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1 . The holidays can be a divisive season. Because the holidays are full of merriness, some love them. Others can feel troubled by them, affected by the financial pressure and family gatherings often accompanying the holidays.    1     So, what can you do if you’re feeling like that? Roll your sleeves up. We’re going to get real, make a plan and enjoy the holiday atmosphere.

    2     This may be obvious for many— you may feel triggered owing to the stress of social events or gift-giving. But others may have a harder time detecting what is going on.

Begin tracking how you’re feeling on the day-to-day life. You can keep a journal or take a brief walk where you can reflect at the end of your day. Doing this lets you see a pattern of what may be activating your negative feelings.

After getting your triggers written down, let’s make a plan. If it is money fueling the discomfort, let’s strategize how you can cut down the financial expectations. You can select a thoughtful low-cost decoration or a bunch of flowers.     3     Don’t be afraid to let them know your financial condition. If holiday gatherings are extremely stressful, it is time to see how this can shift. Avoiding holiday gatherings altogether isn’t possible for most. However, you can consider an excuse that can serve as a reason to leave early.    4    

Rethink how to love yourself rather than care for others too much. If you have to be with someone, are you at risk of yourself because of arguments or conflicts?    5     Minimizing the time you spend with them is a wise choice.

A.Keep track of your daily actions.
B.It will help you get through the tense situation.
C.Hosting a gathering can be another costly issue.
D.Feeling joyless during the holidays can be really awful.
E.You can also offer meaningful time spent with loved ones.
F.The truth is that it is hard to engage with people who hurt you.
G.Let’s begin by identifying what is causing you the intense anxiety.
7日内更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届青海省海南藏族自治州高三下学期二模英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . So, if you are one of those who felt something was missing, we recommend rethinking your philosophy to work and career. It may be time to reframe what being happy with your career requires. The good news is that there is a better path out there waiting for you.     1    . Here are some prompts to help you break free from the old vicious cycle (恶性循环) and struggle inside for a new virtuous one:

Purpose inspired work

Is there a clear and appealing purpose to your work?     2    ? Look for an opportunity to work for a company with an inspiring purpose, or think about starting one of your own.

Help further a cause

We under-estimate our ability to do something in addition. We can always find time for something we truly love.     3    . Non-Governmental Organizations always need volunteers new entrepreneurs always need advice, and there are many causes struggling to be heard.     4    

As time goes by. we lose some of our youthful vigour (活力). Spend some time reminding yourself of what mattered most to you in your teens and early twenties. Sometimes we put these things to one side while we start our careers believing we will return to them and then forget. Make 2024 the year that you fulfill any hidden promises to your youth.

Reacquaint (重新熟悉) yourself with joy

    5    .Climb Kilimanjaro, learn a new language or how to write JavaScript. Whatever it is, commit yourself to something that inspires you to make 2024 mean something greater than the old familiar routines.

A.Reconnect with your youthful idealism
B.Set aside some time to evaluate your past work
C.Is it a job that you would like to pull yourself out
D.However, to find it, you will need to think differently
E.Can you link your daily efforts to making a difference to something important
F.If you don't love your work, try to find something you can love alongside your job
G.Give yourself permission to find one pleasure, goal, or ambition you will conquer
2024-06-01更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届青海省百所名校高三下学期二模英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The community is the basic unit where we share space and resources with others. A harmonious and orderly community not only enhances the quality of life for its residents but also promotes stability and development in society. Therefore, community residents should understand and fulfill their responsibilities and duties to ensure a harmonious and beautiful community environment.


The cleanliness of the community environment directly affects the health and quality of life of its residents. Residents should avoid littering, actively participate in community cleaning activities, and regularly clean their own doorsteps and surroundings. Additionally, properly sorting waste and participating in recycling are essential duties for every resident.

Observing public order

    2    . Every resident should observe public order and not disturb the peace of the community. This includes controlling noise from household activities, avoiding loud noises at night or on rest days, and following traffic rules by not parking illegally or speeding within the community. Moreover, residents should treasure public facilities and not damage plants or trees, collectively maintaining the community’s beauty and functionality.

Participating in community management

Actively participating in community management is;an important responsibility for residents. This includes voting for community leaders, participating in community meetings, and offering suggestions and feedback on the management and activities of the community. Residents can also join volunteer organizations, take part in community safety patrols, and organize cultural events.     3    .

Promoting neighborly harmony

Good neighborly relations are the foundation of a harmonious community.     4    . Each should be willing to help, and provide extra care and assistance to the elderly, children, and disabled individuals. When facing neighborhood disputes (纠纷), residents should approach the situation with understanding and tolerance and resolve issues through communication and negotiation.

Enhancing safety awareness

Community safety affects everyone’s interests. Residents should increase their safety awareness and report suspicious behavior and safety hazards (安全隐患) promptly.     5    . Using them, residents can protect themselves and assist others in emergencies.

A.Protecting ourselves and others
B.Residents should respect each other
C.Maintaining environmental cleanliness
D.The community is a space for public life
E.Those all contribute to the community’s development
F.Every resident has the opportunity to clean the community park
G.Besides, residents should learn basic safety knowledge and first aid skills
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Friendship provides support, joy, and sometimes, challenges.     1    . Here are tips on how to navigate and resolve friendship problems through communication.


Before delving into the heart of the matter, it’s crucial to choose the right place for conversation. Choose a neutral and comfortable setting where you both can speak freely without distractions.

Timing is also essential

Ensure that both of you have abundant time. That helps you both stay in a calm state of mind to discuss the issue at hand.

Converse with empathy (同理心)

    3    . This helps the speaker feel heard and supported. Express your concern for the friendship and your wilingness to work through the problem together. This sets a positive tone and encourages an open exchange.

Use “I” to frame problems

When discussing the issue, it’s important to communicate your feelings without blaming or ace using your friend. Use “I” statements to express how you feel and why you believe the situation is problematic. This sounds less accusatory, helping to prevent the other person from becoming defensive and keeping the focus on resolving the issue.    4    

Practice active listening

As your friend responds, practice active listening. This means not only hearing the words but also understanding the emotions and intentions behind them. Show that you are engaged by nodding, maintaining eye contact.    5    . Avoid interrupting, and allow your friend to finish his or her thoughts before you respond.

In conclusion, resolving friendship problems through an open art. By following these steps, you can transform challenges into opportunities for growth and deepen the bond that makes your friendship a cherished part of your life.

A.Set the stage for dialogue
B.Set aside your own judgments
C.Offer verbal affirmations like “I see” or “I understand”
D.For example, say “I felt hurt when...” instead of “You always...”
E.Empathetic conversations may take time when dealing with sensitive topics
F.Disagreements and misunderstandings can harm even the strongest of bonds
G.Approach the conversation with a genuine desire to understand your friend’s perspective
2024-05-21更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届青海省部分学校高三下学期4月联考模拟预测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Picking up after your dog is interesting, but it must be done. Most dog owners understand the importance of picking up their dogs’ waste, so it can be especially frustrating to see dog owners that obviously refuse to perform this duty.     1    , but by asking them the right way, informing them of the risks and consequences of not picking up after their dogs, and providing them with the right collection tools, you may be able to get them to change their ways.

Ask them directly. Talking to another dog owner about picking up their dogs’ waste can be uncomfortable. However, asking the owner directly to pick up after their dog will often work to fix the problem.     2    . Maybe they think no one notices or that their actions don’t directly affect those around them. Asking the person directly lets them know you, and others, have noticed their actions and are being affected negatively by them.

Use a friendly tone. Although you are probably fed up and mad at a dog owner that isn’t cleaning up after their dog, approach them in a friendly manner. Yelling at them may make them defensive and angry.     3    .

Give them a reason. It’s possible this person doesn’t realize how their neglect in picking up after their dog is negatively affecting those around them.     4    , give them a reason why you want them to do so.

    5    . When facing someone on this issue, don’t exaggerate (夸大) the truth or make up reasons they should comply with your request. Be honest with them about why you want them to pick up after their dog and what could happen if they don’t.

A.Be honest
B.Raise some dogs
C.If you want to help them to sweep their waste
D.And they will likely do more harm than good, too
E.When you ask them to pick up their dogs’ waste
F.There are many reasons people don’t pick up after their dogs
G.Figuring out how to convince these owners to change their ways can be difficult
2024-04-20更新 | 70次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届青海省西宁市湟中区第一中学高三下学期一模英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Finding the words to explain how you feel isn’t always easy. This is why young people’s mental health charity has made “My Voice Matters” the theme of this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week.


Do you have trouble sharing your thoughts or worry no one will listen if you do? Making your voice heard means understanding that your words matter and your opinions count. Dr Julia Clements, a psychologist, says that it means expressing your views, thoughts and feelings, not bottling them all up, and being open to hearing the thoughts, feelings and views of others too.     2     In fact you don’t have to use your voice at all. “You can express what you like and don’t like or what you want for the future by writing or drawing instead,” says Clements. “It’s about finding ways to share what matters to you,” she explains.

Why is it important?

    3     Scientists have discovered that sharing your feelings produces a feel-good chemical in your brain that makes you feel relaxed and calm. Your voice can make a big difference to other people too, including friends and families. Clements says, “You can spread kindness and happiness simply by speaking. With a few kind words, you could help someone feel good about themselves or let them know they are supported.”     4    

How can you find your voice?

Clements suggests practising conversations with friends, parents or carers on the way home from school and seeing if you have different opinions about something. If you’re struggling to explain your feelings, find a way that feels right for you, whether it’s talking face-to-face or writing it down.     5     When you’re ready, “Take a deep breath and believe in yourself,” says Clements. “Know that your opinion matters.”

A.What does speaking up mean?
B.What are the benefits of speaking up?
C.Making yourself heard isn’t about shouting the loudest.
D.Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you are confused about something.
E.Everyone has their own unique way of processing and sharing their feelings.
F.Sharing your feelings with a person you trust will help you make sense of them.
G.Words have the power to uplift someone’s spirits and make a positive impact on their day.
7 . 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。
注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Living a low carbon life is becoming increasing important in our modern society. It means reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases we released into the atmosphere. There are many simple steps we can take them. Firstly, we can choose eco-friendly modes of transportation such as walking, cycling, or using public transport instead driving. Secondly, saving energies in our homes is crucial. Switching off lights when they are not in use but using energy-efficient appliances (电器) make a significance impact. Lastly, consuming less meat and dairy products, that have a high carbon footprint, and opting for organic produce can make a different.

2024-03-19更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省海南州贵德高级中学2023-2024学年高三下学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . The 40th birthday is often treated as a milestone birthday. For men, especially, the birthday may symbolically signify the start of middle age.     1    . Give the man turning 40 in your life a gift that he will treasure or one that will make him laugh.

Gag (恶作剧) gifts

Many 40th birthday parties are roasts. They are meant to be funny. If this is the case and the man has a good sense of humor, consider giving him a gag gift. Wrap up a magazine printed in large print or set a cane or walker by his chair.     2    .

Adventure gifts

Recapture the man’s feeling of youth by giving him the gift of adventure.     3    . For example, if he has always wanted to go paragliding (滑翔伞运动), pay for the lesson, pick him up in the car and don’t give him a chance to back out of it.

Something expensive

Most men don’t outgrow their love of expensive toys. Get together with some friends and chip in for a 40th birthday gift he will truly treasure.     4    . Giving him something expensive that he would never purchase for himself is a great way to stave off that middle-age crisis.


Give the man the gift of words. Write a list of 40 things that you love about him and then read it aloud to him while dining on his favorite meal. Alternately, ask everyone in the family to write one admiring thing about him. Once you have 40 sentences, give them to the man. It will be treasure he will remember for a long time.

A.A loving list
B.Reading an article aloud
C.Talk with him about his adventures
D.You can also choose other items like false teeth
E.The gift you give to the man may depend on his preference
F.Perhaps the man has been eyeing his friend’s brand-new laptop
G.Think of something he has always wanted to do and arrange for it to happen
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . You know you really want to get good grades.Your parents have put the pressure on you, or you’ve promised that you’ll do better.    1     If you work to find a focused mindset and establish a study schedule, you can cut out the distractions you have control over and minimize the ones you can’t stop completely.

Tune out specific distractions as you notice them. Say you’re trying to study in the library and you keep getting distracted by someone texting. Take note of this specific distraction and then tell yourself you’re going to overcome it.    2     And eventually you’ll no longer notice it.

Give yourself a break.    3     So it’s no surprise if you find yourself distracted from studying by thoughts about a lot of other things. Rather than acting like all of those other needs don’t exist, give yourself an outlet.Spend five minutes thinking about everything that is on your plate, but then tell yourself that it’s time to focus on the main task — studying.

Prioritize your studying by setting a main goal.When you’ve got an exam coming up, it’s easy to think you need to study everything. If you want to make things more manageable and be less prone to becoming distracted, do as follows:     4    

    5     Some people imagine that knocking out several things at once means you can work faster.However, doing your homework while watching TV or shopping online will cause you to lose your focus. So concentrate on a piece of work at a time instead.

If you follow the above consistently, you’ll find that you gradually spend less and less time being distracted.

A.Life can get really busy.
B.Don’t attempt to multitask.
C.Put off the easier tasks instead.
D.But you are likely unable to concentrate.
E.Break things down and establish just one primary goal.
F.Sometimes stepping away from studies can be more beneficial.
G.Keep doing this every time something taking your attention away comes up.
2024-03-16更新 | 201次组卷 | 5卷引用:2024届青海省海东市高三下学期一模考试英语试题(无听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 容易(0.94) |

10 . We know it can be hard to put your phone to bed before you sleep. However, if you’re trying to improve your sleep, you really should ditch your phone at least an hour before bedtime. Luckily, our experts can help.

Scientific evidence suggests that the blue light emitted from your phone, tablet, computer, and TV suppresses (抑制) your body’s production of melatonin, a hormone (荷尔蒙) that plays an important role in your sleep cycle. Melatonin release in the evening helps you relax before bedtime. A 2013 study that analyzed technology use and sleep patterns with data from a National Sleep Foundation poll found that using devices like phones was tied to more sleep disruption than electronics that aren’t interactive.

Many of us use the excuse that our mobile devices serve as our wake-up calls, or keep them nearby to use meditation apps. If you want to use your phone as an alarm, consider setting it a couple of hours before you turn in for the night, and then setting the phone itself to bedtime mode for the rest of the evening.

Here’s another groundbreaking idea: You could get a real alarm clock. After reviewing them at Reviewed, we recommend the Sharp Dream Caster. Not only is it easy to set a wake-up time, the clock includes white noises and rain noises to help you sleep, plus a number of volume settings to pick what works best for you.

But an alarm clock won’t help you avoid doom-scrolling through social media. Take things a step further by avoiding using electronic devices. You can try reading a book (one made of paper), taking a bath or drinking a cup of chamomile tea.

Finally, if you want to keep up your meditation practice screen-free, consider the Morphée. It looks like a little music box and comes with a variety of breathing exercises and soundscapes to help you get to sleep.

1. What does the underlined word “ditch” in paragraph 1 probably mean?
A.Set aside.B.Pick up.C.Show off.D.Turn to.
2. What may be caused by the suppression of melatonin?
A.Relaxing yourself before bedtime.
B.Sleeping less than you normally would.
C.Adapting to your sleep cycle more easily.
D.Reducing the pressure from screen use.
3. Why is the Sharp Dream Caster recommended?
A.It is sold at a lower price.B.It can predict a heavy rain.
C.It is controlled by cellphone.D.It helps put your eyes together.
4. What is suggested for better sleep according to paragraph 5?
A.Making the best of the eco-friendly products.
B.Making a change according to circumstances.
C.Establishing a bedtime routine without electronics.
D.Keeping a consistent bedtime and wake-up time.
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