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1 . Bird flu: What threat to humans?

There are lots of different types of bird flu and most are harmless to people. Some can potentially spread from birds to people if there is prolonged and close contact.

How do people get it?

The biggest risk comes from prolonged and close contact with infected birds.     1    . Bird flu cannot usually be passed from human to human. Scientists are concerned that the virus may one day mutate (变异) and acquire the ability to spread in people.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms in humans are similar to those of other types of flu: a temperature, cough, headache, chills, aching muscles and a runny or blocked nose and sneezing.     2    , and usually about three to five days after coming into contact with the virus.

What’s the treatment?

If it’s thought that you might have symptoms of bird flu, you’ll be advised to stay at home, or you’ll be cared for in hospital in isolation from other patients. Doctors can prescribe antiviral medicines to help prevent complications.     3    .

    4    ?

You can reduce your risk of infection by washing your hands regularly (particularly after going to the toilet and before handling food) and using a tissue when you need to cough or sneeze (and turning away from others if they are coughing/sneezing).

You can feed wild ducks and birds, but make sure you wash your hands thoroughly afterwards. Do not go near sick or dead birds.

Can I still eat chicken?

    5    . Poultry and eggs can be safely eaten as long as they are handled hygienically and cooked thoroughly.

A.How can we avoid it
B.How can we prevent the spread of it
C.These symptoms can come on suddenly
D.You are advised to consult doctors when not feeling yourself
E.Painkillers such as paracetamol can also help with the symptoms
F.The virus is easily destroyed by cooking so there is no reason to worry
G.This means farmers who need to handle poultry are more likely to catch it
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Perhaps a friend you’ve known for years has moved away. It’s normal to feel sad and frustrated at not getting to see him in the way you’d like to.     1     Here are some ideas of how to keep your bond strong.


Seeing a note or card from someone they care about in the letterbox is a sure way to make your friend smile. While it’s good to keep in touch via technology, putting your thoughts down on paper shows how much you care and that you’ve set aside some time to think about them. It doesn’t have to be an essay.     2     These could be from your holidays, but they can also be found in local shops, museums, and art galleries.


    3     You could put in a packet of their favourite candies, photos of significant people and places, and other objects you think they’d love. You could also include handmade gifts. It doesn’t have to be expensive.     4     Such a package will make them feel cared about and act as a reminder that you’re there for them, regardless of the distance between you.


Is there a TV series that you both love? While you may not be able to share a packet of popcorn and view it side by side, you could arrange to watch it at the same time and then talk on the phone about it afterwards, sharing your reactions and opinions.     5    

A.It’s the thought that counts.
B.But staying connected is possible.
C.It can also be an e-mail with photos.
D.Postcards are a lovely way to stay in touch.
E.This works well as a way of regularly staying in touch.
F.Once in a while, make a parcel filled with items that are meaningful to your friend.
G.Even when you live far apart from someone, they can still be a big part of your life.
2024-05-31更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广西壮族自治区贵港市高三下学期最后一卷英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Nature has so much to offer us, from its strikingly attractive beauty and peaceful settings to its healing(治愈) power and positive energy.     1    

Hiking is one of the most popular ways to explore nature. You can find a hiking trail near you or plan an adventure to a far-off destination. Hiking allows you to experience the beauty of nature and appreciate the outdoors in a way that is not possible from the comfort of your home.     2     Additionally, hiking can be a great way to connect with friends and family as you explore the trails together. All in all, no matter where you go, you’ll be able to take in the beauty of nature and make some great memories.

    3     All you really need is just a good pair of shoes and some basics such as water, snacks, and a map. If you’re new to hiking, you may want to start out on an easier trail and build up your skills and endurance as you go. You will become more and more experienced.     4    

Before hitting the trails, make sure you are familiar with the area and the trails you plan to take.     5     It’s also important to make sure you have the right equipment for the type of hike you’re planning. A good pair of hiking boots, a hat, and sunscreen are all essential for a safe and enjoyable hike.

A.Hiking often brings you new friends.
B.Hiking is beneficial to your body and mind.
C.It also provides a way to stay active and build strength.
D.Check the weather and potential dangers such as wildlife.
E.Then you can challenge yourself with more difficult hikes.
F.The good news is that hiking is an option to connect with nature.
G.One of the best things about hiking is that it’s relatively easy to get started.
2024-05-30更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广西名校学术联盟高三下学期高考模拟信息卷(十二)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Creativity is always about finding inspiration. If you think your well of ideas has dried up, you need to look at the little things in life.     1    .

Write down every moment. The best moments pass by so fast that many people fail to notice and appreciate them. This is not the case for creative types. There is inspiration in every encounter and conversation. For example, you could look at a man at a cafe reading a newspaper and come up with an interesting background story about him.     2    , so bring a camera or notebook with you and be ready to document the littlest details.

Take time to meditate (冥思). Look for a quiet and secluded (僻静的) place. Take a seat, close your eyes and focus on your breathing.     3    . Give yourself five to ten minutes. By the time you open your eyes, you will gain greater clarity and your ideas will become more vivid.

Search the web. Apart from focusing on your inner self, you should also look for external inspiration.     4    . Sites like Pinterest and Journey s of Life can provide you with reference materials that will help improve the ideas you currently have.

    5    . You won’t be able to find inspiration if you are always stressed out. You may have too many problems to address, but other people may feel more stressful than you. This is not to down play your struggles, but sometimes, you simply need to know how to respond to the potential stress if things don’t result in your favor.

A.Find more inspiration
B.Learn to deal with stress
C.Every moment is worth recording
D.Try to empty your mind of any distracting thoughts
E.Here is how you can source creative inspiration each day
F.Creative types turn out to be appealing to those people around you
G.You can find tons of ideas that will stimulate your creativity online
2024-05-30更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广西桂林市第十八中学高三下学期5月月考英语试卷(含听力)
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . We watch our salt and fat intake to protect our hearts. We exercise and take calcium to protect our bones. We use sunscreen to protect our skin.     1     A lot. We asked experts what lifestyle steps people should be taking to protect their vision and eye health.

Invest in quality sunglasses. Protecting the eyes from ultraviolet rays (紫外线) is very important.     2     To shield your eyes, wear sunglasses certified to block out 99 to 100 per cent of UVA and UVB rays.

    3     You don’t have to be doing construction work or factory work to need protective eyewear. Gardening, yard work, home repairs and sports all pose the risk of trauma (损伤) to the eyes. It’s estimated that up to 90 per cent of sports-related eye injuries are actually preventable with proper eye protection. Expert s recommend wearing sports or safety glasses with poly-carbonate lenses, which are a type of plastic that will not easily shatter or break.

Take a break from screens.     4     But staring at a screen can leave eyes fatigued (疲惫的) and may blur vision. Experts suggest following the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, take a break and look at something about 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

Get your eyes checked regularly. That means having your eyes tested by an optometrist or health care provider every one to two years. Don’t forget to see an eye specialist for a checkup regularly, if possible.     5    

A.Wear safety glasses when needed.
B.Stay away from dangerous work.
C.But what can we do to protect our eyes all year round?
D.But how can we protect our eyes from screen?
E.It’s one of the biggest things in our environment to have an impact on the eyes.
F.Not all eye problems are noticeable, and all are best treated when found early.
G.There’s no scientific evidence that the light from electronic screens damages eyes.
2024-05-28更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024广西梧州市高三下学期三模联考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Compared with Americans, people in Okinawa, 1, 000 miles south of Tokyo, are three times more likely to become centenarians (百岁老人) , according to professor Dan Buettners research. The centenarians garden, sing, laugh and play. For most of the city dwellers (居民) who are busy working, its not possible to live like that.     1     Here are some ways that Buettner find those centenarians keep.


For those who dont like the gym, you may be inspired by the way the centenarians bring movement into their everyday routines.     3     “A garden pushes you to weed, water and harvest almost every day, which keeps you moving,” Buettner says. “I also talked with a 104-year-old woman who got up and down the floor 30 times, making for better balance and flexibility,” Buettner recalls.

They reduce meat for a plant-forward approach.

The typical diet in America includes 220 pounds of meat per year. per person.     4     “About 1/10th of what we eat,” Buettner says. In Okinawa, tofu is often eaten twice a day, mixed with vegetables. And a key principle of eating there is to stop when youre 80% full. Mindful eating has been shown to help people have moderate intake.

They give loneliness the boot and become joiners.

Buettner describes a woman named Panchita who was well over 100 years old. She didnt feel lonely at all because, her 85-year-old son biked to her house to help feed the chickens each day. In return, she cooked him some beans and some rice. They both found happiness in doing so. “There’s this beautiful symbiosis (共生) .     5     ” Buettner says.

A.They depend on each other.
B.They eat as little as they can.
C.They build movement into their days.
D.They plant a garden in their backyard.
E.But we can learn from their simple habits.
F.Those centenarians only consume 20 pounds a year.
G.Much of their intake is from whole plant-based foods.
2024-05-09更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西柳州市第三中学2023-2024学年高三上学期高2月考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . It’s OK to do a little comfort shopping, especially in these tough times.     1    . Here are a few ways to start controlling that stress-spending and start saving a little smarter—today.

Make a budget. Don’t just think about it in your head. You have to write it down. If it’s not written down, then it’s not a budget. Once you’ve taken into account the necessities like food, shelter and savings, don’t forget to put aside some money for fun. Whether your fun budget is $5 a week or $50 a week, it’s important to set that money aside. Money is not just meant to be responsible with.     2    .

Before you reach for the fun-budget money, make sure that what you are buying is a love, a thing that will bring you lasting joy.     3    . Likes are short-term joy. It means you’ll forget these things in less than a year. Wants are just instant satisfaction and you’re not going to be interested in such things even a day later.

Sound familiar? We have all purchased some wants — whether it’s a T-shirt or a bag that are now gathering dust in the closet,     4    , because not only you’re spending money that you don’t have, but you’re actually making your life less enjoyable.

    5    . It’s a muscle that you just need to practise by creating a saving account that is disconnected from your mobile phone. So it isn’t convenient to stress-spend that hard-earned money.

A.These things may give you lasting joy
B.These wants are particularly damaging
C.Don’t worry if it doesn’t come easily at first
D.Be cautious about things you just like or want
E.You’re also supposed to use it as a tool to make your life enjoyable
F.But don’t let stress-spending get in the way of your long-term saving goals
G.Imaging your future self is a joyful way to think about saving for your future
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . How to overcome gym anxiety

Here are some practical tips to help you overcome anxiety in the gym and create a positive, empowering experience for yourself.

Set realistic expectations

The first step in overcoming gym anxiety is to set realistic expectations. Understand that everyone starts somewhere and that the gym is a place for personal growth and improvement.     1     Every individual in the gym is on their own unique fitness journey.

Plan ahead and familiarise yourself

    2     Before heading to the gym, plan your workout routine and familiarise yourself with the equipment you intend to use. Research exercise techniques and watch instructional videos to gain confidence and knowledge. By doing so, you’ll enter the gym with a sense of purpose and direction.

Start slowly and gradually

Ease into your gym routine by starting with exercises and machines you are comfortable with.     3     Taking small steps will not only help you build physical strength but also improve your mental resilience (韧性), empowering you to tackle new challenges.


Having a gym partner can provide huge support and motivation. Consider finding a friend who shares your fitness goals or seeking guidance from a personal trainer. A supportive companion or an expert can provide guidance, encourage you during workouts, and help remove anxiety by offering tips and feedback.

Practice mindfulness techniques

Mindfulness exercises can be powerful tools to fight anxiety in any setting, including the gym.     5     Focusing on your breath and being present in the moment can help calm your mind and remove anxiety. Additionally, practicing mindfulness during your workout can enhance your mind-body connection, allowing you to fully involve yourself in the experience.

A.Find a gym partner or seek professional help
B.Fight gym anxiety and unlock your true potential
C.Remind yourself that progress certainly takes time.
D.Feeling prepared can significantly reduce anxiety levels.
E.Stepping foot inside a gym can cause feelings of anxiety.
F.Prior to your workout, take minutes to engage in deep breathing or thinking.
G.Gradually introduce new exercises or equipment as you become more confident.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . Before children learn to read, they need to have a good understanding of basic words and what they mean. And while that may sound a bit overwhelming (令人不知所措的), there are very easy ways that you can build a preschooler’s vocabulary.

Visit the Library

If you are looking for a great place to start building your preschooler’s vocabulary and early reading skills, look no further than your local library.     1     Children’s libraries often have fun activities, which will expose them to new words and give them an opportunity to socialize.

Teach and Strengthen the Alphabet (字母表)

    2     The bonus: it’s a great way to keep your preschooler busy on long car rides,or while waiting in lines. You can also play games using the alphabet, where you name items that start with letters in alphabetical order.

Use Descriptive Words

When it comes to increasing your child’s vocabulary, more is better.     3     For example, when describing a fabric pattern, try using words such as unusual, relaxing, or creative. By using them in the proper context (语境), they become understandable.

Make Labels

If you want your preschooler to learn more words, then make it easy.     4    Use a label maker to name commonly used items so they learn to recognize what the word looks like.

Read Aloud Together

Reading aloud is a great way to expose your preschooler to new words. Together you can work out what they mean by using context-the other words or pictures that might be on the page.     5    

A.In such cases, planning is required.
B.In addition to saying them often, show them too.
C.If you aren’t sure what to do, ask the librarian for help.
D.It is also a wonderful way to spend quality time with them.
E.The more words your children hear, the more they will learn.
F.As you can see, increasing your child’s vocabulary isn’t difficult.
G.Singing the ABC song provides children with some strong support.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Discovering Your True Self Is Vital to Happiness!

Have you found focusing on yourself is at the bottom of the to-do list, because you feel everyone else in your life comes first?    1     Now is exactly the perfect time to get to know yourself in order to understand yourself.

This isn’t just about identifying your favorite outfit, haircut or flavor of ice cream.    2     It’s an opportunity for personal growth that can help you make better choices for your wellbeing and lifelong happiness.

There are many tools to help you develop a deeper sense of yourself, including journaling and other forms of creative expression. You can use a guided journal to explore your thoughts and feelings or just free write whatever comes to mind. It’s up to you what you want to do.    3    .

    4     Take note of how you respond to people, what makes you happy, and what makes you unhappy. This can help you identify patterns that are holding you back, such as feeling insecure or being easily angered. Once you’ve identified these patterns, you can work to change them.

An often overlooked yet very important factor in self-discovery is having healthy boundaries in your personal life.    5     Clearly communicating your boundaries is also a way to show others that you are in control of your own behavior and can expect the same from them. This is a sign of maturity and respect, two characteristics that are key to having healthy relationships.

A.It’s one thing to know your personality type.
B.It’s a great way to show that you care about others.
C.Taking time for ourselves has been looked down upon.
D.Another way is to observe your behavior in different situations.
E.It allows you to focus on the needs of yourself without ignoring others.
F.But try not to get caught up in the criticism or judgment of your writing.
G.It’s about understanding your inner world and how you fit into the outer world.
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