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阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . If you’ve ever tried something big, then you’ve probably had to deal with doubt at a certain point. No matter how often you face it, doubt can be depressing.     1     In situations where doubt arises, consider these methods below, and you can silence doubt and put your best efforts toward your goals.

·    2     Doing this stimulates the reward center, tricking your mind into focusing on completing the task to experience the achievement. And imagining desired outcomes can have potential benefits including improved motivation and confidence.

·Look back on past wins. Reflecting is a powerful way to tell yourself that you’re capable of doing much more. Get rid of doubt by entering reflection mode and reminding yourself that you are capable of getting things done.     3    

·Meditate (冥想) regularly.     4     But by meditating regularly, you can keep your energy levels high in the face of challenges and pressure and stay above doubt. It is a powerful tool to keep your mind clear about your goals and get your desired mission accomplished.

·Take action on your plans. A sure sign that self-doubt has you in its grasp is that you are beginning to buy into the excuses you make.     5     Taking action is the most effective method to silence doubt when sensing it. Don’t let the doubt hold you back; use it to motivate yourself. Then you’ll be fueled to move toward your mission.

A.Visualize success.
B.Build a reward system.
C.It is a big challenge to strengthen your motivation.
D.Stress and anxiety allow room for weakness and doubt.
E.It can also weaken your determination to get things done.
F.This will ultimately prevent you from being able to accomplish your goals.
G.After all, the reminder that you have overcome doubt is a big confidence boost.
昨日更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届吉林省长春市东北师范大学附属中学高三下学期第六次模拟考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . The easiest way to love yourself is to treat yourself like your own BFF. It might seem like it’s easier to love others than to love yourself, but it’s tough to build healthy relationships if you don’t love yourself first.     1    

Let go of negative thoughts about yourself. Drill down to the core of those thoughts and tell yourself a different story. Think about what you would say to a friend who said those things about themselves. For example, if you forgot to buy trash bags, instead of blaming yourself, you might as well think, “I’ll just pick some up next time I go out — no big deal.” Don’t try to fight negative thoughts, though — they’re a part of who you are.     2     It might feel weird at first, but after a while, it becomes habitual to think that way.

Accept your flaws as part of who you are. Everything you’ve done and everywhere you’ve been is a part of who you are — you! Self-love isn’t about fixing all the “bad” things about yourself. Instead, accept that they’re all parts of the same whole.     3     For example, maybe you have a hard time trusting people. You wish you could be more trusting and open up more, but instead of trying to change, focus on how not immediately trusting people helps keep you safe.

    4     If you expect yourself to be perfect all the time, you’ll never be pleased with anything you produce. So make it a point to appreciate the work you put into completing a task, rather than looking for flaws in what you produced. Avoid stereotypical ideas and images of perfection, such as models in beauty magazines. Remind yourself that the actual person probably doesn’t look like that in real life!

Practice gratitude for good things rather than focusing on the negative. It’s human nature to see negative things as bigger and more important than positive things, but this also does tremendous damage to your self-esteem.     5     Look for the positive side even when bad things happen to you. For example, if you lose your job, it can be easy to spiral into thinking that you were terrible at your job and no one will ever hire you again. Instead, you might think that now you have the opportunity to find something that’s a better fit for you.

A.Focus on your effort rather than the result to control perfectionism.
B.Challenge those thoughts with logical observations to reframe your conclusion.
C.Instead, you can simply drown them out with more positive, affirmative thoughts.
D.When you love yourself, you love all of you because you wouldn’t have the good without the bad.
E.Here are some strategies that can help you embark on a journey of treating yourself with kindness.
F.Negative thoughts often come from outside people whose opinions we value.
G.When you focus on the negative, try to name some things that you can be grateful for.
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Problem solving skills are increasingly valuable in the workplace — and could help you achieve more in your personal life too. Here’s how to enhance your strategy.

• Develop analytical thinking

The key to effective problem-solving is the ability to break down complex issues into smaller, more manageable components.     1    . This involves systematically deconstructing a problem, understanding its differences and identifying the relationships between its various elements. Begin by clearly defining the problem at hand, identifying its key components and recognizing the interconnections between them.

• Promote creativity

    2    . To develop creativity, you must engage in activities that can stimulate your imagination and form new ideas. Additionally, exposing yourself to different fields, experiences and cultures can serve as a source of creative problem-solving.

• Strengthen communication skills

Clear and brief communication is the key to effective problem-solving, acting as the bridge that connects diverse perspectives and adjusts individuals toward a common goal. Good communication begins with the art of expression. This needs choosing the right words and structuring information logically. Active listening, on the other hand, is the skill of receiving information with focus.     3    

• Learn from mistakes

Mistakes are not failures but a good way to success. Each mistake will give you a chance to think and learn.     4    . Use this knowledge to inform your future problem-solving efforts. It not only accelerates the learning process but also encourages collective problem-solving skills.


The journey to becoming an expert problem solver is an ongoing process of growth and improvement. Seeking continuous learning opportunities ensures that you stay ahead of changing challenges and acquire the necessary skills. Furthermore, networking with professionals in your field provides a good way of shared learning.

A.Stay well informed
B.Seek continuous learning
C.Improving it requires a structured approach
D.Out-of-the-box thinking is essential for problem-solving
E.These will make sure your message is easy to understand
F.Analyze what goes wrong and identify areas for improvement
G.It involves not just hearing words but understanding the differences
2024-04-22更新 | 175次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届吉林省长春市高三下学期质量监测(三)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . NGS (National Geographic Society) websites collect certain information automatically and store it in log files. We use this information to help design our site to better suit users’ needs. We may also use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer our website, analyze trends, track visitor activity, and gather broad information that assists us in identifying visitor preferences.

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You have the choice to set your browser (浏览器) to accept or reject these cookies. However, if you do not accept cookies from us, your ability to use some areas of our site will be limited.

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If you sign up for SMS Services, data obtained from you in connection with this SMS service may include your mobile phone number, your carrier’s name and the date, time and content of your messages. We may use this information to contact you and provide the services you request from us.

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1. Which of the following will restrict your full access to NGS websites?
A.Connecting through the mobile phone.
B.Signing up for SMS Services.
C.Refusing Cookies from NGS.
D.Using your IP address.
2. What will happen if you click on a hyperlink not limited to NGS services ?
A.You will be still on NGS Services.
B.Your information will be treated similarly.
C.Your privacy will be let out by NGS Services.
D.You are sending information to another website or app.
3. What is this text about?
A.Warning of a project.B.Use of a website.
C.Introduction to an item.D.Advertisement for an app.
阅读理解-七选五(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . When you look at yourself in the mirror, do you focus on something you wish were different, and hear a critical inside voice?     1    . But if you are ready to be kind to yourself and willing to send that negative voice away forever, how do you begin? There are three steps to overcome our “negativity bias” (负面偏见).

1. Start with Mindful Awareness

Being aware of how you are treating yourself is really the first step.     2    . Use your actual name as you describe what you are doing, seeing, and feeling.

Then, instead of criticizing yourself, be curious about what you did and the reasons behind it. Remind yourself that you are doing the best with what you have. And pay your attention to the positive side of the situation.

2.     3    

We all are worthy of love and we need to show loving kindness to ourselves. That might seem awkward at first, but with a little practice, the process will become easier. Soon the positive feeling you receive from self-kindness will provide you with a sense of happiness.

One of the best practices to build up your self-kindness is called “Note to a Dear Friend”. When you are facing a challenge or difficulty, write a note to a friend as if they were facing the same problem.     4    . Then, take the note and change your friend’s name to your own.

3. Recognize That You Aren’t Alone

Not one of us lives a perfect life. Everyone faces challenges and makes mistakes.     5    . First, you get a little bit less lonely. You are not the only person suffering, and knowing that takes a weight off your shoulders. Second, it becomes a little easier to open up to others, and say, “I need help.” We don’t have to pretend that everything is great when it isn’t. It’s OK to take off our masks and let people know exactly how we feel!

A.Practice Kindness
B.Show Others Kindness
C.It is important to face them
D.Simply name your feeling and inside voice
E.Write down what you think would help your friend
F.When we recognize that, valuable things will happen
G.If so, you may have the tendency to criticize yourself
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. How does the woman feel about her future career choice?
2. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?
A.Advisor and student.
B.Employer and employee.
C.Manager and worker.
3. What will the woman probably do next week?
A.Enter a competition.B.Attend a career fair.C.Visit a company.
4. Which field does the woman prefer to work in?
2024-03-02更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届吉林省延边州高三教学质量检测(一模)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Your guide to a no-spend challenge

A no-spend challenge isn’t about total deprivation (剥夺) or freezing your bank account.     1    . The most common form of the challenge is to purchase only necessities and restrain from buying wants and impulse desires.

Assessing and prioritising needs

Before delving (深入探究) into the no-spend challenge, take the time to assess and differentiate your essential needs from your wants. Identify recurring bills, necessary expenditures and essential items. Distinguish them from free spending on non-essential products and services. This initial step lays the foundation for a realistic and sustainable challenge.     2    .

Creating a realistic budget

A successful no-spend challenge is rooted in the development of a well-crafted budget that reflects your financial reality.     3    . Allocate specific amounts for variable expenses such as groceries and bills, enhancing accountability and providing a clear roadmap for responsible spending during the challenge.

Support system

    4    . A firm support system that understands and respects your financial goals creates a positive environment, fostering motivation and solidarity. Share tips, experiences and celebrate milestones together, turning the challenge into a shared journey towards financial consciousness.


As your challenge concludes, take enough time to reflect on the entire experience. What insights did you gain into your spending habits and priorities? Identify positive changes you want to maintain and integrate them into your long-term financial strategy.

The no-spend challenge is not merely a temporary exercise; it serves as a catalyst for enduring financial wellness. Embrace the journey, learn from the experience and watch as your financial goals transform into realities.

A.Establishing long-term habits
B.Understanding the no-spend challenge
C.It ensures that crucial aspects of your life remain unaffected
D.Begin by outlining your income, fixed expenses and any upcoming financial goals
E.Share your commitment with friends and family, encouraging them to support your effort
F.The no-spend challenge serves as an opportune moment to cultivate mindful spending habits
G.It represents a conscious decision to redirect your financial focus and control your spending habits
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Learning how to apologize is similar to learning any new behavior. It may feel awkward and may not be polished at first.     1     There are several tips that will help you as you learn how to apologize.

First of all, wait until the right time and you are in the right place. Although public apology is often appropriate, discretion (谨慎) should be used.     2     Remember, you will be raising a topic that may recall a bad experience or bad feelings. Be respectful as you approach this task.

Be direct and brief in your approach. Acknowledge the fact that injury has occurred and then take responsibility for what happened. Be sincere in expressing your regret and demonstrate your willingness to take ownership of the situation.     3    

Even if you follow these steps, be prepared for rejection. Sometimes, the person apologizing has an expectation that the apology will lead to immediate forgiveness and acceptance.     4     If you think of the offense (冒犯) as an emotional bruise (瘀伤), think of the healing process as the color changes we see as a bruise heals.

    5     Knowing when to keep one’s mouth shut is a virtue. Keeping quiet may be very difficult, as post-apology listening is not easy. We may hear unpleasant observations from another about our own shortcomings. We may hear the expression of anger. One of the ways we let others know we are truly responsible and accountable for our mistakes is by listening to the other party pour out the feelings associated with our actions.

A.Forgiveness and acceptance may take time.
B.To give or receive a good apology is an art.
C.But with practice, everyone can learn to do it.
D.Listening to the response to our apologies is important.
E.Most apologies can and should happen in a private setting.
F.In other words, avoid excuses and offer to repair the damage.
G.Taking responsibility doesn’t mean accepting blame for everything.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . In his 1936 work How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie wrote: “I have come to the conclusion that there is only one way to get the best of an argument — and that is to avoid it.” This distaste for arguments is common, but it depends on a mistaken view of arguments that causes problems for our personal and social lives — and in many ways misses the point of arguing in the first place.

Carnegie would be right if arguments were fights, which is how we often think of them. Like physical fights, verbal (言语的) fights can leave both sides bloodied. Even when you win, you end up no better off. You would be feeling almost as bad if arguments were even just competitions — like, say, tennis tournaments. Pairs of opponents hit the ball back and forth until one winner comes out from all who entered. Everybody else loses. This kind of thinking explains why so many people try to avoid arguments.

However, there are ways to win an argument every time. When you state your position, formulate (阐述) an argument for what you claim and honestly ask yourself whether your argument is any good. When you talk with someone who takes a stand, ask them to give you a reason for their view and spell out their argument fully. Assess its strength and weakness. Raise objections (异议) and listen carefully to their replies. This method will require effort, but practice will make you better at it.

These tools can help you win every argument — not in the unhelpful sense of beating your opponents but in the better sense of learning about what divides people, learning why they disagree with us and learning to talk and work together with them. If we readjust our view of arguments — from a verbal fight or tennis game to a reasoned exchange through which we all gain respect and understanding from each other — then we change the very nature of what it means to “win” an argument.

1. What is the author’s attitude toward Carnegie’s understanding of argument?
2. Why do many people try to avoid arguments?
A.They lack debating skills.B.They may feel bad even if they win.
C.They fear being ignored.D.They are not confident in themselves.
3. What does the underlined phrase “spell out” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
4. What is the key to “winning” an argument according to the author?
A.Sense of logic.B.Solid supporting evidence.
C.Proper manners.D.Understanding from both sides.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Science shows that stretching us essential after exercise. Stretching lengthens and mobilizes the connective tissue around your muscle. What’s more, stretching helps your blood flow and even relieves your stress.     1    

You could feel sick. You won’t be surprised to know that when you exercise, you raise your heart rate for a period of time. While it’s great to get that blood flowing, it’s just as important to get your heart rate back to a normal level after the workout is over.     2     As your heart is beating faster and your body temperature is higher, you could pass out or feel sick if you stop too fast. Stretching after physical activity allows a gradual decrease at the end of the episode.

Your muscles will likely become stiffer and sorer. When you exercise your muscles, it produces lactic acid (乳酸), which is actually what causes your muscles to become sore. When you rest between periods of exercise, your body naturally breaks down that lactic acid. Is there one thing that helps your body get rid of that lactic acid?    3     Stretching helps you distribute oxygen throughout your body, which can reduce lactic acid production and rid your muscles of any accumulation of lactic acid.

    4     Flexibility is closely related to injury risk. Poor flexibility will cause you to have muscles that get tired quicker and joints that are more likely to suffer from injury. Besides, your weakened range of motion will lead to less blood and nutrients to your joints.     5     Sticking to stretching exercise after physical activity can hopefully improve your flexibility.

A.You guessed it: Stretching.
B.You’ll be at risk of injury.
C.You’ll improve your flexibility by Stretching.
D.This is also known in the fitness world as “cooling down”.
E.It does wonders for both your physical and mental health.
F.There are harmful side effects if you don’t stretch after exercise.
G.That’s why people often feel pain in their “weight bearing” joints like knees.
2024-01-17更新 | 96次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届吉林省白山市高三上学期一模英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般