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1 . If you are trying to assess a person’s character, make sure you do not rely too heavily on factors that can be misleading. Instead, observe the individual’s ability to tell the truth and to commit.     1    

You can tell a lot about a person’s character by observing how he treats other people.     2     It may be difficult to determine how he treats different types of people if you only encounter him in a single environment, such as the workplace. It is often possible, however, to get some idea of his manner of interaction with different types of people through conversation with him.

Whether or not a person is honest says a lot about his character. The attitude a person has about honesty can also indicate what type of person he is.     3     To some degree the types of lies he may tell and his motives for doing so matter.

    4     The word “commitment” often causes people to instantly think of close relationships. Whether a person can respect the vows (誓约) and agreements is usually an indication of character.

A person’s character is affected by his attitude.     5     Attitude can affect many aspects of a person’s life, including how hard he works and his ability to be supportive of others.

When you are trying to assess someone’s character, remember that it consists of qualities and habits that form his identity.

A.More importantly, it’s necessary to continue his inner struggle.
B.The level of commitment indicates the type of character he has.
C.There are many other things in life that may require commitment.
D.This includes both people he knows and people he does not know.
E.Also, pay attention to his attitude and try to distinguish how it impacts his life.
F.Observe the person’s conversations and try to determine how often he tells lies.
G.Some people generally have a negative outlook while others may try to be positive even in difficult situations.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Climate anxiety is appearing as a serious mental health concern, particularly among children, teens, and young adults, with symptoms ranging from frustration to constant anxiety.

A recent global survey illustrates the depth of anxiety many young people are feeling about climate change, with nearly 60% admitting feeling worried. Signs of climate anxiety include: They feel helpless about climate change.     1     They actively check climate news and weather forecasts. They experience physical symptoms such as headaches, shortness of breath, and racing heartbeats.

So how do we cope with climate anxiety? The first step is to understand that our reactions are normal.     2     However, you can learn to deal with it. You are experiencing climate anxiety because you care about what is happening to our planet; that’s a good thing.

Next, try to find small reasons to be hopeful. Our natural preference is to focus on the negative, and when it comes to climate change, this can be unbearable. We may destroy the future, thinking about all the ways climate change could ruin our lives.     3    

It can also help to remember that you’re not alone.     4     Fortunately, there are ways to cope. Connecting with other like-minded people who are working to fight climate change can help you feel less alone. A variety of organizations are taking climate action, and many are made up of people just like you.

    5     Get involved in activism can help you feel like your efforts are making a difference. Whether it’s writing to a politician or participating in marches, and get involved is an important step toward climate wellness.

A.Don’t forget to take action.
B.You have many people to turn to.
C.They worry extremely about the future.
D.This can lead to feelings of powerlessness.
E.They need support from others a great deal.
F.The climate crisis is alarming and overwhelming.
G.Many people are struggling with these feelings.
2024-05-29更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届甘肃省民乐县第一中学高三下学期5月模拟考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Fear of the unknown is an intense fear of uncertain or unknown situations. Essentially, it’s a fear caused by a lack of information about other people and experiences, and a low tolerance for the uncertainty that comes with exposure. It can lead to intense distress or anxiety, and disturb your daily life.     1    

Understand your fear. Fear is not unique to you. Fear is part of our human DNA, so it is not unusual for you to feel fear when you are stepping out into the unknown.     2     It is just a whole bunch of self-limiting beliefs based on what we think may happen. Accept that you have fearful thoughts but don’t let these fearful thoughts disturb your life.

    3     An underlying cause of our fear of the unknown is based on our fear of failure. If you really understand your fear of the unknown and have looked at realistic risks in regard to stepping out of your comfort zone, then you’ll realize that failure could be acceptable.     4    There will always be a positive outcome at some point in your journey.

Adapt to change.     5     We live in a world of constant and at times overturning changes. The more we resist change, the more it will persist(持续)in our lives. Stepping out and adapting to change will open you up to a world of opportunities and growth. Change will become a fact of life that you will accept and successfully manage.

A.Nothing is set in stone.
B.Accept failure as an option.
C.Get out of your comfort zone.
D.Our fear of the unknown is not based on reality.
E.Take away the idea of failure and use setbacks as experiences.
F.Here are a few ways that help overcome your fear of the unknown.
G.However, problems will arise when people are frozen by fear of the unknown.
2024-05-23更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省平凉市某校2023-2024学年高三下学期模拟考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Shop Sustainably

If you have to name one thing that contributes most to your ecological footprints, you may say the energy you use at home, or your car’s emissions.     1     Knowing this can make your grocery shops more planet-friendly. Here is what you can do to help shop sustainably.

    2     Using those is a great first step. If you get some, do remember to fill them with your purchases. When you adapt yourself to reusing them, then you’ll cut your consumption of single-use plastic bags even further.

●Avoid unnecessary packing. Buy loose fruit and vegetables instead of pre-packaged produce, and avoid products that contain multiple single packages or double packaging, like grain in a box and a bag. Consider switching from tea bags and coffee pods to tea leaves and ground coffee.     3    

●Go organic when you can. In addition to the benefit organic farming has to insect biodiversity, it’s also considered more sustainable and better for the environment.     4    Choosing free-range or Marine Stewardship Council-certified products also encourages environment- and animal-friendly food production.

●Buy seasonal and native products.     5     So you can avoid buying goods that have travelled long distances to reach your plate. As well as opting for local goods, depending on where you live, in the supermarket, you can also buy directly from the source at farmers’ markets.

A.Take reusable grocery bags.
B.Select single-use plastic bags.
C.It supports local farmers and food producers.
D.You can also refill your own containers with loose-packed food.
E.When buying organic products, look for those officially certified.
F.But it’s what we eat that accounts for up to 60% of our personal demand.
G.You’ll find it convenient whenever you buy tea or coffee in the supermarket.
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Problem solving skills are increasingly valuable in the workplace and could help you achieve more in your personal life too. Here’s how to enhance your strategy.

Develop analytical thinking

The key to effective problem solving is the ability to break down complex issues into smaller, more manageable components.     1    . This involves systematically deconstructing a problem, understanding its differences and identifying the relationships between its various elements. Improving analytical thinking requires a structured approach. Begin by clearly defining the problem at hand, identifying its key components and recognizing the interconnections between them.

Promote creativity

    2     To develop creativity, you must engage in activities that can stimulate your imagination and form new ideas. Additionally, exposing yourself to different fields, experiences and cultures can serve as a source of creative problem solving.

Strengthen communication skills

Clear and brief communication is the key to effective problem-solving, acting as the bridge that connects diverse perspectives and adjusts individuals toward a common goal. Good communication begins with the art of expression. This needs choosing the right words and structuring information logically. Active listening, on the other hand, is the skill of receiving information with focus.     3    .

Learn from mistakes

Mistakes are not failures but a good way to success.     4    . Analyze what goes wrong, identify areas for improvement and use this knowledge to inform your future problem-solving efforts. It not only accelerates the learning process but also encourages collective problem-solving skills.


The journey to becoming an expert problem solver is an ongoing process of growth and improvement. Seeking continuous learning opportunities ensures that you stay ahead of changing challenges and acquire the necessary skills. Furthermore, networking with professionals in your field provides a good way of shared learning.

A.Stay well informed
B.Seek continuous learning
C.Improving it requires a structured approach
D.Each mistake will give you a chance to think and learn
E.Out-of-the-box thinking is essential for problem solving
F.These will make sure your message is easy to understand
G.It involves not just hearing words but understanding the differences
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . We live in a digital world. Most people share photos and stories about the good times, while most don’t share a hard time in life.     1     There are some actions you can take and put you back on a positive path.

    2     Running away from our negative feelings won’t let us move through them. Sometimes, all you have to do is stop trying to fight them. Take a moment and just let yourself feel that. Once you’re feeling calmer, try to dig deeper into where the feeling is coming from. This can lead you to understand if there is an issue that you need to deal with.

Prove yourself wrong by reviewing what you’ve done right. Make a list of things you’ve accomplished or done well.     3     For instance, you were a good babysitter for a younger sibling or successfully completed the task assigned by the teacher.

Speak to yourself the way you speak to others. When it’s hard to speak kindly to ourselves, a way to turn things around is to pretend we’re speaking to someone else. Imagine what you would say to them if your friends were in the same tough situation?     4     You’d tell them they are a great person, worthy of thinking highly of themselves.

Go for a walk. Not only does walking reduce stress, but a change of environment can also help you get out of your negative mind space. Stop and smell the flowers, or feel the breeze against your face.     5    

A.Have positive self-talk.
B.Let yourself feel this way.
C.It doesn’t have to be complicated!
D.Journaling is useful for stress management.
E.Then when you go back home, you might feel a bit better.
F.That may make you feel like you can’t do anything right occasionally.
G.Chances are that you’d point out everything you’ve seen them do right.
2024-03-27更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省张掖市某校2023-2024学年高三下学期模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Most of the students have a tendency to believe that their brain is not suited for a few subjects that they are uncomfortable with.     1     However, because maths is one of the most crucial subjects in any competitive exam, having a firm grasp on the subject is essential for moving forward with confidence. Here are some useful suggestions to help you overcome your fear of maths.

    2     Simply memorizing formulae (公式) without understanding the fundamentals will make things difficult for you. Try to understand the theory and logic behind the formulae; once the concept is clear, you don’t have to make additional efforts to remember the formulae.

Focus on your strengths. Spend more time improving your skills on the topics that you are confident about. Go through the previous years’ question papers to have an idea about how much confidence these topics can fetch you.     3     This might help you calm down and boost your confidence levels.

Take the right guidance. Never shy away from asking questions. Be it teachers, mentors or friends, put forward your questions whenever you are in doubt. This will help you have a better understanding of the subject.     4    

        Practice regularly.     5     Regular practice helps you improve your speed, makes you learn new and easier methods of tackling problems and also familiarizes you with a wide range of questions, hence giving you a greater advantage in exams.
A.Understand the basics.
B.Change your approach.
C.Mathematics is one of those.
D.Besides, it will also help you overcome your fears.
E.Move on to the difficult topics once you feel confident.
F.In competitive exams, speed is as important as accuracy.
G.Group studies with peers excellent at maths can be beneficial.
2024-03-23更新 | 87次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届甘肃省张掖市某校高三下学期模拟考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Nature lovers and outdoor adventurers know that there’s nothing quite like the thrill of exploring the great outdoors.     1     Here are some essential tips for outdoor adventurers to help ensure a safe and enjoyable experience in the great outdoors.

Ensure water intake. Drinking enough water is crucial for maintaining your energy levels and avoiding dehydration-related illnesses.     2     You can also consider bringing a portable water filter or purification tablets in case you need to refill from natural sources.

Follow the “Leave No Trace” principles.     3     Always stick to the “Leave No Trace” principles. It is not only essential for preserving the environment, but it can also help maintain the natural balance of the ecosystem.

    4     Before setting out on your adventure, share your plans with someone you trust. Provide details such as your intended route, expected duration, and any relevant contact information. In the event of an emergency, this information will be invaluable in coordinating a search and rescue effort.

Know your limits. Lastly, it’s crucial to know your own physical and mental limits when going on outdoor adventures. Choose activities that are appropriate for your skill level and fitness. Deride when to turn back or take a break to prevent accidents and ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.     5    

A.Prioritize safety.
B.Share your plans.
C.Research the local wildlife in the area you’ll be exploring.
D.You can always carry enough water for the duration of your outing.
E.And most importantly, never push yourself beyond your capabilities.
F.However, it’s important to put safety first when spending time in nature.
G.Be conscious of the effect your actions may have on the entire ecosystem.
2024-03-22更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届甘肃省高三3月月考(一模)考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . How to Create Good Habits

Have you ever made a promise to yourself that you didn’t keep? Commonly, when the new year ticks over, we make resolutions: going to the gym, studying harder or giving up a bad habit.     1    . But what if you want to create a new good habit? Well, it’s possible, but willpower might not be the only thing you need.

The basic idea of a habit is something we do almost unconsciously, as if you’re on autopilot.     2    . Good habits can be part of your daily routine. But if we don’t have those habits, how can we create them? According to a study published by the European Journal of Social Psychology, it takes an average of 66 days to form a new habit. However, relying only on determination may not be the answer.

Questioning why you want something to be the norm (标准) rather than relying on your resolve (决心) could be the key.     3    ? The issue is, willpower could be subject to your mood —a bad mood may mean you don’t want to do something.

    4    . Giving up all your favourite foods, going to the gym, and stopping drinking at the same time will probably result in failure rather than sustainable practice. And don’t worry about failing —just start again!

Finally, don’t do things outside your comfort zone. If you hate mushrooms, don’t persevere and try to add them to your diet just to be healthier.     5    ! It might not be quick, but if you follow these tips, you may be able to change something for the better or kick a bad habit.

A.Eat something you like
B.Learn something new every day
C.You should also avoid trying to change too much at once
D.Sadly, not long after we’ve made the promise, we often end up breaking them
E.An example of this would be having breakfast or saying “please” and “thank you”
F.Is it of great importance for people to form a good habit of keeping a balanced diet
G.Do you want to lose weight because you want to be healthier or feel more attractive
2024-03-20更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届甘肃省兰州市高三下学期诊断考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Everyone has got a plan, a goal, a target that we all want to achieve. However, for many reasons we pause to take a sigh, and most times we don’t do anything about them anymore. So how can you set goals properly?

Reading some good books about setting goals is a great place to start. These books should push you ahead of the rest, and importantly, to make you attain your set goals.

Creating Your Best Life

Written by Caroline Miller, MAPP, she takes the standard SMART formula for goal setting and goes beyond that approach. She makes a point of giving you specific exercises while also sharing related stories. It’s a great book to consider as we connect better with stories and can find more motivation to set goals in the manner that Miller outlines in her book.

The Magic of Thinking Big

“You are what you think you are,” writes David J. Schwartz, PhD in The Magic of Thinking Big. Exceeding your goals is possible when you believe in yourself. Get over the fear of failure and use the power of a positive attitude to achieve big things.

The Book of Mistakes

Skip Prichard is a wonderful storyteller and weaves that skill into this book. This book takes a figurative person who discovers nine mistakes that highly successful people never make.


Author of dozens of books on personal development, Brian Tracy explains the 12 steps necessary to accomplish goals both large and small. The author emphasizes self-discipline and persistence and two keys to achieving your goals.

1. What’s an advantage of the books in the text?
A.They stop you complaining of facts.B.They identify the reasons for a pause.
C.They help you achieve your set targets.D.They push you to design a grand project.
2. Which book stresses the importance of self-confidence?
A.Goals!B.The Magic of Thinking Big.
C.The Book of Mistakes.D.Creating Your Best Life.
3. Who introduces the detailed process of achieving goals?
A.Brian Tracy.B.Caroline Miller.
C.Skip Prichard.D.David J. Schwartz, PhD.
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