.Investing in rich soil initially create s a suitable environment
G.However, you can grow a huge range of plants from seeds or cuttings
7日内更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届陕西省榆林市榆阳区榆林市第十中学高三第一次模拟预测考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . How to Break a Habit

We all form habits we perform automatically in response to a cue or a trigger (诱因). Habits can be good or bad. The good ones produce beneficial results without requiring too much brain power. But some can have negative effects in the long term and often need to be broken.

    1     There are three strategies: Stop the behavior, stop subjecting yourself to the trigger, or associate the trigger with a new, similarly satisfying behavior. For example, maybe you experience a desire for popcorn as soon as you walk into a movie theater.     2     Popcorn buying and eating are the behaviors. To break this habit, you have these options: One, tell yourself “no popcorn” each time you go to the movie theater; two, avoid going to the movie theater at all; three, replace popcorn with a new snack that better fits your nutritional goals. Another example, like nail (指甲) biting, is subconscious and done frequently throughout the day, so you might not even know what’s triggering it. While it’s good to figure out the underlying cause, it might be difficult to catch yourself biting your nails at every moment of stress or boredom.     3     Alternatively, you could use a stress ball to increase your awareness of the nail-biting habit.

The key to the replacement strategy is to make sure that the new habit is appealing. Replacing daily smartphone time with a daily run just won’t work in the long term. You might try to create a new habit at the same time.     4    

Whichever strategy you choose can help break a habit.     5     A study of 96 people showed that individuals took between 18 and 254 days to form a habit, a useful tip to know if you’re using the replacement strategy to get rid of a habit.

A.But how do you break a habit?
B.The movie theater is the trigger.
C.The key is to do it over and over.
D.An after-work walk is a better change.
E.Is building new habits challenging and difficult?
F.It’s better to replace it with another physical stress response.
G.Forming a good habit is fundamental to one’s success and achievements.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Far too often, we look at ourselves in the mirror and tell ourselves we aren’t good enough.     1    . Here’re some tips on how to accept yourself.

Accept your individuality

View your weaknesses as what makes you a unique person. As humans, we all have weaknesses that set us apart from others. Instead of viewing your weaknesses as bad things, turn them into what makes you an individual.     2    . However, that same quality may also mean you’re awesome at art or English.


We are often our own worst critics, and we tend to hold ourselves to standards that we wouldn’t expect of other people. Think about the standards you set for yourself, and then think about if you’d hold a friend or loved one to the same standards. If you wouldn’t, then you don’t need to hold yourself to those standards either.

Don’t compare yourself to others

Stick to your own standards. While it can be tough, try not to compare yourself to your peers (同龄人).     4    , and you don’t need to match someone else’s journey. Be grateful for what you have, and think about how far you’ve come to make it where you are today.

Surround yourself with people who support you

    5    . Your friends and family members often have your best interests at heart, and they’ll want to improve your self-confidence as much as they can. On the other hand, try to watch out for people pointing out your weaknesses often. Spending too much time with them can make you feel worse about yourself.

A.Everyone’s life path is different
B.Set realistic standards for yourself
C.Learn not to criticize yourself too often
D.You can always seek trust from friends and family
E.Accepting your weaknesses is a great way to love yourself
F.Hang out with people who make you feel good about yourself
G.For instance, maybe you feel like you aren’t as good at math as your classmates are
2024-05-30更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届陕西省安康市高新中学高三下学期5月模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Keeping your home neat and tidy is a continual process that takes a lot of emotional energy and time. Here are some useful decluttering (清理) strategies.


If you have a lot of clutter in your house, ask yourself what has made it hard to get rid of. In many cases, it is due to the fact that you hope to hold on to the past or want a different reality than the one you’re living in.

Take the emotion out of it

Then comes the hardest part: figuring out what to get rid of.    2    . Go through it as though you’re helping a friend and none of your stuff means anything to you.

Start small

Don’t try to tidy up all your clutter in one afternoon. Instead, start with something less challenging, like one single bathroom drawer.    3    . This kind of work often takes the most time and emotional energy.

You can also work within short time periods. If you only have an hour to declutter your home this week, divide that time into three 20-minute periods. For the first 20 minutes, look for trash to throw away. For the next 20 minutes, identify anything you want to give away or donate.    4    .

Make it easy to stay organized

It’s easy to be organized the day after decluttering. But what happens when you come home from a trip and are too tired to unpack your luggage? Or when you get the flu and are too sick to clean up?    5    . For example, label storage containers on all four sides so they’re easier to spot. Make sure your most used items are always the easiest to reach.

A.Understand your unwanted stuff
B.Don’t bite off more than you can chew
C.Spend the last 20 minutes putting items back where they belong
D.It would be much better for you to have a rest or see a doctor first
E.At this stage, you have to look at your clutter without any emotion
F.Leave more difficult tasks, like selecting family photos, for another day
G.The key is to find a system that works for you even when you are too tired or sick
2024-05-30更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届陕西省铜川市王益区铜川市王益中学高三下学期5月模拟预测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . We’ve all been there — staring at a pile of books, desperately hoping that what we study will stick in our mind. Many of us have probably asked if there’s any way that we can get better at remembering things.     1    

Every student who has made flashcards knows that it can be helpful to go back over what they’ve studied before. The Learning Scientists, a group of cognitive scientists, have made a new discovery.    2     They say that trying to retrieve (找回) something from your memory after you have had some time to forget it will make it easier to remember in future.

    3     The Learning Scientists say this can help you build links between different ideas. Now, linking ideas and relating them to each other or to images are often suggested as good ways to memorise something. Former world memory champion Jonathan Hancock highlights how picturing pieces of information in different physical locations or linking them to memorable images makes them easier to remember. Linking new information to things that are easier to remember is a technique that many people use.    4    

There are also more general things that we can do to improve our memory. Hancock says that being generally organised makes things easier for your brain, while many other experts also recommend avoiding stress, alcohol and smoking, and that we should get a lot of rest and exercise.    5    

A.We don’t know exactly why this happens.
B.It’s important to the long-term memory.
C.So, why don’t we look at what memory experts say about this?
D.Another study tip is to change between different topics as you study.
E.It could be making letter patterns into words, or by sorting things into categories.
F.According to them, we can learn things better if we wait for some time before trying to study them again.
G.So, while it may be hard, improving our memory is something we can control.
2024-05-27更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届陕西省西安市第一中学高三下学期模拟考试英语试题(含听力)
书信写作-建议信 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Johnson所在的学校将开设汉语选修课(Chinese elective)。他来信询问如何布置一间教室来营造良好的汉语学习氛围。请你给他回信,内容包括:
Dear Johnson,


Li Hua

2024-05-27更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届陕西省部分学校高三下学期5月份高考适应性考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Meeting people is the first step to make friends. But how do you actually become friends with someone? Here are some useful tips.

1. Make small talk even if you don’t feel like it

Small talk can feel false and meaningless. But it does have a purpose. By making small talk, you show that you’re friendly and open to communicating. In that way, small talk helps you to make the first connection with potential new friends. If someone doesn’t make any small talk, we might assume that they don’t want to make friends with us, that they don’t like us, or that they’re in a bad mood.

2. Figure out what you might have in common

When you talk to someone new and realize that you have things in common, the conversation usually goes from stiff to fun and interesting. Therefore, make it a habit to find out if you have any mutual interests or something in common. You can do this by mentioning things that interest you and seeing how they react.

3. Don’t write people off until you know them

Don’t judge people too quickly. Try not to assume that they are shallow, boring, or that you have nothing to talk about. If everyone seems uninterested, it might be because you keep getting stuck in small talk. If you only make small talk, everyone sounds shallow.

4. Make people like being around you

When you try to make people like you, it will become easier for you to make friends. When you make sure that people like being around you, they will like you. If we are with someone with a positive experience, we like that person more.

1. What is the purpose of small talk?
A.To show that you are in a good mood.
B.To show you have something in common.
C.To show you are friendly and want to talk.
D.To show you are a potential new friend.
2. According to the passage why do you think people around you are boring?
A.Because you don’t have a deep chat with them.
B.Because they have nothing in common with you.
C.Because you don’t make a small talk with them.
D.Because you don’t like to make friends with them.
3. What will you do if you want to make it easier to make friends?
A.To avoid being stuck in small talk.
B.To judge people by what they do.
C.To stay with people with a positive experience.
D.To make people willing to stay with you.
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