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1 . How to Develop Critical Thinking Skills

There’s no magic method to change your thinking processes. Improvement happens with small, intentional changes in your everyday habits until a more critical approach to thinking is automatic. Here are some tips for building stronger self-awareness and learning how to improve critical thinking:

Be careful

    1    . One of the key principles of critical thinking is asking questions and analyzing the available information. You might surprise yourself at what you find when you stop to think before taking action. Before making a decision, use evidence, logic, and reasoning to support your own opinions or challenge ideas.     2    .

Ask open-ended questions

“Yes” or “no” questions invite agreement rather than reflection.     3    . Digging deeper can help you identify potential biases, uncover assumptions, and arrive at new possible solutions.

Learn to be quiet

Active listening is the intentional practice of concentrating on a conversation partner instead of your own thoughts.     4    . If you’re brainstorming with your team or having a 1:1 with a coworker, listen, ask clarifying questions, and work to understand other people’s viewpoints. This will help you find weaknesses in arguments for better solutions.

Put it down

Recording your thoughts with pen and paper can lead to stronger brain activity than typing them out on a keyboard. If you’re stuck and want to think more critically about a problem, writing your ideas can help you process information more deeply.     5    . Ideas are more likely to remain in the background of your mind, leading to deeper thinking that informs your decision-making process.

A.Comparing different views helps you learn
B.There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of doubt
C.It helps you avoid being misled by inaccurate information
D.It involves focusing on details and valuing others’ opinions
E.Try to engage with people who help you develop your ideas
F.The act of recording ideas on paper can also improve your memory
G.Instead, ask open-ended questions that force you to engage in analysis
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . The environment has never been more in need of a helping hand from us. Schools, in particular, are in a great position to educate future generations and make sure that good environmental habits are learned and adopted from an early age. So, ranging from energy efficiency to recycling, here are our tips to make your school more eco-friendly and sustainable.


Sending waste to landfill to slowly rot away isn’t the best use of the world’s resources. Plus, the space available for landfill is rapidly running out. Instead, boost recycling by providing appropriate and appealing facilities with clear signage (标识).     2    .

☆Turn off the lights and fit energy-efficient light bulbs

Saving energy used for lighting is one of the easiest things that we can do.     3    . Turn off lights when they’re not needed. Signage asking people to turn off the lights can act as a useful reminder.

☆Go paperless

    4    , with paper now being seen as outdated in many cases. This is good news for the environment, but it sometimes needs people to change how they do things. Look into options for creating and using fewer paper-based administration systems at school and think twice before printing or photocopying all those A4 pages, for example.

☆Reject plastic water bottles

Recent television programs and campaigns have raised the issue of waste plastic towards the top of the environmental agenda. In some ways, this isn’t surprising because, again, it is relatively easy for everyone to make a difference to the environment with minimal effort.     5    . Just stop buying brand-new water bottles that are used once and then recycled, and reuse existing bottles and containers instead.

A.Encourage and enable recycling
B.The world is becoming ever more digital
C.All it takes is a little bit of planning ahead
D.Get everyone involved with clean-up days
E.It will also save money on buying traditional materials
F.Try to maximize the use of natural light as much as possible
G.This is the key to preventing pollution of different waste streams
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . How to Break a Habit

We all form habits we perform automatically in response to a cue or a trigger (诱因). Habits can be good or bad. The good ones produce beneficial results without requiring too much brain power. But some can have negative effects in the long term and often need to be broken.

    1     There are three strategies: Stop the behavior, stop subjecting yourself to the trigger, or associate the trigger with a new, similarly satisfying behavior. For example, maybe you experience a desire for popcorn as soon as you walk into a movie theater.     2     Popcorn buying and eating are the behaviors. To break this habit, you have these options: One, tell yourself “no popcorn” each time you go to the movie theater; two, avoid going to the movie theater at all; three, replace popcorn with a new snack that better fits your nutritional goals. Another example, like nail (指甲) biting, is subconscious and done frequently throughout the day, so you might not even know what’s triggering it. While it’s good to figure out the underlying cause, it might be difficult to catch yourself biting your nails at every moment of stress or boredom.     3     Alternatively, you could use a stress ball to increase your awareness of the nail-biting habit.

The key to the replacement strategy is to make sure that the new habit is appealing. Replacing daily smartphone time with a daily run just won’t work in the long term. You might try to create a new habit at the same time.     4    

Whichever strategy you choose can help break a habit.     5     A study of 96 people showed that individuals took between 18 and 254 days to form a habit, a useful tip to know if you’re using the replacement strategy to get rid of a habit.

A.But how do you break a habit?
B.The movie theater is the trigger.
C.The key is to do it over and over.
D.An after-work walk is a better change.
E.Is building new habits challenging and difficult?
F.It’s better to replace it with another physical stress response.
G.Forming a good habit is fundamental to one’s success and achievements.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . How to choose a hiking trail (路径)

If you’re a keen hiker, chances are you have your favorite trails mostly because they’ re easy to reach and fit into your schedule. If you desire to set foot in hiking in depth, this guide may walk you through the steps of how to choose a hiking trail to your next great adventure.

    1     , defining how many miles the hike covers before departure. Next, ask yourself if you can reasonably walk that far. You can just walk as far down a trail as you want, and then turn back when you’re ready.    2    , such as a waterfall or standing stones, you’ll ideally make sure you can reach it.

Know what’s going to be underfoot.     3     On a hike you might encounter all different types of land, and the climbing is going to be dangerous or stable. So do research and understand what type of terrain (地形) you’re likely to encounter. There’s a big difference between walking through a forest and stair-stepping up a steep rock. When you’re using route finding apps, trails are usually rated us easy, moderate or difficult. Make sure you understand exactly what the hike involves from a skill to equipment    4    

For hikers, a thundering waterfull falling over a cliff can be a breathtaking climax to a forest hike.     5    , the things you’ll see along the way are a great reason to choose one hiking trail over another so long as the rest of it falls within your ability level of course.

A.Master your hiking equipment
B.Even if they are worth visiting
C.Check the total distance involved
D.But if there’s a waymark you’re hoping to see
E.It helps you decide between hiking shoes or boots
F.Although not all hikes lead to a fantastic viewpoint
G.Don’t rush into the journey without the investigations above
2024-05-29更新 | 57次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省太原市高三下学期三模考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . For many people, memory improvement is possible. The extent to which memory can improve, however, will be different from person to person.     1     .

Timing activities strategically

How you order your daily tasks can impact your ability to remember them and get them done smoothly.

Difficult or cognitively taxing activities should be completed at the beginning of the day when fatigue is low and attention is at a high level.     2     . Meanwhile, take frequent breaks when engaged in a long task.

    3    .

A clean living and working environment with minimal distractions may help you focus on your tasks and remember what you need to do.

Writing down your personal experiences

    4    . Memory research has established that when people write about their personal experiences, they tend to recall those occurrences much better.

Avoiding multitasking

    5    .

One study found that people between the ages of 60 and 80 have significantly more trouble remembering tasks after they’ve experienced a brief interruption than do people in their 30s and 40s.

Research has shown that switching your attention from a laptop to a cellphone or texting while watching TV decreases the gray matter in our brains that helps us with sensory perceptions including decision-making and memory.

A.Minimizing distractions
B.Cleaning up your environment
C.Record the time each task takes
D.Here are some tips that will offer you some help
E.Large projects should be broken down into smaller tasks
F.The best way to remember personal experiences is to write about them
G.Doing multiple things at once could affect your short-term memory, particularly as you get older
2024-05-25更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省吕梁市高三下学期三模考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . How Gardeners Can Reduce Risk of Fire

If you are selecting plants for your garden, knowing which plants offer some fire resistance and which are more flammable (易燃的) can serve you well.

Quicker to catch fire

Plants like bamboo that produce flammable substances such as aromatic oils, resins (树脂), wax, or sap, are among the quickest to catch fire.     1    

Trees with thin bark (树皮) that falls off are usually more flammable than those without. And fine-needled plants like pine, juniper, and spruce contain resins.     2    

Many kinds of grasses are highly flammable. Their ability to catch fire increases when they are left to stand dry over winter or during periods without rain. Additionally, too much heat dries out the soil and under such conditions, many kinds of plants turn into a fire starter.

Native vs. non-native

As a group, native plants aren’t necessarily less flammable than introduced kinds of plants.     3     That is because they spread quickly and are usually left alone by wildlife. The non-native plants spread faster than native plants, and often tolerate heat, heavy rain and lack of water better.

For the best fire resistance, choose trees that lose their leaves every year, like ash, and maple, rather than fine-needled trees.     4     Those plants with water-filled leaves include ice plants and sedums. Some groundcover plants are also slow burners.

What to look for in plants

The Washington State University Extension Service has published advice for choosing plants that are fire-resistant.     5     They include:

•High water content in leaves.

•Little or no seasonal gain of dead plant material.

•Open branching (they provide less fuel for fires).

•Fewer total branches and leaves.

A.Some plants are more flammable than others.
B.Plants with water-filled leaves are slow to burn.
C.But non-native plants often are a greater fire risk.
D.Many plants have qualities that do not burn easily.
E.All plants might catch fire under the right conditions.
F.Their needle-like leaves increase the risk of fire when left on the ground.
G.They will often catch fire even if they have been well-watered and cared for.
2024-05-11更新 | 70次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省名校联考高三下学期二模英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough, even though you’ve done some cool stuff? This feeling can contribute to increased anxiety, depression and a cycle of overworking to prove yourself.     1     Actually, lots of people, up to 82%, have these kinds of discouraging feelings. Here’s how you can deal with them.

    2    . One way to fight self-doubt is to keep track of all the cool things you’ve done. Start a journal where you write down projects you’ve finished, goals you’ve reached, and nice things people have said about you. Work out a practical schedule to look back at this list.

● Figure out what’s good enough. Success can mean different things in different situations for different persons, so it’s okay not to be the best at everything all the time. Just think about how good is good enough.     3     and then it can save your energy for other important things, like spending time with your family and friends.

●Get help from someone you look up to. Working with a seasoned life coach who has done well and has qualities you admire can be a big help. They can assist you by sharing their own struggles with self-doubt and this exchange equips you with good strategies in your own pursuit of success.     4    

Just remember, it’s normal to be fooled by negative feelings sometimes, but you can’t be tricked by them all the time.     5    . By using these strategies, you can start a transformative path towards personal growth.

A.But you are not alone
B.Plan a personal-growth schedule
C.Collect proof of your accomplishment
D.So you’d better try to get the best of most tasks
E.This way, you may know when to stop properly
F.You can benefit a lot from the practical guidance
G.You are sure to break free from the cycle of self-doubt
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Nervous laughter is a way for your body to relieve tension or serves as a defense mechanism to beat painful emotions. But it becomes a problem when it causes rifts (不和) in relationships or makes others uncomfortable.     1    As with any habit, it won’t change overnight. However, it’s possible to retrain your patterns.

    2    Any time you feel a nervous laugh bubbling up, try one of these behaviors instead: a slow triple nod, whispering ahh or hmmm as you listen or are with someone. This will give your body something to do to displace the nervous laughter.

As you become aware of your nervous laughter habit and pattern, try to identify what purpose it is serving and what is triggering (触发) it. Do you laugh to relieve tension? Are you filling the silence when you don’t understand what someone has said to you?    3    In this step of reflection, journaling or talking with a trusted individual may be helpful.

Once you’ve found what is triggering your nervous laughter, set an intention for how you will redirect your nervous energy in that instance.    4    For example, if your manager gives you constructive feedback, then you can remind yourself he is giving you an opportunity for growth rather than telling you that you’re bad at your job.

Practicing empathy is of great help. Its goal is to share the feelings of the person you’re speaking with. This can help you focus less on how uncomfortable you feel and more on how frightened, puzzled or sad he may feel. To do this, ask open questions that don’t assume an answer.     5    

A.Once you know why, try to avoid it.
B.Is there any hope for overcoming it?
C.Play around with “if-then” s to help you.
D.Is it a way of avoiding a negative emotional state?
E.Replace nervous laughter with a positive nonverbal.
F.This will help you achieve a more profound understanding.
G.The problem can affect connection and relationship building.
2024-04-20更新 | 117次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省临汾市高三下学期考前适应性训练考试(二)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Show someone you care

Valentine’s Day, which takes place on February 14, is a holiday celebrating love, and its origins may date back more than 1,000 years.     1     In addition, Random Acts of Kindness Week kicks off on February 11 — another reason to make others feel special! Here are some sweet ways to spread love and kindness this year.

Decorate your home

    2     One idea is to cut paper hearts out of construction paper, make holes in them, and use string to hang them across a mantel or bookcase. Another fun way to decorate is to write messages on paper hearts and put them in unexpected places. Surprise your family with a “Looking good!” heart on the bathroom mirror or an “I love you” heart on a coffee maker.

Start a surprise chain

Here’s a fun tradition to try for delighting others. Pack a goody bag or small box with sweets, stickers, colored pencils, or whatever you have on hand.     3     Include a note that encourages them to leave a similar goody bag for someone else.


One of the best ways to show a friend or a family member that you care about them is to plan a special outing just for the two of you. For example, you could write a card to your dad inviting him on a hike, or give a card to your best friend suggesting a picnic in the park. You can also do a random act of kindness, like cleaning the mess out of the family car, packing a surprise snack in a brother’s lunchbox, or surprising a grandparent with an unexpected phone call.

Go homemade

There’s a reason why Valentine cards and chocolates are so popular—everyone likes them! Make homemade cards and treats for special people in your life. Check out the Valentine’s global craft and chocolate shake recipe on the web page and try to go homemade.     5    

A.Make a special plan
B.Call your grandparents now and then
C.Get your family in a festive mood with holiday decorations
D.Leave it on the doorstep of a friend or neighbor without them seeing you
E.It is important to make families and friends feel extra special this Valentine’s Day
F.Now, it’s a holiday that honors all types of relationships that bring people joy and happiness
G.On your card, write about how much you appreciate the person or recalling a fun memory you shared
2024-04-19更新 | 55次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省晋中市平遥县高三4月(二模)大联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . We’re all familiar with the idea of climate change and how our planet is warming. Extremes in temperature have become more commonplace, making parts of the world difficult to live in. But one place where excessive heat is making life very uncomfortable is our cities. Luckily, innovation might be keeping a lid on it.

As thermometers record temperatures, sometimes above 50 degrees Celsius, solutions are being sought to cool the air in our cities. In India, for example, heatwaves and rapid urbanisation have led to a big rise in the use of air-conditioning units, adding to CO2 emissions. So, architects, looking for a sustainable cooling solution, are reviving an ancient “lattice” design, used in old buildings like the Taj Mahal, to construct comfortable, low-car-bon buildings. Yatin Pandya said: “Traditional architectural forms have proven their performance in combatting environmental conditions.”

In America, about 80% of the population lives in cities, and it’s these cities that suffer from an urban heat island effect, caused by factors such as trapped waste heat, concrete structures and pavements absorbing the sun and tall buildings blocking the wind. Residents and developers have tried to heatproof these places by planting large trees that offer shade and putting plants and gardens on top of roofs that use vegetation to help trap heat. And in Los Angeles, there’s an experiment to cover streets with light-coloured material that reflects rather than absorbs the sun and so they remain cooler than typical black roads.

But it’s satellites in space that are really giving us the best picture of our over-heated cities. Glynn Hulley, who is leading an image-capturing project, called the Land Surface Temperature Monitoring mission, said: “The data can be used to identify hotspots, vulnerable regions, and assess the cooling impacts of heat mitigation approaches.” It’s already found how green spaces, white roads and water features, have helped prevent our cities from boiling over. But with excessive heat still posing a threat to our lives, more solutions are still needed.

1. What may make cities comfortable for us to live in?
A.Low temperature.B.Innovation.
C.Enormous heat.D.Climate change.
2. What does the underlined word “combatting” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.Worsening.B.Compromising with.
C.Fighting against.D.Challenging.
3. Which one can’t cause an urban heat island effect?
A.Concrete structures.B.Skyscrapers.
C.Black squares.D.White roads.
4. What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows?
A.How to make the most use of the data.
B.How the image-capturing project works.
C.Other solutions to the threat of overheating.
D.Beautiful images captured by satellites in space.
2024-04-19更新 | 60次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省平遥县第二中学校高三冲刺调研押题卷英语(四)
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